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A Soldier and a Cop Get Superpowers in Netflix's Unpredictable Sci-Fi Action Movie Starring Jamie Foxx and Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Published 1 week ago4 minute read

"What would you do if you had superpowers?" This is a question that's been asked by science-fiction and comic book buffs, but Netflix took it to a whole new level with the 2020 blockbuster . Written by and directed by and , Project Power tracks the rise of a mysterious drug named "Power" . Teenager Robin () is dealing Power, but soon gets caught up in a conspiracy that involves police officer Frank Shaver () and the mysterious Art (), who is seeking the source of Power. The end result is a movie that's both action-packed and is one of the few Netflix original movies to live up to its promise, or at the very least be more than something to put on while the viewers fold laundry.

Project Power
Image via Netflix

Unlike most comic book adaptations or other films and television shows that tackle superpowers, Project Power is a fairly realistic take on the concept. Whoever takes the Power . You could be super strong, you could generate fire or ice, or you could camouflage yourself. One character even breaks down the inspiration for the powers, as they were inspired by the abilities of an animal. , who manages to get a hand on his gun and fires it at him point-blank. Since he took a Power pill, he gains the super-thick skin of a rhinoceros, leaving the bullet to bounce off his face, while granting him super-strength. "We also made sure to root the drug’s side effects in actual science - from subatomic vibrational physics theory through to potential innate DNA from animal biology - to not only dazzle the audience but help them suspend their disbelief by giving each power a plausible, real-world backdrop," VFX artist said when discussing the visuals of Project Power.

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Yet Project Power also doesn't shy away from the fact that . Again, Frank might have survived a gunshot, but he was still shot in the face, and it shows, as he carries a bloodshot eye from the bullet's impact. Another example comes when Art encounters one of Robin's fellow drug dealers, Newt (). Newt took a pill that allows him to generate flames but doesn't grant him resistance to said flames, leaving his skin to be a charred, horrifying mess. It's a great way to underline that, while Power might grant its users abilities, at the end of the day, it's still a drug and can still affect your body in ways you don't expect.

Project Power thrives not just because of its high-concept story, but because of Fishback's gift for comedic timing is unmatched; whether Robin is pestering Frank to do a impression or telling Art they can be like "Batman and Robin," she adds much-needed levity to the scene. Foxx and Gordon-Levitt's characters, on the other hand, deliver different flavors of "driven." Frank, having lived through Hurricane Katrina, is willing to do anything to stay ahead of the Power-users and protect New Orleans, even if it means using Power himself. ; he was one of the first people to test Power, and when his daughter was kidnapped by the same defense firm that experimented on him, he started chasing them down. These motivations are unveiled over the course of the film, adding new context to Project Power while not sacrificing the action.

Audiences definitely loved Project Power, as it wound up being one of 2020's most streamed films. It also led to Fishback went on to star in and , while Tomlin contributed to the scripts for and its upcoming sequel and delivered another sci-fi project for Netflix with Terminator Zero. If you want a Netflix film that's a solid watch and actually delivers on its promise, Project Power is worth the watch.

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