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Freddy Fazbear (Film)/Gallery

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== ''Five Nights at Freddy's'' ==


== ''Five Nights at Freddy's'' ==


=== Screenshots ===


=== Screenshots ===


==== Official ====


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<gallery captionalign="center" position="center">

20230628 191030.jpg|Freddy Fazbear on the show stage with Bonnie and Chica looking to their right.


20230628 191030.jpg|Freddy on stage with Bonnie and Chica looking to their right.

FNaFMovie BTS Editedhead.jpg|The band in the dining room.


FNaFMovie BTS Editedhead.jpg|Freddy in the dining room with Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy.

FNaFMovie trio.jpg|Freddy, along with Bonnie and Chica, looking down on William Afton, watching him get springlocked.


FNaFMovie trio.jpg|Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica, looking down at William Afton after he gets springlocked.

FNaFFilm Abby-Animatronics AmazonScreenshot.jpg|Abby looking at the main three animatronics on stage.


FNaFFilm Abby-Animatronics AmazonScreenshot.jpg|Abby looking at Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica with Mr. Cupcake on stage.



=== Key Artwork ===


==== Posters ====


<gallery captionalign="center" position="center">


FNaFMovie Original-Poster.jpg|Freddy Fazbear in the first poster with Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy behind him.


FNaFMovie-poster-Freddy.jpg|Freddy's standalone poster.


Freddy Textless Film.jpg|Ditto.


FNaFFilm-Freddy Poster2.jpg|Ditto.


FNaFMovie Freddyballpit with mike poster.jpg|Ditto.


FNaFMovie FinalRelease Poster.jpg|Freddy in the second and final film poster with Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy to his left and right.


FNaFMovie Poster without red eyes no logo.jpg|The original poster with yellow glowing eyes.


FNaFMovie poster full.jpg|Ditto, full poster.


FNaFMovie poster tall.jpg|Ditto, tall version.


FNaFMovie Poster3 Digital.jpg|Freddy in front of Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy in the Fandango at Home-exclusive poster.


Japan poster textless.png|Freddy with Chica, Foxy, and Bonnie to his left and right in the Japan poster.




==== Social Images ====


<gallery captionalign="center" position="center">




FNaFMovie-Header4.jpg|Ball pit header.


FNaFMovie header4-2.jpg|Larger alternative ball pit header.


FNaFMovie-thumbnail.jpg|Thumbnail for the teaser.


FNaFMovie without red eyes close up.jpg|A thumbnail without red eyes.


FNaFMovie without red eyes2.jpg|Larger thumbnail without red eyes.


UniversePictures MovieThumbnail.jpg|Smaller alternative with no logo and centered animatronics.


FNaFMovie-Trailer2thumbnail.jpg|Thumbnail for the second trailer.


FNaFMovie Website header2.jpg|A thumbnail of the band outside the pizzeria.


FNaFFilm JapanThumbnail.png|The Japanese thumbnail.


FNaFMovie promo keyart.jpg|IMDb promo key art.




==== Logos ====


<gallery captionalign="center" position="center">


FNaFMovie Logo5.png|Freddy Fazbear on the fourth version of the logo.




==== Physical Releases ====


<gallery captionalign="center" position="center">


FNaFMovie DVD.jpg|Night Shift Edition DVD case.


FNaFMovie DVD back.jpg|Ditto, back.


FNaFFilm DVDCaseCover4.png|An alternative black, red, and white case.


FNaFFilm DVDCaseCover4 Back.png|Ditto, back.


FNaFMovie Blue-Ray.jpg|Night Shift Edition Blue-ray case.


FNaFMovie Blue-Ray Back.jpg|Ditto, back.


FNaFMovie Blue-Ray-DVD-Code poster.jpg|Normal edition Blue-Ray + DVD + Digital Code poster.


FNaFMovie 4K UHD.jpg|Ditto, 4K Ultra HD.


FNaFMovie 4K UHD Back.jpg|Ditto, back.


FNaFMovie 4K UHD poster.jpg|Normal edition 4K Ultra HD poster.


FNaFMovie 4K UHD Alt.jpg|4K Ultra HD alternative case.


