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Six planets will be visible in the night sky this month. How to see the 'parade of planets'

Published 1 month ago5 minute read

An alignment of six planets will dazzle in January 2025.

Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune will align in the night sky. "The whole month of January is a great time to see the planets," EarthSky astronomer John Goss shared in a video on the platform.

Here's what the planetary alignment is, and what it means for your zodiac sign.

"A parade of planets, also sometimes referred to as a planetary alignment, is when several planets in our solar system appear to line up in the sky from our perspective here on Earth," John Conafay, CEO of Integrate Space, tells TODAY.com.

This occurs when the planets' positions in their elliptical orbit around the sun line make them seem like they are close in the sky.

"It’s happening because of the specific orbital speeds and paths of the planets around the sun," Conafay says.

The alignment will be visible for the entire month of January, according to NASA.

Conafay says the specific timing and how long it will last will vary based on where you’re located. You can use online tools like Time and Date’s to discover what planets will be visible near you.

Conafay says to see the planets, you simply need a view of the sky after sunset. But not all of them are visible to the naked eye.

There are a few distinctions. The first is a matter of light, Conafay says.

"Planets look more like a steady light, while stars often twinkle because their light is affected by Earth’s atmosphere," Conafay says.

Another is movement. Planets will move relative to the stars over days or weeks, but stars will stay in the same fixed patterns relative to each other, Conafay explains.

Finally, planets can take on different colors — Mars looks reddish, and Venus is more bright and white.

Astrologically speaking, this is a time to open our hearts. The astrology of Jan. 21 brings the last quarter moon in Scorpio and the planetary conjunction of the sun and Pluto in Aquarius. January 21 is a time of release and letting go.

On Jan. 25, the waning crescent moon in Sagittarius shines, while Venus in Pisces and Mars retrograde in Cancer connect, urging us to be brave when it comes to love.

Celebrate the friendships that mean the world to you. It will remind you about who and what is indispensable so you never take them for granted. Plus, it’ll give you a reason to throw a party and have fun. A win-win for all!

Instead of wanting to take the lead at work, lean into teamwork. You are a natural leader but the moment calls for collaboration. Be mindful of how you approach your colleagues.

Your Mercurial mind wants to dive deeply into spiritual practices right now. Learning about topics like astrology or tarot may prompt you to change your standpoint on pre-existing beliefs about yourself.

You’re more powerful than you know. You have the potential to turn your emotions into art. This could lead to a series of paintings or a book that lets you fully express yourself. It’ll be satisfying to release your emotions and allow others to see the “real” you.

You will soon awaken from the illusion that you need to give yourself away to please others. You have to maintain your sense of individuality.

The cosmos is urging you to be less rigid. Stop preparing for every possible scenario to happen and be present. The less energy you give to mundane tasks, the easier it’ll be to focus on the here and now. You can’t control what happens, but you can control your reaction.

A spark of creativity could lead to tremendous advances in your passionate pursuits. Take long showers or long walks. Cultivate the mood you need to be creative.

You're hardly an oversharer, Scorpio. You like to keep your secrets. But that can lead to a facade of coldness that isn't at all accurate. Since you crave intimacy, try opening up a bit.

A hunch might have wisdom for you. Rather than rationalize your sentiments like usual, take note of your intuition. Even if it’s not 100% accurate, chances are that it will lead you down the right path.

You'll be challenged by what you consider to be necessary and important. What tops your list could fall at the bottom of someone else’s, creating tension and conflict. Stay true to what you value, and don’t give in just because it doesn’t align with others' perspectives.

Change isn’t easy for anyone, not just you. However, it’s easier if you surrender to the universe at this time. Not only will you reap the benefits of personal evolution, but the growing pains will lessen, offering you the opportunity to transcend with ease.

Subconscious discoveries will be made, allowing you to understand your actions better. You know why you behave, but it’s up to you to find ways to change your ways. The path toward healing might take time, so prepare yourself to work hard to mend these wounds.

This article was originally published on TODAY.com

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