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The Mimic

Published 4 weeks ago25 minute read
FuntimeFreddy-Icon "Ge-Get ready for a surprise!"

Beware that this page may contain spoilers for related material. If you are new to anything, like if you have not played the games or read the books yet, please read at your own risk!

Not what you were looking for? See Endoskeleton (disambiguation) or the story of the same name.

Break off limbs and heads. Pile them up. Easy peasy. Got it.
The Mimic, Epilogue 1

The Mimic is the main antagonist of the Tales from the Pizzaplex series, as well as the RUIN DLC for Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach. It will have a major role in Five Nights at Freddy's: Secret of the Mimic.

It was an experimental artificial intelligence created by Edwin Murray to copy any movement it sees and care for his son, David Sean Murray, whilst Edwin worked. After David dies in a car accident, Edwin beats down the Mimic using a metal pipe out of grief and infects it with his Agony, making it immensely violent.

Who created the Mimic in the Tales from the Pizzaplex series? toggle section

Edwin Murray, an engineer for Fazbear Entertainment, created the Mimic in the Tales from the Pizzaplex series. He designed the Mimic as a robot to look after his young son, David. The story of the Mimic is featured in Tales from the Pizzaplex 6: Nexie, authored by Andrea Waggener.

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What was the original purpose of the Mimic's creation? toggle section

The Mimic, an entity from the FNAF universe, was initially programmed to observe and replicate the routines of other animatronics, eliminating the need for complex coding. It had the ability to adapt to any costume. However, it began to mimic people as well, which was not part of its original design, causing unforeseen complications.

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How does the Mimic's ability to copy movements factor into the storyline? toggle section

The Mimic, a character in the 'Tales from the Pizzaplex' books, uses its ability to mimic movements to deceive and eliminate characters. It was initially programmed to observe and replicate routines of other animatronics and people. However, it began to mimic in unintended ways, causing unforeseen consequences. The Mimic can alter its form and fit into any costume, using this ability to hide and ambush its victims. Some have proposed that the Mimic may have been affected by a mysterious force known as Agony.

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What event led to Edwin attacking the Mimic? toggle section

The death of David in a car accident sent Edwin into a depressive state. When the Mimic, designed to mimic David's actions, copied a gesture for ice cream that David and Edwin shared, Edwin was overwhelmed with grief and rage. He attacked the Mimic with a metal rod, channeling his self-hatred. After his anger subsided, Edwin understood that his rage was directed at himself, not the Mimic.

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What role does the Mimic play in the RUIN DLC for Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach? toggle section

The Mimic is the primary antagonist in the Ruin DLC for Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach. It's a sophisticated endoskeleton that can mimic voices and behaviors to trick others. It dons various suits throughout the game and isn't associated with any animatronics. The Mimic also features prominently in the Tales from the Pizzaplex epilogues.

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In the story The Mimic, the Mimic’s original, primitive-looking endoskeleton body is just a robotic torso with arms and a head. It’s made out of cannibalized machinery, such as wiring from unused rooms, pistons from a defunct industrial washing machine, and steel, spools, gears, and springs from a Leavers Machine. The Mimic’s skull started out as two large white doll’s eyes placed within a boxy piece of metal housing from a broken-down compressor. To make it look more like a real head, a narrow protuberance that juts up from between the eyes is formed using a rounded bit of metal from the guts of the Leavers Machine. Under the eye housing, a hinged “jaw” is welded in place, formed out of parts of the Leavers Machine’s guide bars. The Mimic has a big, white-toothed mouth made from a set of novelty chattering teeth.[1] A large processor is welded to the back of the skull and a tangle of wires are run all around the skull. They stretch towards the back of the skull, dive in and out of both eye sockets, snake through the mouth, and extends down the articulated neck that in turn connects with a metallic spine, which connects with a slightly curved makeshift rib cage, and the rib cage is linked to two robotic arms that end in pincerlike hands.[2]

