Super Bowl: Strabane piper scores TV touchdown with advert
He said "out of the blue" he received an email asking if his music could be used for a Super Bowl advertisement.
"I was working on a cruise ship at the time," Chris explained.
"The email came through at about 05:30 in the the morning and the email heading was something like: 'Can we use your music for a Superbowl advert?'
"I thought surely that's a spam email so I ignored it, but then a second email came through and then after two days a third email arrived.
"At that point I was like OK and checked it out, they showed me all their credentials and I checked them out and then, once I was convinced they were like the real deal, went for it."
Chris said the song they asked to use was actually recorded in his house and all done using a standard microphone.
"The song is called the Limerick Lament and it's from 1607, so it's been around awhile," he said.
"They just seemed to go for it because it was the sound they were after."
Asked if he stayed up to watch his Super Bowl debut, Chris said that unfortunately jet lag got the better of him and he was unable to stay awake to witness it play out live to a global audience.
"I was flying back from the Caribbean after working on the cruise ship and I was absolutely wrecked," he said.
"I tried my very best to stay up, but I just couldn't.
"So many people though, friends and family, all recorded it for me and I also managed to watch it back on the re-runs so that's something.
"The response has been incredible and I'm just really proud of it."
Chris said since the advert aired, he has received so many messages asking about the uilleann pipes and said he was delighted to help highlight the instrument.