The consequence of India having idiot Modi as Prime Minister
India had great intellectuals like Nehru as Prime Minister, the one we have now, Modi is a absolute idiot, only fit for drinking cow urine and feeding on cow dung. Let me explain what I mean.
Sometime ago Maldives ministers criticized Modi, there was huge uproar in India. Though Modi was criticized, it was promoted by Godi media as thogh India had been criticized, and Modi went to Lakshadweep island and said that India should quit Maldives. Well, a critic on one person was projected by Godi media as a slap to India. In fact Maldives did suspend three of its ministers. But a big buzz was created.
Recently USA deported about 100 Indians, they were illegal, yet they should be treated as human. They were handcuffed, their legs too were chained, and they were made to travel 40 hours, I have no clue what they did for nature calls. India raised no protest against this animal like treatment of Indians. The Godi media too never took it in a big way. May be for the Godi media, its criticizing Modi is criticizing India, whereas even though 100+ Indians were treated as animals, it meant nothing.
In a recent India, US joint press brief, you can see trump abusing India right before Modi. Modi who claims he is super nationalistic and super patriot, just stood there. Either he was so dumb that he had no clue what was going on, or though he knew, he is an idiot and coward who cannot counter it. I wish he had at least a ball. Just one at least, a broken one would have done something.
The Godi media too was silent, I am not sure if they hailed his trip as a great triumph, but they just kept quiet when India was bashed like hell by Trump. In this blog I will tell you how Modi if he had some brains could have countered.
We were long a slave nation to the Brits, and hence we are still a very weak nation today. We were abused by the west, and still proper retributions have’t been paid. In this blog I will explain how USA stalled India’s progress, and you decide if there should be a tariff imbalance or not.
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Elihu Yale, the looter of Chennai |
Let’s start with a History. The Yale university in USA was created with the wealth looted from my city Chennai, India. Yale amassed his wealth by not so genuine practices, and he took his loot to England. USA was a poor nation then, and when they wanted to build a university, Yale donated part of wealth he looted to the university, thus the university was named after him.
In fact it was my city that is solely responsible for the existance of this university, and I don’t think USA acknowledges it and I don’t think its thankful for it.
I don’t think Modi is literate enough to know this, but at least he could have asked the “learned men” who accompanied him and told facts like this to correct USA, and to humble it. But he was dumb like the statue of Lord Ram erected in Ayodhya.
USA is the largest emitter of green house gases, it’s the leading cause of Global warming, and we in India too are are experiencing the consequence. USA should be infact be paying trillions of dollars to all countries on this planet to cope with the damage it causes. Yet it’s foolish leader Trump want to drill for more oil and increase fossil fuel usage. Modi could have pointed this simple fact out to Trump. Yet he stayed dumb.
In 1972 war, USA sent its naval fleet and threatened India with a nuclear strike, it was hell bent on defeating India, Soviet Union saved us by sending its subs to our East Coast. Till today, USA hasn’t asked a sorry for it. This act of USA should have prolonged the war, costed more lives, it also put the independence of Bangladesh into jeopardy. USA never paid us any compensation for this cruel act. Modi could have pointed this out, yet he stayed dumb.
Watch this video, Ronald Regan, another dumb leader, named a launch of space shuttle after Taliban. The bureaucrats of USA cannot think, they thought that snakes thrown at backyard of some one will never bite them, and here they are after loosing twin towers, and they lost the war in Afghanistan. They supported the terrorist nation of Pakistan which shielded Osama Bin Laden who was responsible for killing thousands of US citizens.
Even today, our soldiers are been killed by the Jihadist promoted by USA, and USA does not pay us single penny for damage it still causes to India. Modi stood there along with Trump as though he does not know this fact. Fucking ball less coward.
India, or any other nation on this planet has the right to test nuclear weapons. But when we did it, USA slapped sanctions on us. Why? Because according to them we are an inferior species who are not worthwhile to have nukes. Such is the animalistic attitude of US people. Because of their sanctions, many of our programs like the space program, our fighter jet program, our nuclear program stalled. India lost billions of dollars due to sanctions, yet Modi did not have the courage to raise this issue on the podium with Trump.
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Homi Bhabha |
The mysterious way in which Homi Baba died, if he had lived, our nuke programs could have been much faster. Who killed him? There is a strong suspicion that USA did it. Did USA open up its gates for Indian investigators? No. Why? Most probably because they killed Homi Baba. Till today USA has not said that it will let India to investigate people in USA, nor it had asked sorry. Such an evil nation it is. Any way how will a nation that kills millions every year be sorry for causing a plane crash? You need to be a human to feel sorry.
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Lal Bahadur Sastri |
One our excellent Prime Ministers Lal Bahadur Sastri mysteriously died in Tashkant. Hand of CIA is suspected. Yet USA did not throw open the gates for investigation, neither it admitted to its mistakes and asked sorry.
Vickram Sarabhai too died in mysterious circumstances. Was USA involved? We don’t know, did USA throw open its gates for investigation? Once again no. Modi could have brought up these issues, and could have said how much potentially USA costs us, and how it never paid us.
USA never wanted India to be a powerful nuclear state, it had done what ever it could to destabilize us. Sanctions, mysterious disappearance of scientists, causing brain drain and so on. It forced us to open up our reactors to USA’s dog IAEA. Modi could have easily pointed these out, yet he stood like dumb before the world press and Trump.
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Nambi Narayanan |
Take the case of Nambi Naryanan. He himself says USA could be behind he being falsely charged by Indian police on espionage case. ISRO is an open organization and they don’t hide their plans. But all of a sudden, Kerala police accused him of selling public domain ISRO data to other countries, its a laughable allegation. Till today who is behind it is not fully clear. If my memory is right A.K.Antony is one among the person who conducted this treason against India. Was his church any way controlled and / or connected with USA? Modi could have raises this issue too.
Okay Modi is a coward and cannot speak on the podium with Trump. At least after the press meet Indian bureaucrats could have held another press meeting and have put forward these issues and have argued how much damage USA caused to India, and thus imbalanced tariffs are justifiable. They could have boldly said that just tarrifs are not enough, but USA owes tens of billions of dollars as retribution to India. Under a coward and unlearned priminster, how will they open their mouth? Even though Modi is back in India, I don’t think its late to point these out to brain dead Trump and his nation, but I am sure coward India will not do it.
I wish someone as knowledgeable as Sashi Tharoor is our priminster, some one who would turn his back on Trump, or oppose him as soon as he abuses our nation.
We Indians should become intellectuals enough so that intellectuals become our leaders, not some school quitting religious fanatic who can’t even table facts and argue at the right time. Modi has costed a lot for India, and I am sure he will be expensive and cost us a lot more in times to come.