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Inflation Reduction Act and Medicare | CMS

Published 4 weeks ago1 minute read

People with Medicare will benefit from lower prescription drug costs and a redesigned prescription drug program. Benefits include:

Medicare will be able to negotiate directly with drug manufacturers to lower the price of some of the costliest single-source brand-name Medicare Part B and Part D drugs. This means that people with Medicare will have increased access to innovative, life-saving treatments, and the costs will be lower for both them and Medicare.

The new law requires drug companies that raise their drug prices faster than the rate of inflation to pay Medicare a rebate. This will lead to a stronger Medicare for current and future enrollees and discourage unreasonable price increases by drug companies.

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Changes in the Medicare Part B program will improve access to high quality, affordable biosimilars for people with Medicare as well as impose a $35/month cost-sharing cap on insulin used in durable medical equipment pumps.

The Inflation Reduction Act makes Medicare stronger for current and future enrollees. It makes health care more accessible, equitable, and affordable by lowering what Medicare spends for prescription drugs and limiting increases in prices.

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