Kenyans Sympathise with 2024 KCSE Student Who Scored Mean Grade Y as Result Slip Emerges
Kenyans on social media have expressed their heartfelt sympathies for a student from St Mary’s School, Yala, in Siaya county.

Source: TikTok
The student was among the Kenya Certificate of Secondary (KCSE) 2024 candidates whose results were released on January 9, 2025.
In a result slip shared on TikTok, Alex (not his real name) scored a mean grade of Y despite performing well in several subjects.
According to the slip, the young man scored a B+ in English and Kiswahili, an A- in computer studies, an A- in biology, history, and government, and a B- in chemistry and physics.
However, he got a Y in mathematics, affecting his general mean grade.
The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) established a KCSE grading system to determine each candidate's results.
The grading system uses a 12-point scale with letter grades from A to E. The final grades are based on a candidate's aggregate points from their seven best subjects.
Other mean grades include X, Y, U, CRNM, P, and W.
Mean grade Y means one or more subjects were cancelled due to an examination irregularity.
Mean grade W means the candidate’s results are withheld. It could be on the suspicion of examination malpractice.
Mean grade X indicates that a candidate did not sit for his/her papers.
Mean grade U denotes that entry requirements for the KCSE examination are not met, while P means that the results are pending.
Anita Anitz:
“Why would they give him a Y?”
Sheila Sara:
“I am so sorry, my brother got the same.”
Kish Juliet.
“I felt sorry for this boy. He was always a top 10 student, and then he got this in KNEC exams.”
John Orina:
"If you are sure you did the exam truthfully, you should not cry because you will go back and sit for another test and pass."
“l got a Y in KCSE 2000 Moi Girls Vokoli. It was worst experience but l went back to repeat the class and scored highly. Don't give up.”
Jasto Omosh:
“What has happened in Yala?”
Gle amon:
“Politely saying this, how you got B in physics?”
“Let me encourage you. I got y after returning to school for 10 years, and I didn't give up. The next year, I went back and did it: accept and go back.”
It's Achy:
“And imagine they are top-performing students; I pity them.”
In other news, reported that the release of the 2024 KCSE results ignited frustration among parents and students.
The new mode of checking results proved less sufficient when the KNEC portal failed to handle heavy traffic.
The examination body had provided instructions to access results online, but the portal's inefficiency left many anxiously waiting for their children's performance reports.