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Fire UPND Chief Whip, Reprimand Ministers- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

Published 3 weeks ago2 minute read

Fire UPND Chief Whip, Reprimand Ministers

…It is now evident and clear that President Hakainde Hichilema has the worst support system. His aides, MPs and Ministers…

By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba wrote;

Look at the silence from his Ministers, other than the noise and threats from Jack Mwiimbu and incoherent statements from Cornelius Mweetwa, the sectoral Ministers are quiet, with no proactive statements to defend policies, programs and activities of their ministries.

The UPND Government appears inactive and literally dead, thanks to the silence of all these key figures.

So the so called achievements are left to persons of no influence or sway such as UPND “Consultant”, Mark Simuuwe and their beloved rogue publication, Koswe, to parrot and insult, scandalise and defame political opponents.

This is not of use if one is determined to show that they were running a working government and sustainable pilicies and programs.

Further, the UPND Media strategy is in total disarray and now heavily relying on useful idiots such as Nevers Mumba, Wynyer Kabimba or Seer 1 to attempt to deflect government contraversies and scandals.

Not a persuasive bylut an annoying lot.

Yesterday walk-out of Parliament, to attempt to collapse quorum, is the worst strategy for any ruling party in any parliamentary democracy in the world, especially that the Motion-the High Cost of Living-has adversely affected the lives of Zambians and businesses and was a great opportunity to explain the challenges and difficulties facing the country.

For President Hakainde Hichilema, his first point of call should be the immediate dismissal of whoever is the Chief Parliamentary Whip, for displaying such a poor strategy and followed by a strong public reprimand of his Ministers for walking away from a debate Zambians want answers to.

Further, can he and his floundering ship explain; why Zambians are experiencing the worst cost of living crisis since the 90s?

Can he explain why the foreign exchange market is volatile and the Kwacha is now home at K28 per dollar?

Can he explain why mealie-meal has now settled at above K350?

Can he explain why fuel is now at K35?

Can he explain why cooking oil, sugar, salt, bread is so unaffordable?
Can he explain?

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