CBSE issues important notice regarding 'Parenting Calendar' for improved communication between parents and schools
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has issued a notice regarding the formation of a committee for the Parenting Calendar for the 2025-26 session. The committee aims to enhance collaboration between parents and schools. Seemless communication between parents, teachers, and school authorities ensure better learning output of all students including those in online schools too. According to the official notice, the objectives of the committee are as follows:
The committee will be led by Anuradha Joshi, Principal of Sardar Patel Vidyalaya, Delhi.
The committee consists of nine other members, including:
The members' responsibilities will include:
- Developing a comprehensive Parenting Calendar to address the stated objectives
According to the notice, the tentative deadline for the submission of the committee’s recommendations is March 15, 2025.
Click here to read the full notice.