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List of references in non-Disney web videos/G-M

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*In the 10 Minute Power Hour on March 3, 2025, a photo of Arin and Dan on [[Splash Mountain]] is seen in the intro. The [[Hulk]]'s fist is seen in the background.


*In the 10 Minute Power Hour on March 3, 2025, a photo of Arin and Dan on [[Splash Mountain]] is seen in the intro. The [[Hulk]]'s fist is seen in the background.


*In the short "Kassem G literally kills Dan", the [[Hulk]]'s fist is seen in the background.


*In the short "Kassem G literally kills Dan", the [[Hulk]]'s fist is seen in the background.


*In the 10 Minute Power Hour on March 10, 2025, a photo of Arin and Dan on [[Splash Mountain]] is seen in the intro. The [[Hulk]]'s fist is seen in the background.





This page contains or is about mature content.
It may not be suitable for all readers.

This is a list of references to Disney in notable web videos neither produced nor distributed by Disney.

This sub-page contains only web series with titles that start with the letters G through M.

See also: List of references in non-Disney web videos/0-F
List of references in non-Disney web videos/N-V
List of references in non-Disney web videos/W-Z
                        Poopsmith Tron

                        The Poopsmith dressed as Tron (as seen in "Homestarloween Party")

                                                                • In "The Most Cursed Facts From the Limenade Community!", one of the facts mentions that Pirates of the Caribbean uses a real human skull. Another fact says that if Finding Nemo was accurate, "Nemo's dad" would have become female. Another fact says that the Ewoks having a dress in Leia Organa's size implies they have eaten someone her size before. Another fact says Peter Pan was based on J. M. Barre's 13-year-old brother, who died after cracking his skull open while ice skating
                                                                • In "EAT OR NOT EAT! | Markiplier's Pokemon Smash Or Pass", when Hunter gets to Ratatta, he says he is "not eating Ratatouille"
                                                                • "Do You Wanna Build a Portal?" is a parody of "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" sung in the perspective of Bill Cipher to Ford Pines
                                                                • In "Best Memes of February 2022" (published March 4, 2022), one meme mentions the user struggling to remember the "name of the dog from Bolt". Another K-2SO representing someone trying to reach the word limit in an essay. Another meme features Lightning McQueen representing the Clone Wars and Chick Hicks and The King representing other kids shows. Another meme features Obi-Wan Kenobi reacting in shock to video games not causing violence. Another meme features Mr. Incredible supporting buying followers and reacting in shock to buying voters. Another meme features Winnie the Pooh opposing being rickrolled, but supporting being "rolled by Rick". Another meme features Tony Stark representing YouTube searching for eight-month-old videos to take down. Another meme features Palpatine representing a person being upset their mom gave away their LEGO. Another meme features Han Solo and Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon representing a snail being picked up. Another meme features Chris Farely from a Saturday Night Live sketch in a McDonald's movie holding a wad of cash representing "Disney after inventing princesses". Another meme features Davy Jones representing boys still liking a crush years later.
                                                                • In "Eating Even More Pokemon | Markiplier's Pokemon Smash or Pass", Hunter calls Tornadus the Genie from Aladdin
                                                                • In "The Most CURSED comments of March (So far...) | r/CursedComments" (published March 9, 2022), one meme has Sam Wilson saying a comment saying modern art Is so bad because art teachers made sure to pass everyone after World War 2 is "out of line but right".
                                                                • In "History Memes That Are Royally Good", one meme has Doctor Octopus representing the difference between other countries' reaction to Germany unifying after World War 2 and cartographers' reaction to Germany unifying after World War 2. Another meme has General Grievous representing Hindus adding Christianity's God to their collection. Another meme has Tony Stark representing Pope Gregory XIII ensuring 2/22/22 fell on a Tuesday. Another meme shows Chef Skinner representing John Batman reading the letter from the Australian government refusing to let him name his city Batmania. Another meme has Mr. Incredible representing the difference between reading about historical events and living through historical events.
                                                                • In "BONE APPLE TEA VOL. 1", one post mentions the "Jet I mind trick" with a reply mentions "Dark Vader"
                                                                • In "BRITISH MEMES VOL.1", one meme shows Obi-Wan Kenobi calling the countries with Britain's flag in their flags clones of Britain. Another memes has Doctor Octopus making fun of the fact Britain killed a lot of its own soldiers without making much progress in World War I. Another meme has Palpatine representing Henry VII having another daughter. Another meme has Gamora talking to Thanos, the latter representing Britain losing many colonies after preventing Germany from colonizing Prussia. Another meme has General Grievous representing Britain and its many African colonies. Another meme has Henry VII's face pasted over Drax the Destroyer calling himself humble after killing his wife for being unable to give him another child.
                                                                • In "EVEN MORE CURSED FOOD!", after Hunter comments on how high his voice got when reacting in displeasure to someone putting ice cubes on French fries, Hunter does Mickey Mouse's laugh.
                                                                • In "AWFUL TASTE... But GREAT EXECUTION! (Still Cursed tho)", one of the pictures is of a tattoo of a crocodile (presumably Tick-Tock the Crocodile) eating a kid wearing a Mickey Mouse Ears Hat in front of Cinderella Castle. Another is a see-through Stormtrooper helmet. Another is a cake designed as a muscular Olaf. Another describes furry boots as "Wookiee shoes". Another has a cow dressed as Spider-Man. Hunter says that a washing machine and dryer made to look like wooden crates look like they were designed for Disneyland, Disney World, or California Adventure.
                                                                • In "THE ULTIMATE FIGHT BEGINS NOW | r/BossFight", one meme has a man dressed a Peter Pan and another dressed as Peter Pan's Shadow. Another meme has Din Djarin shopping for the toilet paper brand Bounty (a play on "bounty hunter"), causing Hunter to mention The Mandalorian. Another meme shows the description for a World War II documentary being mistakenly put under Bill Nye the Science Guy. After an accidentally combined ad for Shell and Cif makes it sound like the two companies are planning to destroy the universe, a meme places the two companies' logos over Thanos.
                                                                • In "American Memes That Invaded For Oil", one meme has Carl Fredricksen (representing the FBI) "awarding" Russell (representing a civil rights activist) an assassination. Another meme has Thanos representing George Washington returning to Mount Vernon after winning the Revolutionary War. Another meme has Obi-Wan Kenobi representing Hubert Hoover panicking when the stock market was crashing shortly before the Great Depression. Another meme has Thanos representing dictators winning elections with 95% of the vote respecting Iron Man representing George Washington winning the election with 100% of the vote. Another meme has Carl Fredricksen (representing the CIA) shooting Russell (representing a journalist). Another meme has a solider from Mulan representing John McCarthy "exposing" anyone who disagreed with him as a communist. Another meme has Captain America representing America separating church and state.
                                                                • In "THE RETURN OF LAUGH AND DIE - LAUGH AND DIE VERSUS #1", one video involves a lady at Disneyland getting rejected by Gaston. Another video is a child attempting to make a YouTube video of Club Penguin. Another clip uses Black Widow, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and Hulk to spell a curse word. Another clip has a man imitating Kylo Ren when first receiving Kylo Ren's Lightsaber.
                                                                • In "The Best Memes of March 2022" (published March 28, 2022), one meme features Electro, Green Goblin, and Doctor Octopus representing a new group of friends with similar eccentricities as each other. Hunter mentions Spider-Man. Another meme has Scrooge McDuck, Dewey, and Louie representing gas stations during the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Three memes featuring Mr. Incredible, the first representing the difference in enjoyment of something being free compared to a free tail, the second representing someone agreeing with everything on a list before releasing it's a checklist of symptoms, and the third representing a child staying the night at a "friend's house" in the basement, and the fourth representing a millionaire in the United States vs. Venezuela. Another meme has Cinderella and Rapunzel comparing their significant others followed by Fa Mulan bragging she killed a man. Another meme has Thanos representing Russian citizens realizing they treated NordVPN too harshly after the Ukraine crisis. Another has Scott Lang wondering what happened to the modern History Channel. Another meme has Mike Wazowski representing someone taking a shower when a fire alarm goes off.
                                                                • In "USING MEMES TO TEACH YOU ABOUT THE USSR", one meme has Black Panther representing a Russian commissar refusing to fall back in a war. Another meme has Scarlet Witch (representingMoldova) telling Thanos he took everything of her, and the latter representing the USSR. Another meme has Spider-Man representing Joesph Stalin thinking everyone loves him after taking over the USSR. Another meme has Nick Fury being snapped away by Thanos representing USSR citizens during the expression "You are what you eat". Another meme hasAnakin Skywalker (representing Joesph Stalin) telling a group of Clone Troopers (representing the USSR) not to panic because he is in charge, before one of the Clone Troopers says that is why they're panicking. Another meme features a Battle Droid with Borat's head. Another meme has Maul representing Stalin saying someone can speak their opinion, but only in Siberia. Another meme has Captain America representing Stsnislav Petrov refusing to launch a missile. Another meme has Lightning McQueen representing China industrializing in two decades instead of two centuries. Another meme has Thanos representing Stalin being calling a madman after starving Ukrainians to industrialize in two decades instead of two centuries. Another meme has K-2SO (representing the Soviet Union) "rescuing" Jyn Erso, representing numerous countries,
                                                                • In "BEING ENTERTAINED AND HORRIFIED BY PERFECTLY CUT SCREAMS!", one of the videos features Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Anakin Skywalker, and Jar Jar Binks in footage from LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
                                                                • In "Cursed Memes and Comments #4!", one meme points out that Ultron decided to destroy the world after looking at the internet for five seconds.
                                                                • In "The Best Memes of April" (uploaded May 11, 2022), one meme has Jack Sparrow telling Netflix to keep telling itself that adding ads will increase profits. Another meme has Mr. Incredible realizing the grim meaning of "London Bridge is Falling Down", Another meme has Mr. Incredible reacting to the difference between the statements "You are unique" and "You are different". Another meme has Red Skull representing a ten-year-old bringing a beer to their parent (represented by Thanos).
                                                                • In "The BEST History Memes!", one meme has Spider-Man asking Nick Fury and Maria Hill if Thor Odinson, Captain Marvel, or the socialist Federal Republic of Yougoslavia could help, to which he is told they can't due to being off world, unavailable, and "last online 30 years ago" respectively. Two memes feature Mr. Incredible, one comparing people who want to time travel and people who know history and the other has him representing someone at a party at the palace of Versailles realizing there are no toilets at the palace. Another meme has Doctor Strange (representing Roman soldiers) reacting in confusion to Peter Parker (representing Saint Peter) requesting to be crucified upside down. Another meme has Hulk being confused by Ukraine only being a country for 37 years, but having a seat in the United Nations for 77. Another meme has Skurge (representing New Zealand) presenting the first tank.
                                                                • In "World's Most Cursed Memes Compilation - Part 1!", Hunter does an impression of Yoda.
                                                                • In "The Best Memes of the Month (May 2022)" (uploaded June 23, 2022), one meme features Dale attempting to stay asleep while using the bathroom in the middle of the night. Another meme makes fun of the use of green screen in Marvel movies. Another meme has Star-Lord excited to play a multiplayer game (represented by the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy) before Thor Odinson (representing a 45-gigabyte update) slides into view. Another meme has the poster of Turning Red representing what America thought was happening during the Cold War.
                                                                • In "Explaining German History WITH MEMES", after one meme makes fun of German companies' "our history" section on their websites being blank, Hunter sings "We don't talk about Germany". Another meme has Kronk representing Bismarck preparing to become the 40th German state. Another meme has Palpatine (representing Germans in 1933) claiming to hate democracy. Another meme has Thanos (representing the Welimar Republic) claiming that 400 billion marks for a loaf of bread is perfectly balanced. Another meme has Gamora asking Thanos how much his bread cost and Thanos answering 1,637,472,839,377,182 marks. Another meme has Anakin Skywalker representing Germany calling America's use of shotguns unfair despite owning flamethrowers. Another meme has Buzz Lightyear (representing Germany) upset that America and the Soviet Union stole its inventions. Another meme has Ford Pines confused by the map of Western Europe after World War II.
                                                                • In "The Best History Memes I've Found", one meme has Mr. Incredible reacting to the Fanta logo inside Germany. Another meme has Elsa representing European royalty before and after the invention of cameras. Another meme has Dash Parr representing a child innocently watching The Wizard of Oz and Mr. Incredible representing an adult watching the movie knowing the treatment of Judy Garland behind the scenes. Another meme has General Hux (representing France) saying he doesn't care if the Protestants win as long as the Habsburg lose. Another meme has Mr. Incredible representing J.K. Rowling designing the goblins in Gringotts compared to all other characters in the Harry Potter franchise.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY MEMES #1" (published October 5, 2022), one meme sees Darth Vader using the Force to twist a male's private parts. Another meme makes fun of the use of green screen of Marvel movies.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY MEMES #5 🔥" (published October 9, 2022), one meme is a dirty explanation of Dash Parr and Violet Parr using Elastigirl as a boat.
                                                                • In "LIVE RECORDING! REACTING TO YOUR UNHINGED TIKTOKS", one TikTok features a girl crafting a costume of Kermit the Frog. Hunter initially compares the pie face to Geppetto but compares the final design to the Clock Tower on It's a Small World.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #8", (published October 12, 2022), one meme features Homelander crying to represent a Marvel VFX editor after missing their child's birthday to animate She-Hulk twerking.
                                                                • In "Losing faith in humans because of cursed tiktoks", one TikTok features a girl crafting a costume of Kermit the Frog. Hunter initially compares the pie face to Geppetto but compares the final design to the Clock Tower on It's a Small World.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #9" (published October 13, 2022), Hunter does an impression of Heinz Doofenshmirtz.
                                                                • In "CountryBalls Episode 6!", after a meme involving North Korea's nuclear capabilities, Hunter sings a dark parody of "When You Wish Upon a Star".
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #13" (published October 17, 2022), one meme Doctor Octopus saying hello to Peter Parker representing a teacher running into a now-23-year-old former student at the supermarket.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #14" (published October 18, 2022), one meme features a person inside internal organs and Mr. Incredible representing people who know, people who don't and people who wished they didn't know.
                                                                • In "WHOLESOME MEMES TO SAVE YOUR SOUL", after reading a meme featuring Chadwick Boseman, Hunter mentions the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #15 " (published October 19, 2022), one meme features Darth Vader coaching a young girls' soccer team.
                                                                • In "SURREAL MEMES TO MAKE YOU QUESTION REALITY", one meme gives the reader $15 to chose what they want for their physical form. The first option to cost $4 is synthetic skin, and is represented by Nebula.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #16" (published October 20, 2022), one meme has Thanos removing the Mind Stone from Vision representing a father removing his son's loose tooth.
                                                                • In "The most CURSED comments I could find", one meme has K-2SO representing an owner trying to pet their dog (represented by Jyn Erso). Another memes reveals that Zendaya was replaced by a person in a green screen suit for MJ and Peter Parker's kiss in Spider-Man: Far From Home.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #19" (published October 22, 2022), one meme has Loki Laufeyson representing a shopkeeper in Grand Theft Auto not recognizing <insert name here>, who has robbed their store 30,000 times.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #20" (published October 23, 2022), one meme has Mr. Incredible representing a kid wanting to be an adult and an adult wanting to go back to being a kid.
                                                                • In "HOT ONES CHALLENGE WITH FRIENDS!", when asked what his most embarrassing cartoon crush was, Hunter answers "Max's girlfriend from A Goofy Movie". When asked what his favorite Halloween movie is, Hunter answers "Any Disney Channel Halloween movie". When the group is asked what their guilty pleasure movies are, Virginia answers Ratatouille. When asked what they are dressing up as for Halloween, Katherine jokes that Virginia is going to dress up as Waddles. When asked to do their best impressions, Hunter does an impression of Patrick Warburton, more specifically Kronk. Kuzco is mentioned in the impression. Hunter reads a question asking whether Bill Cipher or Thanos would win in a fight. Hunter answers Bill Cipher.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #21" (published October 24, 2022), one meme has Heinz Doofenshmirtz presenting the "I-Don't-Care-inator" to a Google Chrome update.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #22" (published October 25, 2022), one meme has Obi-Wan Kenobi questioning what his life (represented by Darth Vader) has become.
                                                                • In "Laugh and SPICE", one meme has a guy with a Southern accent and buck teeth comparing himself to Mater. Another meme features a clip of Sulley in the Himalayas to represent a snowstorm in Detroit.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #24" (published October 25, 2022), one meme has Mickey Mouse representing the differences between original fairy tales and the Disney versions. Another meme has a Star Wars fan being annoyed when the scientific possibility is questioned.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #25" (published October 26, 2022), one meme has Anakin Skywalker believing books are superior. Another meme has the Emperor of China being disproven by erosion.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #28" (published October 31, 2022), one meme has Davy Jones asking a girl who left after being shown a Transformer collection if she's afraid to get wet.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #30" (published November 2, 2022), one meme has Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi representing two friends questioning if a third friend actually has a girlfriend when told the girlfriend "goes to a different school".
                                                                • In "Paying my subscribers for their cursed facts.", one comment says being swallowed by the Sarlacc would keep a person alive for 500 years. This comment has Bill Cipher as their profile picture. Another comment says there are 367,577 deaths in Disney movies not counting sequels, most of which are the lemurs in Dinosaur.
                                                                • In "The world's SPICIEST Laugh and Die (ft. @Damien Lee)", Damien says Hunter's reaction to Unique Garlique hot sauce is "the opposite of that Ratatouille close-up where he's tasting all the flavors".
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #35" (published November 7, 2022), one meme has Woody laughing evilly after forcing a refrigerator door shut on an item that didn't fit so the item falls out for the next person who opens the fridge.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #36" (published November 8, 2022), one meme has a muscular Winnie the Pooh representing China coming to steal gold from Uganda. Another meme has Scarlet Witch (representing Johnny Depp) pointing out the hypocrisy in Depp being blacklisted from Hollywood due to false allegations while Ezra Miller, who has been proven to get intimate with minors, continues to get roles. Miller is represented by Doctor Strange.
                                                                • In "The Cold War, but explained with MEMES", one of the events mentioned is Nikita Khrushchev visiting SeaWorld after being denied entry to Disneyland. The latter is represented by the Disney+ logo crossed out. Another meme has Orson Krennic representing how close a war was to breaking out. Another meme has a Yoda hot air ballon representing the United States government accidentally nuking a child's playhouse.
                                                                • In "LAUGH AND DIE BUT ITS CLIPS FROM DISCORD", when someone describes a person in a Minecraft Creeper hoodie as a "special needs supervillian", a Minecraft skin of Thanos is shown.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #41" (published November 13, 2022), one meme has Carl Fredricksen (representing Internet Explorer) bestowing the honor of being used to download Google Chrome to Russell (representing Microsoft Edge).
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #42" (published November 14, 2022), one meme has Ezio and Altïar from Assassin's Creed and a rabbit edited into the portal scene from Avengers: Endgame under a news article covering a man finding a 700-year old Templar cave after falling down a rabbit hole.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #43" (published November 15, 2022), one meme has "when Darth Vader breaths through his mask" ahead of the dark, clowns, sharks, serial killers and death on a bar graph of the scariest things on Earth.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #45" (published November 17, 2022), one meme has Kermit the Frog representing babies screaming after being on an airplane for one second. Another meme has Anakin Skywalker calling a ROBLOX player with the username "ImAlwaysOnline" a liar after the website shows them as offline.
