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Roller coaster track catches fire 70 feet in the air at old Six Flags New Orleans site

Published 2 months ago1 minute read

About 15 feet of roller coaster track at the old Six Flags New Orleans site has caught fire 70 feet in the air, the New Orleans Fire Department said Saturday night. 

Smoke and flames were billowing from the New Orleans East property at 10 p.m. 

NOFD Capt. Eddie Holmes said in a press release that motorists and residents nearby reported the fire and several 911 calls have been received.

Because of the topography and location of the blaze, it is completely inaccessible to firefighters and equipment but is not a threat to public safety, Holmes said.

The Six Flags site is in the process of being demolished. NOFD contacted Korver Demolition, the company handling the demolition, to make him aware of the incident.

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