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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Official Box Art

Release Date: November 13, 2020
Developer: Treyarch, Raven Software
Publisher: Activision
Series: Call of Duty
Platforms: PC
PlayStation 4
PlayStation 5
Xbox One
Xbox Series X
Genre: First-Person Shooter

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is a first-person shooter developed by Treyarch and Raven Software and published by Activision. It is the sixth game in the Black Ops series and the seventeenth in the Call of Duty series. It is also a direct sequel to Call of Duty: Black Ops. Like previous games in the series, it is composed of three main modes of play, a single-player campaign, a player-vs-player multiplayer mode, and a 1-4 player cooperative zombies mode.

The campaign's setting takes place primarily in 1981 with several flashbacks dating to 1968 during the Vietnam War, and the zombies and multiplayer mode take place simultaneously in 1984, hence, certain weapons are available in these modes that aren't present in the campaign because of the time difference. The player character is a new, customizable operative codenamed "Bell", who is part of a CIA task force, including Alex Mason, Frank Woods, and Jason Hudson, out to stop a Soviet agent codenamed "Perseus" (based on the real-life conspiracy) from carrying out a decades-long plan that could radically alter the balance of power of the Cold War.


The following weapons appear in the video game Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War:

Black Ops Cold War maintains several weapon features from the 2019 Modern Warfare, including Gunsmith and the ability to reload while aiming down sights.

The game features an extensive swimming and underwater mechanic which inaccurately depicts weapons as being able to be fired underwater, something which would lead to malfunctions and possible complete weapon failures (i.e. exploded barrels) in reality, not to mention projectiles can't travel more than a few feet in such environment. Also, bullet velocities for most of the weapon are much slower in-game than in real life, and some weapons unrealistically share the same velocities despite their different calibers and designs.

While Gunsmith offers a wide variety of attachments to equip, it lacks several features from Modern Warfare. It also features some staggeringly poor attachment descriptions filled with inaccuracies and misused terms. For example, STANAG is used as a catch-all term for extended magazines, despite the real usage being almost the exact opposite of such an idea.

Many of the cosmetic blueprints feature cerakoted designs which is anachronistic for the 80s as cerakoted weapons started appearing at some point in the 2000s or 2010s. In addition to this, heavily altered "Mastercraft" variants feature altered inspection animations.

Weapons from Black Ops Cold War also make appearances in Call of Duty: Warzone, a standalone battle royale game mode originally released for (and developed on) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019). While most weapons are identical between BOCW and Warzone, a number of weapons, especially the ones added post-release, have more detailed animations in Warzone. More rarely, some BOCW weapons have different weapon models when implemented in Warzone.

The Beretta 93R appears under the name "Diamatti". It holds 15 rounds by default, despite having a visibly extended magazine. It also has a slightly shorter barrel by default; the “7.2" Reinforced Heavy” barrel attachment gives it a more correct barrel length, though this one is shown as fluted. Soviet forces use it in the campaign along with Alex Mason in "Echoes of a Cold War", incorrect for any Cold War era soldier given how rare the 93R is in real life.

Beretta 93R with brown grips - 9x19mm Parabellum

The Beretta 93R in Gunsmith.

Sims wielding a "Diamatti" in Angola.

Sims admires what is possibly the most accurate Beretta 93R weapon model in a Call of Duty game to date.

Pulling back the slide for a brass check.

Swapping magazines during a reload.

The Colt M1911A1 is featured in the game, simply referred to as "1911" and featuring a nickel finish similar to the multiplayer 1911 weapon model from Black Ops. In the campaign, it is the main sidearm of almost everyone, including the Soviet and North Vietnamese forces, who would much more likely use the Makarov PM or Tokarev TT-33 as their sidearms. It incorrectly holds 8 rounds in a standard 7-round magazine. Performing takedowns in loud combat also involve the use of the M1911A1 regardless of faction; the majority of firearm-based executions in multiplayer likewise use the M1911A1.

In alpha, beta, and pre-release materials, the M1911 appears with a parkerized finish and brown grips. The "Wingman" skin from the "Air Sea Land Pack" for the Ultimate Edition is also an M1911A1, featuring a paint-job similar to that of the P-51 Mustang fighters during WWII. The M1911A1 is also used in the Overpower finishing move.

Nickel Plated Colt M1911A1 - .45 ACP

The M1911A1 in Gunsmith. Apparently this 1911 is made by Arrow Armory in-universe.

Inspecting its other side.

Much like the 1911 in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019), the 1911 in Black Ops Cold War features a nice detail in the slide stop engaging the slide after the last round is fired from a magazine.

The standard reload involves power slinging the slide, there are magazine options that change that to an animation where the player character hits the slide stop.

The M1911A1 with a parkerized finish in the alpha multiplayer loadout menu.

The M1911 tucked in Adler's pants in a pre-release trailer. In the final game, the player grabs the pistol to take down a guard - even though they have their own suppressed 1911 at this point with no way to replace it.

A suppressed M1911A1 is racked in the multiplayer reveal trailer. Note the Ak 5 with what appears to be Advanced Armament Corporation OMNI 5.56mm suppressor which doesn't appear in actual multiplayer.

An anachronistic and visually altered Desert Eagle fitted with a Laser Products Corporation LPC Model 7 laser sight and an enormous muzzle brake appears as the "Hand Cannon" in the campaign mission "Desperate Measures". Inspiration for the weapon appears to come from the laser sighted AMT Hardballer from The Terminator. Perhaps taking its moniker a little too literally, it fires explosive rounds. The campaign version feeds from an 8-round magazine (which could or could not be correct, its caliber never being stated) and cannot be reloaded; once all eight rounds have been fired, it is discarded.

It was added as the "Hand Cannon" streak in Season 4 (with an updated model and animations, which was retroactively applied to the campaign version), with 10 extremely powerful explosive rounds that can take out any streak the player can shoot in one to four shots. It is the primary weapon of choice for the "One in the Chamber" gamemode. Its scorestreak icon shows a more accurate rendition of a Desert Eagle, though this one is an even more anachronistic picatinny railed Mark XIX than the Mark VII on which the actual weapon is based. The laser is now green, and aiming uses ironsights mounted on top of the laser. Its role is similar to the "Annihilator" revolver from BO3 and BO4, even reusing the sounds of that gun from those games.

Magnum Research Desert Eagle Mark VII with nickel finish - .44 Magnum

The AMT Hardballer Longslide/LPC Model 7 laser sight combo from The Terminator which appears to have been the inspiration for the "Hand Cannon". The in-game laser is incorrectly depicted as being switched on by pressing a fictional button at the rear, while the real thing has a separate switch connected via cables.

Magnum Research Desert Eagle Mark XIX, current production model with Picatinny railed barrel - .44 Magnum

The "Hand Cannon" in the multiplayer menu. The description incorrectly calling it a "revolver" was reused from Black Ops 3/4, though the word has been changed to "handgun" after an update. A round can be seen in the spare magazine.

Bell stops admiring his nice shoes to look upon the mutant Deagle in the middle of the KGB headquarters, of all places. This is the only place in the campaign it can be found.

Bell holds the Hand Cannon as he awaits enemy forces about to barge into the room. Here the laser sight can be seen more clearly.

Bell holding the updated "Hand Cannon" which instead has a green laser.

Aiming the "Hand Cannon".

The "Magnum" is a fictional hybrid revolver that appears to have some influence from a variety of revolvers such as Smith & Wesson, Ruger, Arminius, Alfa, Astra and the Colt Trooper. The rear of the frame and the angle of the grip give it a strong resemblance to the G&G G733 airsoft revolver. The names of some of its muzzle attachments suggest that it is chambered in .45 ACP (misnamed ".45 APC"); this would contradict both the "Magnum" name, and its Warzone incarnation's stated chambering (.357 Magnum). Like other revolvers in previous Black Ops games, it is reloaded with single rounds by default, and still has the reload logic errors of the player character reloading only the rounds needed to refill the cylinder in gameplay despite the reload animation showing the entire cylinder being ejected. The game's pre-alpha identifies the weapon as the Smith & Wesson Model 27, but it seems that the hybrid revolver design was intended from the very start.

The Magnum can also accept a suppressor, even though it almost certainly wouldn't work on the revolver in reality due to the gap between the cylinder and barrel, which would leak enough propellant gases to render the suppressor useless. The Magnum also has nonsensical 9-round and 12-round cylinders as attachment options; these cylinders are completely identical to the base cylinder dimensionally, with the amount of rounds held in them visibly remaining 6 rounds. They're only different in their shapes, being an unfluted cylinder and a Mateba-like hexagonal cylinder respectively. These cylinder options are also very incorrectly referred to as magazines in their attachment names.

The "Minted" blueprint gives the revolver a barrel that appears similar to the anachronistic Smith & Wesson Model 986, while others give it a Dan Wesson-style heavy barrel.

Airsoft G&G G733 airsoft revolver

Colt Python with 6" Barrel - .357 Magnum

Colt Trooper MK V with straight wood grips and a 4" barrel - .357 Magnum

Smith & Wesson Model 17-6 - .22LR

Ruger Speed Six with blued finish and 2.75-inch barrel - .357 Magnum

Astra 357, 6" barrel - .357 Magnum

A close up look of the "Magnum" in Gunsmith, showing its many design inspirations - the sights come from Smith & Wesson revolvers, the cylinder, hammer, trigger & trigger guard from a Colt Python, the barrel seems to be a mix between that of a Python and a Colt Trooper (complete with a partial underlug rather awkwardly merged into a full one), and a Ruger-style recoil shield; the latter is supposed to have the cylinder release mounted on it, but the designer instead decided to put a conventional Astra-esque cylinder release behind it, forcing them to rather awkwardly stretch the frame forward to fit both.

The mutant "Magnum", an amalgamation of the leading revolver brands.

Aiming down the Smith & Wesson sights.

Inspecting the revolver involves flipping the Colt cylinder out.

Inspecting the Colt-esque barrel.

Reloading by dumping all rounds in the cylinder.

The default reload animation has the player character individually insert rounds off screen; depending on the cylinder you choose in Gunsmith, a speed loader may be used instead (though dual-wielding will always reload both at once). The animation finishes with a wince-inducing flick of the wrist to shut the cylinder.

A special version with a snub-nose barrel and speedloader can be found in the campaign and is called the "Redeemer".

A hybrid of a Ruger Mk II and a Welrod mocked up to be a tranquilizer pistol is used by Bell in the mission "Brick in the Wall" when infiltrating a target's apartment and can optionally use it to subdue his wife to avoid detection which is the only character it can be used on. The detachable magazine holds 8 rounds, and the animations are reused from the M1911 listed above. The bolt from the Welrod is used as a slide when it locks back on an empty magazine, however, the weapon does not eject casings of any kind, which begs the question of what the slide actually does. Some sort of air canister is seen under the barrel, and the weapon makes noises comparable to compressed air being released, which makes sense.

Welrod Mark II - .32 ACP.

From this angle, the grip is very clearly inspired by the Ruger Mk II.

But the ejection port and large knurled breech charging handle is very much Welrod-like.

Reloading the "Dart Gun" with a clearly empty magazine.

Chambering the "Dart Gun" on an empty reload.

A Heckler & Koch MP5K with a collapsible stock and a threaded barrel is available as the "MP5". It has an aftermarket and anachronistic Vector Arms MP5K style handstop handguard with perforations instead of a vertical foregrip by default. It uses an HK claw mount with an anachronistic rail when equipping optics. It can be customized into a number of MP5 variants as seen below, having a wide latitude of barrel and stock configurations akin to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

While not anachronistic for the 80s segments, the MP5K is used by US troops in Bell's Vietnam War flashbacks, which is both inaccurate and anachronistic (the MP5K was developed in 1976, and while the standard MP5 was first developed in 1966, it didn't see any form of service in Vietnam until 1975 as the MP5SD with the Green Berets). In this case (along with certain other weapons in the Vietnam missions), it can somewhat be excused by the fact that these are false flashbacks mixed with hallucinations. It is inaccurate for the East German army to be wielding MP5Ks during "Brick in the Wall" and the same goes with the Spetsnaz forces in other missions as well as the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces in "End of the Line".

All blueprint variants of the MP5 have the same lower receiver as those of Modern Warfare (being based on the receiver of a PTR 9KT, which is incredibly anachronistic to Cold War), with the triangular parts still facing the opposite direction compared to real S-E-F lowers.

Heckler & Koch MP5K "Reverse Stretch" with A3 stock - 9x19mm

The MP5K in Gunsmith. Note the gripless handguard resembling modern American examples with added vent holes for creativity points.

The MP5K used on board a Soviet salvage ship.

Inspecting the default 30 round magazine of the MP5K.

Woods in the mission "Red Light Green Light" with a MP5K attempting to be a MP5SD3. Note the nice detail of "Made in West Germany", though the marking on the real deal would have "West" abbreviated as "W".

The weapon has some barrel attachments that turn it into a full-sized MP5A3. The “9.5" Extended” barrel has an original slimline handguard, while the “9.5" Ranger” has a "tropical" wide handguard.

Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with original "slimline" handguard - 9x19mm

Turning it over to look at the ejection port and the "40 Rnd Speed Mag", which is a slightly longer version of the early straight "waffle"-style magazine.

Looking through the iron sights.

Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with "tropical" wide handguard - 9x19mm

The combination of the aforementioned barrel with the "Tactical Stock" turns the gun into an MP5A2.

Heckler & Koch MP5A2 with original "slimline" handguard and straight "waffle"-style magazine - 9x19mm

The MP5A2 from the public beta with a "40 Rnd Speed Mag". The "Salvo 50 Rnd Fast Mag" uses the same magazine model for some reason, albeit with a different tape and pull loop.

Heckler & Koch MP5A2 with "tropical" wide handguard - 9x19mm

The post launch MP5A2, with the "tropical" handguard.

