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- Were you looking for the endings in FNaF World?
All of the games in the Five Nights at Freddy's series end in one way or another. Many games involve more than one possible ending depending on the player's actions.
There are 3 endings that the player can achieve in Five Nights at Freddy's. They can be achieved by completing Night 5, Night 6, and Custom Night respectively.

The paycheck Mike received after completing Night 5.
Upon completing Night 5, Mike Schmidt receives his paycheck for $120, and a message from Fazbear Entertainment saying "Good job, sport! (see you next week)".

The paycheck Mike received after completing Night 6.
Upon completing Night 6, Mike Schmidt receives an additional 50 cents as an overtime bonus and another "Good job, sport!" message from Fazbear Entertainment.

The pink slip Mike received after completing Custom Night.
Upon completing Custom Night, Mike Schmidt receives a pink slip of termination stating that he's fired for tampering with the animatronics, general unprofessionalism, and having an odor.
Three endings can be achieved by the player in Five Nights at Freddy's 2. These endings are very similar to the endings in FNaF, as they can also be achieved by completing Night 5, Night 6, and Custom Night respectively.

The paycheck Jeremy received after completing Night 5.
Upon completing Night 5, Jeremy Fitzgerald receives his paycheck for $100.50.

The paycheck Jeremy received and the newspaper attached after completing Night 6.
Upon completing Night 6, Jeremy Fitzgerald receives an additional $20.10 as an overtime bonus, attached to a newspaper article saying that Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is closing down.

The pink slip Fritz received after completing Custom Night.
Upon completing Custom Night, Fritz Smith receives a pink slip of termination stating that he's fired for tampering with the animatronics and having an odor. The pink slip also has a comment berating Fritz for getting fired on his first night on the job.
There are 3 endings available in Five Nights at Freddy's 3. Unlike the first and second game which require the player to complete certain levels to achieve the endings, some of the endings can be achieved by completing different hidden objectives throughout the game.

The Bad Ending screen after completing Night 5 normally.
If the player progresses through the game normally, then after the Night 5 minigame ends, the player will be taken to a screen featuring the illuminated heads of Freddy Fazbear, Foxy, Chica, and Bonnie (in that order) lying on the floor, symbolizing that the souls of William Afton's victims are still trapped inside the animatronic suits. A fifth head can be seen silhouetted in the background, which is widely speculated to be Golden Freddy's head.

The Good Ending screen after completing Night 5 and the Cake Ending in the minigames.
To achieve the Good Ending, the player must get the cake ending for the following minigames:
If the player has gotten the Cake Endings of the secret minigames, then after the Night 5 minigame ends, the player will be taken to a screen similar to the one from the Bad Ending, but this time the animatronic heads are empty, symbolizing that the souls of William Afton's victims have been freed. The fifth head from the Bad Ending is nowhere to be seen, even if the player brightens the image. It should be noted that the positions of the animatronics heads match the gravestones in the lore keeper ending in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, heavily implying those are the name of the souls that had inhabited the animatronics.

The newspaper shown after completing Nightmare.
Upon completing Night 6, A.K.A. Nightmare, a newspaper will be shown, stating that Fazbear's Fright has burned down. Upon brightening the image, Springtrap will be seen behind the Freddy Fazbear minifigure, revealing that he survived the fire.
The endings of Five Nights at Freddy's 4 have returned to the tradition of three previous games, having 3 endings which require the player to complete Night 5, Night 6, and Nightmare.
After completing Night 5, a minigame cutscene will play. It is the Crying Child's birthday party, and he is shown getting picked up by his older brother, the kid wearing the Foxy mask from the Night 1 and Night 3 minigames, and his friends, who are wearing Freddy, Bonnie and Chica masks respectively, and thrown into Fredbear's mouth, in an incident known as "The Bite of '83".
After completing Night 6, a minigame cutscene will play. This time, the crying child is shown in darkness with his Plushies in front of him. His brother asks if he can hear him, then proceeds to apologize to him for throwing him into Fredbear's mouth. After that, the Fredbear plush speaks to the child, asking if he still believes that he, along with the rest of the plushies, are his friends, and saying that he will "put him back together". As he speaks, the plushies disappear one by one until only the child is left, who proceeds to cry as a flatline beep is heard in the background, implying that the child had died due to the bite.

