Peter Pan (character)
- “Nobody calls Pan a coward and lives! I'll fight ya man to man, with one hand behind my back!”
- ―Peter Pan to Captain Hook[src]
Peter Pan is the titular protagonist of Disney's 1953 animated feature film of the same name & the 2002 sequel, Return to Never Land. Peter travels from the enchanted isle of Neverland all the way to London just to hear Wendy Darling spin tales about him and his adventures. While his ego may seem inflated at times, even his arch-nemesis Captain Hook knows that Peter's no ordinary boy. He can fly without wings and match Hook's cutlass with nothing more than a dagger. He is also the undisputed leader of the Lost Boys and allows no breaks in the ranks. Time makes little difference to him; when you never grow up, life is nothing but fun, whimsy, and adventure.
What is the origin of Peter Pan's pointy ears?
Peter Pan's pointy ears, a distinct feature of the character, emerged from a design evolution. Initially conceived as a small boy, the character was later transformed into a fairytale-like creature. The final design presents Peter Pan as a nearly teenaged boy with elf-like pointy ears, aligning with his elfish attire.
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How old is Peter Pan in the Disney adaptation?
In the Disney version, Peter Pan's age isn't specified, but he's depicted as a preteen. Notably, this adaptation stands out as Peter Pan is portrayed by a male actor, a departure from most versions where a female actress plays the role to mimic a young boy's characteristics.
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What is the name of the island where Peter Pan comes from?
The character Peter Pan lives on Neverland, an island where he leads the Lost Boys and embarks on adventures, often battling Captain Hook. His best friend and sidekick, Tinker Bell, also resides on Neverland, as do legendary mermaids in the surrounding sea.
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What is the significance of Peter Pan's ability to fly?
Peter Pan's flight ability is a distinctive trait that distinguishes him. It enables him to traverse from Neverland to London, engage in combat with adversaries, and partake in daring exploits. His flight doesn't rely on physical means or wings, providing him an edge over non-flyers. The notion that 'happy thoughts' fuel his flight is a misinterpretation, as Peter Pan was jesting when he said this.
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Who is Peter Pan's arch-nemesis in the Disney film?
In the Disney film, Peter Pan's arch-nemesis is Captain Hook. Peter Pan, the character from Neverland, is known for his ability to fly without wings and his skill in matching Hook's cutlass with just a dagger.
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Peter Pan is a young boy who lives on the island of Neverland. He has a fairy called Tinker Bell, who is his best friend and sidekick. He is the current leader of the Lost Boys. He spends most days going on adventures and battling the notorious pirate Captain Hook.
An earlier story idea involved Peter's birth and how he came to be. When he was an infant, fairies entered his home and took him away to Neverland. When Peter returned, he discovered another baby in his mother's bed. Feeling rejected and forgotten, Peter left and returned to Neverland - now his home. Eventually, Peter met Tinker Bell and gathered a group of younger kids and created the Lost Boys. The idea was dropped early in production as Walt Disney believed that how Peter came to be was another story.
- “He flies without wings. His shadow leads a merry little life of its own. Face-to-face with the terrible Captain Hook, Peter dispatches that pirate with jaunty ease. Peter is at home with mermaids and understands their language. He is twelve years old forever simply because he refuses to grow up beyond that comfortable age. Most remarkable of all, he knows where Never Land is and how to get there.”
- ―Walt Disney
Peter Pan is incredibly adventurous and daring. His favorite activities include battling pirates, engaging in friendly wars with the Indians, and listening to Wendy's stories of his adventures. Being a young boy, Peter can be rather impractical and conceited at times, but when it comes to rescue his friends, he is far more mature than any adult can be. He is respected and loved by nearly every inhabitant of Never Land, with the exception of Captain Hook (and his crew), who despises Peter for cutting off his left hand and feeding it to Tick-Tock the Crocodile during their first battle. Ever since, Peter and Hook have been at each other's throats constantly, battling in the hope that one would finally "walk the plank." One of the many things Peter discards is adulthood. This drove him to create a team of kids who also desire to stay young who he deems the Lost Boys. One can say Peter stands as a father figure for the group as well. Peter's most trusted companion is Tinker Bell. Even though they have a close best friend relationship, it is obvious Tink has strong feelings for Peter. Whether or not he is actually aware is currently unknown, although, in the first film, when Tink was close to death, Peter stated: "Don't you understand, Tink, you mean more to me than anything in the world!"
