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* In the first jumpscare, Springtrap's ears do not move. In the second jumpscare, however, Springtrap's ears do move. The most likely explanation for this is that Springtrap's ears can move, similarly to Bonnie's ears. This can also be seen in [[Vent CAMs|CAM 12]], as his ears seem to bend backward.


* In the first jumpscare, Springtrap's ears do not move. In the second jumpscare, however, Springtrap's ears do move. The most likely explanation for this is that Springtrap's ears can move, similarly to Bonnie's ears. This can also be seen in [[Vent CAMs|CAM 12]], as his ears seem to bend backward.


** His eyelids also appear capable of movement, as one of Springtrap's eyelids can be seen moving up during his left-side jumpscare.


** His eyelids also appear capable of movement, as one of Springtrap's eyelids can be seen moving up during his left-side jumpscare.

* On CAM 05, if one looks closely at Springtrap, they can see that his eyes are a little cross-eyed. However, this may be an optical illusion, given the darkness and poor illumination of the building.


* On CAM 05, if one looks closely at Springtrap, they can see that his eyes are somewhat wall-eyed. However, this may be an optical illusion, given the darkness and poor illumination of the building.


* Unlike the animatronics from the previous games, who usually remained inactive for the majority of the night in which they are introduced, Springtrap begins moving immediately at 12 AM on the night in which he is introduced.


* Unlike the animatronics from the previous games, who usually remained inactive for the majority of the night in which they are introduced, Springtrap begins moving immediately at 12 AM on the night in which he is introduced.


* Springtrap in the game is one of the two animatronics to have both of their jumpscares in the Extra menu, the other being Nightmare Chica from ''Five Nights at Freddy's 4''.


* Springtrap in the game is one of the two animatronics to have both of their jumpscares in the Extra menu, the other being Nightmare Chica from ''Five Nights at Freddy's 4''.

This is a trivia sub-page related to William Afton.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Behind window In left doorway
  • In the second rare boot image, the lower half of Springtrap's left arm clips through the upper half.
  • In the third rare boot image, the right hand clips entirely through the right ear.
  • In his first position in CAM 07, Springtrap's entire right half clips into the wall.
  • Michael Afton as a corpse in the final minigame cutscene bears an eerie resemblance to William Afton's minigame sprites from the previous installments.
  • As opposed to his second reanimated incarnation, Afton's voice sounds noticeably more smooth than future games, in which his voice sounded more gravelly.
  • Before the game's release, it was believed that Springtrap would appear in the game, according to a reflection from Circus Baby's nose in the second teaser. This was later proven false, until the Custom Night updates.
  • From Scott's Copyright Catalog, Springtrap's appearance for the game is referred as "Springtrap 2",[5] likely referring to his appearance being slightly changed with few missing and damaged features.
  • A brief scene of Springtrap from the third game's gameplay can be seen in the beginning of the Sister Location trailer.
  • When the camera stops during Michael's monologue, one can see Springtrap's blurry hand at the right. This can be seen easier when brightened. Whether or not this was intentional is unknown.
  • One of William's kill taunts, "Bittersweet, but fitting...", is a reference to the WWI poem Dulce et Decorum Est, which describes one of the worst horrors of war — death by chlorine gas.
  • In his back alley rare screen he appears to be missing the suit on his upper right leg.
    • In the Five Nights at Freddy's 3 skin for the Office, Springtrap can be seen standing in the corner when the lights flicker. This is purely cosmetic and does not affect gameplay.
      • This specific cosmetic appearance of Springtrap bears a strong resemblance to his appearance on the menu screen of Five Nights at Freddy's 3.
    • Also within the Five Nights at Freddy's 3-themed Office, there are posters showing each of the three rare boot screens of Springtrap from the third game.
    • Afton is the only character in the game who can jumpscare the player from the side vent as BB and JJ serve as distractions.
    • Unlike other animatronics who have voices, and have more than one voiceline, Scraptrap only has one which is reused from Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator.
    • "Virtualtrap," the Springtrap in Ennard's Blacklight level, could be a reference to the "Dark Springtrap" featured in FNaF merchandise such as Funko POP! figurines.
    • Springtrap can be seen crawling in the vent on the player's right.
    • The jaw of the corpse is rigged, but is never used.
    • Springtrap's corpse head is oddly blue, even though the rest of the inner corpse is a rusty color.
    • It's implied in the Pizza Party minigame that Glitchtrap's appearance is based on the costume William Afton used to lure the five kids in The Missing Children Incident.
      • However, Afton in the "Fruity Maze" minigame is shown wearing the Springlock suit to lure children. This could either be an oversight, or it's equally possible William used two different suits during the murders.
      • It could also be Fazbear Entertainment changing the suit's appearance so they aren't directly associated with the Missing Children Incident or Fredbear's Family Diner.
    • PurpleGuyEasterEgg

      William Afton's minigame sprite from the trailer.

      William Afton's "SAVETHEM" minigame sprite from the second game appeared briefly from the far bottom right of the launch trailer video, at timestamp 1:31.
    • Springtrap uses both full and paraphrased versions of the voice lines spoken by Nightmare and Nightmare Fredbear in Ultimate Custom Night, possibly suggesting a connection between William and the Nightmare animatronics.
    • The jaw of the "corpse" is rigged to vigorously move with Springtrap's animatronic jaw, as opposed to being completely static like in his previous appearances.

    Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach

    • Scraptrap, Afton's previous form in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, appears on one of the arcade cabinets, from the game called Mad Science With Dr. Scraptrap.


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