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Weird things couples do in private

Published 2 months ago3 minute read
 Weird things couples do in private (Photo: iStock)

When people start dating they have different perspectives of each other and this is portrayed in very different ways, but the best thing about being comfortable in a relationship is that you no longer have to hide your quirks and that's where the fun begins.

It can be very embarrassing for some, and very romantic for others, but if your partner accepts you for who you are, that is all that matters. Here are some of the weird things people do when they are dating or even married:

Finishing each other's sentences: This may or may not be weird, but couples do it most of the time. Being in a relationship with someone makes you learn their behaviour and think almost the same way. Being so used to each other makes couples able to predict each other's thoughts and phrases. It is so cute when your significant other finishes your sentences.

Secret handshakes: Some couples have secret handshakes and gestures when they communicate. Most of the time, only the couple knows about the secret handshakes and gestures and only they can understand each other. For some, this may seem strange, but for others, it is very romantic.

Bottom massages: Some couples give each other bottom massages. This may be shocking to most people, but it is a strange way to show love to your partner. Don't be shocked if you see couples giving each other butt massages at the end of the day.

Butt slapping: Most of the time you will see couples slapping each other's buttocks in a very casual way. This starts as a habit whenever they pass each other. For some people, this is a very romantic way of expressing their love for each other.

Having a secret language: Some couples go one step further and come up with their secret language. Whenever they are in public or travelling, they speak in a language that only they can decipher. This allows them to talk about private matters without worrying that others will be able to understand.

Sharing the same toothbrush: Couples usually end up sharing their toothbrushes without feeling disgusted by either one. It is not recommended from a health point of view, but for some, it is not a strange behaviour at all.

Standing in each other's way: The more you love someone, the more you do things to make them happy or even annoy them. In some relationships, people tend to stand in their partner's way to play with them and annoy them. It might be weird for some and not for others.

Record the snoring: In a relationship where one person snores, the other person can record them sleeping and tease them. This funny video can be used to make fun of the other partner and this silly behaviour brings happiness. However, some couples may find this strange and others may not.

Peeing in the bath: When you have been with someone for a long time, many lines become blurred. You may be in the shower and your partner may be peeing in the toilet. This may be weird for some couples, but for others it is normal.

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