Despite being heroic and charming, Pan can be quite cocky, and being an immortal child somewhat, he can also be quite immature, and as such, he enjoys goofing off, listening to stories, playing "pretend", and parties with his friends. Peter's youthful nature symbolizes his place in childhood wonder. Even so, Peter can also be very adult. By the end of the film, despite proclaiming his hatred for adulthood with great intensity, Peter eventually comes to put his more childlike nature aside for the sake of protecting Tinker Bell, Wendy, her brothers, and the Lost Boys. With this, he brings himself to serve as a more adult figure, by risking his life for the sake of his loved ones, and selflessly escorting Wendy and her brothers home to London, despite his desire to have them stay.
This directly ties into his dynamic with Captain Hook who, despite Peter developing into a child with an adult mindset, is very much an adult with a more childish mindset, being loud, overly commanding, dependent on others, and prone to tantrums.
Many of Walt Disney's envisioned characters went through an evolution of designs, and Peter Pan is no exception. Most model sheets depicted Peter as a small little boy but soon later changed into more of a fairytale-like creature. Finally, Peter was given the look of a nearly teenaged boy. He has fair skin, rosy cheeks, short red hair, thick red eyebrows, brown eyes, and pointy elf-like ears. His outfit resembles an elf's attire, consisting of a green short-sleeved tunic with a collar and a long V-cut neckline down to his heart, olive tights, and sienna-colored moccasin shoes. He wears a green Robin Hood-like hat (called a bycocket) with a red feather situated on the left-hand side, and has a brown belt around his waist which usually holds his dagger.

Peter Pan in the original film
Peter first appears returning to Wendy's home to retrieve his shadow (bringing Tinker Bell in tow), but accidentally wakes up Wendy, John, and Michael in the process while he is chasing it. After Wendy sews it back on, they begin to talk, during which time Wendy reveals she does not want to grow up. Peter then decides to take Wendy and her brothers to Never Land so she will never have to grow up, and for Wendy to be a mother of the Lost Boys. Once they arrive, they are attacked by Captain Hook, who assaults them with his cannon. While he distracts the pirates, Peter orders Tinker Bell to take the Darlings to safety, only to find that Tinker Bell had attempted to have the Lost Boys kill his new friend Wendy (by telling them that Pan told her Wendy was a terrible "Wendy bird" and that they were ordered to shoot her down). Peter swoops in just in time to save Wendy, and after chastising the boys, learns that Tinker Bell was the mastermind and they had been tricked. Peter angrily tells Tink she is banished permanently, though Wendy pleads him not to be that harsh. He tells her she can come back within a week, but Tink is already gone, still believing she can never return to Peter's side. After this, Peter takes Wendy to see the mermaids of Mermaid Lagoon. While there, they spy Captain Hook and his right-hand man, Mr. Smee, with the Indian princess Tiger Lily as a captive, rowing toward Skull Rock, where they plan to interrogate her.
Peter and Wendy investigate and find that Hook is planning to learn the location of Peter's hideout. Peter then fakes Hook's voice toward Smee to convince him to free the Princess, and Peter is able to rescue Tiger Lily. Although Smee proves to be gullible, Hook catches Peter and they begin a bout of swordplay. Ultimately, Peter's ability to fly gives him the upper hand, and he escapes with Tiger Lily and Wendy. For his bravery, Peter is rewarded by Tiger Lily's father the Indian Chief, who crowns Peter "Little Flying Eagle", thus making him another chief of the Indians. Peter then returns home with the Darlings and the Lost Boys. Peter realizes Wendy is ready to return home and, even worse for Peter, the Lost Boys wish to have a real mother and return home with Wendy. Peter tells them once they grow up, they can never return (basically banishing them). Peter really does not worry knowing they will return eventually. Unbeknownst to Peter, however, his friends are actually kidnapped by Hook and his crew the moment they exit Hangman's Tree.