                                                                • In "Cursed Comments that Made Me Question My Sanity", after one meme points out Netflix is making multiple movies based on serial killers, Hunter says they're going for a "serial killer MCU".
                                                                • In "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?! | r/Limenade", one meme edits Hunter doing an impression of Yoda saying "Good relations with your mother, I have" into the trailer for Obi-Wan Kenobi.
                                                                • In "BABIES SCARE ME FR 💀 (DAILY SPICY MEMES #48)" (published December 8, 2022), one meme describes a crowd wearing poofy vests as "Han Solo season".
                                                                • In "The Most CURSED Roblox Memes I Could Find", one meme has Frozone representing a player creating platforms to fly around the map after completing an obby. Another meme has Walter representing a ROBLOX YouTuber struggling to get subscribers before Kermit the Frog arrives with the video idea "how to get free Robux". Another meme has James P. Sullivan, Randall Boggs, and numerous other monsters representing players of the ROBLOX game "Adopt Me" sending death threats to a scammer who scammed them about dogs in the game.
                                                                • In "A MINTY FRESH LAUGH AND DIE!", one meme has the user fight a robotic Yoda after the toy says anime isn't real. Another meme has Carl Fredricksen (representing American citizens) saying he doesn't want to be with Dug (representing the CIA) or Kevin (representing the ATF), but he's stuck with Russell (representing the IRS). Another meme has the user play an extremely loud version of the Monsters, Inc. theme over a subway station intercom. Another meme has two friends reenact the "high ground" exchange between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi except ending with the friend representing Anakin pulling out a gun.
                                                                • In "DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #50" (published December 10, 2022), one meme has Winnie the Pooh asking if it's the weekend and then cursing after Piglet informs him it's only Wednesday.
                                                                • In "Italians be like 🤌 (DAILY SPICY 🔥 MEMES #52)" (published December 13, 2022), one meme tells readers to imagine a crab coming out of the sea and pressuring them to kiss a girl they just met two days ago in a Jamaican accent.
                                                                • In "Memes from Every Discord Server (Including Mine)", one meme involves a man representing Deepest doing a Kermit the Frog impression carrying a large boulder labeled "Vibe hours". Another meme has Hulk (representing Hunter's Discord mods) giving Scott Lang (representing a user named Eggs) a warning, symbolized by a taco. Another meme has Palpatine pointing out the irony of Hunter reacting to a meme in one of his videos that would result in the user receiving a warning on his Discord server. Another meme has James P. Sullivan, Randall Boggs, and numerous other monsters representing new members on a Discord server making poor emote suggestions. Another meme has Thor (representing Vox SMP players) approaching Thanos to use the Reality Stone to make Vox SMP 2 release early.
                                                                • In "I found the WORST LOGO PHOTOSHOPS! (r/Sbubby)", after one meme changes the Blizzard logo to "China Essentially Owns Us", Dolton says "Let's get down to business". Another meme edits the Ratatouille logo to "Oh S*&t a Rat". Another meme changes Up to Down. Another meme is Spider-Man: Broken Home and features Spider-Man cowering in his bedroom as Sony and a figure with a Mickey Mouse-esque head are seen arguing through the doorway.
                                                                • In "LAUGH AND LOSE MONEY!", one clip involves a man slapping a Hulk water balloon before discovering a Batman water balloon in a doughnut box, implying the Batman water balloon ate the doughnuts. Another clip has Carl Fredricksen (representing American citizens) saying he doesn't want to be with Dug (representing the CIA) or Kevin (representing the ATF), but he's stuck with Russell (representing the IRS).
                                                                • In "MORE TERRIBLE PHOTOSHOPS! (r/Sbubby)", one meme is Ferb and Ferb and replaces Phineas and Candace's heads with Ferb's head.
                                                                • In "Literally the WORST Comments I Could Find on Reddit", one meme says a large man's "Let's Go Brandon" shirt reads like the text crawl in Star Wars. Another meme believes Phineas and Isabella getting into an intimate position that shares its name with a number would be lethal for the latter. Dolton accidentally calls Isabella Candace.
                                                                • In "LAUGH AND DIE, SANTA EDITION!", one clip has Kermit the Frog yelling at Cookie Monster and calling him a "piece of s*** stoner" after the latter guesses the contents of a mystery box is marijuana.
                                                                • In "DANK MEMES I STOLE FROM WIKIPEDIA", one meme has Ariel representing a girl realizing she can earn enough money to pay her rent by selling pictures of her feet to guys on the internet. Another meme has Palpatine saying he loves democracy after Elon Musk's poll asking if he should resign as the head of Twitter receives a 56% "yes" vote.
                                                                • In "Cursed AI GENERATED Memes", Hunter compares the face in the top left of the second troll face meme to Wreck-It Ralph.
                                                                • In "History Memes to Start a Revolution With", one meme has Pepe claiming Poland only hates Russia because of United States propaganda, only for Kermit to inform him Poland hated Russia before the United States even existed. Another meme has Kermit saving Walter (representing animators in the 1960s. After another meme mentions Hades, Hunter alludes to the version from Hercules.
                                                                • In "We're BACK! - LAUGH AND DIE #1", one clip features two babies on a bed that has Mickey, Minnie, and Goofy on the sheets.
                                                                • In "Press the button and get a history meme", one meme uses a clip from "Der Fuehrer's Face" to represent NASA scientists in 1946. Another meme has General Grievous representing Hindus adding Christianity's God to their collection.
                                                                • In "AI Memes are Taking Over!", after generating an image of Magic Johnson wielding a samurai sword during a basketball game, Dolton suggests it would be for a competitive version of Fruit Ninja, with Hunter jokingly telling ESPN to call them.
                                                                • In "If you laugh you do a pushup | LAUGH AND DIE", one clip features a person dressed as Spider-Man playing an accordion and then falling off their roof.
                                                                • In "TOP GEAR MEMES TO GET THE SHOW CANCELLED AGAIN", one meme creates the phrase "Tonight on Bottom Gear, I commit high treason against Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Hammond blows up everything using a Reliant Robin as an ICBM and James gets a hit from Albania" by cutting out the words from various logos. The second "a" uses the Avengers logo. Another meme creates the phrase "Tonight on Grot Gear, Gorgutz drinks too much fungus beer and throws up on Makari until he dies again, Snikrot sneaks so hard he gets lost in the Black Library and Aazdakka go so fast he invents a new shade of red" by cutting out the words from various logos. "Up" uses the Up logo and "lost" uses the Lost logo. Another meme creates the phrase "Tonight on Grot Gear, I commit vehicular man-slaughter in the 1972 Summer Olympics, the president with the Italian Mob and James gets caught with tax evasion" by cutting out the words from various logos. The "man" in "man-slaughter" comes from the Ant-Man logo.
                                                                • In "MORE CURSED FACTS FROM MY VIEWERS", the first fact comes from a user named Obi-Wan.
                                                                • In "I found the most cursed disney memes possible", the first meme highlights a dresser in Beauty and the Beast ready to "f*ck up a villager with a baseball bat". The second meme mentions Hercules chopping off the Hydra's head. The third meme highlights Timon and Pumbaa's surprising nonchalance at Simba telling them his uncle murdered his father. The fourth meme highlights the surprising amount of violence in Cars 2. The fifth meme calls Ned Leeds the true hero of the MCU under a quote of the character saying he's looking at p*rn. The sixth meme has Heinz Doofenshmirtz pointing out that Disney has made two movie franchises out of theme park rides involving boats. The seventh meme compares Disney movies to the original fairy tales. The eighth meme implies a model has back pain after doing motion capture of her rear for Pixar. The ninth meme has the creator scared of "Handsome Quasi". The tenth meme has a user asking why Ariel is brushing Prince Eric's hair with a fork and then the Disney Twitter account calling the user an "uncultured swine" for not calling it a dinglehopper. The 11th meme claims that Chris Pratt will be voicing Barbie's younger sister in Toy Story 5. The 12th meme has a person saying that Ariel was their first crush, with Hunter adding that Kim Possible was his. The 13th meme compliments Phil Collins' work on the Tarzan soundtrack. The 14th meme uses two separate clips of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy to represent life with and without student loans. The 15th meme makes Mufasa and Simba's "everything the light touches is our kingdom" conversation more realistic. The 16th meme claims that Chicken Little was Disney's only good movie, with Hunter coming to the defense of Atlantis: The Lost Empire. The 17th meme has the user saying their favorite food is the pizza seen in A Goofy Movie. The 18th meme says Disney taught them green is the color of evil, highlighting Ursula, Scar, Dr. Facilier, and Maleficent. The 19th meme highlights the relatability of Scar's "I'm surrounded by idiots" line. The 20th meme is Chief Bogo's reference to "Let It Go". The 21st meme has a carpet spread across two parking spaces and a comment jokingly saying "Aladdin parks like an a**hole". The 22nd meme says Chief Powhatan's "These white men are dangerous" quote describes world history in one sentence. The 23rd meme has Ursula telling Ariel to use her breasts to attract Prince Eric. The 24th meme recreates Mufasa's death using stuffed animals at a zoo gift shop. The 25th meme calls Disneyland a "people trap set by a mouse". The 26th meme says that Disney teaches kids not to talk to strangers unless they're hot. The 27th meme has Elsa saying everyone she has ever loved are in the castle walls and Dwight Schrute correcting her by saying her parents are at the bottom of the ocean. The video ends with Hunter singing a parody of "It's a Small World".
                                                                • In "Why do people keep making cringe DIY projects?", after the post with the lampshade made from the bottoms of plastic bottles, Hunter asks "What in the Little Mermaid f*ck is that?" After a post of a car with a tall spoiler, Hunter says the driver is a fan of Cars.
                                                                • In "Explaining Roman History with memes", a clip of Iron Man and a clip from The Lion Guard are used. One meme features Mr. Incredible (representing Benito Mussolini) upset that owning Rome dose not automatically make him a successor to the Roman Empire.
                                                                • In "I made a Discord Meme news channel", one "report" involves a man "flushing a poo", only for authorities to discover the toilet clogged by a stuffed animal.
                                                                • In "THIS IS: DISCORD MEME NEWS", after Bisqui "reports" that Minnesota was so cold a woman was farting snowflakes, Hunter says "Let it snow and let it go, I believe Elsa is to blame."
                                                                • The short "POV: You finished watching Gravity Falls" has a depressed Garfield plush laying in a bathtub after watching the finale of its titular series.
                                                                • In the short "POV: You got a little too political", a drunk man defends Palpatine, despite promising to not get political.
                                                                • In the short "POV: You took melatonin again", what is implied to be a dream caused by melatonin sees Buzz Lightyear, Fender Pinwheeler, Gary the Snail, and Peter Griffin performing in a band.
                                                                • The short "POV: You're watching Star Wars in Italian" highlights how Google Translate's Italian voice pronounces "R2-D2".
                                                                • In "Hi. I'm alive. Kinda. Lol.", Hunter lists Disney+ as a streaming service. Hunter reads a chat suggesting a movie where a child discovers urban legends are real after reading their father's journal after he dies, which Hunter points out is basically the plot of Gravity Falls. Hunter reads a chat that suggests a movie where Mickey Mouse (specifically the "Steamboat Willie" design) is a prison escapee. When Hunter tells viewers to pitch him movies that already exist and he'll try to guess them, some of the prompts he reads are "Purple man wants to show people his rock collection", "Toys revolt against human children", "Talking frog convinces son to kill his father", "Trash can forces Nikocado Avocado to get off the boat", "An elderly man abducts a fat boy to replace his dead wife", "Rat hallucinates about a dead cook", "Weird cabin in the woods with triangle horrors ends with sad note", "Bunny becomes a cop", and "A man is sucked into a video game in search for his father and learns how to ride hover bikes in dystopian wasteland". Another chat suggests a movie where Lightning McQueen becomes a firefighter, which a different user later points out is likely a reference to Planes: Fire & Rescue.
                                                                • In "Burns with Words #69", in a post that involves a Facebook user attempting to use VAERS as proof the COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe, another user replies that VAERS is not a credible source, using the example that they could say the vaccines turned them into the Hulk and it would be added to VAERs' database.
                                                                • In "How Is Tumblr Free #70", a user says that it was difficult to get Disney to allow muscles on Luisa Madrigal, who is shown.
                                                                • In "Burns with Words #70", a Facebook user replies to a news article about Jennifer Lopez saying that men under 33 are "useless" by saying people shouldn't be talking "relationship advice from a woman that collects engagement rings like she's Thanos".
                                                                • In "How Is Tumblr Free #71", when a llama joins a woman admiring Machu Picchu, a user jokes that the llama is Kuzco. Another post acts as a "pitch meeting" for The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
                                                                • In "Burns With Words #72", a Twitter user mentions that everyone on their recent flight was watching Black Widow or Jungle Cruise. A reply also mentions Cruella.
                                                                • In "How Is Tumblr Free #72", one of the post mentions a rule in Disney World employee handbook named "Aladdin's exception", which seemingly allows the actors playing Aladdin at Disney parks to murder if necessary. When another post asks how long an acre is, someone answers its "1% of the woods where Winnie the Pooh lives".
                                                                • In "Burns with Words #72", one of the posts involves a Reddit comment that says "The ignorance is strong with this one"
                                                                • In "How Is Tumblr Free #73", the final post mentions Queen Elizabeth II missing Remembrance Day and has multiple characters waiting for the confirmation of her death, including Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher.
                                                                • In "Burns With Words #74", when a post says Elastigirl waving at woman in the Incredibles 2 trailer as "proof" she's LGBTQ+, a reply points out she has a husband and "three f***ing kids"
                                                                • In "How Is Tumblr Free #74", a post says Peter Parker went from "a 'don't tell me what to do' 15-year-old to a 'please god tell me what to do' 17-year-old", using screenshots from Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Home. Another post points out that Magneto should consider renaming the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.
                                                                • In "Burns With Words #75", one of the Tweets is by Dana Terrace, replying to a Twitter user who is angry at Luz Noceda and Amity Blight's LGBTQ+ relationship. A picture of the characters is shown.
                                                                • In "The World Of Twitter #75", one of the Tweets highlights a crossword organized in a way where the clue "the better of two sci-fi franchises" could be solved with either Star Wars or Star Trek
                                                                • In "The World Of Twitter #77", one of the Tweets says they're writing a story called Spider-Ma'am.
                                                                • In "How Is Tumblr Free #77", a user says that a pair of glasses with only one lens, a user says it's for Mike Wazowski. After a user says the "Kronk voice actor" is only known for that role, another user posts a picture of Patrick Warburton surrounded by his various voice roles, including Kronk and Buzz Lightyear as seen in Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. Another post says that Palpatine looks like "an evil Colin Mochirne"
                                                                • In "How Is Tumblr Free #78", a user points out Anakin Skywalker never uses the Jedi mind trick trying to prove he's a good person before a reply points out that he "murders a bunch of children with a laser sword".
                                                                • In "Burns With Words #79", one of the Tweets is by Dana Terrace, replying to a Twitter user who is angry at Luz Noceda and Amity Blight's LGBTQ+ relationship, even though the unseen picture in question was just the characters smiling at each other.
                                                                • In "How Is Tumblr Free #79", one post as Cinderella walking down Windows 95 error messages as if they were the flight of stairs at the ball. Another post has Thor Odinson and Tony Stark thinking Phil Coulson's first name is "Agent".
                                                                • In "Burns With Words #80", the final post criticizing parents who think Turning Red is inappropriate for children by saying it is inappropriate for people who can't handle having tough conversations with children.
                                                                • In "How Is Tumblr Free #80", a user compares a post of Hank Hill shaking hands with Yugi Muto to Kingdom Hearts.
                                                                • In "The World of Twitter #82", one Tweet points out that Doctor Strange's portal severed an alien's hand in Avengers: Infinity War yet he didn't use this against Thanos, despite the villain's hand being the main threat.
                                                                • In "The World of Twitter #83", one Tweet says that Disneyland will be the happiest place on Earth if Republicans truly boycott it. This causes Logu to go on an anti-Disney rant.
                                                                • In "Burns With Words #85", one post says the pictured individual looks like "the middle school vice principle in a Disney Channel Original Movie".
                                                                • In "How Is Tumblr Free #86", one post plans to be vaporized at Disneyland so they can't be pronounced dead off-site. Another post is by Alex Hirsch criticizing Disney for their private anti-LGBTQ+ actions. Logu mentions Gravity Falls. Star Wars is also mentioned. Another post compares Elon Musk to Tony Stark.
                                                                • In "How Is Tumblr Free #88", one post lists a bunch of strange things that happened in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
                                                                • In "How Is Tumblr Free #89", one post has Dan Povenmire saying that Heinz Doofenshmirtz found out Perry the Platypus' name by being sent an email from O.W.C.A. Another post has Kronk reacting in confusion to Mr. Spain winning over Mr. Peru at an unspecified competition. Another post has the user comparing a color pallet to Perry the Platypus, with a second user adding brown to the pallet to allow the first user to quote Heinz Doofenshmirtz.
                                                                • In "The World Of Twitter #90", one Tweet questions why Marvel movies "need three hours to accomplish what the Powerpuff Girls did in 11 minutes".
                                                                • In "Burns With Words #90", one post accuses fans of making Star Wars "too political".
                                                                • In "The World of Twitter #92", one user has Max Goof as their profile picture.
                                                                • In "Burns With Words #92", one post accuses fans of making Star Wars "too political" and gets a response from the Star Wars Twitter account. Another post accuses Disney of "being woke" for casting Chris Evans as Buzz Lightyear in Lightyear instead of Tim Allen.
                                                                • In "How Is Tumblr Free #98", a user points out Anakin Skywalker never uses the Jedi mind trick trying to prove he's a good person before a reply points out that he "murders a bunch of children with a laser sword".
                                                                • In "How Is Tumblr Free #100", one post suggests scientists studying quantum physics should exaggeratedly announce they're walking away and then turn around super quickly "like a kid trying to catch their toys coming alive after watching Toy Story for the first time". Another post complaining about fan fiction uses "The Avengers but they're actually the starving orphaned children of a kindly French barrel maker during the Thirty Years' War" as an example. Another post mentions an alternate universe of Paul Blart and Luke Skywalker in 1400s Poland.
                                                                • In "Burns with Words #99", one post mentions Ariel's skin color in The Little Mermaid 2023.
                                                                • In "The World of Twitter #101", one post mentions Ariel's skin color in The Little Mermaid 2023 and the Jedi.
                                                                • In "BURNS WITH WORDS #100!!!", one post mentions Ariel's skin color in The Little Mermaid 2023. A reply to this post alludes to Sebastian.
                                                                • In "How Is Tumblr Free #104", one post compares watching a Marvel movie to eating a ham sandwich and then a slice of tomato entering the room with dramatic music.