The Nightmare Ending.
After completing Nightmare/Night 7, the player will be taken to a grey box with locks on it. The player can click on the locks, but the box cannot be opened in any possible way. Then, a message appears, saying "Perhaps some things are best left forgotten, for now". Scott Cawthon was intentionally vague and cryptic about the meaning behind the box; it's contents and if it will ever be opened remain unknown.
There are 3 endings to Sister Location. They can be achieved by completing certain tasks; such as following Circus Baby's instructions on last night, finding the Private Room, and completing the Custom Night.
After following Circus Baby's instructions, Michael Afton will be taken to the Scooping Room, where after some dialogue from Circus Baby, the Scooper turns on, killing Michael. Then, the player will be taken to a cutscene where Michael's silhouette appears in front of a mirror, with purple glowing eyes, while it's actually Ennard using Michael's skin.
If the player has gotten the secret ending to the death minigame, then they will be granted access to the Private Room, where they must survive against Ennard, classic FNaF style - Surviving until 6AM while sitting in the Private Room office. Upon reaching 6AM, Michael returns home to watch the season finale of The Immortal and the Restless. After the episode ends, Ennard appears, dragging himself near the right side of the room, indicating that even if the ending described here were canon, Ennard would have found a way to kill Michael anyway. During this sequence, the basket of Exotic Butters can be seen on top of the TV.
Upon completion of a Custom Night preset on Very Hard difficulty, the player will experience a minigame cutscene. The cutscenes detail Michael's body being worn by Ennard slowly deteriorating until he turns purple in the penultimate cutscene, in which he regurgitates Ennard into the sewers before collapsing on the ground. Then, after Circus Baby says "You won't die" repeatedly, Michael gets back up on his feet. After completing Golden Freddy mode on Very Hard difficulty, the player will be treated to a cutscene in which Michael speaks to his father, William Afton, who is still inside of Springtrap, whilst the remains of Fazbear's Fright after burning down can be seen. Once Michael's dialogue ends, Springtrap appears, after which the cutscene ends.
- See also the Certificates section in Achievements.
There are 6 endings of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator. They can be achieved by completing certain tasks; completing the game without salvaging one animatronic, going through the week without earning any Faz-Score, losing enough money to go into the negatives, buying the Egg Baby then checking the blueprints on the monitor screen, having a very high amount of risk, and by completing the game normally by having all the salvageable animatronics in the Pizzeria and completing the week.
If the player beats the game after throwing away at least one of the animatronics, they will receive a message from Cassette Man stating that they're fired for not completing Paragraph 4 as per their job.

Certificate for Mediocrity Ending.
If the Player finishes Saturday with a Faz-Score rating of 0, the player will receive a message from Tutorial Unit subtly criticizing the player for their minimalist behavior and politely suggests that they find employment elsewhere, after which they receive a Certificate of Mediocrity.

Certificate for Bankruptcy Ending.
If the player ends up with a negative amount of money due to a lawsuit, then Tutorial Unit reprimands them for their actions, after which they receive a Certificate of Bankruptcy.

Certificate for Insanity Ending.
If the player buys the Egg Baby, then touches the blue button near the monitor, and turns it on and off, they will be treated to dialogue in which Henry discusses William Afton's actions while the player sees blueprints on the monitor screen, after which they receive a Certificate of Insanity.

Certificate for Blacklisted Ending.
If the player gets a risk of 50 or higher by Saturday, Tutorial Unit will reprimand them for their actions, after which they receive a Certificate that states they have been Blacklisted.

Certificate for Completion Ending.

The tombstones of the dead children from the Completion Ending, although it only appears if player has obtained the Lorekeeper Certificate.
If the player salvages all of the animatronics, then after beating Saturday, Henry reveals that Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place was created as a trap for the haunted animatronics, and even addresses Elizabeth Afton, whose soul possesses Scrap Baby, Molten Freddy, comprised of the remnant of the Five Missing Children, William Afton, who is trapped within Scraptrap, and his daughter, whose soul possesses the Puppet, who is trapped inside of Lefty, during his speech. While he is talking, a fire is started, which burns down the place, as well as destroying the animatronics and freeing the souls once trapped inside them. Upon the end of Henry's speech, Tutorial Unit congratulates the player on their work, after which they receive a Certificate of Completion.

