Syphon Filter 3
This article currently has one or more unidentified weapons.
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Syphon Filter 3 | ||||||||||||
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The following weapons appear in the video game Syphon Filter 3:
The player begins most missions with the Glock 17, mounted with a silencer.
2nd Generation Glock 17 - 9x19mm. This model added finger stepping and cuts to the backstrap of the frame to make it easier to hold than the Generation 1 model.
The Desert Eagle, or the 'Falcon', its in-game moniker, is a hand cannon that can be found in Hotel Fukushima. The weapon is used by Shi-Hao's bodyguards, leader of a rogue Chinese army revolutionary group, and some of Mara Aramov's assassins during the DC courtroom battle.
The Colt M1911A1, another heavy-hitting pistol, appears in the game.
Satin Nickel M1911A1 - .45 ACP. Manufactured on license by Remington Rand - nickel plated later by its owner.
The Glock 18 is a fully automatic machine pistol used by Aramov's thugs in Senate Building and DC Subway.
All images of the G-18 in the trilogy erroneously show the pistol with its slide locked back, indicating that it is empty. This may have been done for aesthetic reasons. In real life, the Glock 18 does not have any significant design differences (aside from a cut in the slide and a select-fire switch) from the Glock 17, which serves as the direct inspiration for Gabe's most well-known weapon, the Silenced 9mm, so the gun was probably intentionally displayed like this to avoid confusion.
Maggie Powers and Gabe Logan are seen with low-detail handguns during the attempt to scuttle the Lorelei. Although judging from the shape, it appears to be based on the a Glock pistol.
The ARES FMG is seen in the hands of Aramov's goons.
Following a convention from Syphon Filter 2, the "HK5" is now a Heckler & Koch MP5SD rather than an MP5K as it was in the first game.
Mara Aramov does an excellent demonstration of not flinching as she sprays Vince Hadden and the main characters with an MP5, as is fitting of an elite assassin.
The Skorpion can be used during the scuttling of the Lorelei.
Exactly why this weapon was so damn overpowered in the game is never explained, though it is almost certainly a reference to Goldeneye 007's notoriously useless Klobb, which was called the "Spyder" during that game's development. Fortunately, the weapon is never available in multiplayer.
The USAS-12 can be used in the game; it firstly appears in 'C5 Galaxy' when Gabe takes matters into his own hands and tries to exact revenge on behalf of Ellis during Erich Rhoemer's escape from the Costa Rican plantation. He ends up doing a similar thing to what he did to Jason Chance in the previous game: use an automatic shotgun to drive Rhoemer out from the cargo bay. The weapon can be acquired again in 'Aztec Ruins' but due to the presence of the G11 and various other rifles, it is somewhat less useful, but still invaluable thanks to the ruins' abundance of tight corridors.
Daewoo USAS-12 CQ with 20-round drum - 12 Gauge. Notice that unlike the original USAS-12 (seen above), the CQ version lacks the front sight, and also has a re-designed carry handle.
The SPAS-15 can be found in the Hotel Fukushima if the purple T-shirt-wearing character survives, and is also seen in the Waterfront. Bizarrely loaded with 'fragmentation' rounds that explode on contact. This is arguably the most devastating weapon due to the explosive rounds combined with automatic firing speed, making an already overpowered weapon even more damaging.
The weapon is also available in multiplayer, and the idea of an automatic mini-grenade launcher with pin-point accuracy that can kill you with a single hit is as overpowered as it sounds.
A generic 'shotgun' can be used. It is similar to the Mossberg 590 Compact Cruiser.
Lian Xing can procure the Steyr AUG carbine during Kabul, Afghanistan and when she captures Elsa Weissenger in Australia. Another one can be found in the final level, when Gabe confronts Aramov in the subway, and is needed to safely neutralize her without harming her hostage. The weapon can only fire in single shots, although a real version of this firearm has a fully automatic firing option as well. The weapon is called the "AU300".
The telescopic x1.5 Swarovski scope has been depicted as having a fictional "X-ray" function (it says that its replaced with a Russian scope, except that a portable scope with actual X-ray capabilities is non-existent and would highly dangerous to everyone involved due to bombarding anything it sights through with lethal amounts of radiation, not to mention bulky.), that can see through certain surfaces. Its also equipped with armor-piercing ammunition, which allows it to dispatch targets through walls.
The scope on the Steyr AUG appears to be mounted higher than it is in real life. Its also stated to be silenced, despite nothing resembling a silencer being attached and that its gas system propels 5.56x45mm rounds through almost any wall, something a gun's gas system is certainly not responsible for. Also no, the AUG was never known as the "X-ray gun".
The G11 is available in the last pack of missions when Gabe hunts down Mara Aramov. It's incorrectly classed as a sniper rifle likely due to its custom scope view, but still handles like an assault rifle due to its blisteringly high rate of fire.
An unknown weapon named "K3G4" is available during certain missions. Though considered a 'rifle', it is held one-handed. It fires so-called 'Teflon' rounds that penetrate armoured enemies, permitting their deaths without headshots. Bizarrely, enemies drop their flak jackets upon death, so it is possible to kill them with this weapon AND still replenish one's armour.
The M16A2 is seen, replacing the A1 model seen in the previous games. The world model strangely appears without the stock or buffer tube modeled (which would in reality render the weapon inoperable given that there's no space whatsoever for the bolt carrier to slide back into and, thus, it's essentially impossible to load a round into the chamber).
Additionally, the weapon still fires in both bursts and full-auto, the latter of which the A2 variant is incapable of doing.
What appears to be the AK-102, judging from the name and locale it is used, appears in the game. Unlike its previous incarnation, the gun now appears with all wooden accessories.
A SIG SG 550 is depicted as the game's sniper rifle.
Gabe prepares to assassinate a Japanese general to stop him from using the titular virus in a flashback
The 'Nightvision rifle' seems to resemble a Dragunov. It is equipped with some kind of aiming device meant to highlight targets in low-light settings.
C4 charges once again make an appearance.
Despite being, in real life, an explosive grenade, the M67 appears as an incendiary grenade.
M69 training grenade - an inert version of the M67 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade. The real live version has a more brownish color and has painted factory markings on the body.
A grenade containing Soman nerve gas (a chemical similar to, but more toxic than, Sarin, also known as GD) can be found in stealth missions. It appears to essentially be a truncated M7 CS gas grenade. It is integral to taking enemies down without sounding the alarm.
Incorrectly called the 'M-79' in-game (in reference to the M79 Grenade Launcher), the Tru Flite 37mm Super Long Range Gas Gun is, in reality, unable to launch high-explosive grenades. The model seems to be similar to that used in previous games.
A M79 Grenade Launcher for comparison. When compared to the in game model below, it is evident this is not a M79, despite being called and referenced to one.
An unidentified crossbow can be used during the Pugari missions and in Paradise Ridge. Firing knockout rounds, it generally renders targets unconscious unless the player aims for one's head. The weapon has a red dot sight and a maximum capacity of five rounds.
A general-purpose, non-descript taser is a starting weapon in every mission. The signature weapon of the series, it was possible to set enemies alight if sustained stunning was used. This convention carried over to most games in the franchise, but it was not possible to cause targets to be set aflame in certain circumstances. In the PS2 and Vita versions of Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror, you can't burn enemies with the Taser but in the PSP version, you can. In Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow, you can't burn enemies with it. This is a version of the early Taser prop seen in movies such as The Perfect Weapon and TV shows such as The X-Files.
KA-BAR Combat Knife
The combat blade from Syphon Filter 2 returns.
Automated sentry
Rhoemer's plantation is defended by numerous turrets which the player must destroy to advance.