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Mozambique's $551 Million Maputo-Temane Powerline Construction Complete

Published 1 month ago3 minute read

The Maputo-Temane Powerline Construction which extends a distance of 580 kilometres, has been completed. This will then be followed by commissioning and current transmission phases. The powerline project is estimated to cost approximately $551.2 million.

The construction works were initially planned to be completed by the end of the year 2023. Unfortunately, this deadline had to be pushed to July 2024. The project manager, Adriano Jonas, confirmed to Noticias that all the works on the transmission line were finished 23 December 2024.

: Approximately 580 kilometers.

: Approximately $551.2 million

: 400 kilovolts.

: From the Temane Thermal Power Station in Inhassoro district, Inhambane province, to Maputo.

: The line includes substations at Vilankulo, Chibuto, Marracuene, and Maputo.

: Expected to be completed by mid-July 2024.

: The project aims to increase installed capacity, improve reliability, and create reserve capacity for electricity. It is expected to make 1.5 million new connections and export electricity to neighboring countries in the Southern African region.

: The project is supported by international cooperation partners such as the World Bank, African Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank, and The OPEC Fund for International Development.

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Out of the six planned batches of the project, three of them were related to construction of the power lines while the other three to installing of power substations.

“On 6 December 2024, we commenced energising the Maputo-Matalana substation at a capacity of 400 kilovolts. Gradually the Maputo-Matalana section was energised and consequently from Matalana to Chibuto. We then made the Chibuto-Pambarra connection and then the substation itself. On 23 December 2024, the connection of the line to Temane was finished,” Jonas elaborated.

The project aims to increase installed capacity, improve reliability, and create reserve capacity for electricity
The project aims to increase installed capacity, improve reliability, and create reserve capacity for electricity.

Currently, there is some correction works that are being carried out on the second section. This includes the line that runs between Chibuto in Gaza Province, and Pambarra in Inhambane. However, these corrections will not in any way compromise the project. This is because the end works of the project is measured by the possibility of energization, and this had been achieved already .

In the meantime, all the modernization works are at 85% completion status. This project will be finished within the next three months.

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Work on this infrastructure commenced with the construction works of batch six in February 2021. It ended with the completion of batch four, which is the construction of the Temane-Mpambarra power line, which had started in January 2022.

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