FNaFFilm LimitedSteelBook.jpg|Ditto, limited steel book cover.


FNaFFilm LimitedSteelBook Back.jpg|Ditto, back.


FNaFMovie 4K UHD steel cover front.jpg|The front of the 4K UHD steel cover.


FNaFMovie 4K UHD Steel cover back.jpg|Ditto, but of the back.


FNaFMovie 4K UHD Steel cover inside.jpg|Ditto, but of the inside.




==== Soundtrack ====


<gallery captionalign="center" position="center">


FNaFMovie Soundtrack art.webp|The soundtrack cover art.


FNaFMovie Soundtrack vinyl Freddy.png|Vinyl soundtrack Freddy sleeve.


FNaFMovie Soundtrack CD case.png|Ditto, CD case.


FNaFMovie Soundtrack cassette case.png|Ditto, cassette case.






=== Behind-the-Scenes ===


=== Behind-the-Scenes ===

==== Freddy's Sign ====


<gallery captionalign="center" position="center">


FNaFMovie pizzeria.jpg|Freddy on the sign on Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place.


Fnaf movie restaurant sign.jpg|Ditto.


FNaFMovie-Filming.jpg|Behind-the-Scenes photo of people filming.


FNaFMovie-Filming night.jpg|Ditto, with the sign turned on.


FnaFMovie BTS FFPP filming.png|Another outside look at the pizzeria.


KatConnorSterling outside FFPP.jpg|Kat Conner Sterling outside the Freddy Fazbear's Pizza set with Toby.


FNaFMovie BTS Kat outside FFPP.jpg|Kat outside the pizzeria.


FNaFMovie BTS Kat outside FFPP2.jpg|Ditto.


FNaFMovie BTS GoldenFreddy and Abby.jpg|Golden Freddy and Abby on the film monitor.


FNaFMovie BTS Golden Freddy and Piper in front of the pizza place.png|Golden Freddy and Piper in front of the pizzeria.


Freddy Fazbear Pizza Place Logo (Flim).webp|The official Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place sign, which was created by Signworx LLC.


FnafSCI1.jpg|A behind-the-scenes image of Signworx LLC employees working on the sign.




Baz and the sign.jpg|Baz with the pizzeria sign.


Dawko and the sign.jpg|Ditto, Dawko.


Dawko and the sign2.jpg|Ditto.


Razz and the sign.jpg|Ditto, Razz.


Razz, Dawko, Ryan, and Baz with the sign.jpg|Ditto, Razz, Dawko, Baz, and Ryan with the pizzeria sign.




==== Animatronic & Suit ====


==== Animatronic & Suit ====


<gallery captionalign="center" position="center">


<gallery captionalign="center" position="center">

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==== Miscellaneous ====


=== Miscellaneous ===


<gallery captionalign="center" position="center">


<gallery captionalign="center" position="center">


FNaFMovie pizzeria.jpg|Freddy on the Freddy Fazbear Pizza Place sign.


Fnaf movie restaurant sign.jpg|Ditto.


FNaFMovie-Filming.jpg|Behind-the-Scenes photo of people filming.


FNaFMovie-Filming night.jpg|Ditto, with the sign turned on.


FnaFMovie BTS FFPP filming.png|Another outside look at the pizzeria.


KatConnorSterling outside FFPP.jpg|Kat Conner Sterling outside the Freddy Fazbear's Pizza set with Toby.


FNaFMovie BTS Kat outside FFPP.jpg|Kat outside the pizzeria.


FNaFMovie BTS Kat outside FFPP2.jpg|Golden Freddy and Abby outside with an active Freddy Fazbear Pizza Place sign.


FNaFMovie BTS Golden Freddy and Piper in front of the pizza place.png|Golden Freddy and Piper in front of the pizzeria.


Freddy Fazbear Pizza Place Logo (Flim).webp|The official Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place sign, which was created by Signworx LLC.


FnafSCI1.jpg|A behind-the-scenes image of Signworx LLC employees working on the sign.




Baz and the sign.jpg|Baz with the pizzeria sign.


Dawko and the sign.jpg|Ditto, Dawko.


Dawko and the sign2.jpg|Ditto.


Razz and the sign.jpg|Ditto, Razz.


