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Enough is Enough, Mr. Lungu - Stop the Distortion and Respect the Constitution

Published 3 weeks ago2 minute read

By Lawrence Mukandile. (Political Consultant)

Dr. Edgar Lungu, Zambia’s immediate past President, has once again taken to to repeat his misleading claim that he willingly and freely handed over power. This is not only inaccurate but an insult to the intelligence of Zambians. Let’s set the record straight once and for all:

It is baffling that a former Head of State, a trained lawyer no less, continuously disregards the , which explicitly outlines the process of presidential elections, disputes, and power transitions.

Under the , the legal framework for elections and petitions in the event of disputed presidential results is as follows:

These provisions make it that power is not transferred based on personal choice but

Your repeated claims of voluntarily handing over power are What exactly are you trying to achieve? Should Zambians believe that their democracy depends on the goodwill of one man?

Had you won, Mr. Lungu, you would still be in office today, bragging about how the people had spoken. But because you lost, you now act as if stepping down was a favor to the nation. If you truly believed the election was flawed, why didn’t you file a petition? The Constitutional Court was there, the process was clear, yet you walked away

Zambians deserve commendation for their In other nations, former leaders who tamper with political stability by making reckless statements are met with public outrage. But the people of Zambia have Instead of exploiting that goodwill, you should

Even the deserve recognition for not acting against your But don’t mistake silence for weakness. Should you continue pushing this narrative, it won’t be long before both

Mr. Lungu, You still have the chance to to contribute meaningfully to national dialogue But if you continue on this path, your legacy will not be one of a father of the nation, but of a

For once, Stop this distortion and respect the Constitution.

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