Combining either of the sound suppressors with the “9.5" Ranger” barrel configurations produces a Heckler & Koch MP5SD configuration. The “9.5" Extended” and “9.5" Reinforced Heavy” barrels also create an MP5SD with the handguard missing.

Heckler & Koch MP5SD2 with S-E-F trigger group - 9x19mm

An MP5SD2 configuration from the public beta with the "Agency Suppressor".

The post launch MP5SD2 in gunsmith preview.

Ditto to the above configuration but with the default or one of the collapsible stock variants produces an MP5SD3.

Heckler & Koch MP5SD3 with S-E-F trigger group and stock extended - 9x19mm

The MP5SD3 with the "Sound Suppressor" and "Jungle-Style Mag".

A mildly fictionalized Intratec TEC-9 was added with season five. It is depicted with the bolt assembly and charging handle of an Interdynamic KG-9, although it is shown firing from a closed bolt like an actual TEC-9. It also has the front sight of a PPSh-41 and the stock of an Interdynamic MP-9, though the latter can be removed with the "No Stock" attachment. When equipping grip attachments, it uses the base of the factory grip with the actual grip chopped off and replaced with the grip attachment of choice.

It fires in semi-auto by default, but there are attachments that convert it into full-auto (the fire rate of which appears to be slower than in real life) and an inaccurate burst fire mode. It incorrectly holds 21 and 24 rounds (in multiplayer and Warzone respectively) in the actual 32-round magazine, presumably to prevent a burst from having less than 3 rounds.

In terms of chronology, while the earlier MP-9/KG-9 was produced from 1981 (thus being borderline period appropriate for the 1981-1985 multiplayer maps), the TEC-9 has the post-1987 rear sight, rendering it anachronistic for the game.

Dual TEC-9s are used by Perseus operative Kitsune in the season five cinematic trailer. The weapon is also seen in the "Harbinger Of Doom" calling card.

Intratec TEC-9 (post-1987 version) - 9x19mm Parabellum

Interdynamic KG-9 - 9x19mm Parabellum

Interdynamic MP-9 with foregrip and telescoping stock - 9x19mm Parabellum

The mutant TEC-9 in the preview screen for the season 5 battlepass.

The TEC-9 in action in the slums of Panama City.

Aiming down the sights; the actual rear sight notch is ignored in favor of lining the front sight up with the rear sight's protective wings, leaving the gun pointed high.

Inspecting the gun. Note how, in addition to having the KG-9's bolt and charging handle, it also has its safety notch; the TEC-9 instead used the charging handle itself as a safety, pushing it into the bolt instead of using it to lock the bolt back.

Checking out the closed bolt on a stock TEC-9.

Note the various markings and warnings stamped into the polymer lower.

Inserting a new magazine.

Charging the charging handle.

The "KSP 45" is a fictional 3-round burst submachine gun, only appearing in multiplayer. The overall shape is similar to the Australian Automatic Arms 9mm SAC, but takes other cues from submachine guns such as the Heckler & Koch UMP45 with its boxy design, selector switch style, and charging handle with lock open feature (though it is depicted on the right side rather than the left). It has an AR-like bolt release and an AK trigger guard with paddle magazine release. The overall profile of the weapon (minus its stock) also resembles the Hungarian KGP-9 submachine gun. Indeed, the pre-alpha version labels the SMG as the UMP, but as with the "Magnum" mentioned above, it seems that the weapon's characteristics were intended from the start of development.

Notably, it also resembles the "MACHT 37" frankengun from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Its buttstock seems to combine the socket of a solid MP5 stock, the shape of one from the AAA SAC or the Wieger StG-940, H&K G3 style sling attachment point and the foldability of the UMP stock; the "Tactical Stock" and "SAS Combat Stock" attachments swap this out for a PSG-1-style stock (without or with a cheek rest, respectively), while the "Wire Stock" attachment gives it a shortened Romanian AK wire stock and the "Duster Stock" gives it a UMP-style stock. Curiously, the "42 Rnd" and "48 Rnd STANAG" magazine attachments, while referred to as drums, are actually shrunken-down HK21 machine gun belt boxes with feed towers instead of belt feed openings; the "42 Rnd Speed Mag" and "SALVO 48 Rnd Fast Mag" are Spectre M4-esque quad stack mags (of the exact same size, with the only difference being the latter's cloth shroud).

Although it isn't normally written in all caps, "Ksp" is the Swedish abbreviation for "machine gun" (short for Kulspruta); however, the trademarks on the right side of the "KSP 45" identify it as a "Kühn & Schmidt MP-U" and state that it is of West German origin. There is also a "WARNING REFER TO OWNER'S MANUAL" stamp above the fire selector, which is similar to the markings on nonmilitary UMPs and USCs.

It is also depicted as being used by a Vietcong guerilla in the "Brap Brap" calling card implying that it was used in Vietnam in the Black Ops universe.

Australian Automatic Arms 9mm SAC - 9x19mm

Heckler & Koch UMP45 - .45 ACP

Experimental H&K MP2000 - 9x19mm Parabellum

KGP-9 - 9x19mm Parabellum

The "KSP 45" up close. At full size, the fire selector's 3 positions - "SAFE", "BURST", and "AUTO" - can be seen; ignoring the rather obvious fact that the weapon can't be set to full-auto in-game, the lack of a semi-auto position on a select-fire weapon is rather bizarre. Somewhat amusingly, the former is accompanied by a single large white block, while the latter features three small ones, and the three-round-burst position only features two.

Aiming down the sights - here, the folding stock hinge is easily visible.

Inspecting the left side.

Inspecting the right side. Note the UMP charging handle present over the ejection port and the small AR like brass deflector.

Reloading the KSP. Note the UMP like handguard covered with checkered texture like the early MP5 slimline forearm.

The LAPA SM Modelo 3 was added during Season 6, under the name "LAPA" (an odd name, as LAPA is the manufacturer of the weapon).

LAPA SM Modelo 3 - 9x19mm

The "LAPA" in the preview menu screen.

The "LAPA" and its owner checking out a parking garage in Miami Beach.

Aiming down the sights at a shifty looking garage door.

Checking out the other side.

Reloading after dumping an entire magazine of 9mm into said garage door.

Giving the charging handle a good pull, cocking the gun.

The "LC10" is a fictional submachine gun that was added in Season 2. It appears to be based on the Walther MPK, with stylistic elements from (of all things) an Accuracy International Arctic Warfare sniper rifle (the developers having stated that in-universe it was made by the same manufacturer as the game's Accuracy International-inspired "LW3 Tundra"). Its Warzone incarnation was previously stated to be chambered in .45 ACP, but this was later changed to 9mm Parabellum. The muzzle brake and flash guard attachments still have the .45 caliber shown as part of their names (in which case it is mislabeled ".45 APC"). It is labeled as "AI-LC10" in the pre-alpha version.

Walther MPK with stock unfolded - 9x19mm

Accuracy International AW-F - 7.62x51mm NATO

The "LC10" in the loadout menu weapon preview screen. Peculiarly, the wire stock features a cheek pad.

The "LC10" in the rather anachronistic Los Angeles high speed bullet train station ported from Black Ops 2.

Looking through the adjustable rear sight.

Reloading from empty involves taking the fresh magazine and flicking the empty mag out by hitting the release paddle with the feed lip.

Inserting the new magazine, then charging the bolt.

Much like the AUG, the LC10's transparent polymer magazine models the proper amount of ammunition in each magazine. Despite being depicted as a closed bolt gun, there is no round visible in the breech during the brass check section of the inspect animation.

The MAC-10 was added in Season 1. It is depicted with a custom side cocking charging handle similar to low profile Uzi cocking levers and uses anachronistic front grip adapter and top rail when attaching grip and sight attachments respectively. The side is marked with "Cal .45 Auto", which is contradicted by the use of a 32-round default magazine, the number "9" as part of some muzzle attachments names, and the use of 9mm Parabellum ammunition in Warzone. The weapon fires correctly from an open bolt in Cold War, but incorrectly from a closed bolt in Warzone. The pre-alpha version of the MAC-10 uses the standard-pattern charging handle compared to the custom side charging handle of the final version.

The "Quick Judgement" blueprint is based on the Lawgiver MK II pistol from the Judge Dredd franchise.

The MAC-10 in the battlepass preview screen.

Looking through the basic notch sights. Note the misaligned front and rear sights.

Checking the ejection port.

Tugging on the charging handle.

Inserting a new magazine.

And then racking the charging handle.

The OTs-02 Kiparis was added in in the mid-season update for Season 4, under the name "OTs 9". It is technically anachronistic to the 80s time period of the game, as while it was designed in the seventies, it was first serially produced in 1991. The OTs-02 was originally created (and rejected) for the Red Army, and the KGB did not participate in the development, preferring to use the more suitable vz.61 as a PDW. It uses 20-round magazines by default, though 25, 30, 32 and 40 round magazines are available as attachments, with the 30 rounder being the only real option. The 30 and 40 rounders are regular magazine extensions, while the 25 and 32 rounders are curved "speed mags".

The Kiparis is one of the few weapons to have a distinctly different set of animations in Warzone compared to Cold War.

KBP OTs-02 "Kiparis" - 9x18mm Makarov

The Kiparis in the gunsmith preview screen.

Cpt. Price holds the OTs-02 Kiparis in the middle of a paintball arena.

Inspecting the Russian SMG; note that the selector is incorrectly pointing towards "ОД", which is for semi-auto.

Checking the SMG for any stray flecks of paint, here the bolt handle is clearly visible. It apparently moves independently of the rest of the gun during this animation; at the end (and after firing a shot), the bolt visibly drops down a couple of millimeters, suggesting that the animation doesn't quite loop like it's supposed to.

Aiming down the clear ironsights.

Quickly using the magazine release before an employee notices the time-travelling SAS soldier in the middle of the arena.

Inserting a fresh magazine of 9x18mm Makarov.

The empty reload procedure involves flicking the magazine out, AK style...

...which results in the old magazine being knocked to the floor.

The penultimate step - loading a new stick mag.

With an overarm tug on the bolt handle, Price is now free to travel back to his own timeline, taking his anachronistic SMG with him.

But not before he waves the Kiparis around in the air, showing off the future of Russian SMG design to the bewildered paintball arena employees.

The PM-63 RAK was added during Season 3 as the "AMP63"; unlike its incarnation in BO1, it is classified as a pistol. Also unlike that incarnation, it has a correct 15-round capacity by default (with 20-, 22-, and 25-round optional magazines available, the latter being the only real one), as well as a more correct rate of fire. Its foregrip and stock are now permanently folded, and it fires from a closed bolt like the PM-63C variant from the Polish firm "Pioneer Arms Corp". Additionally, its Warzone incarnation is incorrectly chambered in 9mm Parabellum (a feature of the PM-70 prototype) rather than 9x18mm Makarov.

The "Lawgiver" blueprint is based on the Lawgiver II pistol from the Judge Dredd franchise (with the raised elements on the slide most closely resembling the comic-book version); the accompanying "Incendiary" execution depicts it as such, firing various ammunition types (guided, incendiary, explosive) and automatically targeting the person holding it when pointed at its owner.

PM-63 RAK - 9x18mm Makarov

The PM-63 in a loadout menu.

The PM-63 wielded by MI6 operative Park in New Mexico.

Inspecting the Polish submachine gun.

Sliding in a new magazine.

An anachronistic and heavily stylized PP-19 Bizon-2 (developed in the 1990s) appears under the name "Bullfrog" and only in multiplayer. It is depicted with a ribbed dust cover resembling that of an AS Val, and the rear sight relocated to the rear of the receiver, along many other cosmetic changes. The default helical magazine only holds 50 rounds instead of 64 or 53 like its real-world counterpart (in 9x18mm Makarov and 9x19mm Parabellum, respectively), and its front attachment point is below the front sight (like the earlier Bizon-1). It has a top-folding stock by default, but can be fitted with a side-folding stock similar to that of other Bizon variants, via the "Duster Stock" or the "KGB Skeletal Stock" attachment.

PP-19 Bizon-2-01 with top-folding stock - 9x19mm Parabellum

The "Bullfrog" in Gunsmith. The stock is similar to the Dragunov MA prototype (a trials competitor to the AKS-74U) and the grip is shaped similar to the PP-71, another one of Dragunov's prototypes.

Inspecting involves popping out the helical magazine for a quick glance.

Then turning it over to look at the ejection port.

Dropping an empty magazine.

Inserting a fresh magazine. Note the conspicuous lack of ammunition, made all the more conspicuous by its presence in the inspection animation.

PP-19 Bizon-2 with side-folding stock - 9x18mm Makarov

BOCW Bizon stock.jpg

A heavily customized "Bullfrog", notably all "grip" attachments are mounted directly onto the magazine.

The PPSh-41 was added in Season 3. It is carried by some Red Army soldiers in the intro cutscene of the Zombies map Die Maschine and inaccurately by Soviet troops in the Season 3 cutscene, which is set in 1984. It is also seen in the "Combat Hardened" achievement icon which is based on the "Stand to Death" statue in Volgograd.

By default, it holds 32 rounds; this is a characteristic of the MP41(r), a German 9x19mm conversion of the PPSh-41 from WWII, even though the in-game weapon is modeled with a standard PPSh-41's 35-round magazine. Interestingly, the "VDV 50 Round Fast Mag" attachment gives the weapon a straight magazine looking similar to that of the MP41(r). To confuse matters further, its muzzle attachments imply that it's chambered in .45 ACP (or rather, .45 "APC"), a feature of absolutely no version of the PPSh.