Peter is then a victim of Hook's newest scheme: Hook plants a bomb in Peter's home while he and Tinker Bell are inside it. While Peter has truly survived and unharmed, Tinker Bell is fatally injured and Hangman's Tree has been destroyed. While she tells Peter that Hook has Wendy and the boys and that he needs to save them, he refuses to leave her and begs her to stay alive, saying that he loves her more than anything. Together, Peter and Tinker Bell fly over to the Jolly Roger ship to battle the pirates. After the pirates are done with, Peter takes on Hook alone atop the ship. As Hook is about to strike Peter in the back while he is off guard letting out a triumphant crow, Wendy quickly warns him, having Peter fly out of the way and leaving Hook to plummet into the sea where he is chased away by the crocodile. The Lost Boys, Michael, John, Tinker Bell, and Wendy all celebrate Pan's victory. Peter commands Tink to cover the ship in pixie dust so that he may drop Wendy and her brothers off home to London.

Peter in Return to Never Land.
Peter and Tinker Bell are out and about in Never Land and pay Hook a little visit, only to discover Hook has a girl being held captive, who the Captain claims to be Wendy. Pan becomes serious and battles the Captain to rescue his friend. After Hook is defeated, he frees the girl, but instead of reuniting with Wendy, he meets her daughter Jane, who unlike Wendy is rather practical like her father George.
He takes the newcomer to his hideout and introduces her to the Lost Boys. The boys begin to surround her, asking to play all sorts of games and activities, which causes Jane to lose her temper and storm off. Peter and Tinker Bell follow her and witness her collecting supplies and boarding them on a raft. After the failed attempt to ride off home, Peter informs her that the only way to go home is to fly. He takes her on a lesson, and oblivious to Peter, Captain Hook is spying on them and plans to use Jane's desires to get home against his enemies. Jane's first take-off fails. Peter finds her beloved notepad and begins playing rugby with it. It is accidentally eaten by Cubby, causing Jane to yet again go into a complete rage to the point where she declares that she does not believe in fairies, and storm away for good. Jane's non-belief causes Tinker Bell to become gravely ill.
The only way to save Tink is to have Jane believe again in magic. The friends set off to find her, but she finds them instead. She suggests playing treasure hunt (as part of Hook's plan to retrieve his treasure in exchange for giving her a ride home), to which Peter agrees. She finds the treasure, but she changes her mind about Hook, but Tootles finds their communication whistle and unknowingly alerts Hook. Peter angrily accuses Jane of being a traitor and warns her that Tink's light is going out thanks to her disbelief in fairies. Jane rushes there while Peter and the boys are captured and taken to Hook's ship.
Peter, being strapped to an anchor, is about to walk the plank until Jane arrives with Tinker Bell fully charged. She frees Peter and the Lost Boys until Hook traps her by the neck with his hook. Peter returns the favor and cuts Hook loose falling through the ship and sinking with it until he and his crew are chased by the octopus. Peter personally escorts Jane back to London with the Lost Boys.
Peter and Tink reunite with the now grown-up Wendy. Originally upset at the fact that Wendy has changed by growing up, Peter happily accepts it after Wendy assures him that even though she has grown up, she has not really changed and still believes in him. After the reunion, Peter and Tink watch Wendy and her children happily greet Jane's father as he returns from war, and they then fly back to Never Land.

Peter in House of Mouse.
Peter makes numerous appearances in the television series House of Mouse.