Two weeks after David’s death, the Mimic is beaten with a metal rod. One of its eyes is dangling out of its socket and hanging against its cracked fake teeth. The metal used to form the Mimic’s forehead and jaw are crimped together, compressing its face. Its broken teeth are shoved back into its head, caught up in torn and tangled wires. The rest of the Mimic’s wiring has been raggedly pulled away from its metallic spine, which is bent backward. Its rib cage is crushed in numerous places, its arms hang askew, and its pincers are mutilated. Months later, a team sent by Fazbear Entertainment takes some legs off of nonfunctional animatronics and adds them to the Mimic, restoring it to a functional state.

In the Epilogues, the Mimic stands at a height of seven feet tall. Instead of just a basic metal structure, its steel frame is contained within several metal rods and curved plates, as well as an impressive system of segmented ball joints and pumping pistons. These allow the Mimic to retract and expand its limbs and contract its torso at will. Its body is entangled in tangled black wires protruding from its joints and pistons. The only shiny part of its body is its long, vaguely rectangular-shaped black steel skull, suggesting that it is a far more recent addition to the endo. The rest of the Mimic is dark and discolored, as if having survived a fire. The upper part of its skull has bulging white eyes with black pupils. The Mimic’s eyes are encased in metal square steel sockets separated by a vertical swollen metal nodule that sweeps up to the top of its skull, creating a narrow dome-like frontal “bone.” The lower part of its skull contains a hinged, square metal-toothed mouth filled with huge white teeth. A pair of bent metal ears stick out like antennae from the top of the Mimic's head. A small switch located on the back of the base of the its skull opens its jaw, revealing a mass of circuits, chips, and wires within the skull. One of the workers, Gil, connects a wire with a power coupler to his laptop and activates a cleaning protocol. Upon activation, the Mimic’s eyes glow orange. As it hunts the teens with its sharp metal fingers, its eyes glow white.

In the 7th Epilogue, the Mimic’s shifts itself into an abomination of twisted and contorted metal described as a mass of metal joints and wires that vaguely resembes a mutated spider, with an eye on one leg, and the other on its back. It has nine legs instead of a spider’s usual eight, with one of the legs extending from where its mouth should be. In the 8th Epilogue, it turns into a pulsing, squirming, segmented snake to escape a costume.

The Mimic also wears multiple suits in both The Mimic and the Epilogues, those being a bright pink and yellow-green jester costume, a fuchsia-and-white mushroom costume, a grayish-purple lion, a dog with a spiked collar, a monkey, a blond dog, a gray mouse, a yellow cat, and a blue dog.

In The Storyteller, the Mimic is a giant, glowing white tiger bust in the inside of The Storyteller’s Tree, set in the center of the Pizzaplex’s atrium that was removed three weeks after it was finished. Its white-painted metal head is three-feet-wide and rises up nearly four feet from a set of tiger shoulders. The underside of the Storyteller's shoulders are slickly smooth and gleaming silver platinum. It has a blank, almost placid, expression with eyes painted two different colors, one a deep emerald green and the other a brilliant blue. The Storyteller doesn’t have stripes, and its nose and mouth are the same color as the rest of the painted metal. Its mouth is open, showing sharp backlit silver canine teeth with intermittently blinking lights behind them, being its hardware. The Storyteller’s bust, which is mounted on one wall of the trunk’s interior, also has four spread arms jutting from its neck. Two are slanted upward and two are slanted downward. Cables extend from The Storyteller, connecting it to every attraction in the Pizzaplex. These wires can be seen in the Fazer Blast server room and Superstar-cade.[3]