Razz, Dawko, Ryan, and Baz with the sign.jpg|Ditto, Razz, Dawko, Baz, and Ryan with the pizzeria sign.


Fnaf movie set freddy.jpg|Director's chair with "Freddy" written on it.


Fnaf movie set freddy.jpg|Director's chair with "Freddy" written on it.


Chriscolumbusfreddy.png|The same shot, but with Chris Columbus' chair next to Freddy's, back from when he was announced as the movie's director.


Chriscolumbusfreddy.png|The same shot, but with Chris Columbus' chair next to Freddy's, back from when he was announced as the movie's director.

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== ''Five Nights at Freddy's 2'' ==


== ''Five Nights at Freddy's 2'' ==


=== Behind-the-Scenes ===


=== Behind-the-Scenes ===


==== Animatronic & Suit ====


<gallery captionalign="center" position="center">


<gallery captionalign="center" position="center">


FNaF2 Movie Withered Animatronics Teaser.png|A WIP photo of Withered Freddy, Withered Foxy, and Withered Chica's heads.


FNaF2 Movie Withered Animatronics Teaser.png|A WIP photo of Withered Freddy, Withered Foxy, and Withered Chica's heads.

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== Miscellaneous ==


== Miscellaneous ==


<gallery captionalign="center" position="center">


FNaFMovie Original-Poster.jpg|The first teaser poster.


FNaFMovie Poster without red eyes.jpg|Another version.


FNaFMovie Poster without red eyes no logo.jpg|Ditto, textless.


FNaFMovie poster full.jpg|Ditto, full.


FNaFMovie poster tall.jpg|Ditto, tall.


FNaFMovie-poster-Freddy.jpg|An individual poster of Freddy.


Freddy Textless Film.jpg|Ditto, textless.


FNaFMovie Freddyballpit with mike poster.jpg|Ditto, with Michael.


FNaFFilm-Freddy Poster2.jpg|Another individual poster.


FNaFMovie FinalRelease Poster.jpg|The final poster.


FNaFMovie Poster3 Digital.jpg|Fandango at Home-exclusive digital poster.


Japan poster textless.png|Textless Japanese poster.


FNaFMovie-header.jpg|Social header.




FNaFMovie header4-2.jpg|Ditto, larger.


FNaFMovie-thumbnail.jpg|The teaser trailer thumbnail.


FNaFMovie without red eyes close up.jpg|Ditto, alternative.


FNaFMovie without red eyes2.jpg|Ditto, larger.


UniversePictures MovieThumbnail.jpg|Ditto, smaller.


FNaFMovie-Trailer2thumbnail.jpg|The second trailer thumbnail.


FNaFMovie Website header2.jpg|Amazon thumbnail.


FNaFFilm JapanThumbnail.png|Japanese Amazon thumbnail.


FNaFMovie promo keyart.jpg|IMDb page background.


FNaFMovie Logo5.png|Freddy on the final poster logo.


FNaFMovie DVD.jpg|Night Shift Edition DVD case.


FNaFMovie DVD back.jpg|Ditto, back.


FNaFFilm DVDCaseCover4.png|An alternative black, red, and white case.


FNaFFilm DVDCaseCover4 Back.png|Ditto, back.


FNaFMovie Blue-Ray.jpg|Night Shift Edition Blue-ray case.


FNaFMovie Blue-Ray Back.jpg|Ditto, back.


FNaFMovie Blue-Ray-DVD-Code poster.jpg|Normal edition Blue-Ray + DVD + Digital Code poster.


FNaFMovie 4K UHD.jpg|Ditto, 4K Ultra HD.


FNaFMovie 4K UHD Back.jpg|Ditto, back.


FNaFMovie 4K UHD poster.jpg|Normal edition 4K Ultra HD poster.


FNaFMovie 4K UHD Alt.jpg|4K Ultra HD alternative case.


FNaFFilm LimitedSteelBook.jpg|Ditto, limited steel book cover.


FNaFFilm LimitedSteelBook Back.jpg|Ditto, back.


FNaFMovie 4K UHD steel cover front.jpg|The front of the 4K UHD steel cover.