                                                                First part - Sam Earth-TRN1491 and Monica Earth-TRN1491 mechs vs. Arctic Gamma Beasts Second part- Sam Earth-TRN1491 and Bruce Earth-TRN1491 (Astra Islands) finding Mighty avenger protocol Two locations at once (clip here): Mighty Avenger vs. coast gamma beasts + Bruce setting up gamma core nuke Two locations at once: Bruce Banner (Gamma Beast) vs. Alpha Gamma Beast + Sam and Monica setting up rocket fist Gi'ah disguise: SHILED Agent (Gamma Beast Attack Evacuation)

                                                                Agatha Went to Hollywood - First Part - Howard Stark Earth-TRN1492 and Kingo Earth-TRN1092 setting up dance-off scene. Second Part - Kingo Earth-TRN1492 and Backup Dancer (Kingo) dance-off rhythm game sequence vs. Agatha (Earth-TRN1492)* (followed by Kingo and Agatha combined)

                                                                • has Eternals' powers

                                                                Third Part - Agatha and Kingo setting up sacrifice set Fourth part- Two locations at once: Agatha (Cosmic Queen) vs. Areshim + Kingo and Jarvis filming previous Other: Agatha (The Cosmic Queen Premiere) + Kingo (The Cosmic Queen Premiere) Gi'ah disguise: Agatha Back-up dancer and Kingo back-up dancer

                                                                Red Guardian Stopped Winter Soldier - First part - Two locations at once: Earth-TRN1493 Red Guardian's flight to America + Bucky following Howard and Maria Stark Second part - Red Guardian and Howard Stark vs. Bucky Barnes Third part - traffic stop followed by car chase against Bill Foster and Ranger Morales then Giant Bill Foster (One player Alexei Shostakov driving, one player Bucky on shotgun, swap towards end) Fourth part - Alexei Shostakov and Bucky Barnes (Earth-TRN1493 - Hospital) setting up for bullet removal surgery. Latter replaced by Bucky Barnes (Earth-TRN1493 - Coney Island Flashback) toward end Fifth Part - Bucky Barnes and Red Guardian vs. Obadiah Stane Sixth Part - Bucky Barnes and Red Guardian vs. Bill Foster (Vegas Strip Fight) Other: Alexei Shostakov (Earth-TRN1493 - Las Vegas), Barnes (Earth-TRN1493 - Las Vegas) Alexei Shostakov (Earth-TRN1493 - Coach) Gi'ah Disguise: Las Vegas Tourist

                                                                Howard Got Hitched - First part - Howard (Earth-72124 - Got Hitched) and Darcy (Earth-72124 - Got Hitched) set up welcome brunch Second part - Boss fight against Meik (Earth-72124 - Egg Chef) - build various foods to launch at Meik + Stealth section against guards Fourth Part - Nick Fury (Earth-72124) and Phil Coulson (Earth-72124) setting up call with Howard and Darcy Fifth Part - Stealth section to Dormammu Cult Ritual with Howard (Earth-72124 - Dormammu Cult Disguise) and Darcy (Earth-72124 - Dormammu Cult Disguise) Sixth part - Fight against cultists to recover egg and escape Seventh part - Chase scene against Skrulls. Asgardians, shield agents, Asgardians, black order. Eighth part - Rhythm game set to "I Was Made For Loving You" by KISS to fend off above Other: Howard (Earth-72124 - Home Life), Darcy (Earth-72124 - Home Life) Gi'ah disguise: SS Grandmaster employee, Dormammu cultists.

