Administration's investigation into USC and UCLA has an agenda - Los Angeles Times
Before 1948, such protests would have been characterized as anti-Zionism instead of antisemitism. I suggest the same distinction exists today; the former is a form of protected political speech while the latter is simply unlawful discrimination.
Noel Johnson, Glendale
To the editor: It’s about time the Department of Justice looks into antisemitism at UCLA. The so-called protesters were detaining Jewish students from going to classes and destroying campus property. In fact, it should be taken a step further — suspend and revoke student visas (when applicable) of any student caught involved in the chaos.
Neil Snow, Manhattan Beach
To the editor: “Antisemitism task force to visit UCLA, USC” is a very misleading headline. A more accurate one would be listing this federal group as a Pro-Zionist task force. There were plenty of Jewish students and members of the Jewish Voice for Peace demonstrating at those campuses for an end to Israel’s genocide in Gaza and the West Bank.
John Zavesky, Riverside