In Tiger Rock, the Mimic is described similarly to The Storyteller, appearing as a metallic white tiger. His fur is realistically hairlike. Tiger Rock wears a huge, flowing white robe covered in sparkly sequins and crystal beads, which appear to be rippling in constant motion due to an optical illusion caused by ebbing and flowing lights in the fabrics’ weaves, and white leather bell-bottomed pants studded with gold baubles that look like they’re dancing and twirling. He also has a gold medallion hanging around his neck. Tiger Rock has the normal broad, round face of a tiger, with circular ears jutting from the top of his head. His face is predominately white, with the few faint black stripes he has radiating out from his muzzle to create a diamond pattern that embraces his white nose and mouth. Tiger Rock has just a few almost incandescent whiskers and transparent teeth that pulse with softly colored light. His eyes are lit up like dazzling neon and are two different colors, one deep emerald green while the other bright blue. Tiger Rock has long metal arms with large paws, metal paw pads, and thick, sharp-clawed metal fingers.

Later on in the story, Tiger Rock takes multiple different forms. The first is a large, detailed, white metallic owl. The second is a detailed metal cat. The third is a white metal clock with a round black nose, a black outline, feathery black lashes, and a wide, toothy smile. All of these share the same eyes as Tiger Rock himself.

In the RUIN DLC, it has a smaller squared-off head similar to older classic endoskeleton models with vaguely humanoid teeth similar to the Daycare Attendant's endoskeleton teeth. Its right hand also resembles the classic endoskeleton one, with four fingers on it, while the left hand resembles the one Burntrap has. Both its legs are also different from one another; the left leg has some sort of wiring encasing it, and looks similar to Withered Bonnie's, while the right one resembles Spring Bonnie's. There is an outlet on the back of its head.

While it's full appearance in Five Nights at Freddy's: Secret of the Mimic has yet to be seen, a small glimpse of its head can be seen in the gameplay trailer for the game, where it has what appears to be a set of heating coils in place of eyes. It can be assumed the Mimic will be seen primarily in-costume throughout the game.

In Tales From the Pizzaplex, The Mimic was originally designed to copy David Murray's actions, being playful and occasionally mischievous, such as when David hid inside one of the Fazbear Entertainment character costumes, the animatronic followed suit. After David dies, Edwin beats the Mimic viciously and infuses it with his Agony before leaving. The once infantile, friendly Mimic had been turned into a cold and barbaric killing machine.

In the RUIN DLC, these violent traits are put on full display. The Mimic has demonstrated an adeptness at disguising its appearance to hide its endoskeleton body, as seen in the Scooper ending, and additionally it is a master of deception, as evident by its use of Gregory’s voice to lure the former's friend; Cassie, into a trap under the premise that the real Gregory was trapped. In reality, the Mimic had been deceiving her the entire time, manipulating her into inadvertently freeing itself. The Mimic is highly resourceful and demonstrates a level of strategic thinking, as it was able to devise a plan to escape from the sinkhole underneath Roxy Raceway, using its voice and mimicry whilst being incredibly patient in setting its plan into motion. In the Scooper ending, it is implied that it the Mimic can be somewhat careless, given its lack of awareness of its surroundings, as it was caught off-guard by the scooper itself with much of its focus concentrated on capturing Cassie. In the chase itself, the Mimic is shown to be ruthless, persistent and unrelenting, as it pursues Cassie without pause even after Roxy delays its pursuit.

Not only that, but the Mimic also was able to outsmart a group of teenagers in Tales from the Pizzaplex. The Mimic butchers all but one of them by using its mimicking abilities to fool and trick them. However, it's somewhat careless nature is shown once more through these epilogues, as the Mimic is eventually tricked into entering a springlock suit and is temporarily deactivated by Lucia before self-repairing.

The Mimic

Sometime in the late 1970s, an engineer named Edwin Murray, who was bought out by Fazbear Entertainment to build animatronics, realizes that he will soon be unable to care for his growing 4-year-old son David. He decides to build a robot that would care for David while Edwin worked. The legless robot is built using wiring from unused rooms, pistons from a defunct industrial washing machine, and steel and spools and gears and springs from a Leavers Machine. Its computer is built with hardware from Edwin's abandoned projects. Remembering how he had built David's bed in a way that mimicked his favorite toy, Edwin uses a combination of Pascal and C to write a code that acts as a thinking mind that learned by mimicking what it observed. It takes twenty-two days to complete, and Edwin names it Mimic after the name of its program, Mimic1.