                                                                The emergence destroyed earth - First part - Riri Williams (Earth-TRN1494) and Sharon Carter (Earth-TRN1494) vs. Iron Federation bots + Riri escape Second part - Riri Williams (Earth-TRN1494), Wong (Earth-TRN1494), Ying Nan (Earth-TRN1494), Valkyrie (Earth-TRN1494) and Okoyoe (Earth-TRN1494) flight to base and walk to lab Third part - Two locations at once: Riri modifying repulser glove and Wong (Earth-TRN1494 - Vision Protection Armor), Ying Nan (Earth-TRN1494 - Vision Protection Armor), Valkyrie (Earth-TRN1494 - Vision Protection Armor) and Okoyoe (Earth-TRN1494 - Vision Protection Armor) vs. Vision Fourth Part - Riri Williams (Earth-TRN1494 - Vision Powers) and Resistance ship fighting through airborne Iron Federation bots Fifth Part - Riri Williams (Earth-TRN1494 - Vision Powers) and Ying Nan (Earth-TRN1494 - Illusion) sneaking through base

                                                                Sixth Part - Riri Williams (Earth-TRN1494 - Vision Powers) and Ying Nan (Earth-TRN1494 - Illusion) vs. Mysterio 

                                                                Seventh Part - Rise of Skywalker finale with Riri and Mysterio Gi'ah disguise: Iron Federation bot

                                                                1872 - First Part - Shang-Chi (Earth-TRN1495 - No Hat) and Kate Bishop (Earth-TRN1495) vs. church cowboys Second Part - Morris (Earth-TRN1495) (Shang-Chi + Jun-Fan) and Kate Bishop's Horse riding through canyon and onto ghost train Third Part - Two places at once: Kate Bishop (Earth-TRN1495) and Jun-Fan (No Hat) vs. Sonny Burch's men and Shang-Chi vs. the Hood (Xu Xialing) Fourth part - Same as above minus Jun-Fan Other: Crossbones (Earth-TRN1499), Ultron (Earth-TRN1501) Gi'ah disguse: Sonny Burch henchman.

                                                                The Watcher Disappeared - First Part - Captain Carter, Kahhori, Byrdie (Adult), Storm (Earth-TRN1503) vs. cosmic squid monster Second part - Captain Carter, Kahhori, Byrdie (Adult), Storm (Earth-TRN1503) building time chair + multiverse fragment ritual Third part - Storm, Kahhori and Byrdie (Adult) vs infinity ultron (Earth-TRN1502) Fourth Part - Attaching infinity ultron (Earth-TRN1502) to ship Giah disguise: Foosball Table Pieces

                                                                What If What If - First part - Watcher (Training) (later regular) and Eminence touring observational plane Second part - The Watcher, Captain Carter and Infinity Ultron (Earth-TRN1502) vs. the Eminence in observational plane Third part - Captain Carter, Kahhori, Byrdie (Adult), Storm (Earth-TRN1503), The Watcher vs. The Eminence on desert planet (QTE for oath like Danganronpa V3 confession minigame) Fourth part - Utau (Eminence Battle Armor), Captain Carter (Watcher), Kahhori (Watcher), Byrdie (Watcher), Storm (Earth-TRN1503 - Watcher) vs. Eminence on Earth-91233's Saturn Fifth part - Two locations at once Captain Carter (Watcher), Kahhori (Watcher), Byrdie (Watcher), Storm (Earth-TRN1503 - Watcher) vs. Eminence continued from above + Utau vs. one Eminence member in space Sixth Part - Utau (Eminence Battle Armor), Captain Carter (Watcher), Kahhori (Watcher), Byrdie (Watcher), Storm (Earth-TRN1503 - Watcher) multiversal variant erasing beam Other/Giah disguises: Storm (Supercharged), Byrdie (Winged Armor), Byrdie (Duck)Kahhori (Apocalypse), Kahhori (Winged Armor), Kahhori (Sorcerer), Captain Carter (Helmet), Captain Carter (Sabertooth), Captain Carter (Elektra), Captain Carter (Colossus), Captain Carter (Thor), Six-Armed Spider-Man, Samurai Ghost Rider

