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Published 3 weeks ago5 minute read


The Zambian government risk having the country banned from international football, Matero Member of Parliament Miles Sampa has warned.

Commenting on the impasse at the ongoing election process at Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) and government warning that it will not recognize the Andrew Kamanga led executive after February 28, Sampa observed that FIFA will not tolerate any interference from government.

Sampa said Zambia will be banned from international football and the Fans will be angry with the Hakainde Hichilema administration.

Kamanga went Unopposed after eight of his opponents had their nominations invalidated, a situation that has gone well with government.

Government through the National Sports  Council has since demanded that FAZ provides the reasons for the invalidation of the candidature of the eight.

Here is Samoa’s take on the matter:



I can safely  say that I have a loci standi (sufficient interest or stakeholder) as far as Zambian football goes.

Firstly as a fiercy striker of chimpombwa (home made ball ) bare foot football when was a boy in Matero. Then a ball boy at Matero and Independence stadium. Name them; parted them all on the back with ‘ well played’ after each game. It was showing off point to my buddies. I touched him on the back !
These were likes of Ucar, Jack Chanda, Jones Chilengi, Alex Chola, Peter Kaumba, Kalusha Bwalya etc.

Would later on in life own (and still do) a football team. Then I became  a FAZ Committee member during the Kalusha Bwalya reign as President at FAZ.

I know Andrew Kamanga from way back during our Round Table days to when I was the deputy Minister of Finance & he a consultant for various international investors. Andrew is a colleague and so is Keith Meeemba who was once my lawyer  and represented me very well in the cases he handled for me. Godfrey Chikumbi I got to meet him then as a young soccer enthusiast via Kalusha when I was at FAZ as Committee member. I am rather impressed with how he has grown into a football influencer or stake holder.

It’s however not the reason why I am not taking sides in the current leadership saga. It’s because I am fully aware that as an elected official, it’s safer to play neutral because the matter is highly polarized (split in two) amongst those that voted for me or those l wish to vote for me in future .

Based on my experience in the management of the game however,  I can share my impartial views on the FAZ status quo. The basics and foundation point to consider as a Nation is that only FIFA has the first and last say on all football matters. It’s not a government, minister, sports council or President issue to resolve. Actually the more they get involved; the more they will upset FIFA.

FIFA loath any acts that can be deemed as third party interference in the running of football in a Country. It does not matter the gravity of the matter at hand but they only listen and respond to their affiliates and in this case FAZ.

Firstly it should not be in anyone’s interest to get Zambia banned given that we have both our women and men teams qualified to various continental cups tournament. Who knows; we could qualify to the World Cup if we play and win all games remaining. Never say never.

My take is that the aggrieved 8 applicants should follow the enshrined processes by first appealing to  the FAZ Apeals committee. This if only to exhaust the laid down channels and then after which they should apeal to CAF and FIFA. If these channels do not work to their satisfaction, then high Court of Zambia would be the option.

Otherwise best wishes to all 9 applicants and may the very best of them all emerge as the FAZ President after March 2025.

May football be the ultimate winner that Zambians so love and will not forgive anyone (be it Andrew, the 8 applicants, Governement or the President) that will lead to Zambia being banned by FIFA. It can easily happen if emotions will be used to resolve the impasse instead of due FIFA set processes of football conflicts resolutions.

As for the government and unfortunately for them, their only role starts and ends at providing logistical resources and finances for the coaches and the National teams. They however stand to get the wrath of the fans and Zambians for all the potential negative outcomes or losses both on the playing field and at FAZ. Always tempting to over step as a result.

In the end all that ordinary Zambians and fans want to see is a FAZ that will have our National football teams for male and female be able to win games, Cups 🏆 and Championships.

As Dennis Liwewe once put it; Football is not just a game in Zambia, but a religion of its own kind. All stakeholders should play their roles carefully and decisively for the good of the game and for the sake of the majority if not all Zambians that love the game. 

Miles Bwalya Sampa, MP
Patriotic Front.

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