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CAI Chair participation in two high-profile events organised by Oxford University

Published 1 week ago1 minute read

On 5th March, Mr Mario Hernandez Ramos, the Chair of the Council of Europe’s Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAI) joined a panel of experts in a discussion on the “promises and shortcomings” of the Council of Europe’s 2024 Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law. This public event, co-organised by Bonavero Institute of Human Rights and the Accelerator Programme at the Institute for Ethics in AI, shed light on the negotiation process of the Framework convention, its main contributions to the regulation of Artificial Intelligence, and areas for improvement, as well as the vision for its implementation and potential adoption by states, civil society and technology companies. 

In addition, Professor Hernandez Ramos provided his expertise in a consultation meeting on the need and feasibility for an AI Bill on Human Rights. The meeting was the first in a series of consultations organised by Oxford University’s Accelerator fellowship programme to produce a White Paper, whose findings on existing IHRL standards in the field of AI governance could inform a future International AI Bill of Human Rights.

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