                                                                Riri Williams (Punisher), Gamora (Greek Goddess) X-Men Thanos, Iron Man (Ten Rings Armor), Kamala Khan (Wasp), Hulk (Sorcerer), Howard the Duck (Scarlet Witch), Hawkeye (Dragon Head), Jubilee (Silver Surfer), Skrull Captain America, Shang-Chi (Dancer), Xu Xialing (Dancer), Deadpool (Many Weapons), Hela (Thor), Star-Lord (Ten Rings) 
                                                                • Captain America: Brave New World:
                                                                • Amazing Fantasy - Two locations at once: Doctor Strange vs. Symbiote alien Peter and May avoiding former Spider-Man and Harry vs. muggers. Spider-Man (Homemade suit) car chase. Peter and Lonnie science experiment + two locations at once walks home. Two locations at once; Lonnie house work + Spider-Man (Homemade Suit) vs pizza restaurant thieves. The Parker Luck - Peter and Lonnie football prep. Peter, Asha, Amadeus Cho, Jeanne Foucault testing. Peter vs. Butane. Peter and Norman viewing security picture. Secret Identity Crisis - Peter and Nico playing video games. Peter and Norman setting up dinner. Lonnie and Pearl driving to Lonnie's house. Spider-Man (Homemade Suit) and cop vs. James and Maria jewelry store thieves. Continued but two locations at once Norman on security cameras replaces cop. Hitting the Big Time - Peter and Norman setting up for suit reveal. Two locations at once Peter (Hornet) out of control flight, Norman on security cameras. Two locations at once: Peter (Flying Spider) saving balloon and flight to Oscorp, Norman observing former Spider-Man (Oscorp Suit) swing test and Dimitri gang car chase + crash rescue, Norman observing former The Unicorn Unleashed! - Masaryk and Otto Octavias getting helmet. Lonnie and big don leaving football practice. Two locations at once; Peter and Harry vs prison break. Two locations at once; Peter vs Mila, Lonnie gang fight. Duel with the Devil - Peter and Pearl science lab. Peter, Harry, Nico movie night setup. Norman and Ross at gala. Two locations at once: Spider-Man (Oscorp suit) security check, Lonnie street chase. Two locations at once: Spider-Man vs Daredevil, Nico and Harry tarot reading. Norman and houseman (Oscorp Suit - Unmasked) Doc Ock briefing. Scorpion Rising - Peter and Norman - Otto tech analysis. Harry and Nico apology. Two locations at once: Spider-Man (Oscorp suit hunt), Nico and Harry driving test. Street race. Two locations at once: Big Donovan (replaced by Spider-Man Oscorp suit) and Lonnie vs Scorpion, Harry and Nico drive home. Former above continued. Peter (Scorpion Battle Damage) and Goblin Glider former boarding latter. Tangled Web - Peter (Cast) and May, emotional talk. Two SWAT team members fighting Doctor Octopus tentacles. Peter and Pearl chemistry homework/pearl and Lonnie breakup. Peter and Lonnie talk. Peter and Norman better conversation. Lonnie and big don scorpion fight. Hero or Menace - Lonnie and Big Don Oscorp hijacking. Spider-Man and Nico vs one tenth. Two locations at once: Spiderman vs scorpion and Lonnie searching Oscorp truck (at end just former). Spider-Man and Lonnie vs scorpion. QTE: Spider man vs scorpion no restraint. Norman and Dr Whitman setting up Spider-Man replication debriefing. If This Be My Destiny… - Two locations at once: Peter vs. car thieves, Nico stalling. Doctor strange and Spider-Man vs symboite (lab/midtown high). Doctor strange and Spider-Man vs symboite (lab). Nico siance.
                                                                • In "The Kneebone Boy Trailer", the father is seen drawing a picture of the Sultan from Aladdin.
                                                                • In "What If The LEGO Ninajo Movie Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Lucas is wearing a shirt with The Avengers on it.
                                                                • In "What If A Wrinkle in Time Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Funko POPs of Captain Phasma and Snoke are seen in the background.
                                                                • In "What If Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Lucas is wearing an Avengers: Infinity War shirt.
                                                                • In "What If Shazam Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Lucas is wearing an Avengers: Infinity War shirt. Funko POPs of Thanos and Captain Phasma are seen in the background.
                                                                • In "What If Detective Pikachu Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Lucas is wearing an Avengers: Endgame shirt.
                                                                • In "What If Good Boys Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Thor Odinson is mentioned.
                                                                • In "What If Joker (2019) Was In LEGO Dimensions?", a Funko Pop of Black Panther is seen.
                                                                • In "What If Zombieland: Double Tap Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Funko POPs of Thanos, Captain America, Snoke, Captain Phasma, Chewbacca, and Spider-Man are seen in the background.
                                                                • In "What If SCOOB! Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Funko POPs of Captain America and Thanos are seen in the background.
                                                                • In "What If Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Funko POPs of Buzz Lightyear and Woody are seen in the background.
                                                                • In "What If A Quiet Place Part II Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Lucas is wearing a shirt with Captain America's shield on it.
                                                                • In "What If Space Jam: A New Legacy Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Funko POPs of Buzz Lightyear and Woody are seen in the background.
                                                                • In "What If Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Funko POPs of Buzz Lightyear and Star-Lord are seen in the background.
                                                                • In "What If Venom: Let There Be Carnage Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Lucas says he is aware he should have seen the movie before Spider-Man: No Way Home. Funko POPs of Captain America and Thanos are seen in the background.
                                                                • In "What If Jackass Forever Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Funko POPs of Captain America and Thanos are seen in the background.
                                                                • In "What If Morbius Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Funko POPs of Captain America and Thanos are seen in the background.
                                                                • In "What If The Bad Guys Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Funko POPs of Captain America, Thanos, Woody, and Buzz Lightyear are seen in the background.
                                                                • In "What If Thor: Love and Thunder Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Lucas is wearing a shirt with Captain America's shield on it.
                                                                • In "What If Legend of Hank: Paws of Fury Was In LEGO Dimensions?", a LEGO set of the Infinity Gauntlet is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "What If League of Superpets Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Funko POPs of Captain America, Thanos, and Chewbacca are seen in the background.
                                                                • In "What If Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Was In LEGO Dimensions?", a LEGO set of the Infinity Gauntlet is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "What If Puss in Boots: The Last Wish Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Funko POPs of Captain America and Thanos are seen in the background.
                                                                • In "What If Avatar: The Way of Water Was in LEGO Dimensions?", a LEGO set of the Infinity Gauntlet is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "What If The Super Mario Bros. Movie Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Funko POPs of Captain America, Thanos, Kylo Ren, and Chewbacca are seen in the background. LEGO sets of the Infinity Gauntlet and the Nano Gauntlet are also seen in the background.
                                                                • In "What If Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Lucas is wearing a shirt inspired by Avengers: Infinity War. Lucas renames the MCU Spider-Man to "Spider-Man (Earth-199999)".
                                                                • In "What If Gran Turismo Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Lucas is wearing a Marvel shirt. Funko POPs of Captain America and Thanos are seen in the background. LEGO sets of the Nano Gauntlet and a TIE Fighter are also seen in the background. Lucas says the racing scenes in the movie will have a similar UI to the races in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
                                                                • In "What If The Marvels Was In LEGO Dimensions?", a LEGO set of the Infinity Gauntlet is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "What If Migration Was In LEGO Dimensions?", a LEGO set of the Infinity Gauntlet is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "Sad Sitting Scene", Faith is wearing a Peter Pan shirt.
                                                                • In "What If Kung Fu Panda 4 Was in LEGO Dimensions?", Funko POPs of Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader Snoke, C1-10P, and Thanos, as well as LEGO sets of the Nano Gauntlet and Infinity Gauntlet are seen in the background. Lucas mentions that he added a Locate Keystone puzzle into the Chameleon's boss fight, despite typically saving those puzzles for his videos based on Pixar movies.
                                                                • In "What If Arthur the King Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Funko POPs of Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader Snoke, C1-10P, and Thanos, as well as LEGO sets of the Nano Gauntlet and Infinity Gauntlet are seen in the background.
                                                                • In "What If Inside Out 2 Was In LEGO Dimensions?", Funko POPs of Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader Snoke, C1-10P, and Thanos, as well as LEGO sets of the Nano Gauntlet and Infinity Gauntlet are seen in the background. Lucas is wearing a shirt inspired by Deadpool & Wolverine.
                                                                • In "What If Deadpool & Wolverine Was In LEGO Dimensions?", a LEGO set of the Infinity Gauntlet is seen in the background.
                                                                • "Vailskibum94 be like" (published June 2, 2022) parodies its titular YouTuber celebrating the tenth anniversary of Gravity Falls.
                                                                • In "EVERY Family Guy Controversy EXPLAINED", the Disney universe from "Road to the Multiverse" is seen in footage from the episode. While talking about "When You Wish Upon a Weinstein", Lydia mentions that the episode's song "I Need a Jew" is a parody of "When You Wish Upon a Star". While talking about Terri Schiavo: The Musical from the episode "Peter-assment", an ABC News article on Schiavo is shown. The episode "Disney's The Reboot" is mentioned.
                                                                • In "The Deserted Husks of Youtube Fad Channels", while talking about YouTube Poops, a clip of Thanos twerking is shown. A clip of Mr. Incredible fighting an Omnidroid is also used.
                                                                • In "The Fatal Flaws of Modern Horror Games Rant", footage from Phineas and Ferb is used.
                                                                • In "Luke, ich bin Dein Adventskalender! | Star Wars Episode 8 The Last Jedi Adventskalender", Malternativ and another YouTuber open the Star Wars: The Last Jedi advent calendar.
                                                                • The video "Avengers/Marvel Werbungen zermüllt" satirically mocks Marvel commercials.
                                                                • In "Warum DU keine Spieleabende magst! 😡🎲 Was ist FALSCH mit euch?!", a picture with a family playing a Toy Story 3 monopoly is seen. The Frozen II monopoly is mentioned, while a satirical version of "Let It Go" is sung. Other mentioned monopolies are Marvel Comics and Marvel Universe and The Mandalorian.
                                                                • In "Wie Disney uns BELÜGT", Malternativ satirically talks about the real stories that the films Frozen, Aladdin, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and The Fox and the Hound are based on.
                                                                • In "MARVEL - Was ist FALSCH mit Dir?!", Malternativ satirically talks about criticized aspects of Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios, such as bad CGI and a lack of creativity in the MCU and the copying of DC superheroes.
                                                                • Part 1 of Markiplier's playthrough of Bendy and the Ink Machine is titled "WHAT IF DISNEY WENT BAD?"
                                                                • In his video on Chapter 1 of Poppy Playtime, Markiplier says the factory is giving him "WALL-E vibes". Markiplier says the factory workers disappeared due to Poppy being "a real girl". After receiving the GrabPack, Markiplier asks if he can swing around like Spider-Man.
                                                                • In "10 BIGGEST TREASURES Ever Discovered" while talking about the Java Sea treasure trove, Matthew Santoro jokes that he has seen Pirates of the Caribbean and asks where the zombie pirates are. This clip is also seen in "BEWARE! Shocking Scams and Scandals That Rocked the World".
                                                                • In "10 Things That Are BANNED in America! - Part 2", during the intro, Matthew Santoro charges towards the camera with a prop of Captain America's shield. While talking about shark fin soup, Matthew Santoro asks "What did Bruce ever do to you?" This clip is also seen in "BEWARE! Shocking Scams and Scandals That Rocked the World".
                                                                • In "10 APOCALYPTIC EVENTS That Could End the World TOMORROW!", while talking about an asteroid impact, Matthew Santoro references the events of Armageddon. While talking about a gamma ray burst, Matthew Santoro says that <insert name here> can survive it because Bruce Banner did, but quickly clarifies that he is joking. This clip is also seen in "Don't Click on This Terrifying Video. You Have Been Warned."
                                                                • In "50 Amazing Facts #55", Fact #5 is that Moana was named Oceania in Italy due to the titular character sharing her name with a porn star. This clip is also seen in "Amazing Facts To Blow Your Mind #5".
                                                                • In "50 Amazing Facts #56", Fact #2 is that Democratic President Harry S. Truman refused a ride on Dumbo the Flying Elephant during a trip to Disneyland because he didn't want to be seen riding an elephant, the symbol of the Republican Party. Fact #31 is that Yoda's face was designed as a combination of Stuart Freeborn and Albert Einstein's faces. Fact #48 is that Disneyland is the second-highest buyer of explosives in the world, only behind the United States government. This clip is also seen in "Amazing Facts To Blow Your Mind #4".
                                                                • In "50 Amazing Facts #57", Fact #13 is Marvel released a comic book released a comic in which the Punisher killed every superhero. This causes Matthew Santoro to quip "Oh my god, and I thought the ending to Infinity War was dark". Fact #14 is that Mark Hamill only auditioned for the role as Luke Skywalker at the recommendation of Robert England. Fact #36 is that Wolverine is only 1.57 meters tall but weighs 136 kilograms, making him technically obese. Fact #37 is that Michigan State University found that riding a roller coaster helps dislodge kidney stones, with Big Thunder Mountain being the most effective at doing this. This clip is also seen in "Amazing Facts To Blow Your Mind #4".
