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Our Biggest Unanswered Questions After That 'Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man' Finale

Published 3 weeks ago5 minute read

Editor's Note: The following contains spoilers for Season 1 of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.

has given us a fascinatingly unique exploration of one of the most iconic superheroes of all time. Not just Peter (), but his rogues' gallery has been given an update that keeps the show fresh while also making it feel faithful to the comics. 's first season was great, but the questions it sets up for future seasons of the show deserve to be equally celebrated, as .

Peter smirking in the halls at school in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Image via Disney+

We got more information on Spider-Man's origin from episode one, "Amazing Fantasy," as we learned that Dr. Strange () and the Venom-like creature were actually from the future when Osborn () opened an Einstein-Rosen Bridge. However, we still don't know where the spider that bit Peter is. We know someone took the spider, and it looked like they did it unknowingly as they merely picked up their bag as the spider crawled on. This , giving Peter a potential ally or antagonist moving forward.

Even though the Einstein-Rosen Bridge was destroyed and most of the symbiote was sent back by Strange and Peter, there was a small bit of black goo that managed to sneak through. Although Peter didn't get any on him, there is perhaps an even worse fate that may await because it was Norman Osborn who discovered the substance later in the episode. Norman has already proven to be a thoroughly complex character as he teeters between arrogance and caring for Peter. If he is then exposed to the symbiote, Especially with his glider advancing in its technology, as his scientist explained. This could create a formidable opponent for Peter, as Norman knows so much, has unlimited resources, and could now have powers on the same level as Peter.

Split screen of Nico and Peter talking in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Image via Disney+

One of the most fascinating mysteries of the season has been Nico's () amulet and the power that seems to reside in it. The finale gave us more clues as to what is going on as , though it should be noted there is always the possibility this is a darker entity like the villainous spirit from and how it posed as the Mandarin's () dead wife. However, the more interesting question is why Nico feels the need to hide this from Peter. She was upset with him for hiding his powers, and they promised to have no more secrets between the two of them, so whether there is something darker at play here or Nico has made a promise of her own to her mother is yet to be seen, but will surely play a bigger role moving forward.

Image via Marvel Studios

When Doctor Strange and Peter met during the season finale, it felt like we were simply putting a full stop on their friendship for the season until Strange disappeared, and we saw a Watcher observing Peter from the sky. We know that they watch everyone, but the fact that he didn't go away when Strange did implies that, like in , this Watcher has chosen Peter to follow through this universe. This . Furthermore, while it is easy to assume, we don't know if this is Uatu () himself or a different member of his order. Hopefully, it will be Wright, as it would be a nice connection to the wider Marvel universe, but only time will tell.

Promo image for Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man


Lonnie Lincoln in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Image via Marvel Animation

The most tragic aspect of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man so far has been Lonnie's () descent into a world of crime, which culminated in his rise to leader of the One-Tenth gang as he gained his powers of invulnerability. The hope was that perhaps Lonnie would find a better way of running the gang and be more altruistic, and this is still possible. However, the fact he threw away his high-school jacket appears to symbolize a disregard for his innocence and societal morality, and . This would present a fascinating challenge for Peter, as his personal and heroic lives would interconnect and force him to choose between doing the right thing or letting his friend go.

Image via Marvel Animation

There is one shocking revelation that stands above all this season of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. That is when Aunt May () goes to prison and visits Peter's father, who asks how "my son" is doing. There is so much to unpack here that changes our perception of May and Peter's past. We don't know why Peter's father is in prison, but it does not feel like May is overly thrilled to see him, so his actions are likely to be nefarious. How Peter will react to this news is a complex setup, as he will surely be happy his dad is alive, but what about his dad's criminal activities, and ?

Truly, . We don't know how far Norman Osborn and Lonnie will go in their pursuit of power, but it doesn't look like an end is in sight for now. Furthermore, Peter could become embroiled in something far larger than himself with the Watcher observing him. In the end, though, it's what this season poses about the people Peter considers to be his nearest and dearest that could have a shocking effect on him, as Nico and May are keeping things from him that will surely reveal themselves eventually.

All episodes of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man are available to stream on Disney+.

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