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Divyanka Tripathi Overcame Depression Through Her Friends' Company How To Handle A Friend With Depression

Published 1 month ago1 minute read

Divyanka Tripathi shared how her friends played a vital role in getting her out of depression and highlighted the importance of good company. Read ahead to explore how to handle someone who is going through depression.

), depression is more than just sadness and friends play a crucial role in supporting individuals with depression. They can provide emotional support, helping to alleviate feelings of isolation that often accompany the condition. Some of the ways to help someone with depression are mentioned below. 

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When supporting someone with depression, it's important to be mindful of certain behaviours and comments that can be counterproductive. Here are some things that one should avoid. 

  • Don’t cover up their struggles; encourage them to seek help.
  • Maintain your social connections and self-care to prevent burnout.
  • Allow them to open up at their own pace without pressure.

Depression is a serious condition, and having supportive people around can make a big difference. A good group of friends or family can help someone feel better and provide comfort. Being in a positive and caring environment is important for improving mental health and overcoming difficult times.

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