                                                                • In "50 Amazing Facts #100", Fact #28 is that Woody was originally a ventriloquist doll and evil. Fact #29 is that Robin Williams was convinced to voiced the Genie after seeing animations of the character saying jokes from Williams' stand-up routines. Fact #37 is that Michael Jackson wanted to play Spider-Man to the point he considered buying Marvel Comics. André jokes that this casting would have made Avengers: Infinity War very different, adding the sounds Jackson would make during live performances into the line "Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good." This clip is also seen in "Amazing Facts To Blow Your Mind #5".
                                                                • In "50 Amazing Facts #103", during the fact about James Earl Jones having a stutter when he was younger, Matthew Santoro mentions Jones' role as Darth Vader. This clip is also seen in "Amazing Facts To Blow Your Mind #5".
                                                                • In "How Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo Changed Gaming Forever", a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "7 WTF Origins of Everyday Items", a sculpture of Mickey Mouse's hands in the shape of the logo of the Los Angeles Dodgers is seen behind Matthew Santoro.
                                                                • In "7 Strangest Cases of Mass Hysteria", a sculpture of Mickey Mouse's hands in the shape of the logo of the Los Angeles Dodgers is seen behind Matthew Santoro. While talking about the clown sightings in the United States throughout 2016, footage from an ABC News report on the sightings is used.
                                                                • In "7 Forbidden Places You Can't Visit", a sculpture of Mickey Mouse's hands in the shape of the logo of the Los Angeles Dodgers is seen behind Matthew Santoro.
                                                                • In "44 Creepy Facts You'll Never Forget - Part 3", Fact #44 involves a human trafficker disguising himself as his teenage daughter to escape prison. The trafficker's disguise includes a T-shirt featuring a Hidden Mickey made out of doughnuts and Mickey Mouse's hands forming a heart. This clip is also seen in the "Scary Videos You Shouldn't Watch Alone At 2AM..." compilation.
                                                                • In "10 Creepy Stories to Keep You Up At Night", a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background. This clip is also seen in the "Scary Videos You Shouldn't Watch Alone At 2AM..." compilation.
                                                                • In "7 Horrific Fairy Tale Origins That Will Ruin Your Childhood", the #7 entry is dedicated to Pinocchio, which features the doll killing Jiminy Cricket and getting his feet burned off. Footage from the animated Disney version is used. The #5 is dedicated Snow White, which features the Evil Queen sending the Huntsman to kill Snow White and making him wear shoes with burning coals inside when he falls to do so. Footage from the Disney version is used. The #4 entry is dedicated to Cinderella, which has the titular character praying at her mother's grave as well as featuring the step-sisters getting their eyes pecked out by birds. Footage from the animated Disney version is used. The #2 entry is dedicated to Rapunzel, which features the queen using Rapunzel's hair to lure the prince to the top of the tower before shoving him off, causing the prince to impale himself on a rose bush. Footage from Tangled is used. The #1 entry is dedicated to Sleeping Beauty, which features the cheating king "having his way" with the unconscious girl. Footage from the Disney version is used.
                                                                • In "'50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 150", a sculpture of Mickey Mouse's hands in the shape of the logo of the Los Angeles Dodgers is seen behind Matthew Santoro. Fact #37 is that James Earl Jones and Carrie Fisher didn't meet each other until a shared cameo on the episode "The Convention Conundrum" from The Big Bang Theory. The duo's roles as Darth Vader and Leia Organa respectively are mentioned. During Fact #14 (which is that a single rotten apple in a bunch will release ethylene and ruin the rest of the bunch), the rotten apple is represented by the poisoned apple from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. This clip is also seen in the "ULTIMATE 50 AMAZING FACTS COMPILATION!" and "1 Hour Of AMAZING Facts To Blow Your Mind! #1".
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 154", during Fact #48 (which is that researchers from the University of Michigan were able to add the genes that allow spiders to spin webs to a goat), Matthew Santoro sings "Spider-Goat, Spider-Goat". Fact #1 is that Disney executives initially wanted Dead Poets Society to be titled Sultans of Swing, with the two major differences being a dance class instead of a poetry and a heavier focus on John Keating. This clip is also seen in the "ULTIMATE 50 AMAZING FACTS COMPILATION!"
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 155", Fact #28 is that the Evil Queen sent the Huntsman to kill Snow White and makes him wear shoes with burning coals inside when he falls to do so in the original fairy tale. This clip is also seen in the "ULTIMATE 50 AMAZING FACTS COMPILATION!"
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 157", Fact #42 is that the black and white version of Mickey Mouse loses its copyright protection in 2024, while the colored version is copyrighted until 2035. This clip is also seen in the "ULTIMATE 50 AMAZING FACTS COMPILATION!" and "AMAZING Facts To Blow Your Mind 3".
                                                                • In "25 Quick Facts to Expand Your Mind!" (published August 19, 2023), Fact #3 is that the working titles for two unspecified past Spider-Man movies were "Serenity Now" and "The Summer of George", references to Seinfeld.
                                                                • Im "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 159", during Fact #35 (which is that a spider's silk is stronger than steel in terms of weight-to-weight strength), Matthew Santoro jokes that this is why Spider-Man is so strong. During Fact #14 (which is that the world's largest pumpkin weighs over 2,600 pounds), footage from an ABC News report on a pumpkin-weighing competition is used. This clip is also seen in the "ULTIMATE 50 AMAZING FACTS COMPILATION!"
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 160", Fact #15 is the production team for The Mandalorian ran out of Stormtrooper costumes at one point and had to get new ones from a nearby fan convention. This clip is also seen in the "ULTIMATE 50 AMAZING FACTS COMPILATION!"
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 161", Fact #14 is that Dumbo was supposed to be Time Magazine's Mammal of the Year in 1941 due to his film's release that year but Franklin D. Roosevelt was given the title of Man of the Year instead due to his involvement in Pearl Harbor. Fact #1 is that 1985's Santa Claus: The Movie is extremely popular in the UK despite often being ranked as the worst Christmas movie of all time. During the transition for this fact, Matthew Santoro mistakenly calls the movie The Santa Clause. This clip is also seen in the "ULTIMATE 50 AMAZING FACTS COMPILATION!"
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 166", Fact #28 states that Aladdin was originally set in China. Fact #19 is that Jabba the Hutt was depicted as a walrus in Marvel's adaptation of A New Hope. This clip is also seen in the "ULTIMATE 50 AMAZING FACTS COMPILATION!"
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind 167", Fact #43 is that Disney only fully banned smoking from its theme parks in 2015. This clip is also seen in the "ULTIMATE 50 AMAZING FACTS COMPILATION!"
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 168", Fact #33 is that Carrie Fisher was quoted as saying "No matter how I go, I want it to be reported that I drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra." During this, a timeline of Fisher's roles is shown, which includes Leia Organa. Fact #26 is that Sony had the opportunity to purchase the rights to every Marvel character in 1995, but only purchased Spider-Man because they believed "nobody [gave] a sh*t" about the other characters. Fact #25 is that the crew of Return of the Jedi believed Admiral Ackbar was ugly, but Richard Marquand refused to alter the design to teach children that "good people aren't necessarily good-looking people and that bad people aren't necessarily ugly people". Fact #7 is that Thor calling Hulk a "friend from work" was a suggestion from a kid from the Make-a-Wish Foundation who was visiting the set of Thor: Ragnarok the day the gladiator scene was filmed. This clip is also seen in the "ULTIMATE 50 AMAZING FACTS COMPILATION!" and "AMAZING Facts To Blow Your Mind 3".
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 170", a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background. This clip is also seen in the "ULTIMATE 50 AMAZING FACTS COMPILATION!"
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 171", Fact #39 is that Michael Keaton would whisper "I'm Batman" to Tom Holland while filming fight scenes for Spider-Man: Homecoming. This clip is also seen in "Amazing Facts To Blow Your Mind #4".
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 173", Fact #31 is that Kurt Russell suggested Snake Plissken's eyepatch in Escape From New York in order to "shake off his Disney image". Fact #25 is that Marvel once had a deal with the WWE to earn 25% of earnings made by Hulk Hogan, due to the superhero Hogan shares his first name with.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 174", Fact #39 is the Jim Henson spent a day submerged in a steel drum of swamp water during the filming of The Muppet Movie. Fact #31 is that only the Special Editions of the original Star Wars trilogy were given to the National Film Registry, due to George Lucas' dislike of those versions. Fact #29 is that Disney's purchase of Lucasfilm resulted in the cancellation of a Star Wars series planned to star "Weird Al" Yankovic.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 176", Fact #17 is that Kermit the Frog once had a make-up line named Amphíbīa.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 177", Fact #42 is that Walt Disney fired Goofy's creator for trying to start a union. Fact #39 is that A.A. Milne stopping writing the Winnie the Pooh books because his son was upset about the fame his namesake character brought him. Fact #23 is that Walt Disney's house was demolished in 1998, but the gate with Hidden Mickeys in it still remains. This clip also appears in "1 Hour Of AMAZING Facts To Blow Your Mind! #1".
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 179", after Fact #10 explains "Hammerspace", Matthew Santoro demonstrates this concept by pulling Mjölnir out of his butt.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 180", Fact #34 is that Ed Catmull has aphantasia, the inability to produce mental images. A picture of Catmull on the red carpet for Toy Story 4 is shown. Fact #24 is that James Earl Jones retired voicing Darth Vader in 2022. This clip also appears in "1 Hour Of AMAZING Facts To Blow Your Mind! #1".
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 181", one of the facts is that a model of an X-Wing made for close-ups in A New Hope once sold for $3.1 million.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 182", Fact #38 is that Bill Nye quit a job at Boeing after winning a Steve Martin lookalike contest. Fact #33 is that Hungary calls children born in the early-to-mid-1980's "The DuckTales Generation", due to many of the children's first exposure to politics being an episode of the show being cut short by an emergency broadcast of the prime minister.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 183", Fact #35 is that lightsaber duels have become an official sport in France. Fact #13 is that while Cars only earned $462 million at the box office, it earned $8 billion from merchandise sales during the subsequent five years.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 184", Fact #21 is that Peter Mayhew had actual lines that he spoke to Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford to cue their next lines, with Chewbacca's iconic roar being added in post-production of Star Wars.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 185", Fact #30 is that Marvel decided to make the Aether, the Orb, the Eye of Agamotto, and (retroactively) Loki's scepter and the Tesseract the Infinity Stones during the production of Thor: The Dark World.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 186", Fact #37 is that the vehicles in Disneyland's Indiana Jones ride cannot reverse, so the moment where passengers are chased by the boulder is achieved by tilting the vehicle's motion base backwards and accelerating the walls. This clip also appears in "1 Hour Of AMAZING Facts To Blow Your Mind! #1".
                                                                • In the short "FASCINATING FACTS You Didn't Know! 3", one of the facts is that Wayne Allwine and Russi Taylor (who voiced Mickey and Minnie respectively) got married in 1991.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 187", Fact #19 is that Bill Nye holds a patent for dance shoes with improved points in the toe area to provide better support for dancers' feet. This results in Matthew Santoro singing the Bill Nye the Science Guy theme song. This clip also appears in "1 Hour Of AMAZING Facts To Blow Your Mind! #1".
                                                                • In this short "Creepy Facts That Will Disturb You 15 #education #facts #short #Shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo", one of the facts is that Disney theme park visitors often spread late loved ones' ashes on the rides, most commonly The Haunted Mansion.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 188", Fact #49 is that George Lucas forgot the date of A New Hope's premiere until he went out to dinner with his wife that night because he was so busy approving the film's advertising. Fact #37 is that O Brother, Here Art Thou was the first film to be color-corrected using digital means in full.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 189 (Vertical)" (published May 16, 2024), Fact #50 is that Michael Bay was initially not impressed with Christian Bale's screen test during the casting process for Armageddon. Fact #44 is that Wolverine was originally going to make a cameo in 2002's Spider-Man, but the idea was scrapped because the crew lost Wolverine's suit. Footage from Deadpool & Wolverine is used during this fact. Fact #15 is that Roy Disney took his family on weekly trips to Disneyland and would pick up trash during these visits to show guests and employees that no one was "too good" to pick up trash. Fact #9 is that Robert Lopez broke the record for fastest person to "achieve EGOT" (receiving an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar, and a Tony). Lopez's work on Frozen is mentioned. Fact #50 also appears in the short "Here's some amazing facts you didn't know! 😃".
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 190", Fact #23 is that modern ski trail safety designations were invented by Walt Disney. Fact #13 is that the use of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" in The Lion King led to a lawsuit by the family of Solomon Linda.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 193", Fact #26 is that Walt Disney was a descendant of Robert Disigney, a companion of William the Conqueror.
                                                                • In "First live stream in a long time! Q&A!" (live-streamed on July 6, 2024), a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background.
                                                                • In the short "Most DISTURBING Toys Ever Made 2", while talking about the cymbal-playing monkey, the toy's appearance in Toy Story 3 is mentioned.
                                                                • In "10 Scariest Mental Disorders That Exist Today", the #8 entry is dedicated to "Alice in Wonderland Syndrome", named as such because the victim feels like they're growing or shrinking in size.
                                                                • Webster and Ricker Spider-Man