FNaFMovie 4K UHD Steel cover back.jpg|Ditto, but of the back.


FNaFMovie 4K UHD Steel cover inside.jpg|Ditto, but of the inside.


FNaFMovie Soundtrack art.webp|The soundtrack cover art.


FNaFMovie Soundtrack vinyl Freddy.png|Vinyl soundtrack Freddy sleeve.


FNaFMovie-hashtag-Freddy.png|Freddy's X/Twitter hashflag.


FNaFMovie Freddy Heads falling.gif|Freddy Fazbear's head raining when going on #FNaFMovie on X/Twitter.


FNaFMovie Freddy Heads falling mobile.gif|Ditto, but on Mobile.


FNaFMovie-Blumhouse FirstLook-Email.png|A email that Blumhouse sent out to subscribers of their Blumhouse News Letter.


FNaFMoive_Blumhouse-newletter2.png|The second email that Blumhouse sent out to subscribers of their news letter.


BlumhouseNewsLetter-NowHiring.png|A "Now Hiring" segment in Blumhouses "Get Ready to Scream" News Letter.


BlumhouseNewsLetter TakeTheGangHome.png|A "Take the Gang Home" segment talking about the disc release of the film.


Blumhouse FNaF news letter5.png|A segment talking about the Emma interview, disc release, and Spotify playlist.


FNaFMovie Golden Freddy and Abby teaser image more left.webp|Amazon Prime Background for the digital and disc.


FNaFMovie Closeup of screen Freddy.png|A close up of the office screen with Freddy.


FNaFMovie Japan background entrence with characters.png|Freddy on the film's Japan website.


FNaFMovie Japan background2.png|Another background seen in the Japan FNaF website.


FNaFMovie poster Freddy alone2.png|Freddy as seen in the first poster.


FNaFMovie PhotoOp Blumhouse.jpg|A FNaF photo op.


Clickteam Website FNaFMovie.gif|Clickteam FNaF Movie glitch, animated.


FNaF Clickteam Movie characters.png|A partly transparent image of the film poster that can be seen within the glitches on Clickteam's website.


FNaFMovie Clickteam website.png|FNaF Movie Clickteam website.


FNaF Clickteam Movie sign play button.gif|The play button seen when clicking the Clickteam FNaF Movie promo, animated.


Clickteam FNaF Games Promo banner.webp|A promo banner from Clickteam's website.


FNaFMovie digital Five nights in 3D.jpg|Fandango bonuses digital content icon.


FNaFMovie concept art.jpg|Concept art for the pizzeria with the sign.


FNaFMovie concept art2.jpg|Ditto.


FNaFMovie concept art3.jpg|Ditto.


FNaFFilm small mascot models.png|Small figures of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Mr. Cupcake, and Foxy made by Jim Henson's.


FNaFMovie disk menu.jpg|Disc menu.


Peacock FNaFMovie Avatar.png|Freddy and Chica Peacock icons.


FNaFMovie Freddy Fanzone Freddy head.gif|Freddy Fazbear's head moving up and down from the Freddy Fazbear's Fanzone website, animated.


BlumhouseLobbyCard-Emma.jpg|Blumhouse lobby card of a behind-the-scenes photo of Freddy and Emma Tammi.


BlumhouseLobbyCard-TheBand.jpg|Blumhouse lobby card of the band.




=== Promotional ===






<gallery captionalign="center" position="center">


<gallery captionalign="center" position="center">


FNaFMovie Get Tickets.gif|Promo for getting tickets, animated.


FNaFMovie Get Tickets.gif|Promo for getting tickets, animated.

FNaFMovie -1Movie.gif|Promo saying "#1 Movie," animated.


FNaFMovie HappyHalloween.gif|Promo saying "Happy Halloween," animated.


FNaFMovie Yours to Own promo.png|"Yours to Own" promo.


FNaFMovie Yours to Own promo.png|"Yours to Own" promo.


FNaFMovie Vudu promo.gif|Fandango at Home promo.


FNaFMovie Vudu promo.gif|Fandango at Home promo.

Line 209: Line 215:

FNaFMovie NightShiftEdition promo2.gif|Ditto, animated.


