Procedural Impropriety in FAZ Elections
Procedural Impropriety in FAZ Elections
Lawyer Japhet Zulu Wrote;
Article 8 clause 3 of the FAZ Electoral Code, provides as follows:-
” Within two days of the deadline for submission of the the candidatures ,the Electoral Committee shall inform in writing those candidates who have failed to provide all the relevant documents in support of their candidatures and grant them another three days to complete their applications .If the relevant candidates fail to complete their application within the prescribed deadline,their candidatures shall be declared invalid”
Arising from the above provision,the following questions arise:-
1.Did the FAZ Electoral Committee,within two days of close of nominations,write to any of the eight candidates who are challenging Andrew Kamanga for the FAZ presidency, to inform them of which relevant documents ,in the opinion of the committee, the said candidates had failed to provide in support of their respective applications?
2.If the answer to ( 1 )above is yes,then, further, did the FAZ Electoral Committee give any of the eight challengers an additional three days to complete their applications?
If the answers to both questions (1) and (2) above are in the negative,then, the actions and pronouncements of the FAZ Electoral Committee to disqualify all eight Kamanga challengers, in breach of their own rules,amounts to anarchy or incompetence or bias or all three.