                                                                  The Spider-Man Selfie

                                                                  Matthew Santoro Chilling Final Photos Second Train

                                                                  The train selfie

                                                                  In "10 Chilling Final Photos Taken of People", while talking about Kelsey Webster, Savannah Webster, and Essa Ricker unknowingly taking a selfie in front of an oncoming train, another picture features the trio holding Spider-Man comics.
                                                                • John Robinson Baby Photo

                                                                  John Robinson posing with victim's baby.

                                                                  In "10 Normal Pictures with Disturbing Backstories", while talking about John Robinson posing with a baby of a woman he killed in a family portrait, Matthew Santoro mentions that Paul Morrison compared Robinson's smile in the photo to the Cheshire Cat.
                                                                • In "FASCINATING FACTS You Didn't Know! 19", one fact is that Frank Oz voiced Miss Piggy, Yoda, Cookie Monster, Fozzie Bear, and Bert.
                                                                • In "Matthew Santoro is live!" (streamed July 27, 2024), Matthew Santoro mentions wanting to see Deadpool & Wolverine.
                                                                • In the short "FASCINATING FACTS You Didn't Know! 24", Matthew Santoro points of that Dark Helmet's helmet is in exaggerated version of Darth Vader's.
                                                                • In "Weekly Live Stream!" (streamed August 3, 2024), Matthew Santoro mentions wanting to see Deadpool & Wolverine.
                                                                • In "10 BIGGEST GAMBLES That Paid Off HUGE", the #8 entry is dedicated to Star Wars.
                                                                • In "Matthew Santoro is live!" (streamed August 11, 2024), Matthew Santoro mentions wanting to see Deadpool & Wolverine.
                                                                • In "Comic Book Characters Inspired by REAL People!", one entry is shared between Professor X and Magneto, who were inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X respectively.
                                                                • In "The Berkshire UFO Incident - DARK CHRONICLES #4", Matthew Santoro says that Tom Warner compared the aliens to Yoda.
                                                                • In "Comic Book Characters Inspired by REAL People! 2", one entry is dedicated to Iron Man, who was inspired by Howard Hughes.
                                                                • In "10 YouTubers Who Mysteriously Disappeared Part 2", while talking about JayStation, Matthew Santoro mentions that JayStation had a video where he trespassed onto Disney World.
                                                                • In "Matthew Santoro is live!" (streamed August 17, 2024), Matthew Santoro reads a chat by a user named "Cokebear". Matthew Santoro then attempts to roar like a bear, but realizes the noise he makes sounded closer to a Wookiee. Matthew Santoro reads a user who mentions Tinker Bell never being in the Disney logo as an example of the Mandela effect.
                                                                • In "Matthew Santoro is live!" (streamed August 24, 2024), Matthew Santoro says that he didn't see Inside Out 2 nor Alien: Romulus, but the members of his Discord server streamed the former together recently. Matthew Santoro reads a chat that asks him to side with the Republic or the Empire. He chooses the latter. Matthew Santoro says his favorite movie franchise is the Matrix series, not counting "the obvious ones" like Star Wars. Matthew Santoro reads a chat by a user named "Obi-Wan Shinobi".
                                                                • In "Controversial BANNED Cartoons that were Actually Made!", while talking about "Dial M for Monkey" from Dexter's Laboratory being banned in multiple countries due to homosexual stereotypes and the Bulk drinking alcohol, the aforementioned character is mentioned to be a parody of the Hulk.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 195", Fact #35 is that the yeti on Expedition Everest is stationary because the cement under the yeti is loose and Disney is concerned the animatronic moving would cause it to fall on guests.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 195", Fact #50 is that Wolverine has bones under his claws.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 196", Fact #1 is that Adriana Caselotti, the voice actress of Snow White, taught a voice acting class.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 199", Fact #48 is that Captain Citrus was a fictional mascot created by the Florida Department of Citrus inspired by Captain America.
                                                                • In "Matthew Santoro is live!" (streamed September 28, 2024), Matthew Santoro mentions that he has not watched Gravity Falls but believes he's heard of it.
                                                                • In "Matthew Santoro is live!" (streamed October 5, 2024), Matthew Santoro reads a chat by a user named after Minnie Mouse. Matthew says the last movie that blew him away was Avengers: Endgame, but acknowledges that Deadpool & Wolverine was also good. Matthew Santoro disagrees with Robert Downey Jr. playing Doctor Doom, citing his role as Iron Man as justification.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 200", Fact #1 is that the former heir of North Korea lost the position due to traveling to Japan to visit Tokyo Disneyland.
                                                                • In "Matthew Santoro is live!" (streamed October 12, 2024), Matthew Santoro reads a chat by a user named after Star Wars. Matthew Santoro mentions that his Discord server streamed Deadpool & Wolverine together recently.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 201", Fact #20 is that Stan Lee was a victim of elder abuse.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 202", Fact #39 is that Raven-Symoné originally auditioned for the role of Chelsea Daniels-Grayson in That's So Raven, but was given the title role due to positive audience reception. Fact #2 is that Costco accidentally sold copies of Toy Story 2 that had "F**k" edited into two scenes.
                                                                • In "10 Creepy Historical Facts School Never Taught You", the #1 entry is dedicated to the fact that Disney created a Mickey Mouse gas mask to comfort children in case they needed to wear it if World War II came to America.
                                                                • In "50 CREEPY FACTS Thats Will Disturb You 3", a sculpture of Mickey Mouse's hands in the shape of the logo of the Los Angeles Dodgers is seen behind Matthew Santoro. One fact is that visitors often spread lost loved ones' ashes throughout Disney World, with Matthew Santoro listing flower pots, the Magic Kingdom flower bed, the Haunted Mansion and the Pirates of the Caribbean ride as popular locations.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 203", a sculpture of Mickey Mouse's hands in the shape of the logo of the Los Angeles Dodgers is seen behind Matthew Santoro.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 204", a sculpture of Mickey Mouse's hands in the shape of the logo of the Los Angeles Dodgers is seen behind Matthew Santoro. Fact #34 is that dumbo octopuses are named after the eponymous Disney elephant. Fact #49 is that Jar Jar Binks was the first LEGO minifigure to have a custom-sculpted head.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 205", a sculpture of Mickey Mouse's hands in the shape of the logo of the Los Angeles Dodgers is seen behind Matthew Santoro. Fact #40 is that Animal Kingdom was designed by Joe Roy, who brought a bengal tiger into his meeting with Michael Eisner.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 206", a sculpture of Mickey Mouse's hands in the shape of the logo of the Los Angeles Dodgers is seen behind Matthew Santoro.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 207", a sculpture of Mickey Mouse's hands in the shape of the logo of the Los Angeles Dodgers is seen behind Matthew Santoro. Fact #41 is that former Disney head Jeffrey Katzenberg attempted to desaude Robin Williams from voicing Batty Koda in FernGully: The Last Rainforest because Katzenberg wanted the Genie from Aladdin to be Williams' only voice acting role. Fact #50 is that A Bug's Life, Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo, and WALL-E were brainstormed over the same lunch.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 208", one fact is that ESPN: The Ocho was originally made up for the movie Dodgeball only to become real later on.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 209", Fact #6 is that Charlie Cox failed his audition for Han Solo in Solo because he got used to not having to make eye contact with his co-stars while playing the titular character of Daredevil. This clip is also seen in "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 210 (Short 1)" and "Unbelievable Facts: From Lithium Ion Batteries to Unique Pioneers".
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 210", Fact #23 is that Peter Webber meant to say "Who do you think you are rooting against me? I am the man in this tournament!" when he yelled "Who do you think you are I am?!" at ESPN's 2012 US Open.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 213", Fact #23 is that Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro was supposed to release on September 18, 2001, but had to be delayed by several months due various aspects of the game having to be changed following the September 11th terrorist attacks, such as the final battle originally taking place on top of the World Trade Center. This clip is also seen in "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 213 (Short 3)".
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 214", Fact #26 is that the dog Jed played the dog the titular creature imitates in 1982's The Thing and the titular dog from White Fang. Fact #44 is that Angela Lansbury was initially hesitant to record the titular song from Beauty and the Beast because she thought she wouldn't be able to hit the appropriate notes but ended up recording the song in one take. Fact #50 is that George Lucas wanted Muppets creator Jim Henson to voice Yoda from Star Wars.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 215", Fact #4 is that Garry Marshall and Penny Marshall, who played the Devil (referred to as "the Master" due to YouTube's community guidelines) and his wife respectively in Hocus Pocus, were siblings in real life. Fact #23 is that the Beatles weren't legally dissolved until John Lennon signed the contract making the dissolution official while on vacation at Disney World in 1974.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 216", Fact #29 is that J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis hated Disney, with the former calling the movies "disgusting and hopelessly corrupted" and Walt Disney a "cheat". Fact #30 is that a couple sued Disney World claiming a Winnie the Pooh cast member hit their child, the cast member appeared at the trial in costume, communicating by nodding their head, hitting their stomach and stomping their feet. This clip is seen in the short "Uncovering Bizarre Facts About History and Nature".
                                                                • In the short "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 212 (Short 2)", one fact is that Peter Webber meant to say "Who do you think you are rooting against me? I am the man in this tournament!" when he yelled "Who do you think you are I am?!" at ESPN's 2012 US Open.
                                                                • In "50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! 217", Fact #36 is that A New Hope was John Williams' first symphonic film score.
                                                                • In his first livestream titled "Dead By Daylight Gaming!", Matthew Santoro does an impression of Palpatine.
                                                                • In his second livestream titled "Dead By Daylight Gaming!", Matthew Santoro compares the noise Leatherface makes after a successful kill to a Tusken Raider. After unlocking the Shattered Globe charm, Matthew Santoro plays "Duel of the Fates". Matthew Santoro asks if <insert name here> remembers Howard the Duck.
                                                                • In "Loopin' and Spookin' | 7,500 hours | 8 x P100 | Devotion 47 | 100% Completion | #ShirtMySurvivor", Matthew Santoro sings "Have you seen my dog today?" to the tune of "When You Wish Upon a Star" multiple times, with the first time being done in a way that sounds like Chewbacca.
                                                                • In "SPOOKY KILLERS ONLY 😈", when Matthew Santoro takes down his green screen to dance to an alert that plays "Bacon Pancakes" from Adventure Time, a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "10 Dark Disney Secrets: What's Hiding Behind Their Magic?", the #10 entry is dedicated to the poor treatment of animators early on. The #9 entry is dedicated to the subliminal messages. The #8 entry is dedicated to the cost of running the theme parks. The #7 entry is dedicated to the strict control over its IP. The #6 entry is dedicated to various incidents where people have died at the parks. The #5 entry is dedicated to Walt Disney's problematic views. The #4 entry is dedicated to the exploitation of animals at the parks. The #3 entry is dedicated to the manipulative nature of the merchandise. The #2 entry is dedicated to the shift to 3D animation. The #1 entry is dedicated to selling an "illusion of perfection". Pictures from Steamboat Willie, Three Little Pigs, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, The Sword in the Stone, The Fox and the Hound, Lady and the Tramp, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and various locations from the theme parks are shown.
                                                                • In "10 Creepiest Liminal Spaces on Earth", a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "10 Bone-Chilling True Crime Stories That Will Leave You Questioning Everything", a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "10 Real-Life Creepy Kids With Disturbing Backstories", a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "50 Amazing Facts to Blow Your Mind! 219", a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background. One fact is that Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark had a budget of $75 million, the highest of any Broadway musical.
                                                                • In "AMAZING Facts To Blow Your Mind 2", one fact is that Eartha Kitt voiced Yzma in The Emperor's New Groove. Another fact is that the club from the opening of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is named Club Obi-Wam. Another fact is that the sound of the TIE Fighter engine was created by combining an elephant call and the sound of a car driving on wet pavement. Another fact is that the story that inspired Beauty and the Beast is over 2,500 years old. Another fact is that the filmmakers of The Lion King originally wanted ABBA to write the soundtrack but went with Elton John when they were unavailable. Another fact is that Yoda's species has never been identified.
                                                                • In "10 Unexplained Alien Artifacts Discovered on Earth", a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "10 Eerie Abandoned Military Sites with Haunted Histories", a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "50 Amazing Facts to Blow Your Mind! 220", a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background. Fact #15 is that there's a mute superhero named Daredevil that predates the Marvel character by 15 years. Fact #18 is that a scene of Boba Fett's hand emerging from the Sarlacc pit was cut from The Book of Boba Fett to match the pitch of a then-fictional Star Wars Episode VII from an episode of Parks and Recreation.
                                                                • In "10 Terrifying Simpsons Predictions That ACTUALLY Came TRUE" (published February 17, 2025), a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background. The #4 entry is dedicated to "When You Dish Upon a Star" predicting Disney's purchase of Fox. The episode's title is a reference to "When You Wish Upon a Star". This clip is also seen in the short "The Simpsons Predicted Disney's Acquisition of 20th Century Fox!"
                                                                • In the short "Uncovering Ancient Technology: The Antikythera Mechanism", a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "10 Terrifying Nostradamus Predictions That Are About To Come True" (published February 21, 2025), a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background.
                                                                • In the short "Astonishing True Story Of A Boy With Precognition Abilities", a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "10 Unexplained Times Demons Were Caught In A Photo", a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "10 Mysterious Deep Sea Creatures Scientists Can't Explain", a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "10 Genetic Mutations We Should Be Very Worried About", a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "10 Terrifying Baba Vanga Predictions That Might Come True In 2025" (published March 5, 2025), a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "50 Terrifying Facts That Will Keep You Awake Tonight", a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "Shocking and Wild Facts!", a prop of Captain America's shield is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "Fishing on Fourth of July", Jesse is seen holding Nemo and Dory plushies.
                                                                • In "Psycho Family Halloween", Jesse's Dad is seen wearing a Hulk costume.
                                                                • In "Psycho Dad Launches Wii", Jesse is seen wearing a TIE Fighter shirt.
                                                                • In "Psycho Pirate Sinks Gaming Ship", Jesse is wearing Jack Sparrow's wig. Clips from this video appears in the short "LARPING as Pirates in Our Backyard!"
                                                                • In "ANGRY GRANDPA KICKS ME OUT!", a Donald Duck plush is seen in the background. This clip is also seen in the short "Angry Grandpa KICKS OUT McJuggerNuggets?!"
                                                                • In "KIDBEHINDACAMERA CAUGHT US?!", Jesse's tooth fairy costume is inspired by Tinker Bell. A clip from while Jesse is wearing this costume appears in the short "McJuggerNuggets is THE TOOTH FAIRY?!"
                                                                • In "Psycho Dad Burns Board Games", despite not being a board game, one of the burnt items is a DVD of Lost. This clip is also seen in the short of the same name.
                                                                • In "LIVING AT A FAN'S HOUSE! *KICKED OUT BY DAD*", Daniel is seen wearing a shirt with Captain America's shield on it.
                                                                • The video "I Met the Girl of My Dreams at Disney World" focuses on Jesse and his now-fiancé Ashley meeting while Jesse's family were staying at a hotel near Disney World.
                                                                • In "BREAKING INTO BIGBRUDDA'S HOUSE?!", a prop of Captain America's shield and a plush of Grogu are seen.
                                                                • In "Psycho Dad Destroys Arcade", Jesse and Ashley are playing the Star Wars pinball machine at the start of the video. Jeffery destroys the Marvel vs. Capcom cabinet from the video "WE BUILT AN ARCADE IN MY BASEMENT?!" on Jesse's second channel, Jesse Tyler Ridgway, while Jesse's dad destroys the Star Wars pinball machine. Jeffery's prop of Captain America's shield is also mentioned. This clip is also seen in the short of the same name.
                                                                • In "DESTROYING MY BROTHER'S ENGAGEMENT RING?!", Jeffery's prop of Captain America's shield is seen.
                                                                • In "BEHIND THE DEVIL INSIDE FINAL -- MJN'S GREATEST HITS", Walt Disney World is mentioned.
                                                                • In "MY ROOM OF MIRRORS CAME CRASHING DOWN?!", Jesse sings "Shining, shimmering, splendid".
                                                                • In "SURPRISING MY GIRLFRIEND WITH A PUPPY?!", at one point Jesse holds up Jenny and sings the opening notes of "Circle of Life".
                                                                • In ""PSYCHO FAMILY" - (Full McJuggerNuggets Documentary)", a family photo of the Ridgeways at Disneyland is seen. Jesse is seen holding Nemo and Dory plushies in footage from "Fishing on Fourth of July". Jesse is seen wearing a TIE Fighter shirt in footage from "Psycho Dad Launches Wii". Jesse's Dad is seen wearing a Hulk costume in footage from "Psycho Family Halloween". Footage from an ABC News report on Christina Grimmie's murder is used.
                                                                • In "BIGBRUDDA BECOMES MCJUGGERNUGGETS CAMERAMAN!", the Star Wars pinball table is seen in the background. Jeffery references "Star Wars Kid".
                                                                • In "My Girlfriend is Leaving Me...", a LEGO set of Sleeping Beauty Castle is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "SAYING GOODBYE FOREVER!", Jesse and Ashley return to Walt Disney World Resort.
                                                                • In "why bigbrudda no longer works for me...", a Star Wars pinball table is seen in the background. Jesse says the channel losing its cameraman is a "a tale as old as time".
                                                                • In "McJuggerNuggets Girlfriend is FURIOUS Over Female Cameraman", after Larry absent-mindedly shakes Tom's hand despite their COVID-19 safety precautions, Jesse yells "23-19!"
                                                                • In "McJuggerNuggets GOES MISSING in 2023?!" (published December 31, 2022), the LEGO set of Sleeping Beauty Castle and the Star Wars pinball table are seen in multiple clips of the recap montage. Ashley is seen wearing a Mickey Mouse sweater in another clip.
                                                                • In "WE'RE MAKING A MOVIE!" (published April 5, 2023), Jesse says he will make sure his movie (later revealed to be titled Don't Dream About Me) gets onto a streaming service, naming Disney+ in a list of streaming services.
                                                                • In "McJuggerNuggets RUINED This Man's Life...", Jesse mentions recording himself singing Disney songs when he was younger. Paul has a R2-D2 figure. Paul claims he has previously worked for Disney.
                                                                • In "McJuggerNuggets DESTROYED This Man's Career...", Jesse and Yeegz briefly play the Marvel and Star Wars pinball tables. Ashley mentions that she and Jesse met each other at Disney World. Paul sarcastically asks if Jesse wants him to "take [his] f***ing shirt off and sing Disney songs again".
                                                                • In "McJuggerNuggets SAVES This Man...", Jesse mentions recording Disney songs with Paul.
                                                                • In "Jesse and Ashley's Christmas Exchange 2023", Jesse mentions he and Ashley stayed up late watching Lost the night before. One of Ashley's gifts to Jesse is a puzzle of the thumbnail for "I Met the Girl of My Dreams at Disney World". Two of Jesse's gifts to Ashley are the Ravensburger 1000-Piece Disney Puzzle and a Christmas ornament celebrating Disney 100 Years of Wonder.
                                                                • In "RIP Aunt Jackie", one of Jackie's tribute clips takes place at Disney World.
                                                                • In "McJuggerNuggets -- SURGERY PREPARATION", Jesse reads a chat that mentions Winnie the Pooh.
                                                                • In "MCJUGGERNUGGETS UNDERGOES SURGERY 2!", a LEGO set of Sleeping Beauty Castle is seen in the background. Memorabilia based on BB-8 and the Keyblade can be seen in the background of Boogie2988's streaming setup.
                                                                • In "Giving Psycho Dad His 2nd Dream Car | 1969 Pontiac Firebird", Jesse's grandmother is shown wearing a Mickey Mouse Ears Hat. This clip is also seen in the short "McJuggerNuggets Gives Psycho Dad 2nd Dream Car (part 2)".
                                                                • In "We Hosted a Private Movie Screening For My Family", posters for Moana 2 and Mufasa: The Lion King are seen in the movie theater.
                                                                • In "The Proposal", Jesse mentions him and Ashley meeting at Disney World. This clip is also seen in the short "McJuggerNuggets Proposes to Ashley May!"
                                                                • In the episode "Кто такой ДИКТОР!" (Who is ANNOUNCER!), at 0:56, James P. Sullivan and Mike Wazowski (in their college uniforms) make cameo appearances and at 1:57, WALL-E and B.E.N. make cameo appearances.
                                                                • In the episode "Боб против маньяка" (Bob vs Maniac), at 2:47, Remy makes a cameo appearance.
                                                                • In "Youtubers React to FNAF: Security Breach Destroying and Taking Roxy's Eyes", POISED is seen wearing a sweater with the Toy Story logo.
                                                                • In "Ice Fishing", a mermaid resembling Ariel is seen when Ned comes across a merman giving him powers to be Aquaman.


                                                                • In one video, a plush of the Cheshire Cat can be seen in the background.


                                                                • In "Every Smash Veteran's WORST Change In Ultimate", a meme of Thanos is seen.
                                                                • In "Top 10 Original Smash Moves That Became Canon", Sora is seen in the intro.
                                                                • In "Every Smash Veteran's WORST Change In Ultimate (Post-DLC)", Sora is seen. The original video's Thanos meme is also seen.


