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Government offices in Iqaluit and Clyde River close as blizzards hit

Published 1 month ago1 minute read

Government offices in Iqaluit and Clyde River, Nunavut, have closed as blizzards hit both communities.

In notices posted to Facebook Wednesday, the Nunavut government directed residents to their local radio station for updates on the situation in both communities.

In Clyde River, Wednesday's weather forecast called for winds gusting up to 90 kilometres per hour at times and a high of –17 C.

In Iqaluit, the forecast called for winds gusting up to 80 kilometres per hour at times, with a high of –20 C and up to four inches of snow falling Wednesday, with more falling overnight.

A public service announcement from the City of Iqaluit on Wednesday said some services, like water, sewer and garbage trucks, were being pulled off the road for safety reasons.

Emergency services have also been taken off the roads in Iqaluit and will only respond to critical calls, the city says.

Road-clearing crews continue to work to keep the roads open, it said. City offices and recreation facilities are closed.

The city warned it could suspend more services without warning if the weather gets worse.

"To prioritize public safety and emergency preparedness, all non-essential city services, including recreational facilities and city hall, will remain closed this afternoon," it wrote.

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