Certificate for Lorekeeper "Ending".
If the player completes all of the minigames - Fruity Maze, Midnight Motorist, and Security Puppet - before gaining the Completion Ending, which is seen above, they will be treated to a hidden post-credits image depicting five tombstones representing five children, with one anonymous gravestone in the distance on the hill.
There are two endings in Ultimate Custom Night.
If the player sets Old Man Consequences to level 1 and leaves all other characters at zero, then once they catch a fish, the player will be taken to the fourth sub-tunnel area from FNaF World, where Old Man Consequences will tell the player to rest their soul and to "leave the demon to his demons". The player's only option from this point is to drown in the lake by repeatedly mashing A and D, after which the game closes.
It is also important to note that the distorted sound you hear in background is actually a man screaming. As it can be seen in this video, by speeding up the sound you can hear someone screaming inaudible words.

Golden Freddy in the void.
Once the player has seen all of the Bear of Vengeance and Toy Chica: The High School Years cutscenes and achieves a score of 9800, then the last cutscene they experience will be a cutscene of Golden Freddy in his original Five Nights at Freddy's appearance, twitching and fading into darkness. This could mean that the soul inside Golden Freddy is still not put to rest as it still wants to make William Afton suffer or the player, likely to be William, manages to beat the hell made for him and that the soul of Golden Freddy can now be at rest, leaving him in the void forever.
There are 3 endings to Help Wanted, plus 1 in the Curse of Dreadbear DLC and 1 in the mobile port. They can be achieved by completing certain tasks: Clearing the game by proceeding through Pizza Party, collecting all 16 tapes then failing to do what it told, and having all 16 tapes collected then actually doing what it told.
Upon completing all other levels in the game, Pizza Party will become available. The player is tasked with navigating a maze of rooms to find the titular Pizza Party. In the end, they will enter a room full of cake, pizza, animatronics, and a tape. Glitchtrap will then appear and gesture for the player to follow it behind a curtain. After doing so, the player will be on a stage while a show starts, implying they "became" an animatronic. The credits roll, after which HandUnit tells the player there's nothing more to find, thanks to them for playing before taking them back to the title screen. Whilst this is all happening, Glitchtrap can be seen dancing in the background in an almost gleeful and somewhat unhinged manner.
Finding the 16th tape reveals how to destroy Glitchtrap. The tape states:
"Let it approach you. Let it begin to merge with you. Play the music and flip the switch that will cause a hard restart of the game and flush the memory, effectively killing it. I hope."
The game will then continue. Randomly when loading into the main area, Glitchtrap will appear behind the main computer and will start to "merge" with the player. If the instructions from tape 16 are not followed, the player's view will slowly fade to purple and glitch before fading back into the perspective of Glitchtrap. The implication is that the merge was successful and Glitchtrap can escape from the game. The game will then fade to black and take the player to the game over room.
If the player follows the instructions from tape 16, they will be taken to a room with only a giant door with handprints and scratches all over it. If the player interacts with a sliding hole in the door, Glitchtrap will appear on the other side. He then shushes the player before backing up into the darkness behind him. After this, the player is returned to the hub where a plush of Glitchtrap will be sitting on the floor next to them.
If the player takes all 4 keys in the Corn Maze minigame and goes back to the basement door at the begin of the maze, they win the minigame in a different room than the others, and with a rabbit mask on the table in front of them.
If the player reaches the end of the Princess Quest minigame and lights the final torch, Glitchtrap in a distorted form will appear in front of the player, saying what has been decoded as "I always come back. Let me out.", and send the player back to the main area.
As the Dark Circus: Encore! DLC is the final piece of gameplay released in Special Delivery, it's ending serves as not only the ending to the DLC, but the ending of the entire game as well. This ending is the first and final ending of the episodic content, and features the final animatronic of Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery.

