Unsworn Officers Sitting in Cabinet and Defence Council
Unsworn Officers Sitting in Cabinet and Defence Council
Dickson Jere Wrote;
Memorial Series – Second Oath
On this day, I was sworn-in, for the second time within few months after being appointed at State House. Many people did not know what had happened for me to take second Oath of Office before President Rupiah Banda.
My initial appointment was for “Press Secretary” but was verbal with the President. I even reported for work while waiting for my Swearing-in that same week.
However, something dramatic happened at the Swearing-in ceremony. When I was given the Oath to read, I discovered that a “genius” at Cabinet Office inserted a position of Chief Analyst for Press and Public Relations. It was a senior position but just below Special Assistant to the President. I later learnt that they thought I was too young for the loft position of Special Assistant to the President.
I raised this discrepancy with the President.
“You are my Press Secretary, does the nomenclature change anything?” He asked.
Yes it did – I said.
With that position (Chief Analyst), I was not entitled to sit in Cabinet, Defence Council or any Committee of Cabinet convened by the President. I could not fly Business Class too! No personal to holder vehicle, responsibility allowance, and all those other nice perks under the MMD government. Only Special Assistant to the President – ranked at level of Deputy Secretary to Cabinet – had those privileges. To speak for the President, one ought to be in those meetings to appreciate the processes.
So, the President ordered for the rectification of my appointment and I was therefore sworn-in (second time) but now as Special Assistant to President (Press and Public Relations).
Forever grateful to Deputy Secretary to Cabinet then, Robert Mataka, who made sure that this was rectified.
RIP my Principal and Mentor.
His Memorial will take place tomorrow at Embassy Park.