Peter's most notable appearance is in the episode "Donald Wants to Fly". Peter and the Lost Boys are a band that was scheduled to perform at the club that night and are late for the show. Mickey sends Iago to find them. While Mickey is gone, Donald spends the night trying to fly. After Peter finally arrives, he teaches Donald how to fly, with the help of pixie dust. At the end of the show, he asks Mickey and Minnie to visit him in Never Land and that he had managed to make a cabana for them at Mermaid Lagoon.
In the episode "Super Goof", he is seen with Tink at a table watching Super Goof fly, during which he commented out of jealousy "So, he can fly, he can fly, he can fly! Who can't?"
Peter also appears in Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse and Mickey's House of Villains.

Peter as he appears in Jake and the Never Land Pirates.
While Peter does not make any appearances in the first season of the series, he is mentioned several times by Jake, his crew and even Captain Hook. Following the events of the film, Peter and Tinker Bell have gone off to explore the world outside of Never Land and left Jake and his crew to keep Captain Hook at bay. Some of the episodes revolve around a message sent to Jake by Peter to complete a task. In the episode "The Key to Skull Rock", a silhouette in the form of stars are seen in the night sky shaped just like Peter.
For the Halloween episode "Trick or Treasure", Jake dresses as Peter, while at the end of the Christmas episode "It's a Winter Never Land!", Peter leaves gifts and a Forever tree, and a snowflake with his silhouette is seen flowing through the icy night sky as well as an echoed laugh from Peter.
Peter makes an appearance in the season 1 finale special, "Peter Pan Returns". In the special, Peter returns to Never Land to recruit Jake, Izzy, Cubby, and Skully to find his shadow, who escaped to Never Land. Without his shadow, Peter is plunged into a depressive state, unable to fly, causing more problems for the heroes and giving a plus to the revenge-seeking Captain Hook, who manages to capture the shadow and attempts to use it as leverage to capture and exile Pan from Never Land. Eventually, Peter and the shadow are rejoined and leave Never Land once again to explore new parts of the world. However, Peter promises that he will be back soon.
Peter returns once again in the special "Jake Saves Bucky" when the pirates lose their ship Bucky to Captain Hook in a race against the Jolly Roger. Jake and the crew call him for help, and Peter is able to learn that they can win Bucky back if they go to the Island of Bell, battle the Mighty Dragon, and retrieve the Great Golden Bell before sunrise. The heroes do so, and Bucky is saved before Peter leaves once again to continue exploring the world.
Peter reappears once again in the special "Never Land Rescue" under the disguise of the mysterious figure known as "The Guardian", who explains that only the pirate who truly believes in himself can save Never Land from vanishing completely. Jake must break off from the rest of his crew and go alone on a mission to save the Forever Tree, the source of magic throughout all of Never Land.
In "Battle for the Book", Peter sends Jake and his crew to help his old friends, Wendy, John, and Michael after Captain Hook attacks them and steals their storybook. Later on, Peter joins his friends in the battle for Wendy's storybook and for the memories and stories of Never Land.
Peter reappears in the episode "Jake's Awesome Surprise". He attends Jake's birthday celebration with Tinker Bell and the rest of the pirate teams' Never Land friends. He gives Jake fifteen birthday-themed gold doubloons as a present.
Peter and Tinker Bell both reappear in the episode "Peter Pan's 100 Treasures!", where it has Captain Jake and the other Never Land captains compete in a scavenger hunt.
Peter and his shadow both reappear in the episode "Pirate Fools Day!". Peter tries to calm his mischievous shadow who manages to slip away by warping Pan within a hammock inside Hangman's Tree. Peter later reappears in the episode coming to Jake and his crews' aid defending his shadow from the wicked shadow pirate Shade. Pan last appears in the episode as he greets Hook and his crew on the Jolly Roger and points out the Tick-Tock Croc on deck. Hook refuses to be tricked by Pan, believing it to be the cardboard cutout croc Sharky and Bones used on their prank on him earlier in the episode. Hook attempts to toss it overboard until he realizes it's the real crocodile and is chased across the deck of the ship. Smee, Sharky, and Bones wish Peter a happy Pirate Fools Day from the safety of the ship's mass before Pan leaves.
