When a civil case becomes complex and expensive it may need to be managed under a very high cost case contract.
A civil high cost case is any civil case where the final costs either to settlement or final hearing are likely to exceed £25,000. These are managed by the Exceptional and Complex Case Team.
All areas of civil funding are covered, including associated judicial reviews, but the following are the most common:
As well as individual high cost case contracts, the Exceptional and Complex Case Team also deals with:
The Exceptional and Complex Case Team is made up of 2 sub-teams:
Find more detailed information on high cost family cases, including guidance and forms on the working of the high cost civil (family) team. They deal with family, child abduction and court of protection cases.
Find more detailed information on high cost non-family (civil) cases, including guidance and forms on the working of the high cost civil (non-family) team. They deal with all other civil cases.
The LAA manages these cases through individual high cost case contracts. Here, you’ll also find specification documents, a schedule, movement of clauses and standard terms 2010 and 2013.
Email the Exceptional and Complex Case Team: contactECC@justice.gov.uk
Published 1 June 2014
Last updated 28 February 2025 + show all updates