Avalanche on Colorado's Loveland Pass sweeps car off the road - CBS Colorado
/ CBS Colorado
A large avalanche on Colorado's Loveland Pass swept a car off the road on Friday night. There were no reports of any injuries.

The snow slide happened at the Seven Sisters area, which is not far from Loveland ski area. The Clear Creek County Sheriff's Office said the highway was covered with snow that was 4 to 5 feet deep.
Colorado State Patrol said the slide was more than 100 feet wide, and other cars got stuck in the slide.
Highway 6 was closed in both directions due to the cleanup and recovery efforts. The highway runs from Clear Creek County on the eastern side of the pass to Summit County on the western side.

Heavy snowfall continues in the mountains overnight.
Jesse Sarles manages the web content and website operations for CBS Colorado. He writes articles about Colorado news and sports in and around the Denver area.