
A survey of the elements of music and diverse cultures and values in relation to music. Representative examples are drawn from the traditions of Europe, Africa, the Americas, and Asia, including classical, folk, and popular idioms.

Class Notes

Class Details


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Class Registration Information

MUSC 290 - SECT 01

Class: 3122 Units: 3

M-F 08/25/2025 - 12/19/2025 TBA TBA

A survey of the elements of music and diverse cultures and values in relation to music. Representative examples are drawn from the traditions of Europe, Africa, the Americas, and Asia, including classical, folk, and popular idioms.

Class Notes

A survey of the elements of music and diverse cultures and values in relation to music. Representative examples are drawn from the traditions of Europe, Africa, the Americas, and Asia, including classical, folk, and popular idioms.


Instructor Name (static text):