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Mental Health Matters Leading Experts Discuss Mental Health In Children Bullying Social Media And Technology

Published 2 months ago4 minute read

Prioritising mental health has become the talk of the season, with people advocating mental health over social media, offices, schools, and colleges. However, are enough steps being taken to address mental health challenges worldwide? 

On 17th January, the GD Goenka University in collaboration with Fortis Hospital, hosted the VARTAH National School Counselor's Summit, to focus on elevating mental health practices and addressing bullying in schools. The summit featured expert panellists including Dr Samir Parikh, Chairperson, Fortis National Mental Health Program, Dr Anjali Midha, Dean of School of Liberal Arts Faculty, GD Goenka University, Dr Amrita Bahl, Chief Education Officer, GD Goenka Group, and Prof (Dr) Kim Menezes, Vice Chancellor, GD Goenka University. 

In an exclusive interaction with , we spoke to and to gain insights into this insightful discussion.


Prioritising mental health needs a collective effort. According to the 2024 study, 13% of young people aged 10-19 suffer from mental illness. Parenting style plays an important role in shaping the mental health of their children. 

Advocating for mental health literacy and mental health curriculum as a part of education can help raise awareness for teachers and parents. “It is also important to ensure children have the necessary support and safety to grow into happy individuals. There is a necessity of identifying and addressing mental health issues at the right time,” said Dr Parikh.

As schools are often the first formal institutions children attend outside their homes, they play a critical role in shaping trust, communication, and social skills. “In school, children develop essential life skills, including trust, communication, teamwork, and relationship-building and learn to distinguish between socially acceptable and unacceptable behaviours. Schools, especially preschools and junior wings, play a vital role in socialisation, emotional development, and personality growth,” explained Dr Midha.


Here are some measures suggested by Dr Parikh that can help tackle bullying in educational institutions

Dr Midha further added, "Both the bully and the victim require equal attention and psychological support. Bullying often happens because someone doesn't realise how their actions are hurting others, or because they want attention." Hence, it becomes important to identify the reasons for the bullying behaviour and provide the person with counselling and psychological support. If not addressed, bullies may continue this behaviour into adulthood, causing problems in their professional and personal lives.


“I don't think the social media trend of supporting mental health is having a significant impact, given that globally, 75% of people who need support don't seek help. Even today, the stigma, taboo, and perceived discrimination are much greater than the access people have or can initiate. Despite increased awareness over the past three decades, many people don't seek help,” explained Dr Parikh.

Self-help has been beneficial, even before the internet era. Self-help books and support from family members have long been valuable resources. However, self-help should not be substituted for clinical treatment. It's essential to recognise the distinction between self-help and clinical intervention. The same principle applies to conversations about mental health. Conversations about mental health are valuable when they're factually correct, sensitive, and non-judgmental.

“Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play a significant role in promoting mental health in the coming years. Since we do not have enough experts to cater to the needs of the population, AI can be of help. It can act as a filler and help those who aren't able to receive timely treatment,” added Dr Parikh.

According to the Frontiers in Digital Health, AI-driven initiatives can help provide accurate information, reduce stigma, and promote dialogue about mental health. This can be achieved by utilising advanced technologies, such as natural language processing, sentiment analysis, and data mining.


I believe it's essential for us to be connected with our inner selves. There is a sense of competition and one-upmanship and all of these are reflections of the way the society right now is functioning. The more you're visible, the more you're prominent and the more successful you are.  Ultimately, this takes away from our authentic selves.

“In psychology, there's the concept of the true self and the false self. The true self refers to our inner essence, while the false self is the image we project to others. This projection can vary depending on the situation. Pursuing online popularity and following trends can lead us further away from our values and inner selves. This pressure to conform contributes to rising instances of depression and anxiety. It's essential that we learn to accept and love ourselves,” concluded Dr Midha.

[ This article contains information provided by an expert and is for informational purposes only. Hence, we advise you to consult your professional if you are dealing with any health issue to avoid complications.]

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