• Serlom Yao Bless and Rejoice Addokwei

 Ghanaian referees, Selorm Yao Bless and Rejoice Addok­wei, are currently participating in the CAF/FIFA Referees Course in Egypt, following their recent elevation to FIFA status.

The duo, who earned their FIFA referee badges this year, are part of a selected group of match officials from across Africa undergoing intensive training to enhance their skills and offi­ciating standards.

The course, which runs from Febru­ary 23 to today, is designed to equip referees with the latest laws of the game, physical fit­ness requirements, and advanced decision-making techniques.

Their inclusion in the programme highlights Ghana’s growing reputation in producing top-quality referees for international assignments.

The experience gained from this course is expected to prepare them for officiating at higher levels, including CAF and FIFA competitions, an FA statement said.

The association is confident in the referees, and believe that their partici­pation will contribute to the overall im­provement of officiating in the country.