FNaFMovie NightShiftEdition promo2.gif|Ditto, animated.


FNaFMovie Freddy titlecard.gif|A title card for Freddy, animated.


FNaFMovie Freddy titlecard.gif|A title card for Freddy, animated.

Blumhouse FNaF LetsEat.gif|"Let's Eat" promo, animated.


Fnaf movie travel poster.jpg|A "travel poster" for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place. Noticeably, Freddy is missing his hat.


FNaFMovie Promo blinking.gif|Promo banner with the animatronics blinking, animated.


FNaFMovie Promo blinking.gif|Promo banner with the animatronics blinking, animated.


FNaFMovie blinking.gif|Ditto.


FNaFMovie blinking.gif|Ditto.

FnaFMovie 4KUHD banner Promo.gif|Ditto for 4K Ultra HD.


FnaFMovie 4KUHD banner Promo.gif|Ditto, for 4K Ultra HD.

FNaFMovie-newspaper.jpeg|A film version of the newspaper with the phone number to "get a job" as a security guard at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!


FNaFMovie NightShiftEdition Freddy.gif|Night Shift Edition promo Freddy, animated.


FNaFMovie NightShiftEdition Freddy.gif|Night Shift Edition promo Freddy, animated.


FNaFMovie Amazon header.jpg|Amazon header.


FNaFMovie Amazon header.jpg|Amazon header.


FNaFMovie Amazon Freddy icon.jpg|A icon for Freddy seen on the Amazon page for the film.


FNaFMovie Amazon Freddy icon.jpg|A icon for Freddy seen on the Amazon page for the film.

FNaFMovie Wordwide.jpg|Promo for the film being the biggest international Blumhouse opening day ever.


FNAFMovie InsomniaCookies1.png|A Website Card for FNaF Movie x Insomnia Cookies.


FNAFMovie InsomniaCookies1.png|A Website Card for FNaF Movie x Insomnia Cookies.

FNAFMovie Daveandbusters.jpg| A Dave & Buster's promotion for Five Nights at Freddy's Film.


FNAFMovie Daveandbusters.jpg|A Dave & Buster's promotion for Five Nights at Freddy's Film.


FNaFMovie Gaming PC.jpg|A FNaF Custom PC giveaway.


FNaFMovie Gaming PC.jpg|A FNaF Custom PC giveaway.


FreddyFazbearsPizzaPlace Promo Building.jpg|"Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place" promo building.


FreddyFazbearsPizzaPlace Promo Building.jpg|"Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place" promo building.

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FNaFMovie GITD display.gif|Vinyl promo show casing glow-in-the-dark, animated.


FNaFMovie GITD display.gif|Vinyl promo show casing glow-in-the-dark, animated.


FNaFMovie Soundtrack Vinyl CD and Cassette.jpg|iam8bit promo for vinyl, CD and cassette release.


FNaFMovie Soundtrack Vinyl CD and Cassette.jpg|iam8bit promo for vinyl, CD and cassette release.

FNaFMovie Soundtrack Vinyl.jpg|iam8bit promo for vinyl.


FNaFMovie Soundtrack Vinyl.jpg|Ditto, vinyl.


FNaFMovie Soundtrack CD.jpg|iam8bit promo for CD.


FNaFMovie Soundtrack CD case.png|Ditto.


FNaFMovie Soundtrack Cassette.jpg|iam8bit promo for cassette.


FNaFMovie Soundtrack cassette case.png|Ditto.


FNaF2 release teaser.gif|''Five Nights at Freddy's 2'' release date teaser, animated.






=== Blumhouse ===


<gallery captionalign="center" position="center">


FNaFMovie -1Movie.gif|Promo saying "#1 Movie," animated.


FNaFMovie HappyHalloween.gif|Promo saying "Happy Halloween," animated.


Blumhouse FNaF LetsEat.gif|"Let's Eat" promo, animated.


FNaFMovie-newspaper.jpeg|A film version of the newspaper with the phone number to "get a job" as a security guard at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!


Freddy Fazbear's Pizza 1983.png|Icon used for Five Nights at Freddy's SMS advertising campaign.


FNaFMovie Wordwide.jpg|Promo for the film being the biggest international Blumhouse opening day ever.


