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Published 2 weeks ago2 minute read

Running Point


It can be hard out here for a new Netflix show to secure a second season after its debut, and after blazing through its short string of 10, thirty minute episodes, no doubt viewers are wondering if and when more are coming, and if season 2 of Running Point is on its way.

No, Netflix did not do an instant season 2 renewal for Running Point, or a two-for-one before its premiere. But all signs are pointing up, and we have some comments from cast about the prospect, in addition to what we can gather about its performance.

Right around its premiere, there was an ET interview that talked about the future of the show, which no, is not labeled as a miniseries, and like Mindy Kaling’s other projects, wants to run for multiple seasons. But will its A-list star be down to stick around?

"I had so much fun doing this. I just want to keep doing it," said Kate Hudson

And Mindy spoke to Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos directly: "We love making the show, if you want to just pick us up for five more seasons."

I’ve been doing this a while and the golden triangle (well, sort of a square) is viewership versus cost versus reception versus how many people finish the whole season.

The question about Running Point getting a season 2 is not really an if, but a when. And then another when about when it may return to Netflix, given the 1.5-2+ year gap between almost every show on the service in terms of season breaks, and even a comedy like this may not be able to escape that modern day streaming timetable. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves a bit. Still, expect an announcement in the not-too-distant future.

Pick up my sci-fi novels the Herokiller series and The Earthborn Trilogy.

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