The weapon has a variety of rather strange barrel options - the "15.7" Task Force" barrel, as well as the "Loud Pipe" variant, have a front forend and heat shield styled after the SVT-40 (a setup extremely similar to the "Thrive" and "Snake" variations from Call of Duty: WWII); the "14.9" Rifled" barrel gives it an Erma EMP-35's barrel shroud and the small wooden forend of a PPD-40; the "14.9" Ranger" barrel has what appears to be a Browning M1919 barrel shroud with a Karabiner 98k front sight; the "14.9" Reinforced Heavy" barrel is taken from the K-50M (albeit also fitted with a Kar98k's front sight); the "12.7" Cavalry Lancer" barrel is seemingly inspired by the PPD-40's (albeit shorter, with larger vents and no handguard); and the "14.3" Extended" barrel is taken from the PPS-43. Stock options include the "Tactical Stock" (an MP28-style stock with a leather cheekrest), the "Spetznaz Stock" (a regular-looking stock with a cheekrest and two seemingly-random bolts driven directly through the receiver), and the "Marathon", "Duster", and "CQB" stocks (all sawn off, with the former having the original wooden side panels, the latter having K-50M-esque metal side panels, and the Duster having the metal side panels of the experimental folding-stocked PPSh-45; these panels are also used by the "Raider Stock", seemingly a grafted-on rifle stock).

The "Night Raid" blueprint (a promotional pre-order reward in BOCW for Call of Duty: Vanguard) is stylized after WWII planes like the P-40 Warhawk with the addition of a red dot sight stylized after WWII aircraft reflector gunsights like the Mk 20 Mod 4 sight.

PPSh-41 with 35-round box magazine - 7.62x25mm Tokarev

The PPSh-41 in the battlepass preview. Note the 35-round box magazine inaccurately holding only 32 rounds.

NATO operator Hunter wields a PPSh-41.

Inspecting the submachine gun.

Taking out an empty magazine.

Inserting a fresh magazine.

PPSh-41 with 71 round drum - 7.62x25mm Tokarev

The weapon loaded with a drum magazine, which only holds 55 rounds. A version of this drum with some canvas wrapped around the bottom holds 85, somehow.

The "Task Force" barrel makes the front end of the PPSh resemble the SVT-40.

Soviet soldiers with PPSh-41s in the "Die Maschine" intro.

PPSh-41 with 9mm conversion - 9x19mm Parabellum

The "VDV 50 round fast mag" resembles a 9x19mm converted PPSh.

The SOCIMI Type 821 appears in-game. It was referred to as the "SOCIMI 821" and "Type 821" during the pre-alpha and alpha respectively, but the name was changed to "Milano 821" in the Beta (with Milano being Italian for Milan, the city where this gun was made) and kept through the final game. It has an anachronistic Masterpiece Arms side cocking charging handle instead of the proper top mounted one like the Uzi it was based on. It is anachronistic to the campaign's 1981 time period, as it was designed in 1983 and produced in 1984 (the earlier Uzi for American forces and the PPS-42/43 or the later-added PPSh-41 for Communist-state forces would have been a better choice).

Socimi Type 821 - 9x19mm Parabellum

MasterPiece Arms MPA10SST - .45 ACP

The Type 821 in Gunsmith. It lacks a stock by default.

The Type 821 in a Nicaraguan cartel plantation, now fitted with a folding stock. Note that the weapon has been modified with a side cocking charging handle from modern Masterpiece Arms MAC 10/11 clones.

Looking down the notch sights.

Inspecting the other side. Unfortunately, like the Uzi from the previous Call of Duty entry, the open bolt design of the Type 821 is not reflected in the third person model.

The Franchi SPAS-12 appears as the "Gallo SA12" (gallo means "rooster" or "cock" in Italian). It is used in semi-automatic mode, and the stock is folded by default, but it can be modified with some unfolded stock options, as well as a fixed stock or no stock at all. Attaching optics will automatically unfold the stock as well. It is weirdly used by Soviet forces in the campaign, and also appears anachronistically in the false flashbacks to the Vietnam War. The pre-alpha correctly identifies it as the "SPAS 12".

In a rare bit of realism, the carrier latch button is depressed during reloads to allow the user to load shells (unless an optical attachment is used, in which case the player character will grasp the shotgun from the heat shield instead or when using a human shield where the shotgun is fully reloaded near-instantly off-screen with only one hand). When not aiming, the weapon will be upended during reloads (as previously seen in Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered), while the weapon will be held right-side up if reloading while aiming. However, the gun is never rechambered after an empty reload. It holds 7 shells, which is possible with 6 round tubes and a 7th shell in the chamber (or with an underloaded 8-round tube), but as this is never depicted, the tube length is fictional. The magazine tube itself looks more like a 5 or 6 shell tube rather than the 7 shells the weapon actually holds.

The extended 9 and 12 round tubes are modeled incorrectly; while the tube does get longer, it only grows by about 0.5 shells length each time to avoid a comically large magazine tube sticking out of the front of the shotgun.

Franchi SPAS-12 with stock folded - 12 gauge

The SPAS-12 in use on a CIA raid of an East German aircraft hangar.

Aiming down the sights with the stock folded up. This is inaccurate to the real SPAS-12; the end of the stock is solid and you cannot aim down the sights with the stock folded.

Loading up the magazine tube.

When reloading while aiming, the shotgun is held right-side up with the support hand holding down the carrier latch button.

During the campaign, SPAS-12 shotguns with flashlights appear during one section.

A stylized Henry .410 Lever Action Shotgun was added with Season 6 as the ".410 Ironhide". It is extremely anachronistic; not only were Henry lever action shotguns not produced until 2017, but the side loading gate version featured in-game was introduced in 2019. It is fitted with a Williams sight. Compared to the game's other shotguns, it is more precision-oriented, with the tightest spread, lowest fire rate, and worst hipfire spread (the weapon's barrel somehow spreading pellets differently based on how the user looks at it); somewhat bafflingly, it also does the most damage out of all the game's shotguns, despite firing the smallest shells by a substantial margin. The only other lever-action shotgun that is appropriate to the game's setting would be a reproduction version of the fullsize Winchester Model 1887. It is not in .410 gauge, however, but it is at least appropriate for the damage it deals (though it isn't of the same capacity). Another exotic manually-operated shotgun would be the TOZ MTs 20 shotgun series in 32 gauge and with an extended magazine.

In a reverse of the SPAS-12's errors, the Henry .410 is always cocked after every reload in Cold War’s multiplayer. However, this is corrected in Warzone, where it is only cocked when empty.

Henry H018G-410R - .410 bore

The Henry Lever Action Shotgun in the battlepass preview menu.

The Henry .410 wielded by NATO operator Park, in a Soviet live fire training compound,

Aiming down Main Street, USA.

Inspecting the time travelling lever action shotgun. Note the top of the receiver is drilled and tapped for an optic mount.

Flipping the shotgun over and examining the loading gate and ejection port.

Inserting fresh shells into the loading gate.

The Ithaca 37 appears in-game as the "Hauer 77", likely a reference to Rutger Hauer, the late star of the film Hobo with a Shotgun. The weapon is pumped after every single reload (in both Cold War and Warzone). A unique variant of the shotgun, known as the "Firestarter", appears in "End of the Line", firing incendiary shells exclusive to this mission.

Equipping the rather generically named "Shotgun Stock" attachment turns the furniture black.

A shortened version called the "Sucker Punch" is available as a skin via the "Air Sea Land" pack for the Ultimate Edition. The base weapon can also be shortened by equipping the “19.3" Hammer Forged” barrel and the "No Stock" attachment.

Ithaca 37 Trench Gun - 12 gauge

The Ithaca 37 in Gunsmith. It is fitted with a heat shield by default, the bayonet lug is removed and the sling loop is attached to the magazine tube.

The Ithaca 37 used on board a Soviet salvage ship.

Inspecting the Ithaca 37.

Every weapon inspect for the Ithaca 37 involves the player character working the pump.

Loading the magazine tube up.

The Penn Arms Striker-12 was added to the game during Season 1. It has the auto-ejection mechanism (and therefore the shell deflector) of late models, but lacks a rear drum advance lever like early models. The design is anachronistic, as the auto-ejection feature on Striker shotguns (developed in 1989) wasn't yet in existence during game's time period (when the company was called Sentinel Arms), and the original model wouldn't fit in the pre-1983 multiplayer maps either.

It is referred to as the "Streetsweeper", and incorrectly fires in fully-automatic mode. Unlike its counterpart from previous games, the winding key is correctly used to rotate the cylinder while reloading, although there is a missing step in which the player character is supposed to manually eject the last shell with the ejector rod.

Penn Arms Striker-12 - 12 gauge

Sentinel Arms Striker-12 with civilian-legal 18" barrel - 12 gauge

The Striker-12 in service inside a West German US Army base.

The Striker-12's iron sights.

Carefully reading the warning label on the side of the receiver.

Reloading by twisting the winding key for each new shell.

A stylized TP-82 was added in season five as the "Marshal", an in-universe predecessor to BO3’s "Marshal 16". It is used by Woods as a backup sidearm in the season five cinematic trailer. It is classed as a pistol instead of a shotgun.

The weapon lacks the 5.45mm barrel that the actual weapon has, meaning it functions as a regular double-barrel shotgun. Furthermore, it has been rechambered for 12 gauge instead of the 12.5x70mm shells it actually uses. Owing to its pistol classification, it can be dual-wielded. The weapon only has 6 attachments, which include two optics (mounted on an anachronistic Picatinny rail), a cut-down barrel, a longer barrel and dual-wield. The final attachment is "Dragon's Breath" shells, which do not set enemies on fire, instead they just have a flat damage increase and a cosmetic fire effect, but they are still countered by Flak Jacket.

The two hammers on the gun are not dynamically animated in BOCW, but are in Warzone. In BOCW, the right hammer doesn't drop after firing the first shot (from the right barrel), and both hammers will only drop (simultaneously) after firing both shots; the Warzone animation correctly shows the right hammer dropping after the first shot. This also extends to the reload animations: the BOCW animation only shows the operator cocking both hammers when reloading both both barrels, while the Warzone animation has an additional animation showing the operator cocking the one dropped hammer when reloading a single barrel.

Markings on the weapon read "Manufactured in the USA" and "Marshal 82". In a nice bit of attention-to-detail, struck primers can be seen on the fired shells when reloading.

TP-82 - 5.45x39mm & 12.5x70mm (roughly 40 gauge)

The "Marshal" on the map "Diesel".

After depleting your ammo pool, the hammers will be correctly shown as uncocked.

Checking the breech, note the unstruck primers on the shotgun shells.

Reloading the "Marshal", note the now struck primer on the right.

A stylized Ak 5 is featured in the game as the "Krig 6" (krig means "war" in Swedish). The model is depicted with some FN FNC-style parts, namely the trigger guard, charging handle, elevation wheel on the rear sight, and notch behind the gas regulator.

It anachronistically appears in the campaign's 1981 period and in the false flashbacks to Vietnam, as it was first produced in 1986 (the FN FNC, from which the Ak 5 was derived, would have been a more appropriate choice for the 80s segments, and its predecessor, the FN CAL, was developed in 1966, and it was used by Thai Forces during the Vietnam War). It also uses an anachronistic upper rail when equipping optics. It is used inaccurately by the East German police and Soviet as well as American troops in the campaign, who would much more likely use the MPi-AKS-74N and M16 respectively. While it may be possible that the Iranian terrorists in "Nowhere Left to Run" stole a few AK 5 rifles, it is highly unlikely, considering it is exclusively used by the Swedish Armed Forces and the Norwegian Police Service.

The "Tactical Stock" gives it a synthetic fixed FN FAL stock (similar to some FNC configurations), and the "Commando Assembly" stock is taken from a SIG SG 550 series rifle.

Bofors Ak 5 - 5.56x45mm NATO

The Ak 5 in Gunsmith. Note the stylistically fictionalized handguard, the early FN FNC-style trigger guard, the lack of reinforcement on the wire stock, as well as the addition of a bolt release paddle, something that the actual Ak 5 (lacking a bolt hold open device) does not have. In reality, the bolt hold open device and automatic nature of the feature would not be added to the weapon system until the Ak 5C became finalized and adopted in the mid-2000s.

The Ak 5 enjoying a snow map, as its heritage demands.

Holding up the gun for an inspect.

Checking the other side. Note the FNC-style charging handle.

Inserting a fresh magazine.

Racking the charging handle to chamber a round. The fictional bolt release paddle is slapped instead in the reloads of some of the magazine options.

Woods wields an Ak 5 with an upper rail in a trailer. Note the picatinny rail which is of the anachronistic modern style.

The Ak 5 going down in a Michael Bay style sequence. For some reason, the flash hider is missing in this sequence, and the stock is clipping through the ground.

Sims with an Ak 5 in the multiplayer reveal trailer.

The Ak 5 can be configured with an FNC-like or Daewoo K2-like handguard with the “19.7" Ranger” barrel configuration.

An "AK-47" is featured in the game. During the alpha and beta stages, it was mostly modeled correctly after an AK-47, albeit with an AKM-style pistol grip and slant compensator. However, the model of the base gun was changed in the final game: now it also has an AKM's stamped receiver and ribbed top cover, while retaining the AK-47's gas block, gas tube, front sight block, handguard, and stock.

It can be fitted with an RPK-style barrel and stock via the “20" Liberator” barrel and the "Tactical Stock" respectively. Other notable Eastern Bloc customizations include a Romanian/East German style coat-hanger stock with the added cheek strut piece as the "Wire Stock". The "Foregrip" is a Romanian type wooden foregrip and the "Patrol Grip" is a Hungarian FEG-style foregrip. It uses a fictionalized Dragunov optics mount modified into a rail mount when equipping optics.

The AK can also take an extended 40-round steel magazine or a 50-round orange Bakelite resin mag.

The launch version model of the "AK-47", featuring the ribbed dust cover and stamped receiver.

The AK hybrid in an East German training facility.

Adler removes the magazine during the weapon inspect.

Then does a chamber check. There will always be a round in the chamber, regardless of whether you have ammunition or not.