Peter is primarily the focus in the final episode, "Captain Hook's Last Stand!". In the episode, the pirates celebrate Peter's official homecoming from the lands beyond the Never Sea (not counting his visits throughout the series). When showing his treasures to his mates, he unveils a powerful artifact: The Doom Stone, a cursed relic that can turn whoever uses it into stone, along with the user's targets. Unfortunately, Captain Hook devises yet another plot to get revenge on Peter Pan. He steals the Doom Stone and turns Peter into stone, (whilst turning himself into a darker, destructive, more powerful version of himself). Luckily, Peter is freed from his stone prison after being kissed by Wendy and is once again free to explore and defend Never Land, now with the help of the pirate boy-turned legend, Captain Jake.
Peter Pan, or rather more specifically the toon actor who played the character in the 1953 film, appears as the film's main villain, Sweet Pete. His film career was dashed when "The Boy Who Never Grew Up" hit puberty and he lost all professional film opportunities (contradicting all of his later appearances detailed above and below, though it's likely a different Toon actor was used for these later appearances).
After making a mockbuster of his own film called Flying Bedroom Boy, Sweet Pete began his own bootleg film operation to regain some control in his life and became a Los Angeles crime boss. As the head of the Valley Gang, comprised of various "uncanny valley" CGI toons, Sweet Pete's various front businesses and his ties to crooked police officials allowed him to thrive in the criminal underworld. Many toons, including Monterey Jack and Flounder, found themselves deep in debt to the Valley Gang, resulting in them being kidnapped and forcibly altered into legally distinct bootleg versions of themselves for overseas mock buster film production. In the film's climax, the machine used to alter Toons and mix and match them is turned on Pete, transforming him into a chimeric monster. After a chase through the mock buster film studios, Chip and Dale manage to capture Sweet Pete and he and the rest of the Valley Gang are arrested, though he tried and failed to take out Chip and Dale as he was taken into custody.
During the film credits, Sweet Pete is seen in his cell bound in a straitjacket on a hand truck with a muzzle on his face in the style of Hannibal Lecter. A documentary about his rise and fall is also shown in a theater.
Peter makes a cameo appearance at the end of The Lion King 1½, calling the Lost Boys to their theater seats with his rooster crow.
Peter and his co-stars appear in Once Upon a Studio, therefore likely retconning Sweet Pete from the Rescue Rangers movie as an imposter. On Minnie Mouse's orders they fly to the upper floors of the Disney Animation Studio to gather other Disney characters for a group photo for Disney's 100th anniversary. Peter then joins all the characters singing "When You Wish Upon a Star" while sitting on the back of Elliott as the photo is successfully taken.
In Wish, Peter Pan was among the Disney animated characters that appeared during the credits.
In the game, the Disney Villains stole and changed the ending of their stories so that they would succeed. Captain Hook stole Peter's story changing Peter into an elderly man so he is unable to battle. Jiminy Cricket and the game's player arrive in battle Hook in Peter's place. Once defeated, they restore the story reverting Peter to his original age.
Peter Pan first appears in Kingdom Hearts in Neverland, and joins Sora's party in search of Wendy and save her from the grip of Captain Hook. He helps Sora, Donald, and Goofy in their search for King Mickey, Riku, and Kairi, though he claims to do it only for Wendy. When they find Wendy, he becomes sympathetic to Sora and returns to help fight Captain Hook after taking Wendy to safety. Once the captain is defeated, they go to the Big Ben Clock Tower, where Sora seals the keyhole and Peter sends Tinker Bell to accompany Sora on his journey, making her a summon ally.
Peter Pan returns to help defeat the mysterious Phantom that attacks the Clock Tower after the completion of the Final Keyhole in Hollow Bastion.
In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Peter Pan appears as a figment of Sora's memories. He tries to save Wendy from Captain Hook, in which he succeeds.