BlumFest FNaFOct30.jpg|Blumhouse BlumFest 2024 promo.


BlumFest FNaFOct30.jpg|Blumhouse BlumFest 2024 promo.


FNaFFilm BlumFest.jpg|Ditto, individual promo.


FNaFFilm BlumFest.jpg|Ditto, individual promo.


FNaFFilm BlumFestPromo.gif|BlumFest promo gif, animated.


FNaFFilm BlumFestPromo.gif|BlumFest promo gif, animated.

FNaFMovie-hashtag-Freddy.png|Freddy's X/Twitter hashflag.


FNaFMovie Freddy Heads falling.gif|Freddy Fazbear's head raining when going on #FNaFMovie on X/Twitter.


FNaFMovie Freddy Heads falling mobile.gif|Ditto, but on Mobile.


FNaFMovie-Blumhouse FirstLook-Email.png|A email that Blumhouse sent out to subscribers of their Blumhouse News Letter.


FNaFMoive_Blumhouse-newletter2.png|The second email that Blumhouse sent out to subscribers of their news letter.


BlumhouseNewsLetter-NowHiring.png|A "Now Hiring" segment in Blumhouses "Get Ready to Scream" News Letter.


BlumhouseNewsLetter TakeTheGangHome.png|A "Take the Gang Home" segment talking about the disc release of the film.


Blumhouse FNaF news letter5.png|A segment talking about the Emma interview, disc release, and Spotify playlist.


FNaFMovie Golden Freddy and Abby teaser image more left.webp|Amazon Prime Background for the digital and disc.


FNaFMovie Closeup of screen Freddy.png|A close up of the office screen with Freddy.


FNaFMovie Japan background entrence with characters.png|Freddy on the film's Japan website.


FNaFMovie Japan background2.png|Another background seen in the Japan FNaF website.


FNaFMovie poster Freddy alone2.png|Freddy as seen in the first poster.


FNaFMovie PhotoOp Blumhouse.jpg|A FNaF photo op.


UniversalHollywood FNaFPhotoOp.jpg|Another photo op seen at Universal Studios Hollywood.


Blumhouse MeandWho.jpg|Blumhouse "Me and who?" image of Freddy and Abby.


Blumhouse MeandWho.jpg|Blumhouse "Me and who?" image of Freddy and Abby.

Universal BestInHorror Banner.jpg|Five Nights at Freddy's a part of Universal's "Best in Horror" YouTube banner.


FNaFFilm TheCouncil BlumFest.gif|The council, animated.


FNaFFilm TheCouncil BlumFest.gif|The council, animated.


Blumhouse WeeklyCostumeChallenge.jpg|Blumhouse Weekly Costume Challenge.


Blumhouse WeeklyCostumeChallenge.jpg|Blumhouse Weekly Costume Challenge.


FNaFFilm BlumFestReview01.jpg|BlumFest review graphic for Five Nights at Freddy's.


FNaFFilm BlumFestReview01.jpg|BlumFest review graphic for Five Nights at Freddy's.


YOUR NAUGHTY.gif|Blumhouse's Naughty or Nice list video.

FNaFFilm BlumFestReview02.jpg|Ditto.


FNaFFilm BlumFestReview03.jpg|Ditto.


FNaFMovie Freddy is Naughty.jpg|Ditto, still.


FNaF2Sweepstakes.gif|''Five Nights at Freddy's 2'' sweepstakes, animated.

FNaFFilm BlumFestReview04.jpg|Ditto.


FNaF2Sweepstakes Promo.gif|Sweepstakes promo, animated.

FNaFFilm BlumFestReview05.jpg|Ditto.



FNaFFilm BlumFestReview06.jpg|Ditto.


FNaFFilm BlumFestReview07.jpg|Ditto.


=== Universal Pictures ===

FNaFFilm BlumFestReview08.jpg|Ditto.


<gallery captionalign="center" position="center">

Clickteam Website FNaFMovie.gif|Clickteam FNaF Movie glitch, animated.


Fnaf movie travel poster.jpg|A "travel poster" for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place. Noticeably, Freddy is missing his hat.

