Why testing California students for reading proficiency is pointless - Los Angeles Times
In fact, being a straight-A student doesn’t mean that a student in LAUSD can read at grade level. They’re just way ahead of the majority of students.
I see it this way: Like it or not, the SAT and ACT are good indicators of student success in college. So, if a student’s test score is low, go to community college first, prove yourself and save a hell of a lot of money.
No one likes testing. But it’s better than embarrassing yourself by flunking out of some four-year college when your 4.0 grade-point average in high school was really more like a 2.0.
Either test in K-12 and use the SAT and ACT for college admission, or end testing as a measure of readiness at all levels.
Mark Walker, Yorba Linda
To the editor: According to recent testing statistics, 78% of LAUSD 8th graders are not proficient in reading. Perhaps they should be tested on their social media awareness and proficiency.
David Waldowski, Laguna Woods