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Trump is appeasing Putin. Where is our Winston Churchill? - Los Angeles Times

Published 3 weeks ago2 minute read
,” column, Feb. 24)

In addition to the sacrifice of Ukraine, President Trump is likely emboldening the Russian dictator to cast his proprietary eye over neighboring Poland, Moldova and other European countries it considers in its sphere of influence. Are we to sit quietly and watch the reconstruction of the Soviet Union?

British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain tried appeasing Adolf Hitler in 1938, sacrificing the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia to Germany in order to win “peace in our time.” World War II was the result of his failure.

Strong American presidents do not make deals with autocrats. Where is our Winston Churchill?

Elizabeth Alexander, Ojai


To the editor: Contrary to the message in the print edition headline for Doyle McManus’ column, the U.S. is far from “turning its back on Ukraine.”

We are seeking a constructive end to the war while continuing to support Ukraine militarily. This, despite all of our president’s heckling.

With all due respect, McManus appears old enough to remember our 1973 pullout from South Vietnam. That was abandonment, plain and simple. I served two years in that war.

Jeff Denker, Malibu


To the editor: Countries voting against the United Nations resolution condemning Russia for the war in Ukraine included Russia, North Korea, Belarus — and us, the United States. Really?

Congress, please speak up.

Helen Maurer, Mission Viejo

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