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[[Category:Characters in video games]]


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[[Category:Star Wars characters]]


Jannah (formerly known as TZ-1719) is a supporting character introduced in The Rise of Skywalker. Like Finn, Jannah is a former First Order Stormtrooper who lived on Kef Bir after her defection. Upon meeting Finn and his comrades, Jannah and her group of other defected stormtroopers joined the Resistance in their fight against the Sith Eternal and Emperor Palpatine.

Taken from her family as a child by the First Order, Jannah, known as TZ-1719, was trained to be stormtrooper. While being groomed as a stormtrooper, TZ-1719 was trained in archery under the tutelage of Captain Phasma.

During the Battle of Ansett Island, TZ-1719 and a group of stormtroopers were ordered to fire on civilians. However, instead of obeying their orders, TZ-1719 and the stormtroopers saw how innocent the civilians were and refused to kill them, seeing how evil the organization they served in truly was. This caused TZ-1719 and her group of stormtroopers to defect from the First Order where they settled on the planet of Kef Bir, with TZ-1719, taking the name "Jannah."

As a former stormtrooper for the First Order, Jannah has a sense of honor and justice. When ordered to kill a group of innocent civilians, Jannah refused and disgusted with the First Order's cruelty, defected from the remnants of the Galactic Empire.

  • John Boyega on his twitter account, and Naomi Ackie in an interview, confirmed that Finn and Jannah have a romantic interest in each other in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.[1][2]
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