Reloading from empty involves flinging the old magazine out by hitting the mag release with the feed lip of a new magazine.

Then after rocking in the fresh magazine, racking the bolt with an anachronistic underhand charge. The underhand charge is a modern technique that appears to have developed after the 2000s. Interestingly, a more conventional reload was used in the beta but was changed to the underhand method in the final game presumably due to the community's dissatisfaction with the game's reload animations compared to Modern Warfare.

Many blueprints, such as the "Iron Curtain" and "Soviet Standard", retain the AK-47's appearance seen in earlier builds of the game. Additionally, some unusable AK-47s can be seen in the CIA Safehouse.

The Season 1 "Prototype" blueprint gives the weapon a green M16-style stock and a modern barrel, and the "Lethal Damage" blueprint has a sporterized stock.

Poly Technologies Legend AK with original Russian style front sight, AKM muzzle brake, and bayonet - 7.62x39mm

The older AK-47 model during the alpha. Note the presence of an AKM-type pistol grip, the opposite of the AKS-74U as seen below.

A pseudo-RPK build on the loadout wall in the beta.

The odd-looking "Prototype" blueprint.

Radom Hunter - 7.62x39mm. Image used to show the sporterized stock.

The sporterized stock on the "Lethal Damage" blueprint.

Equipping the "Duster Stock" on some blueprints turns the gun into an AKS-47.

An AKS-47 build in the beta. The "Taped Mags" change the reload animations to be all done with the right hand.

The "AK-47" wielded by NVA and VC soldiers in the Vietnam flashback missions is modeled after the Chinese Type 56. It is the only weapon in the game equipped with a sling.

Type 56, early milled receiver model with bayonet - 7.62x39mm

Bell admiring her newly acquired Type 56.

Looking down the fully enclosed hood of the front sight post, also note the milled dust cover.

Reloading shows the early slab sided AK-47 magazine unique to the Type 56 weapon model in game, as well as the folded (and sadly unusable) spike bayonet.

Type56 BOCWreload2.jpg

The world model of the Type 56 shows the Type 56-2 style folding stock, which is anachronistic to those (false) flashback missions, because the Type 56-2 was released after the war in 1980. Note how it also has an Type 56/AK-47 style pistol grip rather than the AKM one used on the base AK.

A National Liberation Front fighter guards a US helicopter crash site during Bell's interrogation.

A NLF fighter advances with his Type 56.

The Rambo III inspired "Bloodstained" blueprint gives the gun a similar appearance to the AMD-65, except that it retains the AK-47's front sight and gas system.

Hungarian AMD-65 as seen in the film - 7.62x39mm. This one has an American copy of an Israeli blank fire adapter (which is slightly longer and thinner than most commonly seen external BFAs. This is the version seen in the movie.)

An AK variant which is hard to identify due to damage is seen on a National Liberation Front poster in the campaign.

The AKS-74U is one of the weapons in Black Ops Cold War. In classic Call of Duty tradition, it is incorrectly classified as a submachine gun and referred to as the "AK-74u". While not anachronistic for the 80s segments, it's quite overrepresented even with Woods having one in his trunk at a time when the Soviets were just introducing it to service in Afghanistan. It also appears anachronistically in Bell's false flashbacks to the Vietnam War, where it's inaccurately used by the Vietcong.

It has attachment configurations that approximate members of the AS Val family. The "Duster Stock" is similar the Val stock, the "Commando Assembly" stock is from the VSS Vintorez, and the “10.3" Ranger” barrel configuration uses the SR-3M's handguard. The "40 Rd Speed Mag" is also a 20-round 6L25 9x39mm magazine.

In addition, the drum magazine attachments are straighter-style 7.62x39mm drum magazines.

While this AKS-74U is more accurately modeled than in most previous Call of Duty titles, it is shown with an AK-47 style pistol grip, apparently having traded grips with the Beta AK-47.

Sims holds an AKS-74U while looking at some sand dunes.

Aiming down the distinctive rear notch of the AKS-74U.

Checking out the ejection port and correctly positioned safety lever.

Swapping magazines during a reload.

The AKS-74U with various 9x39mm components. Either of the suppressor attachments convert into a Val/VSS style suppressor with the "Ranger" and two of the other barrel mods.

The "Escape Plan" blueprint of the AKS-74U - as with the "Battleworn" AKM from Modern Warfare Remastered, the dust cover is gone and reveals fully modeled internals. Note that the "Spetsnaz PKM Stock" attachment is just a regular AK-type stock in this blueprint. Also note that this game does not contain a PKM, which is odd, as many Warsaw Pact weapons feature stocks with "Spetsnaz PKM stock" as their name.

The APS Underwater Assault Rifle was added in an update on May 6, 2022. It is referred to as the "UGR", and is incorrectly classified as a submachine gun (a fact even its own description seems to acknowledge, given that it is described as an "underwater rifle modified for improved land performance"; these "improvements" are presumably what stops the weapon from physically destroying itself within 180 rounds fired above water).

Like many of the game's weapons, it features several visual alterations compared to its real-world counterpart; most notably, it feeds from a flat-bottomed magazine reminiscent of the QBS-06 (a Chinese derivative of the APS). This holds an incorrect 27 rounds (compared to the QBS's 25 and the APS's 26), presumably to prevent an incomplete burst at the end of a magazine when the unique "Burst Fire Repeater" muzzle device (which somehow makes the weapon fire in three-round bursts, despite being little more than an MG81-style flash hider) is used. A more appropriate staggered-bottomed magazine (albeit with an even more incorrect 30-round capacity) is the weapon's only alternate ammo option; this is full of explosive-tipped darts, presumably to help drive home the idea of this weapon as an in-universe predecessor to BO4’s "S6 Stingray".

Interestingly, this is the only weapon that is actually appropriate for the game's otherwise implausible underwater ballistic physics.

APS underwater assault rifle - 5.66x39mm MPS

The "UGR" in-game, notably it's bolts can be seen sticking out of walls when fired.

The "CARV.2" added during Season 3 is a fictional burst-firing bullpup "tactical rifle" manufactured by the same (in-universe) company that manufactures the "KSP 45". It appears to be based on mostly the Heckler & Koch G11 K2 and the Steyr ACR, using the former's 4.73mm caseless ammunition in Warzone while having a conventional bullpup configuration (with the magazine placed in the stock instead of above the barrel) similar to the latter one. It is anachronistic either way, though firing prototypes do exist during the game's time period. The pre-alpha version labels the rifle as the "G11", albeit it uses the BO4 "Swordfish" as its placeholder model.

When further compared to the real G11, the "CARV.2" also features a typical charging handle, instead of the wind-up handle on the real G11. It appears shorter and slightly taller than the G11, with a carrying handle instead of the G11's integrated optic similar to how the Steyr ACR has an iron sight-equipped carrying handle, and a rail where the real G11's magazine resides. The handguard is moulded, and the barrel is vented, presumably a way of alleviating the problems the G11 had with its barrel heating up during operation, as there are no brass shells to take the heat out of the rifle. The fire selector is further forward than the real G11, but still features semi-auto, 3-round burst and full-auto, although the rifle is not able to fire in semi-auto or full-auto in gameplay. A more true to the real thing handguard is available as the 22.5" Task Force barrel attachment.

The magazine holds 45 rounds by default, and bizarrely has ".437mm×33" written on it. Oddly, the magazine is also curved, despite the caseless 4.73mm round not being tapered (which is the reason for curved magazines, to allow for the round to feed properly); the in-game weapon apparently uses a different, fictional type of 4.73mm ammo with rounded (though still not tapered) propellant charges and exposed bullets, seemingly based on Frankford Arsenal's experimental 5.56x24mm caseless rounds. Caseless 4.73mm ammunition would be anachronistic in the 80s maps, as it was not developed at the time.

Heckler & Koch G11 K2 - 4.73x33mm

Steyr ACR - 5.56x45mm SCF (left side)

The "CARV.2" in New Mexico.

Aiming down the sights at a suspicious step van.

Inspecting the pseudo-G11.

Note the absence of an ejection port due to the caseless nature of 4.73mm; the real G11 actually does feature an ejection port, to allow removal of a live round from the chamber (either to get rid of a dud, or simply to clear the weapon).

Swapping out magazines...

...and pulling the charging handle.

The CETME Model C was added in Season 4 as the "C58" (originally as the "CETME" in the pre-alpha), noted due to its slightly curved magazine.

The "SASR Jungle Grip" gives it a similar pistol grip to the Heckler & Koch PSG-1, and the "Raider Stock" also resembles a PSG-1 stock. The "CQB Stock" is a sliding design similar to the G3A4.

Interestingly, one of the magazine options is a caliber conversion (the first such attachment in the game), using 5.56x45mm NATO ammunition in a fictional 60-round drum; oddly, the only thing this does is decrease the damage in exchange for a larger-than-normal magazine, with no impact on fire rate, recoil, muzzle velocity, etc. This is not the case for the Warzone counterpart, as that one instead has a 55-round drum option that retains the base 7.62x51mm ammunition.

The curved "25 Rnd Speed" and "Salvo 30 Rnd Fast Mag" resemble HK32 style magazines. The "18.7" Reinforced Heavy Barrel" will give it a handguard resembling that of an IMI Romat's while the "18.2" Takedown" to its predecessor the Model B. "15.6" Ultralight" and "18.7" Ranger" will give it a handguard resembling that of a Model E.

CETME Model C - 7.62x51mm NATO

The CETME Model C in the battlepass preview screen.

The CETME Model C in service in Algeria.

Checking out the other side.

Performing a chamber check.

Locking the bolt back on the reload. Note that it is not completely locked upwards into the locking recess in the cocking tube.

The empty magazine is removed.

A fresh magazine is inserted.

The operator then performs an aggressive "HK Slap" on the charging handle, sending the bolt into battery.

Heckler & Koch PSG-1 with 20-round magazine - 7.62x51mm NATO

CETME Model E with Non-genuine translucent magazine. - 7.62x51mm NATO

The "C58" combined with the "Raider Stock" and "SASR Jungle Grip".

IMI Romat - 7.62x51mm NATO

The "18.7" Reinforced Heavy Barrel" attached to the "C58".

CETME Model B - 7.62x51mm NATO

The "18.2" Takedown" attached to the "C58" alongside the more curved 25-round speed mag which makes it almost identical to the reference image of the Model B.

A stylised arctic model Enfield EM-2 was added in season five. It features its built in scope by default. When equipped for the first time, the character properly presses the fire selector button to switch the weapon to full-auto mode. It is correctly referred as firing .280 British in Warzone and in the names of some of the muzzle attachments. While not anachronistic, its usage by anyone in the 80s is extremely unlikely due to only 59 examples being ever produced.

Enfield EM-2 - .280 British

Enfield EM-2 arctic model with enlarged trigger guard for use with heavy cold weather gloves - .280 British

The EM-2 in the preview menu for the season 5 battlepass; note the AR-style long birdcage flash hider, fictional checkered pistol grip, and curious setup of a trigger guard within another trigger guard. According to the markings above the magazine well, its full name in the Black Ops universe is "NIGHTFIELD EM280", referencing the .280 British round the weapon fires.

The EM-2 being used to defend an NSA facility in West Germany.

The EM-2's integral scope. Note the reticle which is essentially a turned upside down version of the original thing with the addition of a central dot.

Inspecting the EM-2. Note the stylized carry handle reminiscent of the AR pattern. The fire selector above the thumb is properly set to "full-auto" mode.

Admiring the tasteful woodgrain.

Reloading from empty; empty reloads are done with the right hand, while non-empty ones are done with the left.

As NATO operator Hunter inserts the fresh magazine, the bolt drops and chambers a new round.

The "FFAR 1" is a weapon based on the FAMAS Valorisé combined with a trigger guard and magazine well from FAMAS G2 (both of which would be anachronistic to the game), with some visual features similar to the "FFAR" from Call of Duty: Black Ops III. The default magazine correctly holds 25 rounds instead of 30 like in past Call of Duty games.

In the game's lore it appears that this weapon is the successor of the FAMAS from the first Black Ops game and predecessor to the "FFAR" from Black Ops III.

FAMAS Valorisé prototype with SCROME J4 scope - 5.56x45mm NATO

FAMAS G2 with proprietary bipod deployed - 5.56x45mm

The "FFAR 1" in Gunsmith. Note the front sight similar to the FAMAS Valorisé but the overall shape reminiscent of the prototype and the G2 trigger guard imposed over the now redundant standard one. Also note the return of the adjustable gas piston block, something that does not exist on the actual FAMAS.

The heavily stylised FAMAS in East Germany.

Inspecting the bullpup rifle.

The player character giving it a loving caress.

Removing the old magazine.

Inserting a new magazine.

The FARA 83 was added in Season 2 with the metal stock, marking its first appearance in a video game. The flash hider is of a different design to the real weapon and some sort of gas block is mounted underneath the front sight, which is absent on the real weapon. It is anachronistic for pre-1984 multiplayer maps.

The "Tactical Stock" uses the real fixed stock of the FARA. Oddly, the weapon features some AK stock, with the East German coat hangar AK stock as the "Wire Stock" and a Type 56-2 stock as the "Duster Stock".

FARA 83 with metal stock - 5.56x45mm NATO

The FARA 83 in base form.

NATO operator Hunter wields a FARA 83 in a Laotian village.

Aiming down the sights of the Argentinian rifle.

Inspecting the rifle. The weapon features accurate marking and bears a serial number of 00141. The fire selector is also set to auto.

Checking out the other side.

Racking the charging handle.

The IMI Galil ARM was added in Season 6, and is called the "Grav" like in BO4. It has an AS Val stock and a slightly shorter barrel by default, but can be fitted with a longer barrel in Gunsmith. What’s interesting is that the weapon could have the FN FAL pistol grip, which was used on the prototype Balashinkov (Galil prototype).

