Lord Voldemort is a delightfully nasty figure in the Harry Potter stories, offering a deeply captivating opponent for Harry to fight. He is easily one of the greatest villains in the fantasy genre, due to his extremely immoral behavior. His popularity is a major factor behind Harry Potter's continued success, and he continues to be one of the best villains on screen and in popular fiction.
While the movies do an excellent job of portraying why Voldemort should be feared, there are still many of his villainous deeds from the books that never made the films. These moments represent some of the worst things that Voldemort has done. They show him to be a man beyond redemption, because of how thoroughly despicable he is.

Among the darkest elements of the Wizarding World is Leglimency, which allows a witch or wizard to invade another person's mind. A well-known user of this skill is Lord Voldemort, who uses it for nefarious purposes in the Harry Potter books. He engages in Leglimency to torture his enemies.
He Who Must Not Be Named uses Leglimency to subtly influence others to perform his bidding. He can also utilize this ability to generate lifelike visions designed to terrify his victims, which would prove so horrifying that the people he targeted would beg for death. Voldemort's adoption of Leglimency is cruel and manipulative in Harry Potter, leaving deep mental scars on his victims.

The Wizarding World has many important families, including the Weasleys and the Blacks. This can make them an easy target for an individual as power-driven as Lord Voldemort. The Harry Potter books confirm that Voldemort slaughtered several Wizarding families, which was never shown in the films.

10 Cringiest Ron & Hermione Moments in Harry Potter, Ranked
Ron and Hermione are two of the most important characters in Harry Potter, yet they have their fair share of hard-to-watch moments.
Voldemort's killing spree occurred during the First Wizarding War. He targeted families who had been vocal in their support of the Anti-Death Eater movement. The households murdered during the Dark Lord's first rise to power include the Bones, the Prewetts, and the McKinnons.

Most of Harry Potter showcases Voldemort during the Second Wizarding War. However, Tom Riddle also performed some of his most heinous acts long before his confrontation with Harry Potter, while he was a young orphan. His dark and twisted ways during his time at the orphanage are glimpsed in the Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince movie, but the book goes into greater detail.
Undoubtedly the worst thing he did during his orphanage stay was kill a pet rabbit. The poor bunny belonged to a fellow orphan child, Billy Stubbs. Upon engaging in a brutal fight with Tom Riddle, Tom callously decides to hang the rabbit from the orphanage ceiling, leaving Billy distraught.

The Harry Potter franchise has depicted some of the best magical pets. Some of the most common favorites among the Wizarding population are Hippogriffs, owls, and Pygmy Puffs. Barnaby Lee's choice of animal companion in Harry Potter was a Kneazle, which he had during his childhood until Voldemort decided to visit his home.

10 Best Hogwarts Classes in Harry Potter, Ranked
Hogwarts is a prestigious wizarding school for a reason, and there are some standout classes any student would be lucky to have.
Voldemort was visiting Barnaby's father, who was a Death Eater during the First Wizarding War. Upon discovering Barnaby's pet Kneazle, he opted to savagely kill the unfortunate being. Voldemort drowned Barnaby's Kneazle in the Harry Potter books, which was one of the most traumatic events in Barnaby's life.

Goblins do not have the best reputation in the Harry Potter franchise, having led bloody rebellions against the magical world. Still, Voldemort's actions towards them are unsurprisingly very brutal. The Harry Potter books detail his bloodthirsty attitude towards the goblin populace.
During the First Wizarding War, many witches and wizards in Harry Potter feared that Voldemort would ally with the goblins in his fight for wizard supremacy. Instead, his meeting with a family of goblins living near Nottingham went very differently from how many had envisioned. He killed the entire household of goblins, for no discernible reason, showing his ruthless nature.

One of the most powerful groups in Harry Potter is the Order Of The Phoenix. Led by Dumbledore, it comprises some of the most indomitable people, who have made the biggest sacrifices to keep the magical community safe. Voldemort is the ensemble's sworn enemy, and he killed one of their members during the First Wizarding War.
The Harry Potter books illustrate how Voldemort and his Death Eaters ended the lives of several Order Of The Phoenix members in 1981. The Death Eaters caused the demise of Cardaroc Dearborn, Fabian Prewett, and Gideon Prewett, among others. Voldemort personally took down Dorcas Meadowes himself, and his status as an Order Of The Phoenix member makes him one of Voldemort's most chilling murders.

It's easy to forget how Voldemort was an orphan, because of how powerful he becomes later in the Harry Potter narrative. He was a demon child, though, reflecting his potential to become the Wizarding World's most maleficent wizard. His treatment of the other orphans in his orphanage was awful in the Harry Potter books.
Voldemort stole from these desperate people, purposefully picking the objects that meant the most to those he was stealing from. He would then keep the items he collected as trophies in his cupboard until his theft was discovered by Dumbledore. To take belongings from orphans is one of the most sickening things a person can do, singling out Voldemort as Harry Potter's most irredeemable figure.
The unforgivable curses are the cruelest form of magic, due to their intention to seriously harm and, in some cases, kill their target. Voldemort fires one of these curses at Barty Crouch Sr, during the Harry Potter books.
In the Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire book, Voldemort places Barty Crouch Sr. under the Imperius Curse. Being placed under the Imperius Curse is mental torture for Barty, and leaves him scarred for life. Additionally, if Voldemort hadn't been controlling Barty Crouch Sr., he could have easily exposed Moody's true identity. Barty Crouch Sr. recognizes his son's mannerisms being exhibited by Mad-Eye Moody, during a Harry Potter scene that foreshadows the Barty Crouch Jr. reveal.
Voldemort's uncaring attitude to magical creatures is evident throughout Harry Potter. He only displays loyalty toward Nagini because she is one of his Horcruxes. One of the most unforgivable Harry Potter moments in the books concerns Hepzibah Smith's murder after Tom Riddle finished his Hogwarts studies.

10 Harry Potter Romances the HBO Reboot Needs to Explore (That Didn't Get Enough Attention in the Films)
Romance was never something the Harry Potter movies handled in detail, but the upcoming reboot could change that in a big way.
Upon leaving school, Voldemort traveled to Hepzibah's home to acquire Helga Hufflepuff's cup and Salazar Slytherin's locket, to use for Horcruxes. After laying claim to these magical objects, he proceeded to kill poor Hepzibah. The most ghastly element of this misdeed, however, is how Voldemort then proceeded to frame Hepzibah's house elf Hokey, changing her memory to make her believe she had poisoned Hepizbah.

Dumbledore shows Harry other people's memories of Voldemort's shocking past in Harry Potter, and the book's description of his childhood is particularly brutal. Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince reveals how he callously decimated his own family.
At age 16, Voldemort paid a visit to Little Hangleton and was informed by his uncle Morfin that his biological father was a Muggle. Enraged, Tom Riddle stormed his Dad's mansion and killed both his father and his Muggle grandparents. In one of Voldemort's most shameless moves in Harry Potter, he then alters Morfin's memory to make him believe he performed the deed, resulting in Morfin being wrongfully imprisoned in Azkaban.

Harry Potter
- J.K. Rowling
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
- Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2
- Harry Potter
- Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, Helena Bonham Carter, Ralph Fiennes, Michael Gambon
- HBO Max