Why Melania Trump Seems to Have Disappeared From the Public Eye | In Touch Weekly
Published 1 week ago• 1 minute read
After nearly a month out of the spotlight, joined her husband in hosting the Governors Ball at the White House on February 22.
“People are saying she disappeared, but the truth is she doesn’t need to be there for every single event,” a source says of the first lady, who was last seen in public on January 24. “She’s definitely been keeping busy behind the scenes.”
Melania, who told Fox News in January that her “first priority is to be a mom,” but also vowed to “serve the country,” is expected to split her time between Washington, D.C., New York City and Florida.
“She’s not out there in your face all the time for many reasons,” told Time in December, but “she’ll be active when she needs to be.”
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