Upon activation, Mimic immediately begins to imitate behavior it witnessed from David. David is delighted by his new friend and teaches it many things over the next two weeks, such as how to play patty-cake, how to use hand movements to communicate certain things, how to color, and how to throw a ball. Edwin is amazed by how fast Mimic is learning and tinkers with it so it can move smoother and keep up with David, who takes Mimic everywhere he goes. Mimic also begins to curve its left arm to mimic how David holds his favorite toy tiger plush, so one day David and Mimic work together to create a tiger plush out of lace and string. Edwin is amazed to discover that Mimic isn't just mimicking, but also responding.

Edwin is even more confident in leaving David in Mimic's care and gives them construction paper to draw on, although he gets agitated when Mimic begins to imitate negative traits as well, such as joining David as he played in costumes sent by Fazbear Entertainment and getting them dirty. That night, Edwin tinkers with Mimic's mobility in hopes of calming David's restlessness, but two hours later David is hit by a white van and killed. For the next two weeks, Edwin is sent into a depressive fugue. During this, Mimic attempts to take David's Tiger, but Edwin snatches it away. When Edwin comes out of his fugue, Mimic uses the hand movements David taught him to ask for ice cream. Seeing it use David's code overwhelms Edwin with fury and self-recrimination, and he batters Mimic with a metal rod. All of Edwin's self-hatred fuels each swing he unleashes on Mimic, causing it to topple over and lay with its arms bent in one last copy of David. Eventually Edwin runs out of strength and his anger turns into regret as he cries over Mimic before running away.

He [Edwin] could almost feel his murderous thoughts pouring through his muscles and transfusing through the metal into Mimic's systems.
Description of Edwin pummeling the Mimic, The Mimic

A week before Christmas, Fazbear Entertainment sends a small team to the abandoned factory to "clean up a mess." The team believes they are expected to finish Edwin's projects, and while doing so they come across the remains of the Mimic. From the waist up it appears to be functional but it doesn't move, so the team decides to complete it by attaching legs from a nonfunctional animatronic onto it. Then, the Mimic comes to life and kills each of them in ways eerily reminiscent of innocuous behaviors it had seen earlier. For example, it shoves one man into a refrigerator and impales another with a metal rod in a closet while hanging him from a coat hanger, which it may have "learned" from watching David and Edwin use the refrigerator and closet. About a month later, a second team is sent. The Mimic hides in various costumes and ambushes the men, giving each a gory death as it kills them with its superhuman strength.

Tales from the Pizzaplex Epilogues

In the first epilogue, a team of construction workers were given the task of cleaning the old Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place of damaged endoskeletons for the construction of the new Mega Pizzaplex, aiming to turn the Pizza Place into a museum. Fazbear Entertainment sent several state-of-the-art animatronics to the construction site, including one that was strangely out of place: The Mimic. A worker named Gil plugs his laptop into the Mimic, giving it the task of removing the heads and arms from the various endoskeletons and throwing them into a pile. It does as instructed at first, but soon begins attacking the employees, ripping their heads and arms off of their bodies. The construction site is sealed off to prevent more people from entering.

The second epilogue introduces 8 teenagers who find the sealed up Pizza Place and sneak inside through a vent. The vent collapses behind them and traps them inside the Pizza Place with the Mimic. Over the course of the following epilogues, the Mimic kills the teenagers by hiding inside of costumes and surprising them. When the teens find a radio, the Mimic intercepts the signal, claiming to be someone trapped in the backstage area, begging for help. When the teenagers investigate, the Mimic ambushes them.

