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Journeying along the health sector: From my personal point of view

Published 1 month ago3 minute read

Jan 18, 2025 Letters

Dear Editor,

The health sector continues to make its mark in the history of this country. By far, the Ministry of Health has surpassed its mandate outlined in the PPP/C’s manifesto. The people of this country spoke when they casted their ballots in 2020.

We entrusted the PPP/C with the mantle to deliver to us based on their manifesto and they have not disappointed us. We have seen the chaos that occurred pre-2020 at the drug bonds, to the white elephant building at Ocean View on the East Coast of Demerara which was supposedly constructed to house Covid-19 patients and turned out, it was just a shell with no equipment, perhaps no ventilators, nothing.

Fast forward to today, we have seen tremendous transformation across the 10 administrative regions whether it is by infrastructure, better service delivery, better access to care and efficient delivery and supply of drugs under the exceptional leadership of Dr. Frank Anthony. From 2020 to date, the Ministry of Health has invested approximately $15B GYD for the upgrade of infrastructure in hinterland communities.

Only a week ago, I visited Region 1 for work and every village that I went to have their own Health Center and Wi-Fi while being fully stocked with drugs and medical supplies. Previously, these people had to travel miles up the Mabaruma river to access the hospital for health care, that is what you call love for people. Over 15 new health centres constructed from scratch – The ministry has added these facilities across the country to benefit residents in far flung areas with an aim to create good health and well-being- SDG 3.

Persons are having access to regular check-ups, tests, consultations and other wellness programmes. I saw recently-many young people are getting opportunities to become patient care assistants, nurses & midwives among 13 other professions including both technical, clinical & nursing areas. These are people that had no clue that their dream would’ve become a reality. The Ministry is investing heavily to strengthen the workforce at the various medical institutions.

Furthermore, these programmes are facilitated in a hybrid delivery which is much more convenient for persons all around Guyana. As such, the programmes are designed in a way to ensure everyone gets an equal opportunity and having not to worry about cost since they are also given a stipend as well. I believe that this is a step in the right direction to create youth empowerment and job opportunities since at least 80% of persons that are graduating are youths.

In the era of technology, the Hinterland communities now have access to Telemedicine in remote areas. Just in case you did not know, telemedicine relates to the use of technology to deliver medical care remotely. With this platform, they can facilitate remote video conferences between patients and doctors along with collecting and managing data. There are 70 sites so far, mainly in regions 1, 7, 8, 9, and 10.

These are just some of the many other initiatives the Ministry of Health is carrying out for the betterment of people. Kudos to Dr. Frank Anthony and his team.


Sachin Persaud

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