IMI Galil ARM - 5.56x45mm NATO

The Galil ARM in the battlepass preview menu.

The Galil ARM used on a field trip to the Moscow Zoo.

The iron sights of the Galil. For some reason, the Galil doesn't have its rear sights in Warzone.

Inspecting the Galil; note the wooden handguard lacking the grooves and screws of the real deal. Also note the "F-S" selector markings, indicating that it is based on a civilian model.

Checking to see if the safety is disengaged.

Reloading from an empty magazine.

Rocking in the new magazine.

Racking the charging handle.

The Galil 7.62 can be created by attaching the "RK-7 30 round conversion" magazine option.

IMI Galil ARM chambered in 7.62x51mm NATO

A highly customized Galil with the 7.62 conversion.

By equipping the "18.7" Extended" and "SAS Combat Stock" attachments, the Galil can be turned into a Galil Sniper Rifle. Sadly the extended barrel doesn't provide any increased damage range as it only increases the velocity (with shorter barrel options for some reason getting increased damage range instead) meaning this combination is ironically terrible for a long range Galil build.

IMI Galil Sniper - 7.62x51mm NATO

The Galil Sniper in-game. Sadly a proper sniper scope is not available for it.

The K31 Rifle was added to the sniper rifles category in Season 3, under the name "Swiss K31". It has a shortened barrel by default, though the “24.9" Extended” barrel attachment gives it the correct barrel length. It seems that the Karabiner 98k was intended at one point for the game, as one of the pre-alpha weapons include a "Kar-98", but it seems that it has been replaced by the K31 in release.

The Warzone incarnation of the K31 is correctly chambered in 7.5x55mm. Despite this, some barrel attachment make it seem like the weapon fires .308 Winchester/7.62x51mm NATO, which would be incorrect.

Karabiner K31 Rifle - 7.5x55mm Schmidt Rubin GP-11

The K31 in the battlepass preview.

The K31 on Mount Yamantau, equipped with the aforementioned "24.9 Extended" barrel, along with its original iron sights.

Hunter pulling the bolt back for a chamber check.

Reloading the K31 involves opening the action and removing the magazine.

Inserting a new magazine.

And closing the bolt, chambering a new round.

The M14 appears in the game as the "DMR 14". It is modeled after an airsoft G&G Armament GR14 and as such it sports a synthetic stock (though equipping the Duster Pad stock gives it a chequered wooden stock), fires semi-automatically, and is classified as a "tactical rifle" in multiplayer. In the campaign, it can only be found in the environment (not used by NPCs) of the Vietnam flashback missions and still has a synthetic stock unlike the Remington 700PSS which has wooden furniture during the flashbacks.

M14 rifle - 7.62x51mm NATO

Springfield Armory M1A with synthetic stock, for comparison - 7.62x51mm

M14preview BOCW.jpg

The M14 on a bright Miami day.

Looking down the iron sights.

NATO operator Hunter holds the rifle up to inspect.

Checking the other side of the rifle. Note the circular cutout with two holes and the presence of selector switch complete with a cutout in the stock for it, confirming it as an airsoft G&G Armament GR14.

Performing a chamber check.

Hunter inserting a fresh magazine.

Tugging on the charging handle to chamber a round.

The wooden M14 stock when equipping the Duster Pad. It seems to be inspired by this particular M1A SOCOM 16 custom stock made by LAW483 Enterprises and an ATI Fiberforce Recoil Pad. It should be noted that such custom made or synthetic stocks are most likely anachronistic for the 80s and a basic wooden one would have sufficed instead.

The M16A2 appears under the "tactical rifles" class. It is simply referred to as the "M16" in the HUD, but actually has "M16.A2" markings on the magwell. It incorrectly holds 30 rounds in a 20-round magazine, and the pin for the auto sear on the lower receiver is absent, which in reality would prevent the rifle from firing in bursts. It is anachronistic to the campaign's 1981 time period, as the M16A2 was not adopted for service yet, first being adopted in 1983 by the USMC and in 1986 by the Army. Rather than removing the carry handle as in previous Black Ops games, it uses an anachronistic carry handle rail when equipping optics. Said carry handle rail appears to be a modern 1913 rail attached using a clamp and screw system from a Colt 3x or 4x AR-15 scope somehow mated together. The weapon boasts surprisingly high damage, able to kill enemies in a single burst at some range compared to the fully-automatic rifles.

The M16's alternate barrel options include “16.3" Rapid Fire”, “20.5" Cavalry Lancer”, “16.3" Titanium”, “20.2" Takedown”, and “15.9" Strike Team”; of these, the 20.5" barrel options are visually just the default barrel but fluted ("Cavalry Lancer") or dimpled ("Takedown"). For the short barrel options, the "Rapid Fire" and "Strike Team" both give the gun a short triangular handguard (the difference is that "Rapid Fire" has a smooth barrel while "Strike Team"'s is fluted), while "Titanium" gives the gun a short round handguard, the end result somewhat resembling a Colt Model 723 14.5" A1 barrel.

The M16's stock options include "Tactical Stock", the normal M16A2 stock with a cheek pad, "Wire Stock", an M231 FPW-like wire stock, "Duster Stock", a Doublestar Ace skeleton stock (which might be anachronistic), "Commando Assembly", a 2nd generation collapsible stock, and "Buffer Tube", an exposed buffer tube with a rubber pad.

Magazine options include the classic Black Ops jungle-style fast mags made with either duct tape or clamps, a 30-round STANAG magazine depicted as a 45-rounder, a 20-round STANAG magazine with an improvised duct tape magazine assists somehow also depicted as a 45-rounder, and a severely underloaded MAG5-100 100-round magazine holding 54 rounds (which also appears on the in-game "XM4", where it holds 50 rounds).

Colt M16A2 - 5.56x45mm NATO

The M16A2 in service inside a Nevadan nuclear weapons test site.

Aiming down the carry handle sights.

Inspecting the rifle. Note that the in-universe stand in for Colt appears to be the fictional "Arrow Armory" (the same manufacturer stamped on the BOCW M1911A1) based in Hartford, Connecticut, standing in for Colt, the real life manufacturer of both weapons, which is also based in Hartford, CT.

Performing a rather enthusiastic chamber check; pulling the bolt this far back would likely eject the currently-chambered round.

Inserting a fresh 20 round steel GI mag.

The "Constable" blueprint, which has an anachronistic Aim Sports AR free float rifle length quad rail/V3 or Monstrum Tactical 12 inch free float quad rail.

The combination of the “16.3" Titanium” barrel attachment with the "Commando Assembly" stock attachment approximates the XM4 Carbine, sans the proper stepped barrel used for early models. The exact same configuration can be made by removing all attachments from the "SOG Commando" blueprints for the gun referred to as the "XM4" in game and then reattaching the longest barrel option. The handguard seems to be inspired from the later models of the XM4 (as well as early M4s and M4A1s, which combined with a full auto setting with a fixed carry handle makes it a M4E1). It is still anachronistic, as this model is the 1986 model.

XM4 Carbine - 5.56x45mm NATO

The XM4 on the loadout workbench.

The XM4 being used in Moscow.

Inspecting the XM4 build.

Looking at the other side of the gun.

The final part of the inspect animation involves tugging back on the charging handle for a chamber check.

Inserting a fresh magazine.

A nearly identical build is seen in the key art for the beta, which is horizontally flipped. Some parts are missing from the gun's model, including the case deflector, the magazine release button, and a portion of the fence around it.

A stylized OTs-14 Groza with a shortened receiver was added to the game in Season 1 as the "Groza". It is anachronistic, as the real weapon was produced in 1992. It feeds from 5.45x39mm style magazines, something which is not confirmed to have existed on a real Groza, but is actually used on a Groza-inspired bullpup AK pistol developed in the late 2010s by US-based Bad Element Co. In contrast, its Warzone incarnation is stated to be chambered in "7.62 Soviet" (i.e. 7.62x39mm), and some of its muzzle attachments have "7.62" as part of their name. It is named the "Gorza" in pre-alpha versions.

OTs-14-4A-01 Groza - 9x39mm

The Groza in the battlepass preview screen. It isn't entirely clear why the weapon has been so heavily stylized, especially considering that one of the perks of adding a Groza to a game with other AKs is that you can re-use parts of their models (including more or less the entire receiver sans optic rail).

The Groza in the hands of NATO operator Baker.

Looking through the Groza's iron sights. The rear sight notch is missing and the sights are misaligned.

Inspecting the stylized Groza.

Performing a chamber check, note the piston rod.

Removing the entirely fictional magazine.

Rocking in a new magazine.

Performing an underhand charge. This would be impractical in reality, given the location of the charging handle.

An anachronistic QBZ-95-1 rifle appears in the game, featuring several retro-styled cosmetic alterations. It was briefly seen in the Gunsmith trailer, labeled the "Type 15" (a name that was also used in the pre-alpha), but the name was changed to "QBZ-83" in the Beta and retained in the current version of the game. The Type 95's development began in 1989, with the first prototypes being made in 1990. The in-game weapon bears some cosmetic resemblances to some of the Type 95's early prototypes, but is still clearly based on the QBZ-95-1, which began its development in 2004 and was adopted in 2010. The Type 86S (a Chinese AK-platform weapon in the bullpup form) would be more appropriate, but it would be anachronistic and inappropriate on early maps as well as the campaign.

The weapon's trigger and trigger guard shape come from the HS Produkt VHS-2, with the latter being made from stamped metal rather like the FAMAS. Its magazines appear to be loosely based on Chinese steel AK magazines. It also has three vents on the upper handguard and a birdcage-like muzzle device, both elements of the QBZ-97. The fire selector also only has safe/fire positions like a civilian model.

The side of the gun is marked with "T97NSR-PWC-CAL 5.56 mm"; T97NSR refers to a semi-auto only civilian variant of the 5.56mm QBZ-97A sold in Canada named Type 97 NSR. This likely suggests that Treyarch modeled the gun after a Type 97 NSR then modified it to make it resemble a Chinese QBZ-95 (with its distinct magazine shape and paddle magazine release) and "retro-ified" it. Some of its muzzle attachments also have "5.56" as part of their names, though it is unclear if this is an intentional reference to the QBZ-97 connections or a result of the generally confused state of attachment name/descriptions in BOCW; its Warzone incarnation is also supposedly chambered in 5.56 NATO.

The "QBZ-83" name would suggest that it was adopted in 1983 in the Black Ops universe which would still be anachronistic to the pre-83 maps.

The QBZ on the Beta loadout wall. The indent behind the pistol grip is marked with a bizarre and grammatically broken string of Chinese text: "名字叫常 梦想" (Pinyin: míng zì jiào cháng / mèng xiǎng; more clearly seen here); literally, it means "name is called Chang / Dream". Considering that the QBZ-83 is modelled by Treyarch weapon artist Pawin Changkiendee, it is possible that the broken Chinese was an attempt at inserting an oblique dev signature on the gun model. The artist's ArtStation images also show that the same text is marked on the bolt carrier on the release model.

The QBZ in Gunsmith the released game, showing the Type 97 NSR markings more clearly. Note that the receiver marking has been changed to "83式自动步枪" (Pinyin: 83 shì zì dòng bù qiāng), meaning "Type 83 automatic rifle". The word "中国" (Pinyin: zhōng guó), meaning "China", is also faintly marked on the magazine well, and the rear of the stock is very faintly marked with "梦想" (Pinyin: mèng xiǎng), or "dream".

The "QBZ-83" in Nuketown.

Inspecting the gun. Note Adler's jacket sleeve clipping through the magazine, a phenomenon also seen in Battlefield 4’s depiction of the rifle.

Performing a chamber check.

The "RAI K-84" (standing for "Reactorniy Avtomat-Izluchatel Kuhlklay-84", translated "Reactor Automatic Radiator Kuhlklay-84") is a "Wonder Weapon" in the Zombies map Firebase Z released during Season 1. It is based on an AK-74 with the depiction of a milled receiver; such a configuration exists on the Waffen Werks WW-74M, a US-made semi-automatic rifle, though the in-game weapon has two rivets at the rear like the stamped receiver of a standard AK-74. It is fitted with an underbarrel "Vortex" grenade launcher called the "GP-6K2" and modelled after a GP-25.

The "RAI K-84" as seen in the Firebase Z trailer.

The Requiem Operator (whose identity is up to the player) holds the laser rifle. The jumbled mess of parts and components welded to a traditional assault rifle base at least backs up its designation as a prototype.

Inspecting the magazine-shaped cell holder used to power the rifle, vaguely resembling the Kalash magazines in the Metro games. It would probably not be wise to place one's fingers anywhere near the cells in the magazine, considering they are actively and visually sparking.

At least reloading the weapon shows more careful finger placement. As a bit of trivia, intel in the map notes that the RAI K-84 was based off of a "Generator Khaosa Zavoyski-45" weapon; this is a reference to the "GKZ-45 Mark3" Wonder Weapon from Call of Duty: Black Ops III, implying the RAI K is a successor to it. Sure enough, it operates almost exactly like the GKZ; a powerful laser bolt firing weapon with a secondary, grenade-type fire that explodes when shot at with the former.

A Steyr AUG A1 with the bayonet lug from the F88 Austeyr appears in the game as the "AUG" and is classified as a "tactical rifle" in multiplayer. It incorrectly fires in three-round bursts, a feature of the much later (2005) AUG A3 (as well as the similar-looking "ABR 223" from BO4, which its weapon properties are likely based out of). Its foregrip is folded by default, but it can be unfolded via the "Field Agent foregrip"; it also has some rail-mounted foregrip options. Like the M16A2, the weapon boasts surprisingly high damage, able to kill enemies in a single burst at some range compared to the fully-automatic rifles. Originally the weapon was going to have an A2 sight, but it was replaced by the A1 sight by default.