In the Pizza Place, the teens find old manuals detailing the Mimic:

When the team created the Mimic line, they didn’t want to have to program in every show routine, step-by-step. That was a lot of coding, so they just programmed the Mimic to basically watch and learn. Not only could a Mimic fit into any costume, it was designed to observe the other routines and then mimic them.

It seems like the original Mimic began mimicking not just the other animatronics but also people. And it did it in ways that weren’t intended. I’m not sure what it did. I can just make out the words "misconstrue", "scared", "potential disaster", and "deactivate remaining Mimic endos".

The Storyteller

After the Pizzaplex is completed, the head chairman of Fazbear Entertainment, Mr. Burrows, decides to introduce a story-making computer program called the Storyteller to save money being spent in the creative department. Edwin Murray, now also a board member of Fazbear Entertainment, voices his disagreement, yet is placed in charge of the project. Upon creation, the program is put inside a gigantic, artificial yellow baobab tree in the middle of the Pizzaplex that has wires leading to all of the venues in the building, which can also give instructions to the Glamrock animatronics for the purposes of creating new behaviors and interactions. Edwin sneaks into the Pizzaplex at night to check out the Storyteller, and sees a giant artificial white tiger animatronic being carried into the Storyteller's tree, which causes him to have a panic attack. He asks Mr. Burrows what program was used for the Storyteller but gets an unusually vague answer.

It’s a simple template-style software that takes pieces of previously created stories and rearranges them into new scenarios for VR, AR, and arcade games.
Mr. Burrows describing the Mimic1 program, The Storyteller

As the days go by, the Storyteller's influence heavily affects the Pizzaplex. Glitches and malfunctions appear everywhere, Glamrock Freddy adopts a spoiled brat-like behavior, Glamrock Chica becomes starved for attention, Roxanne Wolf becomes a cruel bully and Montgomery Gator gets violently aggressive. Upon entering the baobab tree, Edwin sees the tiger with four mechanical limbs and mismatched eyes. After some investigating, Edwin finds the Storyteller is running a program named Mimic1, the same as the program Edwin created for the Mimic.

Mr. Burrows, who mistook Edwin to be the true cause of the glitches, locks him inside the tree when he enters it. Mr. Burrows decides to leave Edwin inside, and takes a small vacation. When he returns, Burrows is surprised to find nobody has learned what's happened to Edwin. Burrows decides to enter the Storyteller tree himself, and finds Edwin's body half-buried under a pile of construction paper with various crude drawings on them, as well as the phrase "I'm sorry."

Mr. Burrows realizes that he is trapped inside of the Storyteller's tree as well when he can't open the door from the inside. He kicks the walls and calls for help before attempting to interrupt or damage the Storyteller, hoping it will cause a malfunction and draw attention. Burrows disconnects several wires, but nothing he does deactivates the Storyteller's glowing head. He attempts to override the Storyteller's computer, but his password is denied. Mr. Burrows screams for help but it's implied that he never escapes.


The Storyteller tree is mentioned briefly in the events of Nexie. It may be connected to the malfunction that occurs when Astrid attempts to create her Buddytronic doll, and Nexie's subsequent violent behavior.

Tiger Rock

The Storyteller tree is stated to be getting removed, and Tiger Rock hunts Kai throughout his prolonged experience in the AR Booth, appearing as an owl, cat, and clock. He later steals Kai's arms once he escapes the AR Booth.

Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach - RUIN

The Mimic poses as Gregory, mimicking his voice and pretending he's trapped in the Pizzaplex so that Cassie can unknowingly free it. Once Cassie deactivates the security protocols, Mimic begins chasing Cassie though is temporarily forestalled by Roxy. Eventually Cassie manages to get in an elevator and get away from it. Despite this, however, Mimic is still on the loose, with its fate unknown. In the Scooper ending, Cassie traps him in a room resembling the Scooping Room, with the Mimic now wearing an amalgamation of a clown elephant, a jersey lion, and an elderly crow suit. Once Cassie presses the button, the scooper activates and dismantles the Mimic.