                                                                • In "The 10 WEIRDEST Fallout Mods", one entry is dedicated to Sorenova's "Buzz Lightyear Paladin Dance" mod for Fallout 4. Another entry is dedicated to a mod by Akaboum for Fallout 3 that allows <insert name here> to kill the children in Little Lamplight. The actual name of this mod is too inappropriate for YouTube, so the narrator titles the entry "Younglings". This clip also appears in "The Fallout Franchise Deep Dive", which was uploaded to Watchmojo.
                                                                • In "10 Most Powerful Fallout Weapons", while talking about the Alien Blaster from throughout the series, the narrator says the blaster "basically turns [<insert name here>] into Thanos". This clip also appears in "The Fallout Franchise Deep Dive" uploaded to Watchmojo.

                                                                Mokey's Show

                                                                • In "Wellcom to Disnehy", Mokey, Dilan, and Grooby make references to their Disney counterparts, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy.
                                                                Mokey Show Mickey Mouse

                                                                Mickey Mouse in "The Christmas Hope"

                                                                • In "The Christmas Hope", Mickey Mouse appears as one of Mokey's clones fighting the Krima Demons.


                                                                • In "The Strangest TikTok Live Streams..", while talking about the donation fighting game livestreams, two of the characters seen in the example stream are Deadpool and Spider-Man.
                                                                • In "Missing YouTubers That Were Never Found", while talking about Charmix, a Funko POP of Captain America is seen behind Carl.

                                                                More Adam Course

                                                                • In "I LAUGH, YOU WIN $100🤑 | FAMILY GUY - BEST OF STEWIE GRIFFIN (all seasons)", one clip features Stewie refusing to duck down to allow a family to take a photo at Disneyland.
                                                                • In "FAMILY GUY - ODDLY RELATABLE MOMENTS! (Try Not To Laugh)", one clip features Peter finding various items in his jacket pocket, including an Iron Man Band-Aid. Another clip features the parody Aladdin IV: Jafar May Need Glasses.
                                                                • In "HOLY LORD!😲 FAMILY GUY - DARK HUMOR!", a LEGO set of Baby Groot is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "THE EVOLUTION OF RANDY MARSH | REACTION", one clip shows Randy dressed as Leia Organa. Another clip features South Park's parody of Mickey Mouse.
                                                                • In "FAMILY GUY - BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL | Part 2 | (try not to laugh)", a LEGO set of Baby Groot is seen in the background. One clip features Stewie as Darth Vader with Stormtroopers in the background. Another clip features Mickey Mouse exploding a Jewish mouse's car. Iron Man in a chef's uniform features in a clip where Peter is organizing his cutaways for the week.
                                                                • In "I LAUGH, YOU WIN $200 | FAMILY GUY - BEST MOMENTS..", one clip features Peter touching Lois' rotting toenail to redirect Palpatine's force lightning back at him.
                                                                • In "Family Guy Reaction: FUNNIEST MOMENTS!", Iron Man in a chef's uniform features in a clip where Peter is organizing his cutaways for the week.
                                                                • In "FAMILY GUY - BEST CUTAWAYS EVER.. (Try Not To Laugh)", one clip features Peter racing another man on Light Cycles.
                                                                • In "FAMILY GUY - BEST CUTAWAYS EVER! (Try Not To Laugh Part 2)", a LEGO set of Baby Groot is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "FAMILY GUY - YOUR FAVOURITE MOMENTS! (Try Not To Laugh)", a LEGO set of Baby Groot is seen in the background. One clip features Stewie firing Beaker for making drugs.
                                                                • In "FAMILY GUY - FUNNIEST MOMENTS! (Try Not To Laugh)", a LEGO set of Baby Groot is seen in the background.
                                                                • In "Try Not To Laugh | FAMILY GUY - FUNNIEST MOMENTS!", one clip features the parody Aladdin IV: Jafar May Need Glasses. Another clip features Stewie and another child choking on two Kylo Ren toys. Another clip sees Peter making the ghost of his father quote Obi-Wan Kenobi.
                                                                • In "Try Not To Laugh | FAMILY GUY - OFFENSIVE RELIGION JOKES", after one clip in which Peter thanks Jesus for helping him gain the approval of Carter Pewterschmidt when Vishnu was actually the one responsible, Adam asks if the latter was Aladdin (although he likely meant the Genie, given Vinshnu's blue skin).


                                                                Mostly Fact

                                                                • In "What Was Your Best Moment Of Revenge?", Story 9 occurred when the user was four or five years old and involves the user putting on their neighbor's underwear and peeing in them after the neighbor made fun of the user for being scared by the "Pink Elephants on Parade" segment from Dumbo.
                                                                • In "What's The Most Terrifying Confession From A Drunk Person?", Story 2 involves a man dressed as Tigger trying to convince the user they are transgender and they should transition, confessing he wants to murder his mother as well as trying to convince the user to do the same to their mother. After the user rejects the latter, the man walks out the door and jumps down the stairs. Mostly Fact then says "They're bouncy, trouncy, fell down the stairs. Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun. But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is… nothing from the sounds of it".
                                                                • In "Consequences When Adults Are Not Taking Kids Seriously", Story 36 involves the user telling on their siblings for making a makeshift ladder with random stuff around their backyard to climb up to the roof only for the ladder to be gone by the time the user got their parents. Mostly Fact jokes the ladder disappeared because of "an evil scientist's -inator as part of an evil plot to take over the Tri-State Area".
                                                                • In "What Your Parent's Worst Rule?", Story 8 involves the user being prohibited from using public restrooms. This rule once ruined a trip to Disney World. In Story 22, the user's mother "Hulk smashed" the user's laptop because the user would only greet their sister's boyfriend by saying "'Sup?"
                                                                • In "Why Did You Quit A Game?", one of the games in Story 17 is Star Wars: Commander, which the user quit due to the game forcing <insert name here> to play PvP to continue past a certain point in the single-player campaign. Story 37 mentions the shutdown of the Club Penguin servers. Story 46 mentions 'Star Wars Galaxies, which the user quit due to an update that made the game more similar to World of Warcraft.
                                                                • In "What Was The Craziest Event You've Seen In Your High School?", in Story 1, the user compares the difference between what their friend was expecting at the swim team's party and what was actually there to showing a ten-year-old Caligula when they were expecting Toy Story 2.
                                                                • In "What CREEP You Out While Home Alone?", in Story 13, the user says the would-be intruder was jiggling their doorknob so violently it was as if the Hulk was trying to get in.
                                                                • In "What's Your Horror Story As An Amusement Park Employees?", Story 13 involves people trying to circumvent the height requirement on a Disney attraction, which Mostly Fact guesses is "Goofy Barnstormers". Story 16 involves a kid puking on the Walt Disney World Monorail System. Despite the user not being an employee, Story 19 involves the user witnessing a piece of Rocket Rods falling off the ride and being told a year later the piece was from the seat belts of mother and daughter who had to be cut out of the ride. Story 23 involves a kid having a severe asthma attack on the Walt Disney World Monorail System. Story 37 involves a passenger getting his finger severed in the gears of an unspecified water ride at Disney World. Story 39 involves a security guard finding a person defecating on the wall of It's a Small World while responding to another call in Fantasyland. The initial call turned out to simply be a woman breastfeeding.
                                                                • In "Drill Sergeants, What's The Funniest Thing In Training?", Story 34 involves the drill sergeant describing a recruit's walk as "Jar Banks".
                                                                • In "Professors, Who's The Dumbest Student You've Taught in School?", Story 3 involves two instances, the first being a student who had his mother write his essay with over half of the essay plagiarized and the second being a student who copied the Wikipedia article for Aladdin. Story 5 also involves two instances, the first involving an essay that began with "Are we born with intelligent?" and the second seeing a student turning in two pages for an essay that was supposed to be six pages, with the second page being a character description for Mowgli.
                                                                • In "What's The "It's Just A Phase... I Hope" Story?", Story 16 involves a girl obsessed with Frozen. Story 28 involves a boy who "thinks he's a Jedi, acts like a Sith". Story 35 involves a kid obsessed with Elsa, with the user claiming they "hear 'Let It Go' in [their] nightmares".
                                                                • In "What Unpopular Survival Fact That Everyone Should Know?", Story 20 has the user advise readers to "steer towards killing Bambi before eating leaves" in regards to what is safe to eat.

                                                                The Movie Dweeb



                                                                • MrAcrizzy's intro is a parody of the Pixar logo.


                                                                Mr. Terry History

                                                                • In the first "High School Teacher Reacts to Funny Test Answers!", one question asks students to name at least five things that are almost always white. However, the student in the picture only names three: sheep, clouds, and Disney Princesses. After this, Mr. Terry says "You don't want to p*ss off Walt" and jokes that Mickey Mouse and Goofy are going to attack the student at their house that night.
                                                                • In the second "High School Teacher Reacts to Funny Test Answers!", after one answer suggests the Hunger Games as a solution for overpopulation, Mr. Terry suggests Thanos as another solution. During the question asking to complete proverbs, the student finishes "It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt" as "It's all fun and games until Darth Vader comes."
                                                                • In the third "School Teacher Reacts to Funny Test Answers!", one student draws a stick figure of Palpatine on the bottom corner of their test saying they have "UNLIMITED POWER" because they're doing well on the test, which the teacher responds to by drawing a similar stick figure just above the student's drawing saying they have "UNLIMITED POWER" because they are the teacher.
                                                                • In "History memes they should show in schools [MEMES]", one meme has General Hux (representing France during the American Revolutionary War) saying he didn't care if America won, but he needed England to lose.
                                                                • In "Worst things to accidentally send your teacher | High School Teacher Reacts", one meme features the student accidentally sending their teacher a video of an orchestra performance with a clip of two people dressed as Spider-Man on top of each other with the bottom one smacking the top one's butt edited presumably where a cymbal crash was supposed to go. Another meme features the student accidentally sending their teacher a picture of The Suite Life of Zack & Cody: Tipton Trouble.

                                                                MrWissen2Go Geschichte

                                                                • In "Die Wahrheit über Samurai", Star Wars, the Jedi and Darth Vader are referenced when talking about the fighting style of the samurai.


                                                                My Little Pony Meets

                                                                • In "Wreck-It Ralph", Pinkie Pie comes to Sugar Rush and causes havoc by eating everything out of house and home.
                                                                • In "Rapunzel", Rapunzel ends up in Ponyville on her way to Arendelle for Anna's birthday to which every single Disney Princess (including Sofia the First) is invited, but gets attacked by the Diamond Dogs and saved by Rarity and Spike. Then, the Diamond Dogs land in Maleficent's lair, who appoints them as her new minions, and one of them refuses and calling her a hag, which angers her and zaps him, having them follow her.
                                                                Tsum tsum meet mlp

                                                                Tsum Tsum meets My Little Pony

                                                                • In "Tsum Tsum", Apple Bloom brings Tsum Tsum figures of Mickey Mouse, Marie, and Elsa to the Cutie Mark Crusaders' clubhouse, but the figures then call every other Tsum Tsum figure in existence to arrive at and overrun the clubhouse. The Tsums all quickly make trouble for the young ponies and, in spite of the young ponies' trying to get rid of them, they eventually take the clubhouse for themselves. The Cutie Mark Crusaders ultimately have to go to Sugarcube Corner in order to figure out how to get rid of the Tsums once and for all.
                                                                • In "Godzilla", Bambi and Thumper appear in the beginning, then Godzilla steps on Bambi (a reference to the famous animated short Bambi Meets Godzilla), and then Rapunzel is mentioned again when Spike talks to Twilight Sparkle about the adventures in "Rapunzel Meets My Little Pony".
                                                                • In "ToucanLDM", ToucanLDM asks if he's going to Walt Disney World.
                                                                • In "Elsa", Twilight Sparkle has Pinkie Pie bring Elsa to Ponyville to help wrap up winter, and then later brings Anna for company so Elsa would feel good. The Three Caballeros also make a cameo while Pinkie Pie brings Anna and Elsa home, and Pinkie Pie also brings Olaf with her to a scared Twilight and Applejack, who kicks his head off and to Flurry Heart who sucks on his head. Rapunzel is once again mentioned by Anna when she remembered Ponyville when Rarity helps Rapunzel and saves Anna's birthday present.
                                                                • In "Sofia the First", Sofia has a problem, so the Amulet of Avalor summons Princess Celestia and asks her was it a friendship problem, but all Sofia wanted was someone to help open a pickle jar (a possible reference to The Powerpuff Girls), then, Princess Celestia angrily breaks the jar and scolds Sofia "Don't summon me again" and vanishes back to Equestria.
                                                                • In "Moana", while Moana works on meeting Maui, Gummy gets on board of her canoe, which scares her and attacks Heihei, which Pinkie Pie punishes him with no cupcakes for a week. Pinkie Pie explains to Moana that she and Gummy are visiting the entire Disney Universe. Later, she visits Avalor during a celebration saying she couldn't dare miss a party, and Elena asks who has been tampering with the punch, and Dumbo reluctantly whistles (hinting he has been) then Elena angrily utters Spanish and throws a punch glass to the floor. After the short, Pua asks Pascal to send Heihei to KFC.
                                                                • In "Starlight Likes Kites", a reference to the scene in the episode "Rock Solid Friendship", Starlight Glimmer sings "Let's Go Fly a Kite".

                                                                The Mysterious Mr. Enter

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                                                                Fandom, Inc.

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