For some reason, Soviet troops use this weapon in the side-mission "Operation Red Circus."

Steyr AUG A1 - 5.56x45mm NATO

F88 Austeyr - 5.56x45mm. Note bayonet lug halfway down the projecting part of the barrel and visible ALO tab at the bottom of the trigger

The AUG A1 in service on an estate in the Hollywood Hills.

Looking through the integral Swarovski scope. The offset backup iron sights are modelled correctly, but the reticle is incorrect.

Inspecting the rifle. The F88's bayonet lug is more visible here.

The AUG is one of the few weapons in game to correctly track how many rounds are available in each mag, as can be seen with this empty magazine with follower visibly modeled. Unfortunately, Cold War does not model the last round bolt hold open mechanism that the IRL AUG A1 has.

Checking the ejection port.

Removing the magazine during a reload.

Inserting a fresh magazine.

Slapping the charging handle home.

Equipping any optical attachments turns the weapon into an anachronistic AUG A2.

Steyr AUG Special Receiver - 5.56x45mm NATO

The Type 63 rifle is available in the game, classified as a "tactical rifle". Despite being select-fire in reality, it is restricted to semi-automatic mode in-game; the spike bayonet is also unusable. It uses what appears to be an anachronistic M14 rifle style rail mount when equipping optics. The default magazine initially held a correct 20 rounds in the closed alpha, but this was increased to an incorrect 25 in the beta and final game.

Oddly, the Type 63's icon used when it's leveled up during gameplay is uniquely missing the magazine.

Player character Bell starts with this rifle in "Redlight, Greenlight" instead of a more appropriate American M14.

The Type 63 in Uzbekistan.

Reloading by flicking the old magazine out with a fresh one, much like the AK-47 reload.

Then chambering the gun with a tug of the bolt handle.

The VAHAN, a somewhat obscure prototype Armenian assault rifle, was added in the 1.29 update; this makes BOCW the weapon's first known media appearance. The in-game version is somewhat stylized, and goes by the name "Vargo 52"; this presumably references the fact that design work on the project began in 1952 (with an earlier rifle called the "MBC-2"), though the VAHAN itself wasn't designed or built until 1992, making its in-game appearance anachronistic.

VAHAN with Bushnell scope - 5.45x39mm

The VAHAN in the loadout menu.

The fully-automatic XM16E1 appears exclusively in the campaign. It is labeled "M16A1" in the HUD and on the magwell (though the pick-up text spells it with a lowercase "a", for some reason), but it actually has the appearance of a 'faux' XM16E1, as seen in some movies where the guns are built from M16A1s. This is firstly evidenced by the combination of an XM16E1's 3-prong flash hider with an M16A1's full fence lower. The weapon also appears to have a chrome bolt carrier, which was present on the XM16E1, but not on the M16A1. For some reason, the XM16E1 has an anachronistic A2 pistol grip, while the XM4 has an A1 pistol grip.

In a small though somewhat confusing detail, the receiver bears a forge code mark, C H. This would indicate a rifle with an upper receiver built from Harvey Aluminum billets, but this code would have been in use from the mid 1970s to the early 1980s, well after Vietnam and never on an actual XM16E1 (though M16A1s were made with this code). Due to the nature of the game's storyline, this could be justified as intentional anachronism, however.

It appears in the two Vietnam flashback levels, as well as a few other missions where it is available alongside the M16A2. It is incredibly powerful, as the weapon's damage was balanced for occasional bursts rather than consistent fully-auto firing, made even easier with the game's rather controllable muzzle climb. It uses the same reloading animations as the M16A2, but has a different firing sound. It is also seen in the "Good Enough" calling card.

Mockup of an XM16E1 rifle with 20-round magazine - 5.56x45mm NATO. This can be identified as a mockup by its full magazine fence and strengthened front pivot point, neither of which appeared on the XM16E1.

Bell holds an XM16E1 in a Vietnamese village.

Before facing a charging Viet Cong fighter, a U.S. Army soldier looks at his rifle and notices the full fence lower, indicating that what he has is not a true XM16E1.

A soldier of the 1st Cavalry Division reloads his XM16E1 in Vietnam.

Closeup of the markings on the XM16E1 held by a US Special Forces soldier (whose uniform is likely based on Navy SEAL VBSS uniforms of the era) in Cuba. The markings are mostly true to real life, with few changes such as Colt being changed to "Polt".

The XM177E1, specifically the later model with a full fence lower, appears under the name "XM4". It is depicted with a flat top, seeming to be the result of a chopped off carry handle with a bolted rail (which was done in the 1980s by Olympic Arms and some other manufacturers). It has an anachronistic rear sight which is a hybrid between the Troy Battle Sight and Midway Industries Flip Up Sight, and the flash hider has been altered to resemble an A1. It also appears to have been based on a civilian model, as it has semi-auto only selector markings (Fire/Safe).

The weapon is wrapped in slings with a portion tucked behind the bolt catch like the "Commando" from the first Black Ops, although the default empty reload animation in this case correctly uses the charging handle instead of trying to hit the bolt release, which while it does work, having a cloth strap tucked behind it is less than ideal (that said, some reload animations, like the jungle mags reload animation, still involve hitting the sling-padded bolt catch). Equipping any stock customization removes the sling wrap. Mounting optics removes the front sight but keeps the gas block. It is referred as the "Colt Commando" in the pre-alpha versions of the game.

The XM4 designation is anachronistic for the time period of 1981, as the XM177 wouldn't be designated as "XM4" until 1983, and even then would be attached to an improved model of the XM177E2. However, the “11.8" Ranger” give the weapon an 11.5 inch barrel making it the XM177E2. The A1 pistol grip is inaccurately depicted as being solid instead of hollow.

The "Black Tide" blueprint replaces the regular handguard with a carbine-length M203 grenade launcher heat shield; it also has a yellow tiger stripe camouflage paint similar to the M79 used by "The Roach" in Apocalypse Now. The "Giantsbane" variant uses an anachronistic Z-M LR 300 handguard and front sight (the LR 300 having been introduced in 2000). It is also seen in the "Reaper Of The Dead" calling card.

The "Inconspicuous" blueprint uses the M16A2's upper receiver, while retaining the XM177E1's earlier teardrop forward assist, however. It has an Olympic Arms OA-93 style handguard with vents patterned after the Advanced Armament Corporation OMNI suppressor, an Israeli style elastic handguard band, what appears to be a faux suppressor, a tactical light, a stock cheek pad and a SureFire MAG5-60 magazine. The "Fly Trap" blueprint has an A2 handguard, an A2 pistol grip, and an A2 forward assist. The "Ultimate Hunter" has an anachronistic quad rail handguard (it was based on the prototype Knight’s Armament “Lego”), a muzzle brake with a breach face, a scope with some cosmetic similarities to a Trijicon ACOG, and a collapsible stock modelled after various offerings from the late 2000's onwards. The 13.7" Takedown, and original SOCOM will make the weapon resembles to the current M4A1 Carbine, which is anachronistic.

Colt Model 609 / XM177E1 - 5.56x45mm NATO. This is a late model with a full fence lower.

A1 "Birdcage" flash hider

The XM177E1 wielded by CIA agent Russel Adler. Note the MACV-SOG patch on the sling, yet another throwback to the iconic Black Ops 1 "Commando".

Aiming down the sights at some communist concrete.

The updated sights, which now block less of the screen. This was changed in Season 4 for a few other weapons too, including the QBZ and the Ak 5.

Inspecting involves checking the magazine.

Then tapping it against the magwell, reinserting the magazine, and performing a chamber check. The phrase "This is my rifle" can be seen marked on the ejection port's cover, a reference to the USMC's Rifleman's Creed.

Note the animated bolt release catch, as well as an animated magazine release tab actuating as the player character ejects and inserts magazines.

The last step for default reloads is a firm jerk of the charging handle.

The "Inconspicuous" variant as seen the Warzone preview.

The "Ultimate Hunter" variant with some attachments to become a pseudo-M4A1 Carbine.

The "LW3 - Tundra" is a hybrid of the Accuracy International Precision Marksman and the Arctic Warfare, along with some fictional elements. The game files and the pre-alpha was referred to it as the "L96-A1", even though it's not the weapon itself. It has a Precision Marksman-style stock, and lacks a finger cutout in the magwell like this model, but has the safety of an Arctic Warfare (incorrectly set to the rear position, which would lock the bolt and the trigger), as well as an adjustable cheek pad and a flash hider like the latter. Curiously enough, it also uses Picatinny rails like the AW, but with a PM-like scope mount and backup rear sight used on it. The rifle is mildly anachronistic, as the Precision Marksman wasn't developed until 1982 and the Arctic Warfare wasn't developed until 1988, while the campaign takes place in 1981 and multiplayer takes place between 1981-1985. The name Tundra suggests it was intended to be based off of the Arctic Warfare, but they went with PM elements to keep it to the multiplayer's time period.

In the campaign, it is inaccurately and anachronistically used by Soviet snipers.

Accuracy International PM - 7.62x51mm NATO

Accuracy International AW - 7.62x51mm NATO

The hybrid Accuracy International rifle in Gunsmith.

The hybrid Accuracy International rifle on a Miami Beach boardwalk.

Initiating the inspect animation.

Good view of the other side.

Chambering new 7.62x51mm round.

The Barrett M82A1M appears in the game as the "M82". It is anachronistic to the game, since it was developed in the 1990s; the original M82 would be more accurate for some multiplayer maps. To balance out its semiautomatic firing mode, the M82A1M is comically the weakest sniper rifle in terms of per-shot damage, not even able to break the bulletproof armor scorestreak or even Soviet armored units in the campaign in one shot. Due to the lack of a Soviet sniper rifle, the Soviet forces use the Barrett as their sniper (instead of the aforementioned SVD), which is incorrect.

M82preview BOCW.jpg

Note the "MOD 82A1" stamped on the magwell.

The Mechem NTW-20 was added in the Season 2 Reloaded update as the "ZRG 20mm". It is heavily stylized and fitted with a PSO-1 scope with incorrect reticle by default. It is also far shorter than the real weapon, making the weapon shorter then the in-game Barrett M82A1M, despite the NTW-20 being roughly twice the length of the Barrett. It is anachronistic by more than a decade (1998) and is set up for left-handed use, with the magazine and bolt handle on the right and left side respectively, opposite what it should be.

Mechem NTW-20 - 20x82mm MG151

SVU Dragunov - 7.62x54mmR, image used to show PSO-1 scope.

The "ZRG 20mm" in Gunsmith preview. Note the oversized PSO-1 and short appearance.

The Remington 700PSS appears as the "Pelington 703", complete with a permanently attached Harris bipod (which can be deployed by equipping the "Front Grip" or "Bipod" underbarrel attachments). Like the M40 and R700 rifles in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, it is reloaded with individual rounds. It is anachronistic for the game as it was designed in 1986 while the 80s segments of Black Ops Cold War take place in 1981-1985; the scope also mounts on an anachronistic rail. It is also inaccurately used by Spetsnaz and Cuban snipers and also appears in Bell's Vietnam War false flashbacks, fitted with a wooden stock and is depicted as being used by the US troops, though it is likely standing in for the Remington M40 in this case, consider that it was called the "M40" in the game files and in the pre-alpha. Its Warzone incarnation is stated to use .308 ammunition (most likely Winchester).

Remington 700PSS with Leupold Mark 4 scope and Harris bipod - .300 Win Mag

The Remington 700 in Gunsmith.

The Remington 700PSS in service in Soviet Uzbekistan.

Turning the gun over to read the engraved "Pelington" manufacturer branding, which is very clearly meant to evoke the Remington trade dress on the real Remington 700.

Inspecting the Remington 700 involves a very elaborate animation, where the player character will eject a live round...

Catching it in their right hand...

Then slipping it back into the chamber and sending the bolt into battery.

Reloading is done with individual rounds.

Woods holding the sniper rifle in a promotional image.

Bell holds the unique wooden Remington 700 present in the Vietnam flashbacks.

The late NB model CETME Ameli was added in Season 4. It is inaccurately fitted with an early NA variant flash hider. It appears under the Spanish Army's designation "MG 82". It is borderline anachronistic for pre-1982 maps, as it was recently unveiled and put into Spanish service at the time. It is fitted with a 100-round box magazine by default, with fictional 125 and 150-rounders as options; the real life Ameli accepts either a 100 or a 200-round belt box.

CETME Ameli (late NB model) - 5.56x45mm NATO

The CETME Ameli in the battlepass preview screen. Note the MG42 like conical muzzle from the early NA variant. Fitting this one to an NB model is dubious as the NA muzzle is part of the barrel shroud while the NB straight flash hider is part of the barrel.

The CETME Ameli in the hands of NATO operator Baker, onboard a luxury yacht.

Aiming down the iron sights.

Inspecting the Spanish LMG.

The other side. As with previous Call of Duty entries, the transparent backside of the box magazine isn't depicted here.

Reloading by racking the charging handle; unlike its appearances in Ghosts and Advanced Warfare, the Ameli is correctly depicted with a non-reciprocating charging handle.

And inserting a fresh belt into the feed tray.

A handheld M134 Minigun is featured in the game. It is shown with a 4-flange barrel clamp (like an original General Electric M134) combined with a Dillon Aero flash hider. It is obtainable in the campaign mission "The Final Countdown", under the name "M134 Minigun". It was later added to multiplayer and Zombies in Season 2 as the "Death Machine", with a slightly altered model.

It also appears mounted on gunboats in certain multiplayer modes and helicopters, including the "Chopper Gunner" scorestreak in multiplayer, and as part of the "Sentry Turret" scorestreak. A helicopter-mounted version can be used by Bell during a setpiece in "Fracture Jaw", though when the helicopter was shot down during the aforementioned mission, it somehow still manages to operate without the assistance of a power supply.