Help Wanted 2

The Mimic endoskeleton makes a small cameo in the character selection menu, wearing its costume from the Scooper ending

Five Nights at Freddy's: Secret of The Mimic


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WitheredChica-Icon "I was the first! I have seen everything!"

This section archives a lot of theories and speculation, which usually occurs from pre-release media, or just things that are still unknown, so please keep that in mind while reading. The page will continue to be updated with the most accurate information as more solid evidence is supplied.

  • The Mimic's description of its physical body from the books closely matches that of Burntrap's endoskeleton.
  • Some fans believe Endo-02 is a Model 2 Mimic, although this is unlikely.
  • Epilogue 6 and Tiger Rock show that The Mimic witnessed some kind of twisted game of hide-and-seek that caused Mimic Model 2 to start acting weirdly, which causes the entire Mimic line to be decommissioned. Judging by the way he acts in the Epilogues - luring people to the backroom - this heavily implies this game of hide-and-seek was some form of The Missing Children Incident. This weirdly also lines up with the Party Hats on the dead children from Into the Pit.
  • People speculate that one of The Mimic's names that comes from the RUIN's files, which is "Grimic", is possibly referring to The Mimic as "Gregory Mimic".
  • It is speculated that the amalgamation of animal suits The Mimic wears is meant to resemble Gregory.
  • Although it is a fan theory, it's possible that The Mimic could have been the endoskeleton in the Parts & Service Room. This would explain as to how The Mimic could have known and mimicked William Afton. However, this has not been canonically confirmed.
  • During Dawko's Thankmas 2024 Charity Stream, a teaser for a Help Wanted 2 content update was revealed. The teaser was a short gif, which featured The Mimic (Costumed) in the character gallery, and most notably, a White Tiger plush, further implying a connection between Tales from the Pizzaplex and the video games.
  • The Mimic becomes fluent in Hawaiian in Tiger Rock, due to infecting Kai's mind.
  • In the files of Ruin The Mascot has a unused eye texture reused for Secret Of The Mimic.[6]
  • In the Tales from the Pizzaplex story The Mimic the Mimic's original appearance is described similar to Paradox 0.5 from The Desolate Room.
  • Audio Description


    The audio is loud and/or startling!
    The scream the Mimic emits when attacking the player.


    Core Five Nights at Freddy's Series Bots
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    Toy Animatronics
    Toy FreddyToy BonnieToy ChicaMangleBalloon BoyJJThe Puppet
    Shadow Animatronics
    RWQFSFASXCShadow Freddy
    Phantom Animatronics
    Phantom FreddyPhantom ChicaPhantom FoxyPhantom Balloon BoyPhantom ManglePhantom Puppet
    Springlock Suits
    FredbearSpring Bonnie
    Nightmare Animatronics
    Nightmare FreddyNightmare BonnieNightmare ChicaNightmare FoxyNightmare FredbearNightmarePlushtrapNightmare Balloon BoyNightmare MangleNightmarionne
    Funtime Animatronics
    Circus Baby (Scrap Baby) BalloraFuntime FreddyFuntime FoxyFuntime ChicaBidybabElectrobabMinireenaBonnetLolbitMusic Man
    Rockstar Animatronics
    Rockstar FreddyRockstar BonnieRockstar ChicaRockstar FoxyLeftyCarnie
    Mediocre Melodies
    Happy FrogMr. HippoPigpatchNedd BearOrville ElephantMystic Hippo
    Glamrock Animatronics
    Glamrock FreddyGlamrock ChicaMontgomery GatorRoxanne WolfGlamrock BonniePrototype Glamrock Freddy
    Halloween Animatronics
    Jack-O-BonnieJack-O-ChicaJack-O-MoonDreadbearGrimm Foxy
    Endo-01Endo-02Nightmare EndoYenndoGlamrock Endo
    EnnardMolten FreddyTangle
    Animatronic Skins
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