LRC Italy tours pastry manufacturing giant during leadership development site visit | Article | The United States Army
VICENZA, Italy – Supporting the Army’s warfighting mission doesn’t normally involve croissants and cakes, but for employees at Logistics Readiness Center Italy it did Feb. 5 when they conducted a leadership development program site visit to the Bauli International Pastry Factory in Verona, Italy.
While there, the team from Bauli showed the visitors from LRC Italy how their products are made from start to finish, to include the production lines and other areas within the confectionary art manufacturing facility. And at the conclusion of the tour, the LRC Italy visitors were provided freshly baked samples straight out of the ovens.
The chief of supply and services at LRC Italy, Michael Sheridan, presented a plaque of appreciation to Bauli President Michele Bauli at the conclusion of the site visit. During his presentation, Sheridan said he recognizes the significance of the pastry company’s long-standing vision and said, for him personally, the company was a part of his family’s daily life for many years.
“Bauli accompanied my daughter to school every day,” Sheridan said. “We would give her a Bauli product for break time snack, and she loved them.”
The family-led pastry manufacturing giant and Italian tradition for over 100 years now has five factories, world-wide. It supplies over 70 countries across five continents with cakes, croissants, pastries and holiday confectionary art products.
Employees from LRC Italy toured the Bauli facility to appreciate the company’s rich history while learning about its current manufacturing techniques, research and development, and quality control procedures.
For LRC Italy, these leadership development visits foster esprit de corps within the team while helping the organization better understand and appreciate Italian host nation culture. And being professional logisticians themselves, visiting billion-dollar manufacturing companies like Bauli also provides them with best practices and ideas to improve their sustainment and logistics support missions.
“I enjoyed visiting the Bauli company because I enjoy learning of new and innovative ways of doing business,” said Giro Luciana, an administrative support assistant at LRC Italy’s Maintenance Division. “I was just amazed by the technology employed in their production. In addition, I enjoyed learning about the history of this very successful Italian company.”
“Visiting the Bauli factory was a truly insightful experience,” said Ivelisse Rodriguez, the supervisor of the LRC Italy Drivers Testing and Training Station. “I enjoyed learning about the rich history behind the brand and seeing the production process, but the real highlight was sampling their delicious baked goods.”
“At the end, the Bauli team gifted us with some of their classics – chocolate-filled croissants, Easter eggs, colomba [Italian traditional Easter bread] and crackers,” said Elena Esposito, an LRC Italy administrative support assistant in the Plans and Operations Division. “We were extremely thankful for this opportunity.”
“I didn’t like the Bauli trip. I loved the Bauli trip,” added Ricardo Rodriguez, also from plans and operations.
Bauliis an Italian food company of bakery products – such as pandoro, panettone, colomba and croissants – founded in Verona in 1922 by pastry chef Ruggero Bauli. When it comes to special occasion baked products, Bauli is the leading company in the recurrence market world-wide with about a 37 percent share at Christmas and 33 percent at Easter.
LRC Italy is one of eight LRCs under the command and control of the 405th Army Field Support Brigade. LRCs execute installation logistics support and services to include supply, maintenance, and transportation as well as clothing issue facility operations, hazardous material management, personal property and household goods, passenger travel, non-tactical vehicle and garrison equipment management, and property book operations. When it comes to providing day-to-day installation services, LRC Italy directs, manages and coordinates a variety of operations and activities in support of U.S. Army Garrison Italy.
LRC Italy reports to the 405th AFSB, which is headquartered in Kaiserslautern, Germany. The brigade provides materiel enterprise support to U.S. forces throughout Europe and Africa – providing theater sustainment logistics; synchronizing acquisition, logistics and technology; and leveraging U.S. Army Materiel Command’s materiel enterprise to support joint forces. For more information on the 405th AFSB, visit the official website and the official Facebook site.