Airsoft handheld M134 Minigun with 'Chainsaw grip' to handle the recoil force. This variant was seen in Terminator 2: Judgment Day. This is an airsoft version which retains the half-circle attachment point for the M60 foregrip from Predator; the real T2 minigun did not have this - (fake) 7.62x51mm NATO

Dillon Aero M134 - 7.62x51mm NATO

The "Death Machine" in the scorestreak selection menu. This configuration resembles the airsoft Classic Army M134-A2 CO2/HPA.

The M134 at the far right, in both door and subsystem mounts. Note that Black Ops Cold War continues the Modern Warfare trend of fictionalizing its vehicles, evident by the addition of backwards Pave Low style air intakes and overall stylized appearance of the faux Huey.

In the mission "The Final Countdown", Bell finds a portable M134.

Holding the portable M134.

The "Death Machine" model from Call of Duty: Black Ops III, a futuristic man-portable rotary gun based on the General Dynamics GAU-19/A, appears exclusively as a power-up in the Zombies map Dead Ops Arcade 3: Rise of the Mamaback.

General Dynamics GAU-19/A - .50 BMG

The M60 is one of the machine guns in BOCW; it is the original model, as opposed to the M60E3 featured in past games.

M60 gun with bipod folded - 7.62x51mm NATO

The M60 in Gunsmith. The belt box only holds 75 rounds by default instead of 100, though it has a correct capacity in Warzone.

The M60 in the lobby of a fancy Miami Beach hotel.

Woods holds the M60 up in the inspect animation.

Getting a good look at the ammo box, note the rounds in the belt appear to have struck primers.

Checking out the charging handle and link ejection port.

Pulling the charging handle.

Pushing it back into position.

After the cover is opened, the remaining M13 belt link is swiped away. This is the only difference between an empty and partially-empty reload.

Inserting a full ammo box into its hang slit.

Closing the M60's cover lid. In reality, the original M60 (and not later versions depicted in previous games) requires the charging handle to be locked back in order to properly close the top-cover, as reloading with the handle forward would not allow the top-cover to be fully closed. Using fast mags produces a different reloading animation where the cover isn't flipped up, and the belt is instead pushed into the gun, which is then charged twice to put the round in place.

The M60D can be found and used in "End of the Line", somehow being used by Cuban forces as well as during "The Final Countdown" though that M60D is only usable by enemy AI. It is also seen in the "Harvest Time" calling card.

Bell looks at an M60D while preparing her Training Grenade pretending to be a flashbang.

Using the M60D, the sights sadly aren't usable and "aiming" just zooms the screen in.

Another angle of the M60D.

The RPD appears under its real name, with an incorrect disintegrating ammunition belt. The "Fast Mag" reload animation shows the RPD reload in a unique manner by having the new belt pulled through the closed top cover, whereas the default reload involves using the feed tray cover.

In the campaign, it is used by Soviet forces in 1981, at a time when it had already been phased out in favor of the PKM and the RPK-74.

Notably in multiplayer, it can be equipped with a PKM stock and box magazine (with the 75 round box attachment that is a PKM ammo box) to somewhat turn it into a pseudo-PKM and it can also have an MG3/MG42-like barrel installed.

The RPD in Gunsmith. It only holds 50 rounds (formerly 75) by default instead of 100 in its belt container.

The RPD in use on a Nicaraguan cartel plantation.

Looking through the iron sights.

Racking the charging handle.

Feeding the new ammo belt in.

Adler and Belikov brandish RPDs as they prepare to shoot their way out of KGB headquarters.

A heavily customized RPD on the ground with the PKM ammo box and stock as well as the MG3/42-like barrel.

The Stoner 63A is available in-game. Its in-game configuration primarily matches the Commando configuration, feeding from the right and featuring a bottom cocking handle. By default, it has a long barrel generally associated with the LMG configuration, though it can be modified with a Commando barrel via the “16" SOR Cut Down” attachment; this is a rather strange name, given that the Commando-length barrel was a factory option. A few Soviet heavies in the campaign are seen using these instead of the more faction-appropriate PKM.

The gun can use a 100-round drum modeled after the real gun's left-feeding 100-round drum, mirrored to feed from the right instead of the left (and also featuring some cosmetic differences). The gun also has a fictional 125-round box option.

Stoner 63A, Commando configuration (Mark 23 Mod 0) - 5.56x45mm NATO

Stoner 63, light machine gun configuration (XM207) - 5.56x45mm NATO

The Stoner 63 in Gunsmith. Like the M60, it only holds 75 rounds by default instead of 100 in its belt box.

The Stoner 63 in Nuketown.

Initiating inspect animation.

Checking the right hand side.

Inserting a fresh ammo box.

Taking the new belt of 5.56x45mm. Like the RPD and the M60, the Fast Mags reload animation shows the belt being pulled through the gun rather than put into the gun after flipping up the feed tray cover.

The FIM-43 Redeye appears under the name "Cigma 2". Despite being a dedicated MANPADS in reality, the weapon can still be fired even without a lock-on and against ground targets. It somehow appears in a secret Soviet training facility in "Redlight, Greenlight", though it may be possible that Soviet forces somewhat stole a few Redeyes from the Afghan mujahideen during the Soviet–Afghan War or otherwise, it would likely be fired ones for research use. Cuban forces in "End of the Line" also somehow ended up with Redeye launchers, where the RPG-7 already featured in the game would be a better choice.

Dummy FIM-43 Redeye Block I/II with sling - 70mm

The "RAI K-84" wonder weapon in Zombies is fitted with an underbarrel "Vortex" grenade launcher, called the "GP-6K2" and taking the form of a GP-25.

The Requiem Operator readies his Vortex launcher. Rather than relying on its own source of ammunition, the launcher instead takes ten shots from the magazine every time it is fired.

Wires between the launcher and the main body of the gun can be better seen while reloading.

The Hawk MM1 grenade launcher appears as the "War Machine" scorestreak. Bell wields one that somehow manages to hold 36 rounds in one of the final missions of the campaign. It appropriately holds 12 in multiplayer and Zombies mode.

Hawk MM1 grenade launcher - 40x46mm

The Hawk MM1 in the scorestreak selection menu.

The MM1 as seen in the beta. Lacking sights of any sort, the MM1's "aiming" animation consists of simply zooming in the user's view slightly.

The M79 grenade launcher is one of the launchers in the game. It appears in the missions "End of the Line" and the false Vietnam flashback mission "Break on Through," as well as "Redlight, Greenlight" as part of an easter egg. It is also rather comedically used in the "Big Bang" execution, where its rounds are shown with no minimum arming distance and a small enough blast radius to not harm its user at point-blank range; the version of the execution used against a target lying prone also shows it being fired twice without reloading.

M79 grenade launcher - 40x46mm

Looking down the ladder sight.

The inspect animation for the M79 is very simple, with the player character turning it over from left to right.

Ejecting the spent 40mm casing.

Reloading with another round.

Flipping the breech shut.

The RPG-7 is one of the launchers in BOCW. This time, its flip-up sight is in the correct position unlike the previous Black Ops games where the flip up sight is backwards.

Some US soldiers in the Vietnam sections can be seen with unusable AN/M14 incendiary grenades.

AN/M14 incendiary grenade

Bell looks at an AN/M14 on a soldier's backpack, wishing she was allowed to use incendiary grenades.

Several multiplayer character skins have unusable F-1 Hand Grenades attached to the belt.

F-1 High-Explosive Fragmentation Hand Grenade

The "Artist" skin for the operator Portnova from season 2 in-game.

The "Violent Nature" skin in-game.

The "Meltdown" skin in-game.

The M18 smoke grenade is carried by US soldiers in Vietnam in the campaign. M18s with inverted color scheme are also carried by Naga. On the 2021 released map "Apocalypse", several M18s with purple smoke lying around the ruins.

M18 smoke grenade, yellow

Dummy M18 smoke grenade (White). This grenade is sometimes used to take the place of other colored M18s.

An M18 with an incorrect "WHITE" marking on a soldier.

An unusable unprimed M18 releasing endless, incorrectly-colored smoke apparently in reference to the purple haze scene in Apocalypse Now.

Yellow and red M18 grenades on a soldier's back, both with incorrect "WHITE" markings. It is the same non-gameplay model from Modern Warfare just with recolored caps.

Screen-used stunt AN/M8 smoke grenade (Marc Lee's; with a foam magazine) from American Sniper. Image used to illustrate Naga's inverted color M18 grenades.

What appears to be an M26 hand grenade is carried by Woods in promotional media. The "Wrecking Ball" skin has an unusable M26 hanging from his belt.

M26 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade

The "Wrecking Ball" skin in-game.

The M34 White Phosphorous grenade appears as the "Smoke Grenade".

M34 White Phosphorous grenade.

The "Smoke Grenade" in the loadout.

The M67 hand grenade appears as the "Frag". It is also depicted on the "Quartermaster" perk.

In the campaign, the player character can somehow attach an M67 grenade to a human shield and shove them towards their enemies. Performing this doesn't deduct one of their grenades and can be done even if the player has no grenades or a different throwable in that slot. The multiplayer-only "Absolute Blast" execution similarly involves the use of an M67 the player character may or may not have (which is then shoved down the back of the target's shirt), though in this case the explosion is purely cosmetic, not even damaging the person performing the execution (who stands about 3 feet away from the blast).

M67 fragmentation grenade.

A M67 frag grenade in the "Lethal" equipment section.

Taking out M67 frag grenade when using a human shield.

The M67 with the spoon and pin removed.

"Attaching" the M67 to the human shield before shoving him away, the pin and spoon oddly re-appear during this part of the animation (presumably as the M67 technically switches from a first person model to a third person one).

An M84 stun grenade is carried by Woods in the campaign and is seen in cinematics. The same fictionalized M84 from Modern Warfare is also carried by multiplayer operator Zeyna. It is anachronistic as it was used from 1995 in reality.

M84 stun grenades seen in the arsenal of a Perseus team in the multiplayer reveal trailer.

The Mk 2 hand grenade is seen in the key art for the game's beta.

COD CWBO Beta Key Art.jpg

The MK3A2 concussion grenade appears as the "Stun Grenade".

MK3A2 offensive hand grenade

The MK3A2 as seen in the loadout section.

MK 13 flashbang grenades are carried by US troops in cutscenes and are seen on the default skins for multiplayer operators Adler and Song and Naga's "Warlord" skin. Most likely anachronistic.

Rheinmetall MK13 Mod 0 BTV-EL flash grenade

Adler with an MK 13 flashbang on his belt.

Seven unusable Model 24 Stielhandgranates can be seen on the "Die Maschine" Zombies map, right behind the Kingtiger tank.

Model 24 Stielhandgranate "Potato Masher" high-explosive fragmentation hand grenade

Looking at "potato mashers".

Closer view of three stick grenades, it appears that the model is reused from Black Ops III and Black Ops 4.

Unusable RGD-5 grenades are visible on the harness of multiplayer operators Portnova and Garcia and on Naga's "Warlord" skin.

RGD-5 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade

Garcia's character model on the beta's main multiplayer screen.

Also seen hanging on Garcia's belt is an RG-42 hand grenade.

RG-42 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade

The RG-42 is just barely visible on Garcia's belt, by his left hip.

The Simulator Hand Grenade M116A1 appears as the "Flashbang". In reality, this is a training grenade and not an actual combat device.

Simulator Hand Grenade M116A1 with pullcord fuse

The M116A1 in the operator loadout menu.

A cosmetically modified TM-46 anti-tank mine appears as the "Proximity Mine" field upgrade.

The Proximity Mine on the ground.

Several unusable Chinese Type 67 Grenades are seen on the Vietcong guerillas found in the campaign. In the multiplayer, an operator skin for Baker can be purchased with Season 2, which also has two Type 67 Stick Grenades attached to the belt.

Type 67 High-Explosive Fragmentation stick grenade

Bell looks at a dead Vietcong fighter.

The "Last One Standing" skin in-game.

C4 charges return, they can be used in multiplayer and zombies but not in single player outside of scripted instances.

Bell prepares a C4 charge during the escape from the Lubyanka building.

Bell placing a C4 charge to breach a gate.

Zombies C4 charges that are used to detonate rubble.

Molotov Cocktails return in Cold War, the player can carry more Molotov Cocktails than grenades and they appear for Mason in "Operation Chaos" and Bell in "End of the Line". Notably they still use the same animation as normal grenades, meaning the player character somehow lights a Molotov one-handed with no visible means of ignition. (As opposed to using a lighter like in previous games.)

Bell finds a box of Molotov Cocktails.

A fictional remote-controlled gas grenade is used by Bell during the Lubyanka raid in "Desperate Measures".

Bell placing the gas grenade.

Five bent .50 AN/M2 Machine Guns in fixed and flexible mount are seen on a crashed Boeing B17 "Flying Fortress" on the Zombies map "Die Maschine". This bomber is first seen during the "Nacht der Untoten" cutscene from World at War.

.50 AN/M2, Fixed - .50 BMG

.50 AN/M2, flexible - .50 BMG

Looking at the top turret with two mounted Brownings.

The barrel of a waist gunner position.

A rear view of the same MG inside the bomber shows the spade grips of the flexible Browning variant. The last two MGs of the tail gunner position can be seen outside the map.

Bell destroys several Flak 37s in "The Final Countdown". It is inaccurately depicted as being mounted on Czechoslovakian type carriage and mount.

8.8 cm FlaK 37 (note the pointer dials, the rectangular boxes on the side of the gun cradle with two circles) - 88x571mm R

As evident from this image, the combination of a much larger Flak 37 with the ZK.453 carriage is dubious to work in reality as the latter is obviously designed for a smaller weapon. As for why would a rogue Soviet element use a WWII German flak, that's probably due to asset recycling from a previous game.

In "Red Light, Green Light", some 30mm ZK.453 anti-aircraft guns can be seen.