Great Escape Golden Freddy's brightened eyes as he lies on the floor.
After completing the DLC, you'll get a cutscene ending showcasing of what the player had done to the animatronics.
Ballora is firstly seen with a fractured skull, having exposed wires and a broken endoskeleton. She is laying on the floor, lifeless. Ringmaster Foxy, laying on the floor in the next room, is impaled with a long and sharp, probably metal object, which may imply that the player stabbed him. In the final point of the cutscene, we see a combined endoskeleton, probably Magician Mangle's, and next to them lays Great Escape Golden Freddy, seemingly lifeless, but before it ends, his eyes turn a bright, glowing blue, implying he's still alive, and not dead, but just defeated.
There are six different endings, each of which have a different number of stars associated with them. There is a main scene that plays before the credits and an optional short picture that is displayed after the credits have finished rolling.
The two Vanny endings - Disassembled and Savior - have an animated cutscene that plays before Gregory reaches Vanny's lair and unlocks the ending, but both of the associated endings are not animated in 3D. The Burntrap Ending is the only ending that is fully animated in 3D, both for the main scene and the post-credits image.
All endings can only be obtained by 6 AM. Going through the plot is the only way to advance the time.
There are three endings in RUIN.
Cassie discovers that who she thought was Gregory is actually an endoskeleton called the Mimic, which is capable of doing as its name implies and imitating virtually anything in some capacity. The real Gregory then makes contact and tells her to flee, as Roxy defends Cassie and fights the Mimic, buying Cassie time to escape. Cassie runs through some underground tunnels, revealed by the previously activated forklift, and into an elevator whose door breaks the Mimic's arm off. Despite Cassie escaping it, Gregory says he can't allow the Mimic to follow her out. The elevator then plummets, seemingly knocking Cassie out on impact and the credits roll. In the post-credits, Roxy can be heard off-screen saying "Cassie?", implying that she survived the fight with the Mimic and found the unconscious Cassie.
In Chapters 1, 3, 5, and 7, the player can find camera monitors that, when the map is zoomed out, allows them to access a hidden camera that does not correlate to any camera on the current map. For each of the four cameras found this way, they display a square, wooden door that then opens upon viewing.
If the player has found all four hidden cameras, the Mimic will appear with a mascot costume during the ending chase sequence. During the chase, if Cassie goes left at one of the forks, she will find the doors opened via the cameras. At the end of the passage is a replica of the Scooping Room. Cassie can then run behind the glass window and activate the Scooper in time for it to fill the room with smoke and grab the Mimic. When the smoke clears, the Mimic is collapsed on the floor and the credits begin to roll.
If the player goes left instead of right when Gregory guides them to the elevator, they will run into a dead end. However there is a Fredbear cut-out on the far right.

Gregory, Helpi, and Vanessa eating ice cream on a hillside.
If the player goes to the cutout and puts on the Security Mask, it will show a scene of Gregory, Helpi, and Vanessa on a hillside eating ice cream, while balloons rise up. Gregory, whether real or the Mimic, states he found a hiding place whilst Cassie is heard with panicked breathing as the screen fades to black and credits roll.
The ending is known as Brazil Ending in the game's code, and is a reference to the eponymous 1985 film of the same name, particularly the ending of said film.
There are three endings in Help Wanted 2.
Upon getting all six of the Faz Force figures, a large box appears. Unwinding it causes a recharge station to appear, with the arm of Glitchtrap emerging from it, and several Nightmarionne S.T.A.F.F. Bots appearing to confront the player. Then the Mask Bot is shown rebooting, and gives Cassie a Security Mask.
Finding all the dummies hidden in some of the minigames, then receiving the purple Faz-Token from Mystic Hippo, allows the player to finally boot up Princess Quest IV. After a while of playing as the princess, the game transitions to first person as the Princess gives her sword to the player, who fights their way through the castle, lighting torches, and meets the Old Man as they approach a door. The player receives the Glitchtrap plushie while the Old Man, now wearing the mask of Vanny, claims this is a fair exchange. The player opens the door, seeing the Elevator inside it, and when they go inside, they find themselves trapped inside the claw machine, with Vanny staring from outside it at the player. Moon, representing the claw in the machine, takes the Glitchtrap plushie from the player and brings it to Vanny. The plushie now turns into a tiny Glitchtrap, only for Vanny to crush him with her hands, as she then moves away from the machine.
After collecting and piecing together an MCM puzzle, a large building, as displayed on the puzzle, will appear to the right. That building will have a mailbox with the numbers 4625 on it. Taking off the mask will reveal a white van to the left; upon looking at it, the back doors will open, revealing the M.X.E.S. machine with a four-digit keypad on it. Inputting 4-6-2-5 will cause a cutscene to play, with the M.X.E.S. Entity emerging out of the machine, to soon after be pulled back into it as the van drives off, resembling the moment when Cassie deactivated the machine in the sinkhole.
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