Revisiting Kiss Of The Spider Woman - mxdwn Movies
Condon’s vision of the acclaimed musical has been marketed as blending the genres of a vibrant musical and a prison drama. The plot of the movie concerns itself with two cellmates, one being an Argentinian Revolutionist who while incarcerated, is being tortured for intel. To escape the torturous pain, the revolutionary’s cellmate paints pictures of the Revolutionist’s favorite MGM musical; vividly retelling it for escapism. As the two men grow closer together, it is illustrated how the cellmate who paints was secretly positioned by the warden to extract information from his Revolutionary cellmate for the goal of apprehending any known Revolutionary cohorts.
Bill Condon is quoted from a Deadline interview talking about the blending of musical and prison genres as,
“If you’re going to exist in two worlds where you’ve got the prison story and the Hollywood story, you have to make sure that you don’t resent going back and forth between the two, that each one informs the other and they start to merge and become one.”
In the same interview, Condon claimed that his adaptation is more true to the original novel that the musical was based on than the 1985 adaptation. Condon also highlights how his success transpired when he met Adam Shulmen who was his agent then and now his current manager. He believes the fame that garnered him as a known filmmaker is based on his friendship with Shulmen, which has endured for over thirty years.
Kiss of The Spider Woman holds a release date on January 26, 2025, at The 2025 Sundance Film Festival, which will mark its wide release date following its production completion on June 16, 2024.