Peter Pan returns in Kingdom Hearts II as a summon after Sora obtains the Feather Charm. The Feather Charm is only obtainable during the second visit to Port Royal after defeating the Grim Reaper Heartless for the first time.
Peter Pan returns ten years before Kingdom Hearts in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. He encounters Terra on Skull Rock, where Terra attacks him, Captain Hook having tricked him into believing Peter Pan had stolen his treasure. They continue until the Lost Boys appear and clear up the misunderstanding. Unversed then attack, but Terra fights them off. Later, Peter comes into contact with Ventus, who has just defeated Hook in battle and who leaves a wooden keyblade in Peter's treasure chest so that they may remember them. Later on, Peter meets Aqua, who finds their treasure map. Peter makes Aqua the leader of the group to find their treasure, which Hook has stolen again. When Aqua finds the wooden keyblade Peter tells her that Ventus left it there.
During the end credits, Peter is shown having stolen Hook's hat after recovering their treasure.

Peter in Kinect: Disneyland Adventures.
Peter appears as a meet-and-greet character outside his attraction in Fantasyland. Within his attraction's mini-game, Lost Boy Cubby has been kidnapped by Captain Hook, so Peter journeys to London to recruit the player to help him. They fly to Never Land, where they battle the pirates and then fly around the pirate ship to distract the pirates so that Tinker Bell can free Cubby.
Peter also takes part in the Mickey's Soundsational Parade mini-game.
Peter also gives several missions to the player throughout the game, including one that involves finding his shadow. At one point, Peter and the player plan on sword-fighting with Hook and to do so, the player must pull out the legendary Sword in the Stone. After the sword is retrieved, Peter briefly trains the player to make sure they are prepared.
Peter makes an appearance as a townsperson in the Disney Infinity series. He was also going to be playable for the third game in 2016, having been chosen by a group of Toy Box Artists,[1][2] but after the Disney Infinity series was confirmed to have been discontinued in May 2016,[3] Peter's figure was never publicly released.
Peter Pan appears as a playable character in Disney Mirrorverse as of January 17, 2023 for the Scarlet Skies event. In this reality, Peter Pan is a Melee Guardian from Neverland, which is under the control of the pirates, making the Lost Boys the underdogs and Peter Pan a vigilante. He is obtainable by completing the Scarlet Skies event quests or by summoning him with orbs. His tie-in event, Fractured Flight, ran from January 17-January 29, 2023.
Peter Pan is an Oceanic Hero and Offense character, added for the Neverland event. Peter is one of the game's Leaders, and is an expert in crowd control, being able to single out opponents for Harmful Effects, boost his own team's speed and other stats, and has a unique mechanic where he can draw all attention towards him while evading incoming attacks. As a Leader, Peter has special synergy with other Peter Pan or Oceanic teammates, and gains additional effects on his Abilities when used on Offense in the game's Club Conquest mode. Peter can normally only be unlocked during the seasonal Neverland event, requiring you to unlock and upgrade Captain Hook, Tinker Bell, Smee, Wendy, and the Peter Pan's Shadow spell, and face off against hordes of Jolly Roger Pirates in order to earn Peter Pan's tokens.