The ZK.453 which unlike the aforementioned mutant flak, actually fits the carriage it was meant for.

Browning M2HBs are mounted as a static prop on M1A1 Abrams tanks and a usable version on the controllable boats and the Fast Attack Vehicle.

Browning M2HB on vehicle mount - .50 BMG

M242 Bushmaster chaingun - 25mm

It appears that the M2HB has also been fictionalized somewhat, because "legal reasons". Among these fictionalizations are reinforcing ribs added at the front of the receiver, an extension to the receiver that separates the receiver and the barrel shroud and also mounts the front sight, the barrel shroud only having 3 vent holes instead of 4 (none of which are actually modeled, but textured onto the gun) and also being bottlenecked similar to an M242 Bushmaster chaingun, and lightening cuts added to the top cover. The Abrams tank it is mounted to is the M1A1 variant given the large profile of its M256 120mm cannon and bore evacuator. It is slightly anachronistic for the 1983-84 setting, as the M1A1 entered mainline service after 1985.

The Browning M2 mounted on a FAV.

Browning M2HB Twin mount on tripod with gun shield and rear anti-aircraft sight - .50 BMG

The boat version of the Browning M2.

A DShKM appears on a fictional mounting, mounted on various vehicles and bunkers in the multiplayer mode Combined Arms and zombies mode Outbreak. It is seen on the Slava-class cruiser, and inappropriately, the Ticonderoga-class cruiser on the map Armada as well. The DShKM used in the campaign level "Redlight, Greenlight", mounted on an (anachronistic) BTR-80 APC. The BTR-80 in that mission appears to be based on the BTR-60PB (with open turret mounted DShK) and gunner shielding seemingly inspired by the M113 ACAV. In multiplayer, the T-72A (with T-72B turret detailing) and the drivable version of the Ural 4320 both have the turret with just the front shield.

The BTR-80 with DShKM in the level "Redlight, Greenlight".

Bell using the DShKM on the anachronistic BTR-80 in the campaign to destroy the even more anachronistic BTR-80A APCs.

Promotional screenshots for the Combined Arms map "Crossroads", featuring operator "Stone" manning a T-72A mounted DShKM while Adler runs past.

Closeup of the other side.

The DShKM mounted on a T-72A in Outbreak.

Using the DshKM on a T-72A.

F-14A Tomcats, armed with M61 Vulcan cannons, are seen taking off from a Nimitz-class carrier in the reveal trailer. The carrier also sports Vulcan cannons in CIWS installations.

GE M61 Vulcan Cannon - 20x102mm

Phalanx Block 1 CIWS - 20x102mm

A Tomcat launching into the danger zone from the supercarrier, with CIWS visible on both sides of the bow.

The "VTOL Escort" (Modeled after the Yak-38) has two Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-23 autocannons mounted in underwing UPK-23 gunpods. While the pod itself is correctly modeled, it is incorrectly depicted as a flexible aiming system (independent from the Yak's nose direction) due to gameplay reasons and controls. It is also seen mounted with an NPPU-23 helicopter turret inaccurately onto a Mi-8 helicopter piloted by Kravchenko in "Mauer Der Toten".

Grayzev-Shipunov GSh-23 with ammo belt - 23x115mm

Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-2 cannons are used by the Sukhoi Su-25 "Frogfoot" jets against ground targets when conducting the "Strafe Run" scorestreak.

Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-2 30mm automatic cannon - 30x165mm

The M40 Recoilless Rifle is seen on jeeps inside Camp Haskins.

M40 Recoilless Rifle (Licensed in Japan as the Type 60) mounted on Type 73 Kyu jeep - 106mm Rocket


The Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf. B Tiger II "Königstiger" heavy tank on the "Die Maschine" Zombies map has a hull-mounted MG 34 Panzerlauf.

MG 34 Panzerlauf - 7.92x57mm Mauser

The hull-mounted MG 34. It appears that the weapon plus the entire tank model are reused from Black Ops III.

An MG 42 with a drum magazine appears only as an emplaced weapon in the Vietnam War flashback mission "Fracture Jaw". It is confirmed that the MG 34 was used in Vietnam as military aid from the Soviet Union which had captured stockpiles from WWII thus the appearance of the MG 42 in this context is also plausible.

MG 42 with drum magazine - 7.92x57mm Mauser

An MG 42 in Vietnam. It appears that the model is lifted from Black Ops III.

The PKMT is seen mounted on BTR-80A APCs in the campaign.

PKMT 6P7K with solenoid trigger wire - 7.62x54mm R

The PKMT on a BTR-80A in the level "Redlight, Greenlight".

Highly anachronistic BTR-82A APCs seen on various maps in multiplayer and fought in the campaign mount Shipunov 2A72 autocannons. These are likely models taken from the Modern Warfare 2 Remaster, though the driver's windows have been modified.

Shipunov 2A72 automatic cannon mounted in a BPPU turret on a BTR-80A - 30x165mm

A BTR-80A outside the massive Soviet training facility in "Redlight, Greenlight". The level is based on Soviet recreations of American towns during the Cold War.

A Yakushev-Borzov Yak-B is mounted on chin of the Hind-D attack helicopters in singleplayer and multiplayer.

Closeup of Yakushev-Borzov Yak-B mounted on Mi-24 Hind-D - 12.7x108mm

The chin-mounted Yak-B on the Hind-D in the vehicle customization menu for the gamemode Fireteam.

Major Dimitri Belikov's Hind flies with its gear down in the level "Echoes of a Cold War". Note it appears to lack pilots.

Profile view of the Yak-B on a Hind under maintenance in the level "Redlight, Greenlight".

A 150 lb crossbow similar to those by Velocity Archery and Wizard Archery appears as the "R1 Shadowhunter". Those designs are most likely anachronistic.

The "R1 Shadowhunter" in the gunsmith preview menu.

A modified M2 Flamethrower was added as a scorestreak with Season 5. It consists of the gun group with added custom smaller fuel tanks, modified muzzle and a stock. Its icon shows it consisting of a normal M2 wand paired with M9 fuel tanks.

The Flamethrower in the menu.

A recurve bow which appears to be based on Rambo's bows appears in the campaign and as a scorestreak with explosive arrows in multiplayer. It is inaccurately depicted as being usable underwater which doesn't hinder in any way the arrow's movement nor the flame of the fire arrows.

The Multiplayer and Zombies version of the Recurve Bow with its explosive arrows.

A bang stick (a simple single-shot firearm attached to the end of a pole, meant to be used as a direct-contact weapon against animals) of unknown manufacture is used in some executions, namely "Pointed End", "Stick Up", and "Slithering Jab".

A Beretta 92F is seen on a movie poster in the map "Amerika".

Beretta 92F - 9x19mm Parabellum

The movie "Hot 'Nuff" with the Beretta 92F.

The M79's master calling card shows a China Lake Launcher instead of a proper M79. It seems that the China Lake at one point was considered in development, as it appears in the mission "End of the Line" in the pre-alpha.

China Lake Launcher - 40x46mm

Two Colt SAA revolvers are seen in the "Dead Still" calling card.

Colt Single Action Army with 7.5" barrel known as the "Cavalry" model - .45 Long Colt


Enfield L85A2 rifles are seen in the "Hardcore Kill Collector" calling card.

L85A2 with iron sights - 5.56x45mm NATO

BOCW CC L85.jpg

A fictional sci-fi rifle inspired by the M41A Pulse Rifle from the Alien franchise is featured in posters for the fictional movie "Two Days On The Moon" in the map Express.

Opposite side view of an M41A Pulse Rifle from Aliens.

BOCW alien rifle.jpg

A fictional sniper rifle seemingly based on the "Sniper Rifle" from Fallout 3 appears in the "Saving PhD Ryan" campaign calling card.

The "Sniper Rifle" from Fallout 3.


Handflammpatrone DM34 single-shot incendiary pistols are used in two executions - Woods' "Spare A Light" and Kitsune's "Tortured". In both cases, their effects are rather significantly downplayed - they are used at point-blank range, and fire something akin to a weak Dragon's Breath shotgun shell (spraying scattered flames a short distance) rather than the 35mm incendiary grenade the real weapon launches.

Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Woods Handflammpatrone Dm34.jpg

A soldier wields two Galil ACE 21s in the "Armed To The Teeth" calling card.

IWI Galil ACE 21 - 5.56x45mm NATO

What appears to be M1 Garands are seen on the "Down Range" bundle picture.

The last WWII-style American soldier on the right carries the rifle.

M114 155 mm howitzers are seen in firebase Ripcord in the mission "Fracture Jaw". The "Artillery" scorestreak also consists of a barrage from M114 155 mm howitzers.

The selection menu artwork for the "Artillery" scorestreak shows an M114 battery. This reflects their usage in the context of the Vietnam War through the game's Southeast Asian multiplayer maps are set in the 80s.

The barrels of the howitzers can be seen in the distance.

An M20 "Super Bazooka" is seen in Vietnam War archival footage in the intro of "Fracture Jaw".

M20 "Super Bazooka" - 3.5" rocket

The fictional "Marshal 16" from Black Ops III appears as the "Classic Marshal" charm.

Marshal16 BO3.jpg

A Spanish conquistador firing a Matchlock Musket is seen in the "Iron Sight Assassin" calling card that could be earned during season 2 at level 180.

European Matchlock musket.

A scoped Mosin-Nagant M91/30 is seen in the "Power Killer" calling card. A Mosin is also depicted on a huge banner showing the Tiergarten Soviet War Memorial statue in he map Moscow.

Mosin Nagant M1891/30 Sniper Rifle with PE scope - 7.62x54mm R

The rifle is equipped with a PEM sniper scope instead of the better-known PU scope.

In Season 4 Reloaded, the map "Rush" from Black Ops II was added. As with the original map, Tippmann 98 Custom, Tippmann X7 G36, and what appear to be Dye Matrix 9 guns appear in a store display of paintball guns, despite being anachronistic for the new setting of the 1980s (as opposed to BO2’s 2025 setting).

Tippmann 98 Custom Paintball Marker - .62 caliber

Tippmann X7 G36 paintball gun

A scoped repeating rifle (possibly a Marlin) is seen briefly in archival footage during the intro of "Brick in the Wall".

A Valmet M76F is seen in the City Ripper bundle picture.

Valmet M76F with side folding tubular stock - 5.56x45mm NATO

A suppressed Walther PPK is seen held by Adler in the "Action Packed" calling card.

Walther PPK with a sound suppressor - .380 ACP (Brown factory grips).


What appears to be a Winchester Model 1873 is seen in the "One Shot Kill" calling card.

Winchester Model 1873 carbine - 1st generation rifle - 44-40 Winchester

BOCW CC repeater.jpg

An unknown self loading rifle of Soviet type is seen on a soldier statue in the multiplayer map Moscow. The statue is based on the Tiergarten Soviet War Memorial in Berlin which actually depicts a Mosin. Curiously, a proper depiction of the soldier complete with the Mosin can be seen on a huge banner in the same map.

Three unusable Glock 18C pistols can be seen hanging on a wall on the multiplayer map "Checkmate". Their appearance is anachronistic as the map takes place in January 1985, while the Glock 18 was produced in 1986 - the 3rd Generation variants were introduced after 1998. A Glock pistol is also seen in the "Grizzled Veteran Master" calling card. They can also be found inside the Lubyanka armory during the campaign mission "Desperate Measures" instead of more appropriate Soviet sidearms.

Glock 18C (3rd Generation) - 9x19mm. This model has compensator cuts on the slide and barrel to reduce muzzle climb while firing.

The pistol in a highly unlikely place to be found, an East German training facility. Despite having the 18C's compensator cuts, the slide markings label it as a standard Glock 18.

Makarov PM

Makarov PMs are modeled in the holsters of some character models in single player (they are changed to the M1911A1 when they draw their pistols or Bell uses a takedown animation). Two also appear on Helen Park's "Scorched", "Bad Blood", "Hellion", and "Commando" outfits, as well as on Samantha Maxis' "Dark Aether" outfit and Portnova's "Handler" outfit. Aleksandra Valentina also carries a holstered one in the Zombies mode cutscenes.

Makarov PM - 9x18mm Makarov

A Marakov in a Cuban Revolutionary Army shotgunner's holster.

The grips of both Makarovs can be seen in weird waist holsters on her vest.

Sedgley Fist Gun

Scattered throughout the CIA Safehouse used as the in-game mission hub are various unusable Sedgley Fist Guns.

SedgleyFistGun BOCW.jpg

SedgleyFistGun2 BOCW.jpg


The fictional "Strife" pistol from Black Ops 4 can be seen on a table in the side mission "Operation Red Circus". Unusable and completely anachronistic to the game's setting, the gun was likely originally used as a placeholder during the mapping process that went overlooked and wasn't removed.

Smith & Wesson Sigma SW9F - 9x19mm Parabellum

Smith & Wesson Sigma SD40 - .40 S&W

Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 - 9x19mm Parabellum

Mason takes the time out of chasing a known enemy of the state to admire a time-traveling literal space pistol. While one could chalk it up to THE NUMBERS making him hallucinate guns that wouldn't exist for at least five (and at most seven) decades more, its appearance in the multiplayer map based off of this mission (Crossroads, taking place in 1983) marks it as a placeholder that never got removed.

Tokarev TT-33

The Tokarev TT-33 is used by some Red Army soldiers in the intro cutscene of the Zombies map Die Maschine.

Tokarev TT-33 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev

One soldier points his Tokarev at a suspicious German.

The cameraman defends himself with a TT-33.


Unusable AKM rifles can be seen next to the Glock 18 pistols in the multiplayer map "Checkmate".

Tokarev SVT-40

The SVT-40 is used by some Red Army soldiers in the intro cinematic of the Zombies map Die Maschine.

Tokarev SVT-40 - 7.62x54mmR



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