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The Unicorn Unleashed

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===Main cast===


===Main cast===


*[[Hudson Thames]] as [[Spider-Man (Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man)|Peter Parker/Spider-Man]]


*[[Hudson Thames]] as [[Spider-Man (Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man)|Peter Parker/Spider-Man]]

*Grace Song as [[Nico Minoru]]


*Grace Song as [[Nico Minoru (Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man)|Nico Minoru]]


*[[Zeno Robinson]] as [[Harry Osborn]]


*[[Zeno Robinson]] as [[Harry Osborn]]


*[[Eugene Byrd]] as [[Tombstone (Marvel)|Lonnie Lincoln/Tombstone]]


*[[Eugene Byrd]] as [[Tombstone (Marvel)|Lonnie Lincoln/Tombstone]]

"The Unicorn Unleashed" is the fifth episode of Marvel's Disney+ series Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. It premiered on February 5, 2025, immediately after "Hitting the Big Time".

Peter makes a new friend. Meanwhile, Lonnie finds himself in the sights of a dangerous gang.

Masaryk meets with Octavius about purchasing his weapons, though he insists they be referred to as upgrades. For her troubles, he gifts her a helmet that fires a laser from the top. She accepts, later dubbing herself Unicorn, and leaves to break her crew out. In private, Octavius angrily vents to his assistant Vincent Patilio of having to work under the likes of Osborn, hoping to eventually become greater than him, Tony Stark, or Bruce Banner.

Osborn informs Peter that due to his constant workload, he has decided to have Harry be part of the team and act as his aid for when he goes around crimefighting. Peter and Harry's relationship is initially awkward, but they get along quite fine. When Harry takes Peter to school (Harry is homeschooled and thus has a lot free time), Peter is doted on by everyone including the teachers. Nico informs Peter that he is a social media star, explaining the praise, and despite her supposed antagonism towards him, Peter deduces that she might have a crush on him.

Pearl tells Lonnie that she and Peter have been covering for him due to his constant absences. While he attempts to get back to his football practice, he is constantly getting calls from Donovan demanding that he meet up with him and the One Tenths. Lonnie explains that he cannot constantly cut into his school time, but Donovan will have none of it and sends Bulldozer to come and pick him up.

Masaryk breaks her crew out of prison using her new tech. While she blows up several police cars, Dmitri and Roxanna decide to sneak away, but Mikhail refuses to leave Masaryk behind. Harry directs Peter to the chaos as he and Masaryk battle one another. Meanwhile, Lonnie meets with the One Tenths who are standing off against the Scorpions and a fight between both gangs breaks out. In a simultaneous moment, Lonnie takes a knife for Donovan from Gargan, and Masaryk intentionally blasts as Mikhail so that Peter can jump in the way and protect him.

The police arrive to break up the gang fight as Bulldozer gets Lonnie away from the danger and Masaryk attempts to finish off Peter. Mikhail stops Masaryk as she has gone too far and warns her that they are lingering. Peter recovers fast enough to web up Masaryk. He thanks Mikhail for his help, but he insists that they are still enemies, but are even.

Harry inadvertently reminds Peter that he promised Nico that he would go to the movies with her. He manages to arrive, covering that his recent bruises are from a banana peel, but reveals that he brought Harry along as well. Nico, while slightly put off by it, reluctantly accepts his inclusion. Lonnie gets a hero's welcome from the One Tenths, with Donovan confirming that he fully trusts him now. Due to how he was "almost put in the ground", they decide to give Lonnie a nickname: Tombstone, which Lonnie admits that he likes.

Guest cast

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Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man logo

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (soundtrack) • Comic Prequel
Heroes: Peter Parker/Spider-ManStephen Strange/Doctor StrangeMatt Murdock/DaredevilTony Stark/Iron ManGwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen

Villains: Mac Gargan/ScorpionOtto OctaviusTombstoneCarmilla BlackMila Masaryk/UnicornDmitri Smerdyakov/ChameleonJames Sanders/Speed DemonMaria Vasquez/TarantulaButane
Other characters: Norman OsbornAunt MayNico MinoruHarry OsbornPearl PanganAmadeus ChoCarla ConnorsThaddeus RossCoach Phil GrayfieldKlevRichard Parker

"Amazing Fantasy" • "The Parker Luck" • "Secret Identity Crisis" • "Hitting the Big Time" • "" • "Duel with the Devil" • "Scorpion Rising" • "Tangled Web" • "Hero or Menace" • "If This Be My Destiny"
See Also
New York CityWeb-Shooters • "Neighbor Like Me"
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Fandom, Inc.

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