The Twilight Saga is one of the most watched and discussed-about franchises to date, and certain characters get all the attention. Predictably, Edward and Bella's love story is the focus, and Jacob's role as the third arm of their love triangle makes him just as important. However, the obsession with Twilight's romance has led to several other great characters being ignored by writers and fans both.
These characters had tragic yet touching backstories, along with unique personalities that could never get the screen time they deserved. From humans to werewolves, these characters were an important part of The Twilight Saga but hardly got any love. With an increased screen time, these characters could have shined brighter than ever in the movies, too.

Charlie may have been overlooked when Twilight was first released, but he has quickly become a beloved character lately. He was not just an adult in the story but a caring parent to Bella whenever she needed it. Underneath the tough exterior of being Chief of Police, Charlie had a soft heart for Renee, his wife who had got fed up with Forks and left him along with their daughter.
No matter which side I'm on, if someone kisses you without your permission, you should be able to make your feelings clear without hurting yourself. - Charlie
Charlie had got Bella back after many years, and he had to handle her romance with Edward as soon as he did. When Edward left Bella, Charlie stepped up and became the father that Bella deserved, holding her through the worst of her pain. He was a complex man, and fans would have loved to see more of him on screen so that they could get to know him better, especially as he kept surprising viewers (pleasantly) at every turn.

As the only female werewolf in the two werewolf packs in Forks, Leah was a piece of living history. Just like her male counterparts, Leah had been plagued with mood swings and anger until she phased one day. As the only one of her kind, Leah led a lonely existence and struggled with her feelings because she faced unique challenges that the other wolves did not. Her Twilight journey was dark but with a light at the end of the tunnel.
Leah Clearwater became the Beta of the Black pack, where Jacob was the Alpha.
In addition to her werewolf arc, Leah also had to suffer through Sam, the love of her life, imprinting suddenly on her cousin Emily. Leah's life was a complicated and interesting one and would have made for a compelling subplot in the movies. Her emotional journey, which ended in her finding liberation, was one of the best parts of Twilight.

Jessica's character in the books was a bit different to the movies, where she was reduced merely to comic relief. Anna Kendrick could have depicted the deeper, more nuanced parts of Jessica, who was Bella's connection to the human world as she went deeper into the Cullen clan. She kept her grounded in high school life, which was a vital aspect of Twilight's story.
Jessica Stanley's character in the movies was merged with Lauren Mallory's character from the books.

10 Reasons Fans Still Love The Twilight Saga 13 Years Later
The Twilight Saga was a cinematic treat when it came out in theaters, and all jokes aside, there are many reasons why fans still stick around.
Be it Jessica's jealousy of Bella's relationship or her own awkwardness about her crush on Mike, Jessica was more than just background noise. In fact, she was possibly the closest human friend that Bella had, and keeping these relationships alive was good for her. Jessica should have got more screen time so that fans could see these parts of her too.
While Alice may be a beloved character from the series, she has very little screen time in the movies. Her character was reduced to the manic pixie dream girl trope, where she flitted about and acted like Bella's best friend. The real Alice Cullen ran much deeper than that. She had a traumatic backstory that had shaped her entire life as a human and vampire.
Alice Cullen was born Mary Alice Brandon in Biloxi, Mississippi. She had a sister named Cynthia.
She had been betrayed by her murderous father and vilified for her prophetic powers where she could predict the future. In the mental institution that she was checked into, Alice won the affection of a vampire, who saved her life when James, the tracker, went after her. Alice's life was full of serendipity and coincidence, and the films didn't even scratch the surface of her character.

The Denali Coven was an important part of the vampire world in Twilight, but the movies hardly gave any attention to them. Of the Denalis, Irina was the most contentious member, as she was the one who went to the Volturi and complained that the Cullens had sired an immortal child. This stemmed from Irina's own trauma of her mother, who had done the same and been executed for it.
I have to report a crime. The Cullens, they've done something terrible. - Irina
Irina was more than just a bitter informer, as she, too, had a wonderful arc that never made it to the screen. Irina was the first of the vampires who inspired the succubus legends, and she had a complicated love story with Laurent, too. Viewers did not hear about any of her redeeming qualities or her individual life, which could have been a whole spinoff in itself.

