'90 Day Fiance' Star Angela Deem Catches up With Maury Povich 10 Years After First Appearance on His Show

Trigger Warning: This article includes descriptions of abuse.
has gone back to her roots.
The star is interviewed by in the first episode of his online video series “Maury’s Most Memorable Guests: Where Are They Now?” which debuted this week on YouTube. In the video, Angela credited Maury with launching her reality TV career.
“This is where I started, your show, I’ve been with you four times, I’ve been on your show, and it opened doors for me that would have never opened,” the self-described “Queen of Reality” said.
Back in 2015, Angela appeared on Maury’s show claiming that her daughter Scottie was lying about who was the father of her baby girl. Angela’s hunch was proved wrong in that episode by a DNA test, but that didn’t stop her from making the same claim a year later when her daughter had a new baby. The DNA test proved her wrong that time too. “Highlights” from those two appearances can be seen in the on the ‘Maury Show’ YouTube channel.
Scottie plead guilty to multiple counts of child molestation in 2019 and received a 20-year sentence. Angela has cared for Scottie’s three children, who’ve appeared on ’90 Day’ along with her other daughter Skyla’s children.
Though she’s appeared on multiple incarnations of the ’90 Day’ franchise since her time with Maury, Angela insisted in the interview that the talk show is what most people recognize her from and not what she described as “my show.”
“I want to thank you for the opportunity you gave me being on your show four times because it not only opened other reality show doors for me, it started me being able to travel places, being able to go to other countries,” she said.
Those travels included Angela’s trips to Nigeria to meet and later marry to her now-ex , who she split from last summer and has since been accused of physically and mentally abusing. In a segment from the interview that’s since been shared on Instagram, Maury asked Angela about the current state of her love life.
Maury: “So, if this show is about love, how’s it going?”
Angela: “Oh, s***.”
Maury: “Really?”
Angela: “Oh, yeah, you know, not good, but, you know, that’s OK.”
Maury: “Why, is it because men don’t get you, they don’t understand you?”
Angela: “I think I intimidate them.”
Maury: “You’re the expert, love, relationships, give me one good idea about having a romantic relationship. What’s the most important thing?”
Angela: “The most important thing I want to tell my queens is run.”
One person Angela wouldn’t run from is Maury, as she revealed in another portion of the interview that’s been shared on social media.
Maury: “So, I understand you always wanted to ask me a question.”
Angela: “Oh, God, yes, I have, Maury, I’ve waited nine years to ask you this.”
Maury: “OK, what?”
Angela: “Now, all due respect, you know I love Miss Connie [Chung, Maury’s wife of 40 years], she’s the queen.”
Maury: “You’re trying to tell me I’m supposed to get rid of her to get to you?”
Angela: “No, not really, I’m saying if anything ever happens, because I respect her highly, [whispers] call me.”
Maury: “You’re going to have to wait a while.”
Angela: “I know, I’m used to waiting.”
Watch the full “Maury’s Most Memorable Guests: Where Are They Now?” interview featuring Angela below.
(Photos: TLC; Instagram)