FNaF Clickteam Movie characters.png|A partly transparent image of the film poster that can be seen within the glitches on Clickteam's website.


UniversalHollywood FNaFPhotoOp.jpg|Photo op seen at Universal Studios Hollywood.

FNaFMovie Clickteam website.png|FNaF Movie Clickteam website.


Universal BestInHorror Banner.jpg|Five Nights at Freddy's a part of Universal's "Best in Horror" YouTube banner.

FNaF Clickteam Movie sign play button.gif|The play button seen when clicking the Clickteam FNaF Movie promo, animated.


FNaFMovie Freddygif.gif|Freddy GIPHY, animated.

Clickteam FNaF Games Promo banner.webp|A promo banner from Clickteam's website.


FNaFMovie Freddyballpit animated.gif|Ditto, animated.

Freddy Fazbear's Pizza 1983.png|Icon used for Five Nights at Freddy's SMS advertising campaign.


FNaFMovie FFPP Sign.gif|Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place sign waving, animated.

FNaFMovie digital Five nights in 3D.jpg|Fandango bonuses digital content icon.


FNaFMovie Freddy is Naughty.jpg|Freddy on Blumhouse's Naughty or Nice list video.


YOUR NAUGHTY.gif|Ditto, animated.


FNaFMovie Freddygif.gif|Freddy looking to the left and tilting his head slightly, animated.


FNaFMovie Freddyballpit animated.gif|Freddy looking left to right, animated.


FNaFMovie FFPP Sign.gif|The Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place sign waving and tilting it's head back and forth.


Freddy Fazbear's Pizza 1983.png|Variant of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place sign, notably Freddy being gloveless.


FNaFMovie concept art.jpg|Concept art for the pizzeria with the sign.


FNaFMovie concept art2.jpg|Ditto.


FNaFMovie concept art3.jpg|Ditto.


FNaFFilm small mascot models.png|Small figures of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Mr. Cupcake, and Foxy made by Jim Henson's.


FNaFMovie disk menu.jpg|Disc menu.


FNaFMovie disk menu chapters.jpg|Disc menu, showing "Chapters" menu.


FNaFMovie disk menu setup.jpg|Disc menu, showing "Setup" menu.


FNaFMovie Soundtrack Cassette.jpg|iam8bit promo for cassette.


FNaFMovie Soundtrack CD.jpg|iam8bit promo for CD.


Peacock FNaFMovie Avatar.png|Freddy and Chica Peacock icons.


Snapchat MovieFreddyFazbear model.png|Snapchat lens Freddy Fazbear 3D scanned model.


Snapchat MovieFreddyFazbear model.png|Snapchat lens Freddy Fazbear 3D scanned model.


Snapchat Freddy Fazbear jumpscare.gif|Snapchat lens Freddy Fazbear jumpscare, animated.


Snapchat Freddy Fazbear jumpscare.gif|Snapchat lens Freddy Fazbear jumpscare, animated.


Snapchat Duo Freddy Fazbear and Chica jumpscare.gif|Freddy Fazbear's duo jumpscare shared with Chica, animated.


Snapchat Duo Freddy Fazbear and Chica jumpscare.gif|Freddy Fazbear's duo jumpscare shared with Chica, animated.

FNaFMovie Freddy Fanzone Freddy head.gif|Freddy Fazbear's head moving up and down from the Freddy Fazbear's Fanzone website, animated.


FNaF2 release teaser.gif|A release date teaser, animated.


FNaF2Sweepstakes.gif|Five Nights at Freddy's 2 sweepstakes, animated.


FNaF2Sweepstakes Promo.gif|Sweepstakes promo, animated.


FNaFFilm TheCouncil BlumFest.gif|The council, animated.


FNaFFilm BlumFestPromo.gif|BlumFest promo gif, animated.


BlumhouseLobbyCard-Emma.jpg|Blumhouse lobby card of a behind-the-scenes photo of Freddy and Emma Tammi.


BlumhouseLobbyCard-TheBand.jpg|Blumhouse lobby card of the band.







== Videos ==


== Videos ==

This is a gallery sub-page related to Freddy Fazbear (Film).


Animatronic & Suit

Ghost Kid

Animatronic & Suit

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