Victoria appeared in the first and third installments of The Twilight Saga, but she was never explored the way she should have. With little to no dialogue, Victoria just looked like a revenge-hungry vampire who wanted to create chaos for no reason. While she did have a destructive streak, Victoria's need for vengeance came from the loss of her mate, James, whom she loved dearly.
Victoria was portrayed by Rachel Lefevre in Twilight and Bryce Dallas Howard in Eclipse.

10 Most Underrated Twilight Saga Scenes, Ranked
The Twilight Saga has introduced some great moments for fans of the story, but there are still some wildly underrated scenes fans can't forget.
The movies depicted her speed and strength in high-speed chases and riveting sequences, but her personality was never shown. Fans did not know Victoria up close and personal, which could have been solved with some scenes of her interactions with her army beyond the battle. She was reduced to a one-dimensional villain when she had a lot more to offer.
The Volturi was the governing body for vampires, for all intents and purposes, but they were hardly on screen longer than a few minutes. Aro, the leader of the Volturi, was reduced to a frightening figurehead, and audiences could not see his true obsession with collecting trophies in such a short period of time. This originated from his lust for power, which was greater than anyone else in the series.
Aro was played by Michael Sheen in The Twilight Saga.
Aro was a bloodthirsty, ancient being who had double-crossed his own allies to get ahead. His character was only surface-level in the movies, and his bloody history was hardly revealed. His creepy and mesmerizing aura was captured well, but the underlying factors that caused it were even more interesting.

Rosalie was often seen pouting or sulking in The Twilight Saga, and the one time her hostility wore off was when Bella had a baby. She was portrayed as the eternal opposer of Bella becoming a vampire, but she behaved this way because of her history. Rosalie had faced immense trauma from her fiance as a human, and even becoming a vampire had been excruciating for her.
Rosalie was turned into a vampire in 1933 by Carlisle.
Still, Rosalie had maintained her humanity, so to speak, and created a beautiful life with Emmett. More screen time in the movies would have shown her softer side, which existed under her jealous and vindictive exterior. When it came to the Cullens, only Edward and Carlisle were given a lot of attention, which was why characters like Rosalie were left unexplored.

Two of the most powerful beings of the Volturi, Jane and Alec, were a lethal combination. These twins were turned when they were young, and they had complementary abilities. Jane could inflict an intense, burning pain on people with a look of her eyes, and Alec could numb all the senses of another person, thus leaving them only and only with the pain.
Their offensive weapons are too powerful. No one could stand against Jane.
Alec's even worse.
- Jasper and Alice

10 Most Problematic Twilight Saga Characters, Ranked
The Twilight Saga is beloved, but it is not perfect, and this has led to the realization of its many problematic characters.
Since vampires carried forward their innate abilities into their immortal lives, fans wanted to know more about what made Jane and Alec this way. Their human lives could have been depicted, which would shed light on why they were such formidable and evil vampires. The Volturi's power dynamic and advantage existed because of these two, and they were hardly looked given any attention in the movies.

The Cullen coven was full of interesting characters with the best backstories, but Esme's was never delved into. She was the gentle and soft matriarch of the coven, but her onscreen presence never went beyond that. Viewers would never know of her abusive marriage, the tragic loss of her child, and the attempt on her own life that led to her becoming a vampire.
I already consider you a part of the family. - Esme
Esme and Carlisle also seemed to share a cosmic connection, as he had met her not once but twice in her lifetime. Esme was destined to be a vampire and be with Carlisle, but none of this wonderful history was shown. She was criminally underappreciated as a character and deserved much more time on screen.

The Twilight Saga
- Stephanie Meyer
- Twilight
- The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2
- Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Anna Kendrick, Billy Burke, Ashley Greene, Taylor Lautner, Xavier Samuel