Ability Name | Description |
Soaring Strikes | Peter Pan's Basic Ability. Peter approaches the target opponent before performing a flurry of dagger slashes, dealing damage to the opponent 3 times. Soaring Strikes cannot be countered. When used on Offense in Club Conquest, there is an additional 20-40% chance (depending on Ability upgrades) for the Peter Pan teammate with the highest Speed Meter to immediately take their turn afterwards. |
Mimicry Mischief | Peter Pan's first Special Ability, costing 5 Magic. Peter takes off his hat and throws his voice towards a target opponent, inflicting Intimidate for 1-2 turns (depending on Ability upgrades), and Charm for 1 turn. On Offense in Club Conquest, the Charm instead lasts for 2 turns. Mimicry Mischief additionally gains an bonus 10-20% Potency (depending on Ability upgrades) per Peter Pan teammate. |
Air Acrobatics | Peter Pan's second Special Ability, costing 5 Magic. Peter takes flight above his team, granting Haste for 2 turns to all Oceanic teammates, before performing a dive kick towards a target opponent, dealing high damage and inflicting Stun for 1 turn. On Offense in Club Conquest, Peter additionally grants 1 stack of Evasion to all Peter Pan teammates, and the target opponent receives 2 turns of Stun instead of 1. |
Crow Like a Rooster | Peter Pan's first Passive Ability, costing 4 Magic. At the start of his turn, Peter will crow like a rooster, gaining Taunt for 1 turn and 1-2 Evasion (depending on Ability upgrades), with a max of 5 Evasion. When Peter successfully evades an attack, if he has no Evasions left but still has his Taunt, the Taunt will then be flipped and become the Stealth effect. Each time Peter uses Crow Like a Rooster, there is a 30-60% chance (depending on Ability upgrades) to regain Magic for this Ability. |
Goading Grin | Peter Pan's second Passive Ability, costing 2-4 Magic (depending on Ability upgrades). Whenever Peter successfully evades an attack, he has a 30-45% chance (depending on Ability upgrades) to mock them and transfer 1 Helpful effect (excluding Taunt / Protect) from the attacker to himself. |
Leader of the Lost Boys | Peter Pan's Leadership Ability. On Offense in Club Conquest, Peter grants any Peter Pan teammates an additional 5-10% Speed, Potency, and Tenacity (depending on Ability upgrades). |
Peter has an add-on costume in the game Disney Universe.
Although Peter Pan does not actually appear in Epic Mickey, a version of him called Pete Pan is portrayed by Pete in the Pirates of the Wasteland segment of the game.
Peter also appears in Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion as a character Mickey rescues.

Peter Pan posing for a photo at one of the Disney Parks.
Peter appears in the Disney theme parks around the world as a meetable character. He is usually seen along with Wendy and acts less pompous as he did in the film to better interact with guests.
Peter appears as an audio-animatronic in the dark ride, Peter Pan's Flight.
Peter Pan also had his own segment in Disneyland's Fantasmic!, where he was seen battling Captain Hook on his ship. During its 2017 reboot, you can spot silhouettes of him, Wendy, Michael, and John flying over the moon that Mickey has painted before Aladdin and Jasmine show up.
Peter also appeared in the opening float of the Paint the Night. He was also featured in the 2015 rendition of World of Color.
Peter Pan appears in Mickey's PhilharMagic, during the "You Can Fly" segment. In the show, Peter sprinkles pixie dust on Donald, giving him the ability to fly through London.
Peter was one of the heroes summoned to fight off the Evil Queen and her goons' invasion of the Magic Kingdom, in the former castle show Cinderella's Surprise Celebration. He fought off Captain Hook during the skirmish.
Peter also appeared in the pirate-themed segment of the former stage show, Dream Along With Mickey, at the Magic Kingdom theme park. Here, he and Wendy show Donald and Goofy the dreams of adventure. He also battles Captain Hook in a sword fight and reappears during the grand finale.
Peter currently appears during Once Upon a Time at the Magic Kingdom.
Peter appears during a segment of Once Upon a Time at Tokyo Disneyland, taking the Darling children on a flight through London.
Peter is the lead character in the nighttime spectacular, Disney Dreams!. Here, Peter and Wendy are about to take a flight together when Peter's shadow unleashes some of the magic from the Second Star to the Right. Soon enough, the shadow is captured by some of the Disney Villains, led by Captain Hook. With the help of Tinker Bell, Peter is able to defeat the goons, save his shadow, and restore the star's magic.
Peter appeared in the grand opening of It's a Small World in 2008 with Wendy Darling, but is still yet to be a meetable character.
Peter is featured in the show Disney's Believe aboard the Disney Dream and plays a starring role in Disney Dreams—An Enchanted Classic.
Peter and Hook serve as the stern characters for the Disney Treasure, with Peter having splattered Hook with yellow paint while working on painting the ship's logo.
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