The govern­ment yesterday commenced meetings with the Internation­al Monetary Funds (IMF) Mission Team as part of Ghana’s three-year programme with the IMF for a $3billion balance of payment support to restore macroeco­nomic stability, and ahead of the 2025 budget.

A statement issued by the Public Relations Unit of the Ministry of Finance in Accra yesterday said, the IMF Mission Team is led by the Mission Chief

 for Ghana, Stephane Roudet.

The Finance Ministry stated that the discussions with the IMF Team would centre primarily on Ghana’s progress under the IMF-supported programme and the policy direction of govern­ment on the 2025 budget.

“Other critical areas that would be discussed will include revenue administration reforms, the energy sector reforms, expen­diture rationalisations, and mon­etary and exchange rate policy,” the statement highlighted.

It said the Bank of Ghana, Ghana Revenue Authority, the Comptroller and Accountant General Department and other key institutions are expected to be present in the scheduled meetings.

“The Government of Ghana assures the public of its com­mitment to prioritising macro­economic stability, job creation and improved livelihood for the people of Ghana, “the statement indicated.