After an extremely successful series of movies, the Harry Potter franchise is pivoting to another medium: TV. HBO is currently developing a show, and it is promising a faithful and charming adaptation of the original books. After the box office dominance of the movies, it will certainly need something to set it apart.
Fortunately, some significant elements were never depicted on-screen. Many of them happen to have been some of the darkest scenes in the books. Despite often lacking the whimsy of the books, the movies still never fully depicted the true horror of Harry's world.

Dementors are one of the most horrifying concepts in Harry Potter. It is hard to fathom the true cruelty of ghastly creatures designed to suck all hope from their targets. They are the very things that make Azkaban such a terrifying site. That was what made it so horrifying when Hogwarts' Headmistress sent Dementors after a child.
Dolores Umbridge was played by Imelda Staunton.
After Harry attempted to tell the world about Voldemort's return, . They easily could have killed him, and she likely would have continued a lucrative career afterward. Sicking Dementors on a student is one of the most appalling things in the books, and it was never fully revealed in the movies.

Birthday parties are often times of joy. Friends gather to celebrate the host's life and the potential that every passing year offers. Ghosts, unfortunately, do not have the same pleasure. With decades often separating the ghosts from their lives, memories of their original existence could be depressing. Deathdays are the alternative.

Harry Potter Quietly Fumbled 2 Huge Characters, But the HBO Reboot Has a Chance to Fix It
Many characters had fitting endings at the end of Harry Potter, but the new reboot could set right two character's conclusions in the best way.
The Deathday parties are extremely dark situations. The ghosts reflect on their deaths and. The living finds themselves in a macabre scene. Given how dark it would be to see a ghost celebrating their own death, the party was left out of the movies.

Harry had a strong relationship with Sirius Black, who served as the father figure that he never truly had. He regularly contacted Sirius whenever he could, and their bond grew stronger with every passing day. Tragically, Sirius was not long for the world. Bellatrix murdered him in a fight against the Order of the Phoenix. While other heroes were devastated, Harry suffered the most with Sirius' death.
In one extremely dark scene, Harry lets his grief and his rage control him.
The movies depict him as depressed, but the books take it to another level. In one extremely dark scene, Harry lets his grief and his rage control him. He destroys everything in Dumbledore's office, while repeatedly screaming about how little he cares about the world. The scene was as devastating as it was dark, and it proved that . At his core, he was still a boy struggling with grief.

The Unforgivable Curses are, as the title implies, spells that no wizard should ever use. Most heroes would shy away from even the thought of them. Yet, despite being just a teenager, Harry proved that he was never afraid to break convention. When Amycus Carrow spat at Professor McGonagall, .
Amycus Carrow was played by Ralph Ineson.
The spell was designed for nothing but torture. One moment, Amycus was in control of the situation. In the next, Harry abandoned the Expelliarmus spell to condemn Amycus to unimaginable pain. It was a spell that should have been reserved for the most extreme situations. That Harry resorted to it so quickly was a sign that he was giving in to the darkness of war.
Aside from Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall is likely the most widely respected professor at Hogwarts. She was the Head of Gryffindor, the Transfiguration professor, and a noble warrior in the fight against the Death Eaters. Of course,
The scene should have taken place in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007).
When McGonagall attempted to defend Hagrid from his unfair eviction, Umbridge took offense. She cast four stunners, which each struck McGonagall in kind. She spent weeks under the care of Healers at St Mungo's Hospital Tragically, McGonagall's actor, Dame Maggie Smith, was undergoing breast cancer treatment at the time. An action scene could have been arduous for an actor still recovering from chemotherapy, which is one explanation for why the scene was cut.

Most villains have some lines that they refuse to cross. Lord Voldemort had none. He was willing to kill children, torture people, and destroy the very fabric of the Wizarding World. His worst act, however, may have come in a flashback that was left out of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009).

Every Hogwarts Professor Who Was Left Out of the Harry Potter Movies
Hogwarts has had many professors during the movies, but there were some major standouts who were totally forgotten.
After discovering the identity of his Muggle father, Voldemort quickly set about killing everyone in his paternal line. After murdering his grandparents and father, he framed his uncle, Morfin Gaunt., where he later died. It was extremely dark, and just another example of Voldemort toying with Muggles and wizards alike.

Children and family members were not the only ones that Voldemort tortured. While working at Borgin and Burkes, he discovered that Hepzibah Smith owned two key artifacts. She had obtained , and Voldemort hoped to somehow make them into his Horcruxes.
Hokey spent the rest of her life believing that she accidentally poisoned her master.
After committing the murder, Voldemort realized that he would need a way to alleviate suspicion. He eventually settled on changing the memories of Hepzibah's loyal elf, Hokey. Hokey spent the rest of her life believing that she accidentally poisoned her master. It was a devastating situation, and Hokey died before her name could be exonerated.

House elves have always been an underprivileged group in the Harry Potter world. They are little more than slaves, forced to serve masters even if they find them repulsive. , but her abolitionism organization, the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare (S.P.E.W.), was ridiculed by the entire world.
It painted Hermione in a good light, but the rest of the cast looked despicable.
S.P.E.W. remains one of Harry Potter's most controversial storylines. It painted Hermione in a good light, but the rest of the cast looked despicable. Harry may be a flawed hero, but this was a step too far. He became a monster during the arc, especially since he was raised in the Muggle world. He should have fully recognized that slavery was wrong. The entire arc was extremely dark, and it was rightfully excised from the story.

Neville was always a sweet young man, who was braver than anyone else around him. He fought diligently to protect his friends, House Gryffindor, and all of Hogwarts. Yet, he never had the opportunity to earn the parental love that other characters did. After all, beyond the brink of insanity when he was just a baby.

Most Harry Potter Fans Didn't Notice This Subtle (But Important) Deathly Hallows Moment in Half-Blood Prince
One moment in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince secretly featured all the Deathly Hallows in one place.
There was one major scene that Neville shared with his parents, and it was completely cut from the movie. In it, Neville visited them at St Mungo's, and he enjoyed a brief moment of familial love. His mother offered him empty candy wrappers, and he treasured them like gold. It was extremely dark, given what happened to them, but it still revealed just how sweet Neville truly was.
Generally, Molly Weasley (Julie Walters) is portrayed as a kind but powerful mother, who always does whatever she can to keep her family safe. In the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix book, however, She witnessed every single one of them die, and she was forced to continue fighting even after.
The scene was nothing but an illusion brought about by a Boggart. Every cast she cast a spell, the Boggart transformed into another dead child. Considering that both of Molly's brothers died in the war, it was extremely tragic. It proved that Molly was far more than just another underdeveloped adult. She had a complex and tragic emotional arc, and her love for her family contributed to her greatest fears.

Harry Potter
- J.K. Rowling
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
- Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2
- Harry Potter