You’ve heard of the golden retriever husband—loyal, affectionate, and easy-going. But the worldwide phenomenon that is Bluey has revealed an entirely new type of man: Behold, the blue heeler husband.
On Instagram, author Kiersten Lyons (@kierstenlyonsroar) posted a now-viral video of her husband Bradley. In the reel, he can be seen playing, dancing, and just generally being goofy with their kids. In the caption, Kiersten wrote that he’s “Literally Bandit in human form”—Bandit being Bluey and Bingo’s dad, of course.
And what is Bandit known for on the show? He’s the inventor of the most fun games, the one who always say “yes” to playtime, who seems to have a limitless supply of energy and imagination—he is the epitome of the fun parent.
Similarly, Bradley effortlessly makes their daughter laugh and is always down for an impromptu dance party. He makes up silly accents, and wears a diaper on his head just to tease his kids. Kiersten lists all the qualities that make him what she calls a blue heeler dad. He’s "ridiculously playful, thoughtful, committed, doesn’t like to be late…AKA the BEST.”
In the comments, viewers praised Bradley’s parenting style, commenting that they too have a blue heeler husband at home—Bluey might have revealed that this type of parent exists but he’s always been there, keeping the atmosphere at home joyful with jokes and games.
Kiersten also posted the video to TikTok, where parents revealed just how much Bandit has been a positive influence to their own parenting style. One commenter wrote “Bluey has taught me to say yes to my children more. They need a little magic and mommy robot.” Yes, there can be blue heeler moms, too.
The video came about because Kiersten first posted a video of Bradley appearing at their door to take her to coffee. In the caption she wrote that “A couple of weeks ago my blue heeler husband started asking me out on Friday morning coffee dates.” He even insists on knocking politely at the door before asking her on their date. Kiersten points out that his commitment to keeping the romance alive in their relationship is also part of his blue heeler qualities. Viewers were eager to learn more about what exactly it means to be a blue heeler husband.
True to his nature, Bradley was sure to recognize the contributions of his wife, too—after all, play isn’t the only thing that keeps a family together. In the comments of the TikTok video, he gave credit where credit is due (although eagled-eyed Bluey viewers will notice that he spelled her name wrong!), writing “I’m nothing without my Chilly.”