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The History of Bad Ideas - Episode 584: Send All Your Police to Gotham!

Published 3 weeks ago1 minute read

by Phil Wheat

Emanating from their studio in Cincinnati, Ohio, sees hosts Jason, Jeff and Blake talk about all things geeky on their podcast. Whether it’s rumours of the latest comic book movies, debating who really is the worst villain of all time, discussing the latest comic issues or just wondering about life in general, you are sure to have a fun time with them! In theory.

If you haven’t listened to the show before – why not? – you can check out previous episodes of podcast on iTunes and look out for new episodes here on Nerdly each and every week…

The HOBI Gang is under the weather but still churning out a podcast for what they feel is entertainment! The guys are talking who should face Cody Rhodes at WrestleMania, listenership increases in Alabama, joining a cult and Will Forte is mad at Warner Brothers. Plus the gang talks what creepy machines are at the Office, Captain America: Brave New World exceeds expectations, Dog Man hangs on and they list Top Five Favorite Sports Video Games! This episode is sponsored by the Super Cincy Expo.

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