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Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered Trailer Highlights Multiple Bosses - The Tech Game

Published 1 month ago1 minute read

Aspyr Media’s latest trailer for Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered offers a quick look at the various bosses encountered in the upcoming remastered collection. On top of brief snatches of combat, fans can also see how the bosses have improved visually. Check it out below.

The threats in question include Cleopatra’s Guard, Set, and Mechanical Horseman from Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. There’s also Mechanical Head from Tomb Raider: Chronicles and Brother Obscura from Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness. Each looks pretty responsive, though if the remasters for the latter two titles are anything like the originals, it may not matter.

Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered launches on February 14th for Xbox One, PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, PC, and Xbox Series X/S. Check out our interview with the development team to learn about the various enhancements and quality-of-life features. These include confirmation that all three remasters will run in 4K/60 FPS on Xbox Series X and PS5.

: Gaming Discussion

: https://gamingbolt.com/tomb-raider-4-6-remastered-trailer-highlights-multiple-bosses

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